Basic Dimension
Number Archive
Humans do not understand religion. They did not start with developing a general religious model in the first place. They took their parents religion for granted, as a starting point, as a mould or template in which all other religions have to fit. That is what the Bible calls the Babylonian speech confusion. Mankind has not made much progress in 3500 years. It has learned nothing at all. Human religion is still a mess of schizophrenic concepts caused by Homo sapiens' cauliflower brain. It is a tragedy:

One cannot understand human religion from multiple starting points at the same time. One must define a general starting point first. That is what this blog has done:
'Sleep for ever':

In the animal world there is no doctor in the house. In tropical areas bodies stay warm for longer times. Psychologically, there is a smooth transition between life and death in case the deceased is physically intact. Only if the victim is torn to pieces, animals accept he must be dead:
We try to overcome death, to overcome our mourning by created an afterlife to feel better. To annihilate the conclusion that we are nothing. We have no self-awareness in eternity. Our consciousness, our self-identity is over after death. Well, of course, we can gilt the pill from a rather rational prospective (sleeping forever) in the animal world towards the irrational and absurd eternal life in the multiverse.
But guess what, there might be multiple universes, multiple gods or multiple sexual roles. To be gay in one universe and straight in another, and all shades in between, because the multiverse is infinite:
That is the absurd development of human religion. Our cauliflower brain raises more questions than we can answer. But as already said, this schizophrenia might come true in the end:

Assumption 385: If the crucial humanizer was the bipedal mutation, we expect mathematical rational thinking rudimentary presented in the first bipedal primates, seven million years ago. According to the normal IQ-distribution there must have been super intelligent Australopiths and Homo naledi. Then, we can expect savants - like mathematics genius prodigy Daniel Tammet - also to be represented in the earliest bipedal hominids, as well as mathematics being an integral part of the human brain. Space is mathematics, scientific thinking may be the essence of the bipedal mutation.
Probably, the number area developed latest in the evolution:
'Rebirth without soul' is the first really human religious stage
The idea that all life comes from the soil, is more than animal, it is human. This is the invention of the circular process of pumping life out of the ground. It is here that human philosophy took control over religion. It is the Underworld which is life giving and it is the God of Darkness who needs to be worshipped.
'Rebirth without soul' is relatively rational thinking, while the invention of the soul is irrational, magical and a Deus ex Machina to master the afterlife. In our model the tiny brain from Homo naledi was organized rationally and therefore he rejected the concept of 'soul'.
It is the Underworld which is life giving
Assumption 382: Rebirth without soul.
All life comes from the soil, all plants, all fruits come from the ground. So, also human life must enter the womb of women through the soil. Well, of course, Australopiths knew about sexual cause and effect, but did not understand how everything came to growth and to life. They concluded, it must be the Underworld which is life giving. Bipedal primates saw this happening every day. And deep in the ground - in the Underworld - lived their God of Darkness, the guardian of all life. It is Him who puts the reborn into the womb of women. That's why Homo naledi sought the deepest places for 'rebirth without soul'.

