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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Monday, 18 March 2019

(266) The fall of Christianity

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

Geometrical projection on three fundamental cultural archetypes

Assumption 434
Islam and Christianity are both extremes on the sadomasochistic dimension. A total civil war among parallel societies can be prevented by insight into the unconscious. Judaism, the Jewish people as a whole, has developed into a fairly reasonable and moderate religion. If only Islam and Christianity would come to their senses, mankind could be saved from disaster.

Assumption 212: Islam and Christianity are the endogamous core and exogamous mantle of Homininae groups. Together they form the sadomasochistic dimension, renamed as monotheism in religion. As in a big bang, they drifted apart and in a big crunch, they will destroy each other. By divine judgment of Sexual Scales of Religion, sadomasochism will dissolve in murder lust and sexual desire.

Assumption 321: Chrislam is an impossible match for Islam, which will lose its inbreeding instinct by mingling with non-Muslims. Muslims don't recognize this instinct as their overall identity. Also, horny policor females (political correctness) 
in Western politics are unaware of sexual motives, while yearning for this sadomasochistic strangulation. Both parties jump blindfolded into a vortex of lust, splitting Western culture into parallel societies after civil war.

(48) Federica Mogherini's lustful submission to Chrislam ðŸ”´ 
(57) Chrislamic orgasm


In 1991 rape was abolished within marriage in the Netherlands. A bill for artificial insemination waited for application. It was the blow for the SM-dyad. Latent lesbian feminists had won. The homosexual clergy was already banned in the sixties.

Because lesbian feminists simply did not grasp how it worked. And by the anti-conception pill women were equal to men. Acquired women's suffrage supplemented with a proportion of masochistic Christian males gave them the majority in parliament and so Western culture went down into a free fall.

Forced tongue kissing and such innocuous was dismissed with years of prison for rape. Then take just a sex doll. In a radical change of direction SM-dyad was exchanged for Vanilla-dyad.

It was the period of the forced foreplay and cuddling afterwards, proclaimed by the NVSH (Dutch Society for Sexual Reform) where at the same time the eight-year-old daughter learned her first lessons in the parental bed.
Afterwards, the insipid cuddling with that worthless sherry. Many marriages were on the rocks with divorces on the assembly line. Males went on like beasts. At the office, that is.

But later, females were not charmed from Vanilla-dyad anymore because it is not natural. And for men, asking for sex on fixed times is an aggravation from mandatory shopping. Also, women missed to be pounced in a daze: Hop, the kids outside and then presto, I cook meanwhile by.

For yeah, half a lesbian feminist also sometimes wants be fucked hard into her ass and so it was that Western women unconsciously started looking around for a more solid meal than that slouch bite there on the bench.

Then her eye fell on: 'black hair sprayed from all its orifices' and he did exactly what Christian males also wanted but were not allowed to do anymore. He embodied the SM-dyad at its best, jummy, assaulting and raping the screaming and yelling females. Drool ran from her mouth.

Feminists talked shame with lust. But a new religion was born. Policor is the unconscious struggle for real men, for the Alpha male. Policor is an effeminate religion, equally for effeminate males. It is no better than Christianity, even worse. Religion is a form of sexuality.

Matthew 5:44
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemiesbless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Christians and Muslims never go together

Assumption 436:
Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value.



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