Wednesday 27 November 2019

(294) Omvolking is a sadomasochistic entanglement (Replacement migration (UN))

Basic Dimension

Number Archive


Omvolking (Dutch)
(slang, politics) demographic replacement by exchanging one population for another (mainly as a part of conspiracy theories about white genocide)

Umvolkung (German)
(politics) a policy that aims at radically changing the demographic composition of a population, through immigration and influencing reproductive behaviour

The word is most often used to refer to the growth of allochthone communities in post-war Germany and western Europe, which is thereby labelled a deliberate strategy to weaken the autochthone. The word was originally restricted to the radical right, but is now seeing some usage among right-wing conservatives.


The following assumptions are needed to understand this article:


SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad:

Assumption 67:

- SM-dyad is the basic relationship between man and woman in human nature. It is a relationship that will haunt mankind to the farthest stars.

- SM-dyad is based on absolute male power and results in unequal sexual relations. It easily develops into paraphilia. Vanilla-dyad is formed from relativism and consists of equivalence in sexual relations.

- SM-dyad can temporarily transform into Vanilla dyad, in which case ultimately equal rights for men and women are obtained.

- Because equivalence is against male nature, Vanilla-dyad remains subordinate to SM-dyad. It is and will remain a substitute for the male sexual instinct. Which means that SM-dyad in the background is always present, always searching for new ways to self-realization. SM-dyad is the primal relation between male and female.

- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.

Well, our nephews from Panini don't know SM-dyad, because chimps are not much interested in sex, but bonobos do know Vanilla-dyad:

Assumption 489Political correctness has Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong).
Bonobos inherited no masochism. But human outbred populations have SM-dyad (weak) with masochism (weak). Later outbred populations as Christianity have SM-dyad (weak) plus masochism (strong) from Desert Religions with SM-dyad (strong) and masochism (strong). Then for Political Correctness (PC), outbred populations have Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong), which yearns to Islam sadism (strong), leading to Chrislam and civil war.

Assumption 495Political Correctness is the follow up religion from Christianity. It does not matter they do not acknowledge a god in their central core. They are a religion anyway. What matters is the number of recognized sexual roles, which can be seen as gods. Then PC has as many gods as there are individuals in LGBT-xyz to gender dysphoria*, meaning Christianity has evolved into atheism (polytheism).

*Gender dysphoria (GD) is the distress a person feels due to a mismatch between their gender identity and their sex assigned at birth. People who experience gender dysphoria are typically transgender.

Assumption 488SM-dyad (strong) and SM-dyad (weak). [PC = Political Correctness.]
SM-dyad (strong) is found in Homo sapiens non-PC (Islam, inbreeding). 
SM-dyad (weak) in Homo sapiens non-PC (Ancient Greeks, Old Christianity (Catholicism), outcrossing). Vanilla-dyad is found in Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness, outcrossing).

SM-dyad (strong) is used in inbreeding cultures like Islam where females are forced to cousin marriages, while their instinctive drive is outcrossing. 
SM-dyad (weak) is found in outcrossing cultures as the ancient Greeks and old Christianity (Catholicism), where females are not oppressed. 

Vanilla-dyad is found in outcrossing cultures from Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness), where males and females are sexually equivalent.


The Omvolking Theory:

There is just one main factor responsible for Omvolking: 

Husband-wife relationship (SM-dyad versus Vanilla-dyad)
SM-Dyad is a sexual instinct formed by Australopithecus. 
Vanilla-dyad is a cultural entity.