Assumption 377: The Rising Star Cave was chosen for 'rebirth without soul' just because of its inaccessibility. Reborn creatures on their way to the womb left the cave with the same route as they came in. Only they knew the way to Dinaledi Chamber. Had Dinaledi Chamber been more accessible through a now disappeared entrance, Homo naledi had probably rejected this cave for rebirth without soul. Then, it was only usable for reincarnation or resurrection of the soul. The soul cannot be harmed by intruders and is able to pass blocked chambers.
Assumption 381:
The concept of 'rebirth without soul' led within a very short time to insurmountable problems, being self-determination in the afterlife. Homo naledi (2.3 Ma - 2.36 ka) was well aware of this dilemma. Also, Homo erectus (2.12 Ma; 900cc) realized that rebirth or reincarnation needed a soul to be able to choose in what tribe ancestors wanted to be alive again. That is the reason of the soul. Self-determination in the afterlife with retention of self-identity.
Assumption 384: Homo naledi rejected the soul as a joke, only to get a grip on the afterlife after death. Now, it is possible that Homo erectus (2.12 Ma; 900cc) evolved to 'reincarnation with the soul' already two million years ago, while Homo naledi continued to believe in 'rebirth without soul' until 335 ka ago. Since, today, there are still a lot of people not believing in the soul.
Assumption 376: Tribal rebirth means the conservation of group identity if reborn are former ancestors. This emphasizes group identity from inbred cultures. Otherwise it would concern hybrids. In the case of outbreeding cultures the identity of reborn is not important and hybrids from other tribes are welcomed. This means outbreeding cultures will bury their dead simply in the ground. And because Homo naledi protected the bodies of the deceased fanatically, we decide them to be an inbred culture.
Assumption 383:
Muslim males think it is their own choice to reincarnate into their tribe or family, into their inbred descendants created by cousin marriages. This, because Muslims believe in the soul.
But Homo naledi was wiser and wondered if ancestors really would return to their tribe, or that they could be reborn anywhere. Maybe hybrids from Homo erectus would start a new life in the Homo naledi tribe. That would be disastrous, for Homo naledi males hated the handsome Homo erectus males because of sexual competition around naledi females.
Homo erectus thought ancestors could choose in what kind of tribe they reincarnated, because of having a soul:
Defining rational rules as the basis of religion
The hierarchy of religious concepts
The first rational rule defines a logical sequence of religious concepts of increasing difficulty, paired with the growing brain complexity from bipedal primates.
Then, this developmental model has been concluded:
Our aim is to build the entire chart house of thousands of different religions on logical grounds.
But how do these religious concepts relate and what are the consequences for Homo naledi in relation to Homo erectus? That is the subject of this article.
Relative weights of concepts
We define a second rational rule: The power of religious concepts is related to their moments of entry into the evolution. So, the further back in the evolution, the stronger religious concepts. Since, the oldest concepts are our basic instincts, which are many millions of years old, and not for nothing.
This means 'definitely dead' vs. 'sleep forever' is the strongest religious concept in our primitive brain, while resurrection in the multiverse is the weakest in our frontal lobe.
So, the time scale of religious concepts is the measure of their importance.
Relative weights
Before fitting Homo naledi within other religions, we must estimate the relative weights of above religious concepts. So, 'sleep forever' (14 Ma) / 'rebirth no soul' (3-2 Ma) = 14:3 on the time scale. This means 'sleep forever' is 14/3 = 4,6 times more important than 'rebirth without soul'. This means if one consciously believes in rebirth without soul, one unconsciously thinks sleeping forever is closer to the truth.
But we do not need an interval time scale. An ordinal scale is sufficient: 1)=2), < 3), <4, ... <7) in the image below:
Rationally based religion
Hereby we have given the general model of human religion a rational base:
Religious regression
From the weights we conclude that humans tend to regress from the consciously faith in the 'multiverse' to the unconsciously religious instinct 'sleep forever'. Their whole life is consciously striving to reach the top of the religious ladder, to reach for the 'parallel universe', but at the same time unconsciously knowing they are fooling themselves and will regress to 'sleep forever'.
Interactions between religious concepts
After having established relative weights we can estimate theoretically the interactions between the religious concepts in the evolution. Interactions which must be known before the model can be used to compare religions.
The interaction between no soul and Dinaledi Chamber
Homo naledi did not need the concept of soul, because he forced reborn ancestors straight into the wombs from Homo naledi females, living in front of the Rising Star Cave, which had only one entrance=exit:

Homo naledi was willing to make enormous efforts to transport the dead all the way to Dinaledi Chamber in utter darkness by believing in the God of Darkness and because of his refusal to believe in the soul.

Assumption 377: The Rising Star Cave was chosen for 'rebirth without soul' just because of its inaccessibility. Reborn creatures on their way to the womb left the cave with the same route as they came in. Only they knew the way to Dinaledi Chamber. Had Dinaledi Chamber been more accessible through a now disappeared entrance, Homo naledi had probably rejected this cave for rebirth without soul. Then, it was only usable for reincarnation or resurrection of the soul. The soul cannot be harmed by intruders and is able to pass blocked chambers.
Number Archive
Humans do not understand religion. They did not start with developing a general religious model in the first place. They took their parents religion for granted, as a starting point, as a mould or template in which all other religions have to fit. That is what the Bible calls the Babylonian speech confusion. Mankind has not made much progress in 3500 years. It has learned nothing at all. Human religion is still a mess of schizophrenic concepts caused by Homo sapiens' cauliflower brain. It is a tragedy:

