Basic Dimension
Number Archive
To write about reincarnation and the soul is difficult, since it contains almost everything that is hominin religion (not hominid). It is not a delimited subject, it is human religion in totality. And too much information makes the analysis more difficult. Beyond that, we must relate reincarnation to rebirth in a comprehensible, rational way. So, we derive reincarnation from rebirth and that's it, that is the model:

Rebirth is tied to place
Reborn were bound to places where ancestors died. As young plants thrive on dead leaves. Rebirth was also related to specific Gods of Darkness living in specific caves or mountains. So, every mountain, every cave had its own God of Darkness and rebirth was tied to place.
Maybe, the Rising Star Cave complex had only a single overarching God of Darkness. Certainly for the times Homo naledi lived there. They suspected all caves were connected to one big Underworld. They tried to find connecting pathways from Dinaledi Chamber to Lesedi Chamber. In vain. Also, in Dinaledi Chamber they tried to come closer to God, to come deeper into the crevices in the ground, in which they did not succeed. This stalemate only confirmed His existence. That is why they concluded Dinaledi Chamber as the entrance to the Underworld, to the God of Darkness and they threw bodyparts into the crevices:

Rebirth was a faith that easily revived in other places. It was easily transferable because life comes from the soil. And soil is everywhere. So, it ignited as a religious fire on many places. In the end, rebirth was a state of mind for a certain group at a certain place in a certain time segment.
Finally, rebirth is a transitivity phenomenon between sleep forever and reincarnation.
It was not long lasting in the evolution and worked only for very short periods of time. A religious phase which is not that important and long forgotten, but rebirth without soul is indispensable in the causal chain of religious concepts:

Summarizing: We cannot easily step from sleep forever to reincarnation, because then we miss a logical step, a rational phase in between. And though it did not last long in the evolution, rebirth without soul was of major importance:
This is the rebirth model:

Rebirth without soul is a vulnerable model that can be falsified easily. It is a rational model, erroneously copied from the life cycle of plants.
Because the model is residence dependent, it was easily falsified by a change of residence from believers. Then, the dead leaves theory appeared not sustainable.
It was also falsified by migration over great distances, like moving out of Africa, because, far from home, where did the reborn come from?
Australopithecus (3 Ma; 400-550cc):
Rebirth without soul:
1: Later Australopiths believed in 'ancestors reborn from the ground where they died', just like plants. That belief required a permanent residence.
2: But the dead leaves theory could have been somewhat elastic, permitting them roaming through Africa about relatively short trajectories in which reborn were transferable from place to place.
3: Homo naledi settled for a number of generations near the Rising Star Cave.
4: He was a long distance runner living in a semi-permanent residence, in line with the dead leaves theory.
5. Homo naledi also believed in the God of Darkness, bound to the Rising Star Cave.
6: Then, rebirth is bound to time and place and Homo naledi met these requirements.
Homo habilis (2.2/8-1.5 Ma; 700cc):
Rebirth with a soul:
1: Just like Australopiths, Homo habilis remained in Africa. He was the predecessor of Home erectus. He believed in rebirth with a soul, born on the ground where the ancestors were buried. He also believed in the God of Darkness. Rebirth with a soul was a viable combination. We need this intermediate step to reincarnation.
Reincarnation triggered by migration
Homo erectus (2.1 Ma; 900cc):
Reincarnation with the soul:
1: Homo erectus conquered the world as a long distance runner without permanent residence.
2: This means, ancestors could not be reborn where they were buried.
3: Therefore, the plant theory collapsed.
4: Then, for the sake of reborn, some unknown entity from ancestors must have joined the tribe on its journey out of Africa.
5: This way, Homo erectus came on the soul already two million years ago.
6: And the soul reincarnated into the tribe, wherever they migrated.
7: So, Homo erectus invented the soul and reincarnation 2.2 Mya.
8: Homo erectus redeemed hominins from the shackles of rebirth without soul.
Reincarnation is rebirth anywhere and anytime in the earthly universe. Blood and genes from ancestors were not needed anymore. A fleeting entity as the soul replaced reality and by magical thinking hominins opened the gates to the afterlife, in which the deceased had full control over anything to be reborn.
What you see coming is that reincarnation and the soul gave tribal heads enormous power. This, ultimately provoked the resurrection in the parallel universe from monotheism, the sexual terror still worshipped in this rotten world...
Assumption 381:
The concept of 'rebirth without soul' led within a very short time to insurmountable problems, being self-determination in the afterlife. Homo naledi (2.3 Ma - 2.36 ka) was well aware of this dilemma. Also, Homo erectus (2.12 Ma; 900cc) realized that rebirth or reincarnation needed a soul to be able to choose in what tribe ancestors wanted to be alive again. That is the reason of the soul. Self-determination in the afterlife with retention of self-identity.
Human religion is insignificant if not based on sexual religion: the basic dimension from inbreeding to outbreeding. If we really want to understand human religion, we have to make the translation to inbreeding, the primal religion of bipedal primates:
Magical delusions as reincarnation and the soul
Well, rebirth without soul was erroneous but based on rational thinking, derived from the life cycle of plants. But reincarnation with the soul is a psychotic delusion from hominins with a cauliflower brain. Of course, deeper religious feelings must be respected, but on this blog we stay rationally.
Homo erectus provided himself with a number of magical degrees of freedom to grasp the state of nature. This fallacy is caused by the insane enlargement of his frontal lobe. Or the other way around...
Assumption 409: The biggest mistake in evolutionary thinking about human development is that it magically began with the hominids and ended rationally with hominins. Writing out all phases reveals the opposite. The bipedal mutation was intrinsically rational, but derailed in a magical way. Our brain has evolved into a magical nucleus that is rationally sublimated in the mantle.
Assumption 405: It were rational impossibilities (coming to life again), which in the long run triggered magical thinking (reincarnation and resurrection). Magical thinking replaced genetic immortality from the animal world.
Assumption 385: If the crucial humanizer was the bipedal mutation, we expect mathematical rational thinking rudimentary presented in the first bipedal primates, seven million years ago. According to the normal IQ-distribution there must have been super intelligent Australopiths and Homo naledi. Then, we can expect savants - like mathematics genius prodigy Daniel Tammet - also to be represented in the earliest bipedal hominids, as well as mathematics being an integral part of the human brain. Space is mathematics, scientific thinking may be the essence of the bipedal mutation.
Reincarnation and breeding
We derived reincarnation out of rebirth in a logical way. But that is not how Homo erectus thought. They thought about the afterlife, about their return into the tribe. Rational thinking had given them tremendous difficulties in understanding the state of nature. But now their brain had developed so many nerve cells that they could imagine the soul and reincarnation. But the parallel universe was still a bridge to far. That had to wait for the emergence of Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc).
The religion of Australopiths like Homo naledi was inbreeding:
Assumption 376: Tribal rebirth means the conservation of group identity if reborn are former ancestors. This emphasizes group identity from inbred cultures. Otherwise it would concern hybrids. In the case of outbreeding cultures the identity of reborn is not important and hybrids from other tribes are welcomed. This means outbreeding cultures will bury their dead simply in the ground. And because Homo naledi protected the bodies of the deceased fanatically, we decide them to be an inbred culture.
Assumption 392: Homo naledi survived for millions of years as an inbreeding culture, apparently sustained by a varied genome. It is proven they were all alike, and probably without autosomal recessive disorders.

Assumption 390: Homo naledi's faith was based on inbreeding, because he enforced ancestors to be reborn into Homo naledi wombs. The religion of Homo erectus probably was based on outbreeding, because he chased the females from Homo naledi. (Circular reasoning.)
Assumption 393: Inbreeding was the primal religion of bipedal primates. Protection of tribal identity caused unwillingness to mix with other hominins and inbreeding became a stabilizer within the evolution tree. Inbreeding has slowed down and obstructed human evolution. On the other hand, outbreeding cultures have accelerated the evolution by combining randomly with whatever hominin on the road.
Only to avoid extinction, Australopiths mixed incidentally with outbreeding:
The invention of the soul and earthly reincarnation opened the door to outbreeding. Homo erectus got the chance to escape from his suffocating inbreeding culture, since now willfully outbreeding to other tribes and even reincarnation into animals became possible. With freedom to choose the tribe of reincarnation, Homo erectus got rid of his ugly family members in the afterlife:
What means that inbreeding has been instinctively fused with earthly reincarnation, as demonstrated by operant conditioning. So the following must be the relation causing confusion in Muslim culture:
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Genetic monocultures (inbreeding) lead to SM-dyad, a sado-masochistic relationship between male and female (Islam). This because inbreeding has to be enforced on females, since it is unnatural.
Genetic diversity (outbreeding) leads to Vanilla-dyad (Christianity) in which man and woman are equal. In Christianity exists no sexual coercion. It must be said SM-dyad is in our genes and so, Islam is right. Leftist liberals are wrong with soft sex. Vanilla dyad is an unsustainable cultural phenomenon.
In above picture (below) we see the conflict between reincarnation and resurrection in Islam. Muslims are forced to believe in Allah in the parallel universe but because of their prevailing inbreeding instinct, they unconsciously will choose for reincarnation into the earthly universe (honor killings).
Their inbreeding instinct causes horrible interactions between the religious phases of human religious development.
What we see is Muslims cannot discard their inbreeding instinct, causing completely psychopathic interactions between religious concepts in the evolution:
Only mixing with outbred populations can dilute the two million years old inbreeding instinct. Outbreeding cultures chose for Christianity in evolution and got rid of inbreeding:

Overcoming the inbreeding instinct:
One-way outbreeding from Homo erectus, in which outbred populations only ask males to reincarnate into the tribe is actually fully outbreeding, because it concerns the male kin bonded lineage. Females are not asked to return to the tribe, they are simply exchanged with other tribes:
Not to read:
Some assumptions about reincarnation in numerical order
There are about 400 assumptions about the origin of human religion. After selection on the term 'reincarnation' the assumptions are put in numerical order.
Assumption 144: Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. Earthly reincarnation is the prevailing instinctive reward for inbreeding, because with genetic immortality the individual died.
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Number Archive
To write about reincarnation and the soul is difficult, since it contains almost everything that is hominin religion (not hominid). It is not a delimited subject, it is human religion in totality. And too much information makes the analysis more difficult. Beyond that, we must relate reincarnation to rebirth in a comprehensible, rational way. So, we derive reincarnation from rebirth and that's it, that is the model:

Rebirth is tied to place
Reborn were bound to places where ancestors died. As young plants thrive on dead leaves. Rebirth was also related to specific Gods of Darkness living in specific caves or mountains. So, every mountain, every cave had its own God of Darkness and rebirth was tied to place.
Maybe, the Rising Star Cave complex had only a single overarching God of Darkness. Certainly for the times Homo naledi lived there. They suspected all caves were connected to one big Underworld. They tried to find connecting pathways from Dinaledi Chamber to Lesedi Chamber. In vain. Also, in Dinaledi Chamber they tried to come closer to God, to come deeper into the crevices in the ground, in which they did not succeed. This stalemate only confirmed His existence. That is why they concluded Dinaledi Chamber as the entrance to the Underworld, to the God of Darkness and they threw bodyparts into the crevices:
Assumption 387: If Homo naledi believed in rebirth, then the God of Darkness in Dinaledi Chamber needed no whole dead bodies, for just a tiny piece of flesh and a single bone were sufficient to reconstruct an invisible tiny reborn for the womb of Homo naledi females. It might be that important individuals were buried completely, like Neo.
Assumption 389: Deceased Homo naledi would have been decomposed in a ceremonial way without damaging the bones sent to Dinaledi Chamber.

Rebirth was a faith that easily revived in other places. It was easily transferable because life comes from the soil. And soil is everywhere. So, it ignited as a religious fire on many places. In the end, rebirth was a state of mind for a certain group at a certain place in a certain time segment.
Finally, rebirth is a transitivity phenomenon between sleep forever and reincarnation.
It was not long lasting in the evolution and worked only for very short periods of time. A religious phase which is not that important and long forgotten, but rebirth without soul is indispensable in the causal chain of religious concepts:

Summarizing: We cannot easily step from sleep forever to reincarnation, because then we miss a logical step, a rational phase in between. And though it did not last long in the evolution, rebirth without soul was of major importance:
This is the rebirth model:

Rebirth without soul is a vulnerable model that can be falsified easily. It is a rational model, erroneously copied from the life cycle of plants.
Because the model is residence dependent, it was easily falsified by a change of residence from believers. Then, the dead leaves theory appeared not sustainable.
It was also falsified by migration over great distances, like moving out of Africa, because, far from home, where did the reborn come from?
Australopithecus (3 Ma; 400-550cc):
Rebirth without soul:
1: Later Australopiths believed in 'ancestors reborn from the ground where they died', just like plants. That belief required a permanent residence.
2: But the dead leaves theory could have been somewhat elastic, permitting them roaming through Africa about relatively short trajectories in which reborn were transferable from place to place.
3: Homo naledi settled for a number of generations near the Rising Star Cave.
4: He was a long distance runner living in a semi-permanent residence, in line with the dead leaves theory.
5. Homo naledi also believed in the God of Darkness, bound to the Rising Star Cave.
6: Then, rebirth is bound to time and place and Homo naledi met these requirements.
Homo habilis (2.2/8-1.5 Ma; 700cc):
Rebirth with a soul:
1: Just like Australopiths, Homo habilis remained in Africa. He was the predecessor of Home erectus. He believed in rebirth with a soul, born on the ground where the ancestors were buried. He also believed in the God of Darkness. Rebirth with a soul was a viable combination. We need this intermediate step to reincarnation.
Reincarnation triggered by migration
Homo erectus (2.1 Ma; 900cc):
Reincarnation with the soul:
1: Homo erectus conquered the world as a long distance runner without permanent residence.
2: This means, ancestors could not be reborn where they were buried.
3: Therefore, the plant theory collapsed.
4: Then, for the sake of reborn, some unknown entity from ancestors must have joined the tribe on its journey out of Africa.
5: This way, Homo erectus came on the soul already two million years ago.
6: And the soul reincarnated into the tribe, wherever they migrated.
7: So, Homo erectus invented the soul and reincarnation 2.2 Mya.
8: Homo erectus redeemed hominins from the shackles of rebirth without soul.
Reincarnation is rebirth anywhere and anytime in the earthly universe. Blood and genes from ancestors were not needed anymore. A fleeting entity as the soul replaced reality and by magical thinking hominins opened the gates to the afterlife, in which the deceased had full control over anything to be reborn.
What you see coming is that reincarnation and the soul gave tribal heads enormous power. This, ultimately provoked the resurrection in the parallel universe from monotheism, the sexual terror still worshipped in this rotten world...
Assumption 381:
The concept of 'rebirth without soul' led within a very short time to insurmountable problems, being self-determination in the afterlife. Homo naledi (2.3 Ma - 2.36 ka) was well aware of this dilemma. Also, Homo erectus (2.12 Ma; 900cc) realized that rebirth or reincarnation needed a soul to be able to choose in what tribe ancestors wanted to be alive again. That is the reason of the soul. Self-determination in the afterlife with retention of self-identity.
Human religion is insignificant if not based on sexual religion: the basic dimension from inbreeding to outbreeding. If we really want to understand human religion, we have to make the translation to inbreeding, the primal religion of bipedal primates:
Magical delusions as reincarnation and the soul
Well, rebirth without soul was erroneous but based on rational thinking, derived from the life cycle of plants. But reincarnation with the soul is a psychotic delusion from hominins with a cauliflower brain. Of course, deeper religious feelings must be respected, but on this blog we stay rationally.
Homo erectus provided himself with a number of magical degrees of freedom to grasp the state of nature. This fallacy is caused by the insane enlargement of his frontal lobe. Or the other way around...
Assumption 409: The biggest mistake in evolutionary thinking about human development is that it magically began with the hominids and ended rationally with hominins. Writing out all phases reveals the opposite. The bipedal mutation was intrinsically rational, but derailed in a magical way. Our brain has evolved into a magical nucleus that is rationally sublimated in the mantle.
Assumption 405: It were rational impossibilities (coming to life again), which in the long run triggered magical thinking (reincarnation and resurrection). Magical thinking replaced genetic immortality from the animal world.
Assumption 385: If the crucial humanizer was the bipedal mutation, we expect mathematical rational thinking rudimentary presented in the first bipedal primates, seven million years ago. According to the normal IQ-distribution there must have been super intelligent Australopiths and Homo naledi. Then, we can expect savants - like mathematics genius prodigy Daniel Tammet - also to be represented in the earliest bipedal hominids, as well as mathematics being an integral part of the human brain. Space is mathematics, scientific thinking may be the essence of the bipedal mutation.
Reincarnation and breeding
We derived reincarnation out of rebirth in a logical way. But that is not how Homo erectus thought. They thought about the afterlife, about their return into the tribe. Rational thinking had given them tremendous difficulties in understanding the state of nature. But now their brain had developed so many nerve cells that they could imagine the soul and reincarnation. But the parallel universe was still a bridge to far. That had to wait for the emergence of Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc).
The religion of Australopiths like Homo naledi was inbreeding:
Assumption 376: Tribal rebirth means the conservation of group identity if reborn are former ancestors. This emphasizes group identity from inbred cultures. Otherwise it would concern hybrids. In the case of outbreeding cultures the identity of reborn is not important and hybrids from other tribes are welcomed. This means outbreeding cultures will bury their dead simply in the ground. And because Homo naledi protected the bodies of the deceased fanatically, we decide them to be an inbred culture.
Assumption 392: Homo naledi survived for millions of years as an inbreeding culture, apparently sustained by a varied genome. It is proven they were all alike, and probably without autosomal recessive disorders.

