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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

(270) Honor killings

Basic Dimension



You will have felt intuitively what you are going to read now. 

Assumption 415: Honor killings. 

Without cousin marriages, Muslim males must reincarnate into descendants who are hybrids from unknown Muslim families or from other faiths (Sadia Sheikh). And once reincarnated into these hybrids they can never return to their own tribe after their next death. The idea that Muslims can marry any other Muslim comes from religious endogamy and is at odds with the inbreeding instinct.

So, Muslim fathers unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in the family. Then, they are condemned to roam as ghosts through space forever. This, unconsciously, is almost deadly frightening for Muslim fathers. Their inbreeding instinct is much stronger than their belief in heaven.

Daughters who have been pregnant (Gülsüm Selim, Mirjam Abarkan) must be killed, because after abortion an ancestor is killed too, what is a crime against the honor of the family. In old times a raped daughter - who lost her virginity - always had a chance on a hybrid. So, she was killed also by her dad, her paps...

All honor killings have the same denominator: The fear of Muslim males to lose their afterlife, because they unconsciously believe in earthly reincarnation and not in heaven of the parallel universe. So, because a lot of Muslims do not really believe in the parallel universe, they enforce cousin marriages. 

For unwilling daughters, honor killings or acid attacks will follow. Only then Muslim fathers will find their inner peace, being paid with sexual pleasure from the kill as compensation for the loss of their afterlife (Sexual Scales of Religion). 

Therefore, refusal of a cousin marriage, or having been raped, or loss of virginity or having committed abortion, all this may lead to the death of the daughter. 

Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother or your Muslim uncle. Also never trust your Muslim mother, your Muslim aunt or even your blood own sister Tahira Sheikh, who assisted her brother Mudusar Sheikh in killing Sadia. Only trust unrelated peers from school.

Sadia Sheikh R.I.P.

Assumption 437: The cause of honor killings:

With Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the idea of reincarnation arose, which caused big problems for inbreeding cultures:

1) Because of hostility among tribes, ancestors could only be reincarnated safely into their own tribe.

2) Next problem was that ancestors did not want to reincarnate into hybrids, because after their next death they would be strangers in their own tribe and refused for reincarnation.

3) A third problem was the greater mortality from inbred populations which boosted fertility stress. So, the risk was tribal extinction if ancestors did not dare to return to the harsh tribal life to save the species.

And because tribal ancestors are nothing more than Muslim males, the last enforce cousin marriages because they unconsciously fear to loose their afterlife in hybrids.
That is why they kill their daughters on the suspicion of any sexual contact with 
non-tribal males. So, rape, loss of virginity, abortion or whatever suspicion which drives them mad - such as a Western lifestyle - can cause the death of a Muslim girl.

Assumption 438Inbreeding started as a sexual culture for bipedal hominids. It became a religion for later Australopithecus (7-5 Mya; 400cc). Inbreeding bolstered tribal self-identity by plowing  back female genes into the male kin bonded lineage.

But with the brilliant finding of the soul and reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the meaning of inbreeding changed. Inbreeding merged with reincarnation into the inbreeding instinct. From then on, inbreeding (cousin marriages) served reincarnation from tribal males, who did not want to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes.

Assumption 428 The clash between reincarnation and resurrection. The idea of ​​the soul is the most shocking revelation of human religion, conceptualized by Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). The soul was needed for choosing the tribe to reincarnate.  And without reincarnation, the soul would live forever in the universe. So, there was a binary choice. 
But would the soul remain in the earthly universe as an invisible ghost? With the increase of the frontal lobe, doubts increased too. Maybe still another universe could be imagined.
But what kind of universe? It took bipedal primates until Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1400cc) to conceptualize the parallel universe. In this first phase, humans reincarnated on Earth and gods lived in the parallel universe. This agreement with the gods is shown in the Myth of Abraham. Still visible in Voodoo. 
But about 10,000 years ago humans imagined themselves to resurrect in heaven from the parallel universe. And about 4000 YA Desert religions arose, which insisted on giving up effectively reincarnation and massively resurrect in heaven of the parallel universe. This monotheistic coup deprived tribal ancestors of power over their afterlife. Monotheism is just a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
This transition from reincarnation to resurrection in the parallel universe is the  greatest revolution in human religion. Thus, we have 'reincarnation with the soul' and 'resurrection in the parallel universe' as masterpieces of human religion.
In a tragic and historical error 1400 YA, Islam forbade reincarnation and enforced resurrection in heaven from the parallel universe on pain of death. With that, Islam overplayed her hand, for which Christianity and Judaism guarded themselves.
The inbreeding instinct is two million years old and can only be diluted by outbreeding, but not with other Muslims. Islam is not an instinct and only 1400 years old. Beyond that it is enforced on pain of death. Consciously, Muslim males believe in resurrection, unconsciously in reincarnation.
And now we can understand the tension between these two super ideas. Exactly here, the Muslim faith crushed between inbreeding from SexualReligion (reincarnation) and Islam from HumanReligion (resurrection). It became a psychotic and psychopathic hybrid faith, enforced on pain of death on its 'believers'. On a daily basis we still see the results in numerous honor killings and acid attacks.


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