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What is religion?
Assumption 253:
Tribal groups of Homininae (7 mya; 400 cc), roaming through the savanna caused displacement on the cultural dimension (position), changing sexual habits. Religion can be seen as a set of higher order time derivatives of changing sexual culture (position).
Time derivatives of changing sexual position lead to 'religion'. The first derivative gives sexual velocity. The second - which is an elaboration of religion - is called 'acceleration' and gives change of sexual velocity in speed and/or direction.
On the basis of 'religion' groups decide to strengthen or slow down the change in sexual culture. Hence, 'religion' is as the speed control of cars by the police.

Religion becomes the timelessness derivative of sexuality when the last higher order time derivative is zero. Cultures desperately try to find this last derivative, which leads to perpetual orgasm in eternal life:
According to our theory, for Homininae a change of residence often involved a change of lifestyle, especially a change in (sexual) culture. And a change in (sexual) culture caused 'religion' (Hominins, bonobos). This means we see religion as a function of sexual culture:
Assumption 253: Tribal groups of Homininae (7 mya; 400 cc), roaming through the savanna caused displacement on the cultural dimension (position), changing sexual habits. Religion can be seen as developed from a set of higher order time derivatives of changing sexual culture (position).
Conversely, balanced and stable (sexual) cultures require less or no religion (Hominids, chimpanzees):
Assumption 254: In the animal world a perfectly balanced sexual culture does not need any steering by religion. In other words: SEXUAL CULTURE = RELIGION.
And finally, populations are better controlled by religion if (sexual) culture can be frozen or is fossilized (Islam), in which case all derivatives are zero artificially:
Assumption 255: If sexual displacement on the cultural dimension (position) is forbidden, all time derivatives will be zero only stipulating eternal life. Now, all steering by religion is unnecessary other than the fulfillment of the rigid idea of eternal life in heaven of the parallel universe, which paralyzes the whole society.
Of course there also is an interaction between migration and the willingness for change. Migrated people are a genetic selection of entrepreneurship from the original population. This means for Homininae that religion is a function of migration, where the latter turns out to be the result of genetic selection.
Last but not least, lifestyle can also be forced to change by natural circumstances (fiber foods for bonobos) and then they will only survive who can adapt to the new (sexual) culture.
The subject of this article is the bonobos, who have been able to adapt to a new lifestyle in an altered habitat and got a new religion.
Assumption 257: Remember, big apes (Hominids: 20 mya; 350cc) matured earlier than humans at about 8 years. The same for Homininae (7 mya; 400cc), including Australopiths and Homo Naledi. Also for nowadays chimps and bonobos (400cc). Even Turkana boy 1.6 mya (Homo ergaster 1.9 mya; 900 cc) had about adult size at 8 years (152-179 cm). But Homo sapiens got too big brains and matures at about 13 years.
Chimpanzees and bonobos
Now, we have a heuristic hypothesis to develop new tools to understand the difference between human- and animal religion.
Chimpanzees and bonobos descended from Homininae but did not leave the forests for the savannas. This kind of Hominids lived in trees and did not roam from one place to another (but nowadays bonobos do). They would remain animals while wanderers would become Hominins. The latter migrated all over the world while Panini stayed in the forests.
Nowadays chimps and bonobos
'Today, bonobos are found in only the Democratic Republic of Congo and there is no evidence that they have interbred with chimpanzees in equatorial Africa since they diverged, perhaps because the Congo River acted as a barrier to prevent the groups from mixing'.
'Why, then, have chimps not evolved this social structure? The answer may lie in the history of the habitats they occupy. Both species of primates live in tropical forests along the Zaire River -- chimps north of the river, bonobos to the south. Their environments seem to be quite similar today. But about 2.5 million years ago, there seems to have been a lengthy drought in southern Zaire that wiped out the preferred food plants of gorillas and sent the primates packing. After the drought ended, the forests returned, but the gorillas did not.[bonobos nowadays are without gorillas.]'
'Chimpanzees [nowadays bonobos] in this environment south of the river had the forest to themselves, and could exploit the fiber foods that had previously been eaten by gorillas -- foods that are still eaten by gorillas to the north [chimps nowadays with gorillas], this additional food to tide them [bonobos] over between fruit trees, they could travel in larger, more stable parties, and form strong social bonds. They became bonobos.'
'On the north side of the river, the (nowadays) chimps had to share their niche with gorillas, which eat the fiber foods. The chimps have to compete for fruit, and occasionally meat, food resources that tend to be widely scattered. Female chimps disperse into the forest with their infants to find enough to eat, and cannot spend time together to forge strong bonds. The changes in social behavior that occurred in response to this environmental factor may be what led chimps down a different evolutionary path, toward a society more prone to violence.'
Because the Congo River is a barrier between chimps and bonobos, they did not merge for a million years, and meanwhile they have got another faith (sexual roles) or got other genes, causing very different sexual habits.
Without the Congo River and without the disappearance of Gorillas from the bonobo area, both subspecies probably would not have differed genetically.
But nowadays chimps and bonobos probably will not assimilate because of genetically very different psychological traits in their populations.
It might be possible bonobos would be massacred by chimps as they could cross the Congo River.
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
Effects of sexual culture (position) on religion (velocity)
Religion (velocity) can be seen as developed from a set of higher order time derivatives of sexual culture (position):