This factor can be split into two sub dimensions: 
1: Equivalent sexual roles (monotheism versus polytheism) and 
2: the femininity factor (caused by women's suffrage). 
These two sub dimensions interact strongly:

Below, we see women's suffrage after the sixties of former century first led to Vanilla-dyad (1980) as expression of equal sexual rights, but later caused sexual dissatisfaction and the unconscious yearning to SM-dyad (strong):

Then, the religious component shows the change of old Christianity (semi polytheism) into Political Correctness (polytheism), in which PC erroneously thinks that eliminating God from the central core means giving up religion

But religion does not necessarily need a central God, a central sexual role at all (male heterosexuality) to be religion. Now PC replaced Christianity with 'all sexual roles' in the center and the mantle. That's polytheism, atheism:

This religious sexual vacuum in the center will lead to Chrislam, the downfall of Western culture:

Anyway, Omvolking (Population Transfer) is a very complicated matter and I am sure it will be better analyzed in the future:

This is what it is all about:

1: Equivalent sexual roles (monotheism versus polytheism).
Monotheism is a super religion based on SM-dyad (strong), which in the end will always defeat polytheism as an inferior religion, which is based on SM-dyad (weak) or Vanilla-dyad. SM-dyad is a sexual instinct from Australopithecus and Vanilla-dyad is just a cultural substitute of civilization. As an example, Islam is a super religion, while Sodom and Gomorrah and Christianity are based on inferior religions. 

In monotheism, women have to be forced to inbreeding through SM-dyad (strong), because they instinctively choose for outcrossing. Then, polytheism is always accompanied by outbreeding, with SM-dyad (weak) or Vanilla-dyad.

2: Femininity factor (caused by women's suffrage) brought Marxist relativism into power in Western parliaments in the sixties of last century. The first thing women changed was SM-dyad (weak) into Vanilla-dyad. In the 21st century everywhere expressions of masculinity were replaced by kinda lesbian femininity. Schools lost male teachers and boys were converted into girls. Gender dysphoria became the new religion, producing in principle as many sexual roles as there are people. This is the perfect description of polytheism (atheism) with as many gods as there are sexual roles:

Gods are sexual roles

Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.

Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:

1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality

2: Femininity factor (caused by women's suffrage) brought Marxist relativism into power in Western parliaments in the sixties of last century. The first thing women changed was SM-dyad (weak) into Vanilla-dyad. In the 21st century everywhere expressions of masculinity were replaced by kinda lesbian femininity. Schools lost male teachers and boys were converted into girls. Gender dysphoria became the new religion, producing in principle as many sexual roles as there are people. This is the perfect description of polytheism (atheism) with as many gods as there are sexual roles:

Latent lesbian takeover of Western culture

Omvolking is caused by the reinforcing interaction between Islam as a super religion and women's suffrage. The reason is the major group of female voters unconsciously revitalized their neglected SM-dyad (strong) instinct after they exchanged earlier SM-dyad (weak) for Vanilla-dyad.

Vanilla-dyad Is a cultural intervention which changes men into kinda females. But both sexes were unsatisfied with Vanilla-dyad and males became lazy and shifted all kinds of social and sexual tasks to women. Fertility rate collapsed. 

Women in top positions subconsciously longed for SM-dyad (strong), because Vanilla-dyad is against nature of bipedal primates. And it was women in Western society, women as Merkel and Mogherini in top positions, unaware of their own sexual drives, who dragged Muslims into Western Europe.

Both effects will collapse Western society into Chrislam and both effects essentially are governed by SM-dyad, which is an instinct much stronger than Vanilla-dyad, which is not natural and sexually only marginally satisfactory. 

Western thinking is locked up into a stupid philosophy which offers an explanation for the Muslim influx into Europe. 

Monotheism equals male heterosexuality as the single sexual role in charge. A single sexual role is seen as equivalent to a single God. Males need SM-dyad (strong) to enforce females to fulfill cousin marriages for male's earthly reincarnation. Coercion is needed, because the female instinct adheres to outbreeding and rejects inbreeding.

On the other hand, in polytheism there are as many gods as there are sexual roles accepted: gods are sexual roles. And there are also female gods. So, in polytheism women are already more equivalent to men in SM-dyad (weak).

These two factors cause Omvolking in Western Europe: 

Inbreeding - monotheism - SM-dyad (sadism) - Islam  (Political Incorrectness, PC).