One cannot understand human religion from multiple starting points at the same time. One must define a general starting point first. That is what this blog has done:
'Sleep for ever':

In the animal world there is no doctor in the house. In tropical areas bodies stay warm for longer times. Psychologically, there is a smooth transition between life and death in case the deceased is physically intact. Only if the victim is torn to pieces, animals accept he must be dead:
We do not know, but keeping the dead alive is still our strongest 'religious' instinct left over from the animal world and is the perfect definition of religion. See the resemblance between the gorilla mother and how we try to revive the dead in the afterlife.
We do not differ from other animals ultimately. Humans developed a placebo afterlife to keep the dead alive as an illusion, to compensate for the mourning of the gorilla mother. That's the core of our 'religion'.
We do not differ from other animals ultimately. Humans developed a placebo afterlife to keep the dead alive as an illusion, to compensate for the mourning of the gorilla mother. That's the core of our 'religion'.
Animals as well as humans cannot combine the vibrant remembrance from deceased loved ones with bitter reality. That is why elephants are returning to the remains of their ancestors, smelling their bones for reactivating their memory.
The similarities in the comparison between humans and elephants mourning their dead is quite a long reach however, elephants exhibit something quite unusual in the animal world. They display behavior showing a high level of significance in elephants that have died. This is quite uncommon in the world of mammals. Though primates will stay with the body of a deceased family member, once decomposition has set in they will leave the body. And they don’t return to re-examine the bones once that is all that is left (2). It is also possible that elephants are able to recognize the tusks of individuals they had known previously which would explain their high level of interest in the ivory but that has yet to be proven.
If a deceased is laid out in our house we would be shocked if he came back to life again, but somewhere, very deeply in our primitive brain, there remains this vague hope. And indeed, regularly an apparently dead person is only unconscious and comes to life again.
The similarities in the comparison between humans and elephants mourning their dead is quite a long reach however, elephants exhibit something quite unusual in the animal world. They display behavior showing a high level of significance in elephants that have died. This is quite uncommon in the world of mammals. Though primates will stay with the body of a deceased family member, once decomposition has set in they will leave the body. And they don’t return to re-examine the bones once that is all that is left (2). It is also possible that elephants are able to recognize the tusks of individuals they had known previously which would explain their high level of interest in the ivory but that has yet to be proven.
If a deceased is laid out in our house we would be shocked if he came back to life again, but somewhere, very deeply in our primitive brain, there remains this vague hope. And indeed, regularly an apparently dead person is only unconscious and comes to life again.
We also want our love ones laid out like they are sleeping, same reason.
Without modern techniques the death of a person is not always easy to determine. In hot areas, the dead is to be buried in the same day and so people are sometimes buried alive: sleeping forever ... Without medical knowledge we all have problems to separate life of death.
So, our most fundamental 'religious' problem is to distinguish between life and death. That is why human religion starts with 'sleep forever' by 'intact dead body' and 'definitely dead' by 'torn to pieces'.
But guess what, there might be multiple universes, multiple gods or multiple sexual roles. To be gay in one universe and straight in another, and all shades in between, because the multiverse is infinite:
That is the absurd development of human religion. Our cauliflower brain raises more questions than we can answer. But as already said, this schizophrenia might come true in the end:

Assumption 385: If the crucial humanizer was the bipedal mutation, we expect mathematical rational thinking rudimentary presented in the first bipedal primates, seven million years ago. According to the normal IQ-distribution there must have been super intelligent Australopiths and Homo naledi. Then, we can expect savants - like mathematics genius prodigy Daniel Tammet - also to be represented in the earliest bipedal hominids, as well as mathematics being an integral part of the human brain. Space is mathematics, scientific thinking may be the essence of the bipedal mutation.
Probably, the number area developed latest in the evolution:
'Rebirth without soul' is the first really human religious stage
The idea that all life comes from the soil, is more than animal, it is human. This is the invention of the circular process of pumping life out of the ground. It is here that human philosophy took control over religion. It is the Underworld which is life giving and it is the God of Darkness who needs to be worshipped.
It is the Underworld which is life giving
Assumption 382: Rebirth without soul.
All life comes from the soil, all plants, all fruits come from the ground. So, also human life must enter the womb of women through the soil. Well, of course, Australopiths knew about sexual cause and effect, but did not understand how everything came to growth and to life. They concluded, it must be the Underworld which is life giving. Bipedal primates saw this happening every day. And deep in the ground - in the Underworld - lived their God of Darkness, the guardian of all life. It is Him who puts the reborn into the womb of women. That's why Homo naledi sought the deepest places for 'rebirth without soul'.

