Friday 29 June 2018

(243) The Moral Constitution of the United States

Basic Dimension 

There was no Enlightenment in Islam and that has a reason. If inbreeding must be passed on generations then rigid and fossilized society is needed in which females can be monitored on adultery. And there also is the immanent Allah who sees and hears everything and will advise husbands for stoning. Compare that with the current modernized society, in which young Muslim females run away from home with their mobil phones and social media to have entirely uncontrolled sex lifes, yearning for genetic diversity, just like Eve...

Islam is a monotheistic religion with Allah as the heterosexual male God. This, because we see gods as sexual roles to grasp religion. But Christianity is semi-polytheistic with God (heterosexual male) and his son Jesus (other sexual roles):

In Christianity believers placed Jesus higher than God, although this is not allowed to say so, but it is called 'Christianity' not for nothing. So, Christianity became polytheistic with two gods where Jesus actually supplanted God. 

But later on, the Christian church took over the role of Jesus who lives in the parallel universe and now the homosexual clergy became the stand-in of God on Earth, like Jesus pretended earlier. In the replacement theory, Jesus already replaced heterosexuality with homosexuality. This does not mean Jesus was gay but Western culture rebranded Jesus into that role.

The Western world made a completely different development than Islam. The Enlightenment dealt with the Middle Ages and propelled science forward. This had major consequences for Christianity because the authoritarian endogamous core of the homosexual clergy was wiped out later on by rational science. Christian ethical standards were also questioned and replaced by the teachings of Jesus from the exogamous mantle. This means that the sadistic endogamous core has been replaced by the exogamous mantle in later ages:

But there was a problem. Exogamous peoples do not discriminate between cultures, races or ethnicities. Because one does not go together with the other. 

That is why the teachings of Jesus fell in favor of Western peoples. Jesus, who protected 'other sexual roles', especially women. And so the teachings of Jesus found their place in the mantle of Christianity

The mantle of Christianity is polytheistic, because Jesus covered 'other sexual roles' and stood for all other gods in the world besides heterosexuality and bestiality. But in the sadistic endogamous core the homosexual clergy clung to monotheism, they held on to one God only, just a single sexual role. 

The clergy identified with Jesus as their Alter Ego and competed with him as a sinner, but they also needed God to represent Him on Earth. So, the clergy could not identify with God, since then they lost their masochistic homo-erotic fictitious relationship with their sadistic inner god. They needed God to crawl for him as the sadistic ruler:

Jesus was a masochist and offered the perfect template for the later homosexual clergy to project their sinner role into. 

To be a sinner is the ultimate goal of Christians and so homosexual practice became a kind of perpetual motion, a stimulus response chain which drove the Christian church: There is no forgiveness without sin. Christianity cannot exist without sin. And the most serious sin is homosexuality, the second God fighting the hegemony of the first. 

Semi-polytheism was an excellent opportunity for the homosexual clergy to take over the power from the Alpha male, which was just a trace in the brain inherited from the animal world. And so, it happened. The homosexual clergy pretended to perceive the tasks of God on Earth. But in fact it was a seizure of power and Christians tumbled in this coup with their eyes wide opened.

So, in Christianity the homosexual clergy has become the deputy of God on Earth, because mankind left the Alpha male behind in the animal kingdom:

Now think somewhat deeper about endogamous and exogamous cultures. Endogamous inbreeding cultures are closed prisons for females, whose natural drive is genetic diversity and outbreeding, while exogamous societies are free to marry any race or ethnicity:

But that's not all. It is only the beginning of the sketch of two different cultures that define the basic dimension of the human brain:

Inbreeding cultures will suffocate societal progress, while outbreeding cultures propell science and technics.

Where will this equation end? It is quite simple: Islam will implode while Christianity explodes. But in what way and how come? That's the question.

The principal conflict between these two sorts from Homo sapiens lies in morality. Exogamous cultures like Christianity develop to full individuality, to personal gender choice and sexual role. With each person being his own god. In the limit the god concept has no meaning anymore for forming a group. And this means eventually every exogamous culture will fal apart as a fading flower, as a faded rose.

You can see this in real life. Christianity has already fallen apart as a faded rose of immorality:

I mean, morality is not defined anylonger by the group. There is no endogamous core left, no commonly agreed moral code. We see this in the States where the so called 'leftist liberal Democrats' are morally steerless yelling 'kill the other party'. They prescribe norms to voters but not to themselves, since there are no moral standards left anymore, anything is possible, anything can happen. What we expect is policor (political correctness) in the States and Western Europe ending in civil war between two sorts of Homo sapiens:

Christianity in Western Europe has been swept away and has been taken over by latent lesbian socialists. In Eastern Europe, Marxism could not break the heart of the Christian church. The Rust Belt in the United States is a doubtful case with still many vivid Christian moral nuclei. 

But anyway, Christianity has had its longest time, is morally unhinged and the decadence of Western culture by the influx of Latin Ameriacans in California and Florida is striking and must be stopped by completing the work of the Enlightenment.