Outbreeding - polytheism - Vanilla-dyad (masochism) - former Christians  (Political Correctness, PC).

The deeper truth of omvolking

Super religions (monotheism) and Inferior religions (Polytheism)

Omvolking has a deeper truth. Many wars between subspecies of Homo sapiens have the same cause, from Sodom and Gomorrah to the population transfer in Europe. They are caused by the belief in a single monotheistic God who prescribes (sexual) rules derived from male heterosexuality. 

In monotheism only male heterosexuality is in charge. But in polytheism a number of other sexual roles are valued as well. So we derive the number of gods as the number of accepted sexual roles:

In Sodom and Gomorrah, the monotheistic God rejected what we see as the polytheistic form of multiple sexual roles. Remember Abraham advocated a compromise between polytheism and monotheism, but more between earthly reincarnation of humans and God living in the parallel universe (Voodoo), see this blog.

The legend of Sodom and Gomorrah is still current in Western culture while Muslims represent Desert Religions (God). History now repeats itself as 'Omvolking'.

Multiple sexual roles in Western culture installed by former Christians (PC), are conflicting with the monotheistic view of Muslims (non PC). This is similar to Sodom and Gomorrah. But the additional effect of sexual attraction between former Christians (PC) and Muslims (non PC) cannot be found in the legend of Sodom and Gomorrah:

Assumption 483Omvolking is the battle between subspecies of Homo sapiens. It is the fight between monotheism and polytheism. Between Political incorrectness and Political Correctness (PC). It is the clash between SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad. Omvorming is not essentially different from the myth of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Like Panini (chimps and bonobos), Homo sapiens is also involved in a process of dichotomy: Political Correctness and Political IncorrectnessIt is essentially the same process as with Panini. And if the population only consisted of a few tens of thousands of individuals, like Panini, then each got its own way and two new subspecies would have emerged from Homo sapiens: Homo sapiens monotheism (Non P.C.) and Homo sapiens polytheism (P.C.):

But since there are already too many people and the subspecies live closely intermingled together, both cannot be separated in a natural way anymore. We conclude to the diagram below: SM-dyad (weak) is healthy and natural for bipedal primates, but Vanilla-dyad is an unsustainable cultural intervention leading to the collapse of sadism and masochism into sadomasochism (Chrislam) and civil war:

And therefore, the separation of Homo sapiens into two subspecies will lead to yet another civil war. Omvolking results in civil war:

(219) America dies with Christianity
(235) Homosexual schizophrenia in Christianity
(236) Scaling Christianity
(266) The fall of Christianity
(281) The Religious Revolution: HR = f(SR)
(286) HR = f(SR), Human Religion, Sexual Religion

(292) Animal genetic immortality still governs human religion


Immigration to save Europe from ‘degenerating into inbreeding’ – German finance minister 
Germany’s Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has declared that if Germany closes its borders Germans will degenerate through inbreeding. According to Mr. Schäuble mass migration is a great opportunity for Germans to become more diverse as a people, especially the mass migration of Muslims: “For us, Muslims in Germany are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity,” Tagesspiegel reports.

Closing Europe’s borders to migrants would drive the continent to “inbreeding and degeneration,” the German finance minister has told local media, arguing that in his own country Muslims have enriched its “openness and diversity.”    

Immigration from neighboring Middle Eastern and North African countries would make Europe more solid, otherwise its population would have been left with no choice other than to fornicate with each another, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble claimed in an interview with Die Zeit.

'Auch der Idee, Europa könne sich gegenüber der Einwanderung abschotten, erteilt der Bundesfinanzminister eine klare Absage: "Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputt machen würde, was uns in Inzucht degenerieren ließe. Für uns sind Muslime in Deutschland eine Bereicherung unserer Offenheit und unserer Vielfalt. Schauen Sie sich doch mal die dritte Generation der Türken an, gerade auch die Frauen! Das ist doch ein enormes innovatorisches Potenzial!"