Assumption 377: The Rising Star Cave was chosen for 'rebirth without soul' just because of its inaccessibility. Reborn creatures on their way to the womb left the cave with the same route as they came in. Only they knew the way to Dinaledi Chamber. Had Dinaledi Chamber been more accessible through a now disappeared entrance, Homo naledi had probably rejected this cave for rebirth without soul. Then, it was only usable for reincarnation or resurrection of the soul. The soul cannot be harmed by intruders and is able to pass blocked chambers.
Assumption 381:
The concept of 'rebirth without soul' led within a very short time to insurmountable problems, being self-determination in the afterlife. Homo naledi (2.3 Ma - 2.36 ka) was well aware of this dilemma. Also, Homo erectus (2.12 Ma; 900cc) realized that rebirth or reincarnation needed a soul to be able to choose in what tribe ancestors wanted to be alive again. That is the reason of the soul. Self-determination in the afterlife with retention of self-identity.
Assumption 384: Homo naledi rejected the soul as a joke, only to get a grip on the afterlife after death. Now, it is possible that Homo erectus (2.12 Ma; 900cc) evolved to 'reincarnation with the soul' already two million years ago, while Homo naledi continued to believe in 'rebirth without soul' until 335 ka ago. Since, today, there are still a lot of people not believing in the soul.
Assumption 376: Tribal rebirth means the conservation of group identity if reborn are former ancestors. This emphasizes group identity from inbred cultures. Otherwise it would concern hybrids. In the case of outbreeding cultures the identity of reborn is not important and hybrids from other tribes are welcomed. This means outbreeding cultures will bury their dead simply in the ground. And because Homo naledi protected the bodies of the deceased fanatically, we decide them to be an inbred culture.
Assumption 383:
Muslim males think it is their own choice to reincarnate into their tribe or family, into their inbred descendants created by cousin marriages. This, because Muslims believe in the soul.
But Homo naledi was wiser and wondered if ancestors really would return to their tribe, or that they could be reborn anywhere. Maybe hybrids from Homo erectus would start a new life in the Homo naledi tribe. That would be disastrous, for Homo naledi males hated the handsome Homo erectus males because of sexual competition around naledi females.
Homo erectus thought ancestors could choose in what kind of tribe they reincarnated, because of having a soul:
Defining rational rules as the basis of religion
The hierarchy of religious concepts
The first rational rule defines a logical sequence of religious concepts of increasing difficulty, paired with the growing brain complexity from bipedal primates.
Then, this developmental model has been concluded:
Our aim is to build the entire chart house of thousands of different religions on logical grounds.
But how do these religious concepts relate and what are the consequences for Homo naledi in relation to Homo erectus? That is the subject of this article.
Relative weights of concepts
We define a second rational rule: The power of religious concepts is related to their moments of entry into the evolution. So, the further back in the evolution, the stronger religious concepts. Since, the oldest concepts are our basic instincts, which are many millions of years old, and not for nothing.
This means 'definitely dead' vs. 'sleep forever' is the strongest religious concept in our primitive brain, while resurrection in the multiverse is the weakest in our frontal lobe.
So, the time scale of religious concepts is the measure of their importance.
Relative weights
Before fitting Homo naledi within other religions, we must estimate the relative weights of above religious concepts. So, 'sleep forever' (14 Ma) / 'rebirth no soul' (3-2 Ma) = 14:3 on the time scale. This means 'sleep forever' is 14/3 = 4,6 times more important than 'rebirth without soul'. This means if one consciously believes in rebirth without soul, one unconsciously thinks sleeping forever is closer to the truth.
But we do not need an interval time scale. An ordinal scale is sufficient: 1)=2), < 3), <4, ... <7) in the image below:
Rationally based religion
Hereby we have given the general model of human religion a rational base:
From the weights we conclude that humans tend to regress from the consciously faith in the 'multiverse' to the unconsciously religious instinct 'sleep forever'. Their whole life is consciously striving to reach the top of the religious ladder, to reach for the 'parallel universe', but at the same time unconsciously knowing they are fooling themselves and will regress to 'sleep forever'.
Interactions between religious concepts
After having established relative weights we can estimate theoretically the interactions between the religious concepts in the evolution. Interactions which must be known before the model can be used to compare religions.
The interaction between no soul and Dinaledi Chamber
Homo naledi did not need the concept of soul, because he forced reborn ancestors straight into the wombs from Homo naledi females, living in front of the Rising Star Cave, which had only one entrance=exit:

Homo naledi was willing to make enormous efforts to transport the dead all the way to Dinaledi Chamber in utter darkness by believing in the God of Darkness and because of his refusal to believe in the soul.