The Western world can only survive by producing an ethical standard of norms and values that cultures must meet. The Enlightenment was unable to do so, with the result that Romanticism, Marxism, socialism and political correctness declared all cultures equal.

As said earlier, the premisse from exogamous cultures is that all races, ethnicities and cultures are equivalent. That's why Western culture does not dare to discriminate, while Islam discriminates as an innate habit. But in fact also policor discriminates the white male extremely.

Policor, the EU, the former Obama administration and the leftist liberal Democrats from the US are all representatives of former Christianity, though they will deny. They proclaim 'high standards' but are actually morally ruderless criminals. They have no common moral code left and fall victim to gready globalism and Marxist corporatism. Or course the rhinos from the Republican party are not any better.

It is all the fault of the Enlightenment that did not have the courage to formulate rules to discriminate between cultures. But it is not too late to formulate the Moral Constitution of the United States.


This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

(242) Blueprint of the human mind warns for civil war

Basic Dimension 

Number Archive

If we can find the basic dimension, the main factor governing the human mind, we have got a powerful means to understand and forecast further human behavior. Probably the distinction is monotheism versus polytheism, under the condition of 'gods are sexual roles'.

Likely, a bunch of variables clustering together on the extremes of the monotheism-polytheism factor is the blueprint of the human mind. Likely, since we do not have any data, it is all theorie built from hundreds of assumptions.

We developed human religion from animal sexuality and guess what, it works better than expected. Of course, I am the steering factor myself, without any real data, so I can be responsible for a fake 'basic dimension'. But surprisingly, the about 370 assumptions are in full agreement and they are not changed in retrospect. Of course, new assumptions must fit earlier ones, what restricts expanding the theory in a different direction.

Well, if I was the illigitemate steering factor, the whole blog would have turned into a random mess. But that is not the case, since the theory gets more and more content validity. Anyway, we arrived at a simpeler blueprint of religion than I had thought.

The social sciences are like a barrel with syrup. If one variable is drawn out, the rest is pulled along. Everything is connected to everything, so that the blueprint from the human mind can come down to a global main factor: monotheism versus polytheism.

But the bundle of variables in the blueprint above is still chaotic in its interrelations. The only thing we know is they likely belong together. Better to say they all are aspects of the same basic dimension. For example 'sadism' is a male trait that occurs while torturing women. It only happens structurally in monotheism (SM-dyad), where male heterosexuality is in charge and determines the first God. This kind of sadism does not show any empathy with women.

If the human mind is governed by a simple sexual structure, we can predict what everybody already is expecting: the Muslim war in Europe:

Former Christian policor females who are in charge in politics crave to SM-dyad, but do not realize:

Also, civil war in the States easily follows mass immigration from Latin Americans:

Or North Americans against South Americans:

Another possibility is Republicans against Democrats.

It is our opinion that the dimension of monotheism-polytheism is the most fundamental of the cultural showdowns in history. This under the condition of 'gods are sexual roles'.

Religious wars were sexual wars in which sadomasochism as the basic dimension of sexuality had a prominent place. But all conflicts about power are ultimately based on sexuality. The sexual domain in the male's head is the center of power and might.

The final basic dimension is monotheism versus polytheism

It is kind of shocking that the basic dimension of the human mind always gets a deeper ground. Ultimately only one dimension seems decisive for mankind. And that is the difference between monotheism and polytheism, if applied to the number of sexual roles allowed in a culture:

Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.  

Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:

1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles.
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
5: Fifth God: bestiality. 

For example, the difference between white male supremacy and LGBT of today is comparable with the conflict around 'earthly reincarnation' between male heterosexuality and 'other sexual roles' from Homo erectus two million years ago.

The key to human religion is males choosing for their own well being or for equality of females:

In the same flow we show older blueprints: Islam versus Christianity:

This is in accordance with the Sexual Model of Religion:

And the derivation of human religion from animal religion:


Assumption 4: The physiological archetype of God led to the sense of God. The feeling that something has to be. But also on the desire to be a God on oneself and to exercise sexual power oneself. Because otherwise such a projection does not make sense.

Assumption 6All human power has a sexual component: sadomasochism.

Assumption 27: The archetype of God (P = primary religion) is the physiological power center in the brain of males. Here is the instinctive urge of man to rule. It is a sexual urge that we call primary religion P. P is a physiological archetype.

Assumption 30: The physiological archetype of God (P) is the place in the brain where the accredited power to the alpha male is to be projected. It is the place of the sexual ideal projection. All kinds of power are projected here in the course of time.
Their consistency is that all human power has a sexual component: sadomasochism.

Assumption 32The dimensionality of power is expressed in the number of gods, which is equal to the number of empathically experienced sexual roles in the conscious. So, the more gods experienced, the more conscious experienced dimensions in the divine space of the physiological archetype of God. Which means that with one God, as in monotheism, there arises a consciously narrower space of gods than in polytheism.

Assumption 69: SM-dyad is the physical one-dimensionality in the space of gods of the archetype of God, the power center of males to come to fulfillment by testosterone. In this case, male heterosexuality is empathically experienced in the conscious and 'other sexual roles' are suppressed in the unconscious. But society can enforce a multi-dimensional projection on culture.