[The Federal Minister of Finance also clearly rejects the idea that Europe can isolate itself from immigration: "The isolation is what would destroy us, which could degenerate us into inbreeding." For us, Muslims in Germany are an enrichment of our openness and Take a look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women! That is an enormous innovative potential! "]

(48) Federica Mogherini's lustful submission to Chrislam ðŸ”´ 

Federica Mogherini

Mogherini's basic statement about Islam is as follows:

“Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and – what matters most – in Europe’s present and future. Like it or not, this is the reality. ( . . .) With the European project, after World War II, not only we accepted diversity: we expressed a Desire for diversity to be a core feature of our Union.”

“We need to show some humble respect for diversity. Diversity is the core feature of our European history, and it is our strength. ( . . .) For this reason I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture.”

'Like it or not, this is the reality.'

Wednesday 13 November 2019

(293) Why Islam (resurrection) will never defeat Inbreeding (reincarnation)

Basic Dimension

Number Archive


Assumption 479: The Muslim inbreeding instinct is thought to lead to reincarnation and is based on genetic immortality, the primal sexual drive in nature. Both, reincarnation and genetic immortality project the afterlife into another body, by breeding. But resurrection is not really based on genetic immortality nor on any other sexual instinct. And both, resurrection and rebirth, project the afterlife into one's own body, without breeding. That's why Islam (resurrection) can never defeat reincarnation.

Assumption 477: Islam (resurrection) will never defeat reincarnation, because the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims (reincarnation), though based on magical thinking (inbreeding leads to reincarnation), is nearly identical to the primal sexual instinct of nature: genetic immortality in descendants. This, because both project the afterlife into another body, with breeding as mediator.

But resurrection, which is also based on magical thinking, is not really based on genetic immortality (no breeding). Resurrection and rebirth project the afterlife into one's own body, without breeding, which is weird and no religious instinct

So, Islam (resurrection) is not based on the primal sexual law of nature (genetic immortality) and therefore will lose from inbreeding (reincarnation), where inbreeding is in line with genetic immortality. Said differently, inbreeding and genetic immortality are sexual instincts (inbreeding is a subset from genetic immortality), while resurrection is no sexual instinct.


It is intriguing to estimate the strength of the relationship between Inbreeding (SR) and Islam (HR) as the two constituents of the Muslim faith:

Inbreeding as a Sexual Religion was first and that's why Islam as a Human Religion must be a function of Inbreeding. Further, Inbreeding is a human instinct, just like outbreeding. But to overthrow the outbreeding instinct, which is the main sexual law of nature, the Muslim inbreeding instinct must be stronger. How come? That, we will explain in this article. In conclusion, in the end the Inbreeding instinct cannot be defeated by Islam, which is only temporarily stronger by enforcement on pain of death:

Just as in the animal world, the outbreeding instinct is prevalent and stronger in the rest of the world:

Together, inbreeding and outbreeding constitute the Basic Dimension of the animal world. Another word is Genetic Immortality, which is the basis of animal religion:

The power of honor killings

We have the following premise: Outcrossing is the main sexual law of nature. This means genetic immortality through outbreeding rules sexuality in the animal world:

But for bipedal primates things were different. They walked straight away to the horizon about 9 miles a day. They roamed unstoppable around the world. It looked they thought there was a pot of gold at the horizon. They lost sight of other groups and found no fresh juvenile girls for exchange any longer. 