Inbreeding and incest as a sexual culture can be placed on the vertical axis, changing position (as cars) on the sexual dimension in time. On the horizontal axis the time dimension t is placed as an independent variable. Now from the number of lookalikes, rulers see how the culture develops in time. Too many lookalikes means autosomal recessive disorders and too little means loss of tribal identity. In addition, by taking the first order time derivative (velocity) from inbreeding, rulers know how fast and in which direction the culture develops. Then the inbreeding process can be accelerated or slowed down and it can be steered in a different direction:
Hence, religion always is a control on changing sexual culture. Religion admits or prohibits change of sexual habits, just as the police controls the speed of cars:

Religion becomes the timelessness derivative of sexuality when the last higher order derivative becomes zero. By magical thinking cultures try to find this derivative, which leads to perpetual orgasm or to eternal life:
Change in sexual culture
If a sexual culture does not change within a specified time period, also no religious development takes place and the first time derivative will be zero:

Assumption 253: In the animal world a perfectly balanced sexual culture does not need any steering by religion. In other words: SEXUAL CULTURE = RELIGION.
Below an example of stabilized religion in groups of higher mammals where genetic diversity (females) and genetic monoculture (Alpha male) are in equilibrium:
But in Islamic culture constantly steering is needed by 'religion':
This because females want genetic diversity:
Hominids in the forests
Hominids (300 cc; 20 mya (million years ago)) lived in trees and did not roam from one place to another. For them every day was alike. Time did not matter for place. Any position on the time axis gave the same value on position. Also 'culture' did not change. For Hominids there was no development of sexual culture in time. So, for Hominids there was no link between time and position. We conclude their lives took place at the zero derivative of position (geographical position or cultural position).
Hominids have a balanced and stable religion by a consolidated sexual culture. We still know them as chimpanzees (but not as bonobos). The matriarchate of bonobos apparently is less than a million years old. Nowadays chimps show the basic religion of the Alpha male:
Bonobos (Sodom and Gomorra):
Therefore, we think that random environmental factors encouraged bonobos to some migration, leading to change in sexual behavior. This led to "religion" to control sexual culture.
Because the habitat of chimpanzees did not change in time, sexual habits remained unchanged in accordance with the Alpha male. Their 'religion' remained identical to their balanced sexual lifestyle.
Assumption 253:
Tribal groups of Homininae (7 mya; 400 cc), roaming through the savanna caused displacement on the cultural dimension (position), changing sexual habits. Religion can be seen as a set of higher order time derivatives of changing sexual culture (position).
Time derivatives of changing sexual position lead to 'religion'. The first derivative gives sexual velocity. The second - which is an elaboration of religion - is called 'acceleration' and gives change of sexual velocity in speed and/or direction.
On the basis of 'religion' groups decide to strengthen or slow down the change in sexual culture. Hence, 'religion' is as the speed control of cars by the police.