Assumption 377: The Rising Star Cave was chosen for 'rebirth without soul' just because of its inaccessibility. Reborn creatures on their way to the womb left the cave with the same route as they came in. Only they knew the way to Dinaledi Chamber. Had Dinaledi Chamber been more accessible through a now disappeared entrance, Homo naledi had probably rejected this cave for rebirth without soul. Then, it was only usable for reincarnation or resurrection of the soul. The soul cannot be harmed by intruders and is able to pass blocked chambers.
Assumption 378: Rising Star Cave two-way inbreeding.
And here we have the fallacy in the religion of Homo naledi: they doubted rebirth without soul, because this religious model did not give enough births.
The reason is that without a soul, ancestors cannot make their own choice to be reborn into Homo naledi wombs and might end up into Homo erectus wombs. That is why Homo naledi ultimately lost his faith in his own religion:

The special meaning of rebirth without soul in relation to the Rising Star Cave is that Homo naledi wanted two-way inbreeding: real inbreeding from cousin marriages, supplemented with rebirth control on who entered the wombs of their females.
Plain rebirth without soul means outbreeding, since the identity of the reborn is unknown:

Assumption 379: Two-way inbreeding.
Homo naledi symptomizes the crisis of the mingling of species. The mingling of races and ethnicities leads to a loss of identity for hybrids, which Homo naledi were. Inbred cultures use cousin marriages to saturate the genes of the male kin bonded lineage. This way, they try to keep group coherence and genetic identity.
Homo naledi was so terrified from Homo erectus, who raped their females for ages, that they in addition tried to save as much as possible from their Australopithecine identity.
Muslim males think it is their own choice to reincarnate into their tribe or family, into their inbred descendants created by cousin marriages. But Homo naledi was wiser en wondered if ancestors really were able to return to the tribe of their choice, or that they could be reborn anywhere. Maybe hybrids from Homo erectus would start a new life in the Homo naledi tribe. That would be disastrous, for Homo naledi males hated the handsome Homo erectus males because of sexual competition around naledi females:

So, realize Homo naledi was not stupid at all and deeply thought about religion. And because he had the brain of a logical thinker we are able to reconstruct his thought process.
But within a few generations the Homo naledi births policy failed. Fertility stress did not decrease but increased. There was a threat of extinction and that made that the Homo naledi culture started to doubt on their faith:Plain rebirth without soul means outbreeding, since the identity of the reborn is unknown:

Assumption 379: Two-way inbreeding.
Homo naledi symptomizes the crisis of the mingling of species. The mingling of races and ethnicities leads to a loss of identity for hybrids, which Homo naledi were. Inbred cultures use cousin marriages to saturate the genes of the male kin bonded lineage. This way, they try to keep group coherence and genetic identity.
Homo naledi was so terrified from Homo erectus, who raped their females for ages, that they in addition tried to save as much as possible from their Australopithecine identity.
Muslim males think it is their own choice to reincarnate into their tribe or family, into their inbred descendants created by cousin marriages. But Homo naledi was wiser en wondered if ancestors really were able to return to the tribe of their choice, or that they could be reborn anywhere. Maybe hybrids from Homo erectus would start a new life in the Homo naledi tribe. That would be disastrous, for Homo naledi males hated the handsome Homo erectus males because of sexual competition around naledi females:

So, realize Homo naledi was not stupid at all and deeply thought about religion. And because he had the brain of a logical thinker we are able to reconstruct his thought process.
And here we have the fallacy in the religion of Homo naledi: they doubted rebirth without soul, because this religious model did not give enough births.
The reason is that without a soul, ancestors cannot make their own choice to be reborn into Homo naledi wombs and might end up into Homo erectus wombs. That is why Homo naledi ultimately lost his faith in his own religion:

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