This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Sunday 24 June 2018

(241) The influx of Muslims and Latinos in the United States

Basic Dimension 

Number Archive

The influx of Muslims or Latin Americans makes a huge difference for the U.S. Contrary to what the European Union makes us believe is the immigration of Muslims not religiously neutral. Simply because Muslims have the holy mission to conquer and defeat the original population. Muslims will always try to take over the endogamous core of norms and values and thereby defeat the original exogamous population (Christians). But how come? Why are Muslims doing this? If we learn that we will understand Muslims much better. Here is what they do:


They are looking for attractive and wealthy exogamies (Western Europe):

They infiltrate with low profile until their population is strong and big enough to defeat the host:

They occupy the endogamous core of norms and values and enforce their insane sexual culture on the original population. This is not my idea, it is from the Koran:

Inhabitants will be killed unless they agree to become Muslims too, for genome refreshing of the inbreeding culture, which otherwise would go extinct from autosomal recessive disorders:

Above a new layer, a new mantle is laid around the Muslim-population now including  Western slaves, 'new fake Muslims' captured in the mantle. This new mantle is called 'religious endogamy':

Hence, the new 'Muslims' are not genuine Arabs but fake Muslims, occupied peoples. They are found in the religious endogamous mantle of Islam:

Just like 'genuine' Muslim females, policor Christian women will have a terrible life in Islam:

That's why Muslims never assimilate and remain a closed group against the original population:

All this does not have to be proven, since it has been shown by history time and again.The Sexual Theory of Religion is a model in which the psychology of Muslims can be traced back and their future behavior outlined and predicted:

Muslims will never assimilate with other groups, since that means the end of their inbreeding culture. They will not even integrate easily. 

The occupation of Western Europe

The point is the Muslim population has an endogamous core but also a closed endogamous mantle. Compare this with nowadays masochistic Christianity in Western Europe that lost its heart to Marxist relativism and now is looking desperately for a new sadistic Muslim soul in their core:

Western Europe is already lost to Islam:

In the evolution exogamous peoples are defeated by endogamous cultures which occupied their cores. It has been 74,000 years ago that Mount Toba exploded and eradicated the human genome from Homo sapiens for the bigger part. This diminished genetic variation to the level of extinction. 

That is why inbreeding cultures had to conquer more healthy exogamous cultures to capture the needed genetic variation in their mantle for not to die out. Defeated peoples had the easy ballotage choice to agree to become Muslims or to die. Of course they all became Muslims and the Muslim genome got fresh blood in their religious mantle:

So, the real reason for Muslims is to revive their human genome and definitely not to assimilate with exogamous people. It is like the old primate male kin bonded lineage from chimpanzees, which just needs the fresh bodies of juvenile female apes for not to die out. It is like an ant colony that keeps lice or Christian women in the mantle:

That's how Muslims came to 1,6 billion followers. Concluding, inbreeding cultures will forcibly impose their sexual rules on their occupied exogamous mantle. It is just the lobster in its new shell:

Muslims can not be changed

There is no reason for thinking the Muslim population can be changed. They are the latest successors of the inbreeding and incest culture of Australopithecus. This means the roots of the Muslim culture date of seven million years ago.

From Homo erectus (1,8 Ma) originates the difference between polytheism and monotheism. It turns out Christianity is polytheistic and Islam monotheistic. It is our opinion that a lot of social contradictions can be traced back to the difference between polytheism and monotheism. All this leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to integrate the Islamic culture in the Western world, let alone assimilate. It turns out in civil war between policor and anti-policorm, which will start from parallel societies:

Latin Americans

On the other hand, Latin Americans are Christians for the most part. Therefore they will indeed be religiously neutral:

This survey found that 70% of all Hispanic and Latino Americans are Catholic, 20% are Protestant, 3% are "alternative Christians" (such as Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses), 1% identify themselves with a non-Christian religion (including IslamJudaismBuddhism...[118]), and 6% have no religious preference (with only 0.37% claiming to be either atheist or agnostic). The results of this study suggest that Hispanics/Latinos are not only a highly religious, but also a highly Christian constituency.

This makes a huge difference and it is a horrible mistake to merge North America with Muslim populations. It is disastrous to import Muslims into exogamous religious systems as the Western world, unless one is masochistically yearning for cultural suicide as Marxist relativism.

Islam is institutional racism and ethnicism. Then it is no racism to protect your own culture against Islam:

In concluding

The United States have still a choice between civil war between Muslims and non-Muslims on the one hand and a complete moral and cultural collapse and showdown caused by the influx of Latinos. In the long term the influx of Muslims in the United States will lead to civil war between Muslims and former Christians, a battle between monotheism and polytheism. Just like what is to be expected in Western-Europe:

On the short term, the influx from Latin Americans will lead to a  further degeneration from former Christianity to a faded flower without any norms and values, exactly how Marxist relativism had wished. It will be a complete moral collapse within polytheism, with all sexual roles free. Sodom and Gomorrah, drugs and Rock and Roll is the threat of flooding North America with Latinos:

Another possibility is between Republicans and Democrats.


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