Religion becomes the timelessness derivative of sexuality when the last higher order time derivative is zero. Cultures desperately try to find this last derivative, which leads to perpetual orgasm in eternal life:
According to our theory, for Homininae a change of residence often involved a change of lifestyle, especially a change in (sexual) culture. And a change in (sexual) culture caused 'religion' (Hominins, bonobos). This means we see religion as a function of sexual culture:
Assumption 253: Tribal groups of Homininae (7 mya; 400 cc), roaming through the savanna caused displacement on the cultural dimension (position), changing sexual habits. Religion can be seen as developed from a set of higher order time derivatives of changing sexual culture (position).
Conversely, balanced and stable (sexual) cultures require less or no religion (Hominids, chimpanzees):
Assumption 254: In the animal world a perfectly balanced sexual culture does not need any steering by religion. In other words: SEXUAL CULTURE = RELIGION.
And finally, populations are better controlled by religion if (sexual) culture can be frozen or is fossilized (Islam), in which case all derivatives are zero artificially:
Assumption 255: If sexual displacement on the cultural dimension (position) is forbidden, all time derivatives will be zero only stipulating eternal life. Now, all steering by religion is unnecessary other than the fulfillment of the rigid idea of eternal life in heaven of the parallel universe, which paralyzes the whole society.
Of course there also is an interaction between migration and the willingness for change. Migrated people are a genetic selection of entrepreneurship from the original population. This means for Homininae that religion is a function of migration, where the latter turns out to be the result of genetic selection.
Last but not least, lifestyle can also be forced to change by natural circumstances (fiber foods for bonobos) and then they will only survive who can adapt to the new (sexual) culture.
The subject of this article is the bonobos, who have been able to adapt to a new lifestyle in an altered habitat and got a new religion.
Assumption 257: Remember, big apes (Hominids: 20 mya; 350cc) matured earlier than humans at about 8 years. The same for Homininae (7 mya; 400cc), including Australopiths and Homo Naledi. Also for nowadays chimps and bonobos (400cc). Even Turkana boy 1.6 mya (Homo ergaster 1.9 mya; 900 cc) had about adult size at 8 years (152-179 cm). But Homo sapiens got too big brains and matures at about 13 years.
Chimpanzees and bonobos
Now, we have a heuristic hypothesis to develop new tools to understand the difference between human- and animal religion.
Chimpanzees and bonobos descended from Homininae but did not leave the forests for the savannas. This kind of Hominids lived in trees and did not roam from one place to another (but nowadays bonobos do). They would remain animals while wanderers would become Hominins. The latter migrated all over the world while Panini stayed in the forests.
Nowadays chimps and bonobos
'Today, bonobos are found in only the Democratic Republic of Congo and there is no evidence that they have interbred with chimpanzees in equatorial Africa since they diverged, perhaps because the Congo River acted as a barrier to prevent the groups from mixing'.
'Why, then, have chimps not evolved this social structure? The answer may lie in the history of the habitats they occupy. Both species of primates live in tropical forests along the Zaire River -- chimps north of the river, bonobos to the south. Their environments seem to be quite similar today. But about 2.5 million years ago, there seems to have been a lengthy drought in southern Zaire that wiped out the preferred food plants of gorillas and sent the primates packing. After the drought ended, the forests returned, but the gorillas did not.[bonobos nowadays are without gorillas.]'
'Chimpanzees [nowadays bonobos] in this environment south of the river had the forest to themselves, and could exploit the fiber foods that had previously been eaten by gorillas -- foods that are still eaten by gorillas to the north [chimps nowadays with gorillas], this additional food to tide them [bonobos] over between fruit trees, they could travel in larger, more stable parties, and form strong social bonds. They became bonobos.'
'On the north side of the river, the (nowadays) chimps had to share their niche with gorillas, which eat the fiber foods. The chimps have to compete for fruit, and occasionally meat, food resources that tend to be widely scattered. Female chimps disperse into the forest with their infants to find enough to eat, and cannot spend time together to forge strong bonds. The changes in social behavior that occurred in response to this environmental factor may be what led chimps down a different evolutionary path, toward a society more prone to violence.'
Nowadays bonobos travel all the year from fruit place to fruit place. Meanwhile they eat fiber foods. They are intellectually very flexible and developed great capability for empathy, as Christians. But chimpanzees are prisoners of little areas and are unable to roam through the forests north of Congo River. Females did not communicate well what leads to spiritual poverty, to a lack of empathy and to sexual monocultures of chimp males in the last million years.
Remember the difference between hominids (20 mya; 300cc) and homininae (7 mya; 400cc). The first rigidly stayed on one place in the forest while the second roamed through the savannas of Africa. Compare the religion of chimps (hominids) with that of bonobos (homininae). Conclude, a change of habitat has led to a change in sexual culture, from which religion is a set of higher order time derivatives. Chimps did not alter in the evolution, but bonobos did. But bonobos did not adhere to the inbreeding and incest culture. On the contrary they right away evolved much farther than homo sapiens and bypassed Christians on Vanilla-dyad. Bonobos practice perpetual orgasm in this lifetime and in this universe in a very friendly way: Vanilla-dyad.
Because the Congo River is a barrier between chimps and bonobos, they did not merge for a million years, and meanwhile they have got another faith (sexual roles) or got other genes, causing very different sexual habits.
Without the Congo River and without the disappearance of Gorillas from the bonobo area, both subspecies probably would not have differed genetically.
But nowadays chimps and bonobos probably will not assimilate because of genetically very different psychological traits in their populations.
It might be possible bonobos would be massacred by chimps as they could cross the Congo River.
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
Effects of sexual culture (position) on religion (velocity)
Religion (velocity) can be seen as developed from a set of higher order time derivatives of sexual culture (position):

