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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Monday, 18 March 2019

(264) The importance of Desert Religions

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

Assumption 436: A rational model has been developed for explaining human religion from animal sexuality, resulting in about 500 internal consistent assumptions, to be found in Numbers 73-76.

Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value.

Assumption 450: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion:
Human religion originates from animal sexuality. The basic dimension comes down to inbreeding (cousin marriages) vs. outbreeding (male kin bonded lineage with the exchange of juvenile females with other groups). Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that benefits them.

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality (e.g. inbreeding) are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.



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