Bipedal primates: The inbreeding instinct was the first development

They were forced to inbreeding but happily had enormous genetic variation, just like chimps, so they survived for at least seven million years. This all means first Australopiths charged us with the inbreeding instinct, in which we inherited inbreeding as our variant of genetic immortality:

At first there was a rather sharp separation between bipedal and quadrupedal primates:

Bipedal primates: The conception of the soul was the second development:

Reincarnation is like genetic immortality but then supplemented with the soul. And just as with genetic immortality for bipedal primates, there were inbreeding and outcrossing cultures. The soul characterizes the transition from hominids to hominins:

The soul was meant to have decision power in the afterlife over the tribe of reincarnation. As said, it works for outbred and inbred populations. Especially in the last 4000 years the world is visibly divided into inbreeding religions (Desert Religions) and outcrossing populations:

Of course, this split existed much earlier but Desert Religions added the parallel universe in their attempt to block autosomal recessive disorders, caused by 'inbreeding meant for earthly reincarnation':

Anyway, Homo sapiens is completely unsuitable for inbreeding, because of his severely impoverished human genome.

There existed inbreeding and outbreeding tribes believing in earthly reincarnation:

It is stunning but true that inbreeding and outbreeding led to completely different cultures. An inbred population is a closed group, while outcrossing populations are completely open:

Inbred people want to reincarnate into their own cozy group. But outbred people don't mind because they love diversityClosed group inbred bipedal primates were panically afraid to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes. So, they tried to avoid hybrids (the apple or whatever) from the adulterous Eve and her Serpent from another tribe:

It is almost literally in the Bible:

And this is what 'God' said to the Serpent:

15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Genetic immortality and reincarnation

Reincarnation with the soul looks like genetic immortality without soul:

Reincarnation is thought to take place through inbreeding or outbreeding. Just like genetic immortality, reincarnation is coming to life into another body. But resurrection and rebirth is coming to life in the own body. This means Muslim inbreeding (another body) and Islam (the own body) have nothing in common and are religious anti-poles.

Assumption 473: Reincarnation and Genetic Immortality is coming to life in a different body, while Resurrection and Rebirth are revival in the own body, sounding somewhat weird and unreal. This means Reincarnation will survive Resurrection. Also, in the Muslim faith 'Reincarnation into descendants of cousin marriages' will survive 'Resurrection in the parallel universe from Allah'. This only for Arab and Asian Muslims who still possess the inbreeding instinct.

Reincarnation is born from genetic immortality, born from the primal sexual drive to spread genes over descendants. And indeed, reincarnation through inbreeding spreads the genes over tribal or family offspring:

Reincarnation fits genetic immortality rather well, though with a soul. This means, reincarnation is the most powerful human religion in the world*. And it works out for inbreeding as well as for outbreeding cultures. 

Atheism without soul is identical to genetic immortality and will surpass reincarnation in time.

For the first hominids inbreeding was enforced by circumstances, but it evolved into religion as a pursuit of eternal group identity. 

That's why inbreeding was maintained even when peoples like Arab and Asian Muslims had the choice to fully outbreed. The closed group obsession had become a religion. 

But the more profound reason was the poorness of genetic immortality in descendants, which simply let the individual die. This happily was overthrown by 'reincarnation through inbreeding' from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). A great relieve, because the invention of the soul made the afterlife at least theoretically acceptable.

Assumption 405: It were rational impossibilities (coming to life again), which in the long run triggered magical thinking (reincarnation and resurrection). Magical thinking replaced genetic immortality from the animal world.

Why will Islam never defeat honor killings?

Assumption 475Honor killings are caused by tribal separation anxiety disorder from Muslim males, based on their fear not to reincarnate into the tribe again after being reborn into a hybrid earlier, who was not an authentic tribal member.

Assumption 459Honor killings are caused by separation anxiety disorder.Tribal separation anxiety leads to a transient psychosis in the minds of fathers, killing their daughters in an unconscious battle on life and death.

Genetic immortality is the principal sexual drive in nature, originally founded on outcrossing, but terribly misformed by bipedal hominins into inbreeding:

Genetic immortality means to live forth in the genes from descendants, where the individual would die. But with reincarnation also the individual would get a next life.