Inbreeding and incest as a sexual culture can be placed on the vertical axis, changing position (as cars) on the sexual dimension in time. On the horizontal axis the time dimension t is placed as an independent variable. Now from the number of lookalikes, rulers see how the culture develops in time. Too many lookalikes means autosomal recessive disorders and too little means loss of tribal identity. In addition, by taking the first order time derivative (velocity) from inbreeding, rulers know how fast and in which direction the culture develops. Then the inbreeding process can be accelerated or slowed down and it can be steered in a different direction:

Religion becomes the timelessness derivative of sexuality when the last higher order derivative becomes zero. By magical thinking cultures try to find this derivative, which leads to perpetual orgasm or to eternal life:
Change in sexual culture
If a sexual culture does not change within a specified time period, also no religious development takes place and the first time derivative will be zero:

Assumption 253: In the animal world a perfectly balanced sexual culture does not need any steering by religion. In other words: SEXUAL CULTURE = RELIGION.
Below an example of stabilized religion in groups of higher mammals where genetic diversity (females) and genetic monoculture (Alpha male) are in equilibrium:
But in Islamic culture constantly steering is needed by 'religion':
This because females want genetic diversity:
Hominids in the forests
Hominids (300 cc; 20 mya (million years ago)) lived in trees and did not roam from one place to another. For them every day was alike. Time did not matter for place. Any position on the time axis gave the same value on position. Also 'culture' did not change. For Hominids there was no development of sexual culture in time. So, for Hominids there was no link between time and position. We conclude their lives took place at the zero derivative of position (geographical position or cultural position).
Hominids have a balanced and stable religion by a consolidated sexual culture. We still know them as chimpanzees (but not as bonobos). The matriarchate of bonobos apparently is less than a million years old. Nowadays chimps show the basic religion of the Alpha male:
Bonobos (Sodom and Gomorra):
Therefore, we think that random environmental factors encouraged bonobos to some migration, leading to change in sexual behavior. This led to "religion" to control sexual culture.
Because the habitat of chimpanzees did not change in time, sexual habits remained unchanged in accordance with the Alpha male. Their 'religion' remained identical to their balanced sexual lifestyle.