Just like genetic immortality, also reincarnation through inbreeding emphasizes the quality of genetic procreation, since inbreeding through cousin marriages is thought to saturate tribal genes into the male kin bonded lineage. This means the quality of descendants was thought to become only better by inbreeding. Not quite true of course, inbreeding was meant for tribal reincarnation from males into their tribe and therefore they accepted autosomal recessive disorders to some extent. (40% inbreeding vs. 60% outcrossing):

And though this 'saturation' is psychologically correct, physically it is completely wrong. Inbreeding leads to genetic impoverishment, as a result of which autosomal recessive disorders ruin the genome of the group. So, what is thought as genomic saturation, is actually a devastating impoverishment of the human genome:

The Muslim 'reincarnation through inbreeding' is a failed psychological deepening of genetic immortality. 'Reincarnation through inbreeding' merged with genetic immortality and got super power in the Arab and Asian Muslim culture, where the inbreeding instinct mixed fallaciously with the procreation instinct (genetic immortality).

Assumption 478The Muslim instinct of 'reincarnation through inbreeding' is a bad modification of genetic immortality. Originating from magical thinking it has got super power in the Arab and Asian Muslim culture, where the instinct for procreation by outcrossing (genetic immortality) has been mixed fallaciously with the inbreeding instinct for reincarnation.

This psychological fallacy eventually legitimized and enforced the inbreeding instinct of Muslims, making it far stronger than the enforced unrealistic resurrection in heaven from Allah.

So, why will Islam never defeat honor killings? Because the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims is actually based on magical thinking, what fallaciously merged with the primal sexual instinct of nature: genetic immortality in descendants.

But Islamic resurrection is also based on magical thinking. But resurrection or rebirth in the own body is not in line with genetic immortality in other bodies. Resurrection is weird and instinctive unbelievable. But reincarnation agrees with genetic immortality and therefore will overthrow Islam within decades.

There are more arguments. In reincarnation tribal heads (Muslim males) have full divine power over the afterlife. But in resurrection Muslim males are terrorized by Islam, who has taken away their egotheistic god awareness.

Assumption 479: The Muslim inbreeding instinct is thought to lead to reincarnation and is based on genetic immortality, the primal sexual drive in nature. Both, reincarnation and genetic immortality project the afterlife into another body, by breeding. But resurrection is not really based on genetic immortality nor on any other sexual instinct. And both, resurrection and rebirth, project the afterlife into one's own body, without breeding. That's why Islam (resurrection) can never defeat reincarnation.

As a result of erroneous thinking human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts.

And the belief in reincarnation is stronger than the belief in genetic immortality, because with reincarnation the individual lives forever, while with genetic immortality the individual eventually dies.

What we see is human instincts can be based on religious fallacies:

Assumption 476: Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.

Assumption 413The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a sexual religion (Inbreeding) and a human religion (Islam). It is a Muslim male dilemma. Honor killings are caused by the incompatibility of earthly reincarnation by inbreeding and heavenly resurrection by Islam. It is the incompatibility of the unconscious faith in tribal (family) reincarnation and the conscious faith in heavenly resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah. Islam is 1400 years old, but the Muslim inbreeding instinct dates from Homo erectus, from 2.2 million years ago.

Assumption 462Heavenly resurrection has nothing to do with honor killings. Earthly reincarnation at itself neither. But their poisonous combination which ignited millions of honor killings in the last 1400 years, does.

Assumption 466The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a later human religion  (resurrection) and a former human religion (reincarnation).

Assumption 467: Honor killings are the Gestalt of the horrible symbiosis between two opposite religions: reincarnation and resurrection, acting as water and fire. They are the gruesome benchmark of the Muslim faith.

Assumption 473: Reincarnation and Genetic Immortality is coming to life in a different body, while Resurrection and Rebirth are revival in the own body, sounding somewhat weird and unreal. This means Reincarnation will survive Resurrection. Also, in the Muslim faith 'Reincarnation into descendants of cousin marriages' will survive 'Resurrection in the parallel universe from Allah'. This only for Arab and Asian Muslims who still possess the inbreeding instinct.