Assumption 390: Homo naledi's faith was based on inbreeding, because he enforced ancestors to be reborn into Homo naledi wombs. The religion of Homo erectus probably was based on outbreeding, because he chased the females from Homo naledi. (Circular reasoning.)
Assumption 393: Inbreeding was the primal religion of bipedal primates. Protection of tribal identity caused unwillingness to mix with other hominins and inbreeding became a stabilizer within the evolution tree. Inbreeding has slowed down and obstructed human evolution. On the other hand, outbreeding cultures have accelerated the evolution by combining randomly with whatever hominin on the road.
Only to avoid extinction, Australopiths mixed incidentally with outbreeding:
The invention of the soul and earthly reincarnation opened the door to outbreeding. Homo erectus got the chance to escape from his suffocating inbreeding culture, since now willfully outbreeding to other tribes and even reincarnation into animals became possible. With freedom to choose the tribe of reincarnation, Homo erectus got rid of his ugly family members in the afterlife:
But for inbreeding cultures reincarnation was a blessing too:
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
What means that inbreeding has been instinctively fused with earthly reincarnation, as demonstrated by operant conditioning. So the following must be the relation causing confusion in Muslim culture:
Assumption 144: Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. Earthly reincarnation is the prevailing instinctive reward for inbreeding, because with genetic immortality the individual died.
Operant response: inbreedingPrimary reinforcing stimulus:genetic immortality in the offspringSecondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
The tragedy is that millions of years later reincarnation into the (earthly) universe has been forbidden by Islamic culture. The Tawhid accepts only one God in heaven. From that moment on, inbreeding lost all significance besides "the prestige of the family".
Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for millions of years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Resurrection into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.
Operant response: inbreeding
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection into the parallel universe

Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection into the parallel universe

Important is: the soul and reincarnation promoted both: inbreeding (genetic monoculture) and outbreeding (genetic diversity):
Genetic diversity (outbreeding) leads to Vanilla-dyad (Christianity) in which man and woman are equal. In Christianity exists no sexual coercion. It must be said SM-dyad is in our genes and so, Islam is right. Leftist liberals are wrong with soft sex. Vanilla dyad is an unsustainable cultural phenomenon.
In above picture (below) we see the conflict between reincarnation and resurrection in Islam. Muslims are forced to believe in Allah in the parallel universe but because of their prevailing inbreeding instinct, they unconsciously will choose for reincarnation into the earthly universe (honor killings).
Their inbreeding instinct causes horrible interactions between the religious phases of human religious development.
What we see is Muslims cannot discard their inbreeding instinct, causing completely psychopathic interactions between religious concepts in the evolution:
Only mixing with outbred populations can dilute the two million years old inbreeding instinct. Outbreeding cultures chose for Christianity in evolution and got rid of inbreeding:

Overcoming the inbreeding instinct:
One-way outbreeding from Homo erectus, in which outbred populations only ask males to reincarnate into the tribe is actually fully outbreeding, because it concerns the male kin bonded lineage. Females are not asked to return to the tribe, they are simply exchanged with other tribes:
Not to read:
There are about 400 assumptions about the origin of human religion. After selection on the term 'reincarnation' the assumptions are put in numerical order.
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation by Homo erectus, inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and became magically bound to reincarnation. With earthly reincarnation males would live forever. And in a way this new and magical connection still made sense. Tribal heads (male ancestors) would only reincarnate into the tribe if inbreeding (cousin marriages) was enforced on women. They were tempted with saturated genes that had preserved the original tribal identity. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for genetic immortality any longer, but to generate inbred bodies for reincarnation. And so reincarnation became the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
What means that inbreeding has been instinctively fused with earthly reincarnation, as demonstrated by operant conditioning. So the following must be the relation causing confusion in Muslim culture:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
The tragedy is that millions of years later reincarnation into the (earthly) universe has been forbidden in Islamic culture. The Tawhid accepts only one God in heaven. From that moment inbreeding lost all significance besides "the prestige of the family".
Assumption 145: tertiary reinforcement:
In secondary religion, human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of resurrection into the parallel universe. Though parallel reincarnation is the competitor of earthly reincarnation it is not the instinctive reward for inbreeding:
In secondary religion, human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of resurrection into the parallel universe. Though parallel reincarnation is the competitor of earthly reincarnation it is not the instinctive reward for inbreeding:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: resurrection in the parallel universeSecondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation.
Parallel resurrection was not better than earthly reincarnation because resurrection into the parallel universe brought not about a longer eternal life than earthly
reincarnation. And with heavenly resurrection tribal heads were no gods any longer (no reincarnation into their own tribe) and they would become completely dependent on the God of monotheism. And for a lot of other reasons a stalemate arose between earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection:
Parallel resurrection was not better than earthly reincarnation because resurrection into the parallel universe brought not about a longer eternal life than earthly
reincarnation. And with heavenly resurrection tribal heads were no gods any longer (no reincarnation into their own tribe) and they would become completely dependent on the God of monotheism. And for a lot of other reasons a stalemate arose between earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection in the parallel universeLater reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.
Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.
Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.
Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for millions of years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Resurrection into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.
Operant response: inbreeding
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection into the parallel universe
Assumption 156: Incest was the first form of perpetual orgasm: timeless orgasm across generations. Earthly reincarnation as a second form offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection into the parallel universe
How can resurrection become a reinforcer of inbreeding? That is because of the terrible interaction between both religions. As an example, fathers enforce cousin marriages 'because of the will of Allah'. It is completely confounded. Many other examples on this site.
To repeat: the inbreeding instinct dates from Homo erectus, from more than two million years ago. Maybe earlier, from Homo naledi. And resurrection in heaven of Allah is just 1400 years old and is enforced on Muslims, on pain of death. Muslim males (tribal heads) who unconsciously still believe in earthly reincarnation by inbreeding. Both religions, inbreeding and resurrection, are terribly confounded.
Assumption 386: The difference between rebirth and reincarnation is that in rebirth the own body of flesh and blood revives.
Assumption 409: The biggest mistake in evolutionary thinking about human development is that it magically began with the hominids and ended rationally with hominins. Writing out all phases reveals the opposite. The bipedal mutation was intrinsically rational, but derailed into a magical way. Our brain has evolved into a magical nucleus that is rationally sublimated in the mantle.
Assumption 410: Homo naledi can be called 'a late hominid'. Bipedal hominids survived for seven million years with their vulnerable bodies against feline predators. Without a sharp and rational brain, they would not have survived. From the moment they left the trees they must have used wooden spears to defend themselves. They were not stupid at all, although they must have functioned at a low level of rationality.
Assumption 166: Honor killings and acid attacks are caused in endogamous cultures in order to preserve the inbreeding and incest culture. In Paradise culture this was meant for genetic immortality of the tribe. But in human evolution inbreeding merged with (earthly) reincarnation. This instinctive combination is currently in force. Hence nowadays Muslim males unconsciously need appropriate inbred bodies for later earthly reincarnation. Hence, they enforce inbreeding and incest, (read: forced marriages with cousins) on their daughters.
Assumption 156: Incest was the first form of perpetual orgasm: timeless orgasm across generations. Earthly reincarnation as a second form offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.
The problem with 'inbreeding and incest' is that it became connected with earthly reincarnation, two million years ago. That is an absurd interaction as just mentioned. Even worse was that the combination became an instinct, the inbreeding instinct. Still prominently present in the Muslim culture. The inbreeding instinct has also not been wiped out by the coerced resurrection in the parallel universe from Allah, 1400 years ago. Then, a terrible stalemate between these religious concepts developed which made Islam to an incomprehensible religion:
Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for millions of years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Resurrection into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.
Operant response: inbreeding
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection into the parallel universe
To repeat: the inbreeding instinct dates from Homo erectus, from more than two million years ago. Maybe earlier, from Homo naledi. And resurrection in heaven of Allah is just 1400 years old and is enforced on Muslims, on pain of death. Muslim males (tribal heads) who unconsciously still believe in earthly reincarnation by inbreeding. Both religions, inbreeding and resurrection, are terribly confounded.
Assumption 400: The most brilliant contribution of Homo naledi to the evolution theory is that even if Homo erectus raped his females, the God of Darkness nevertheless would put Homo naledi ancestors into their wombs. The problem with this theory is that it can be checked and later on led to the downfall of Homo naledi as a culture.
Assumption 405: It were rational impossibilities (coming to life again), which in the long run triggered magical thinking (reincarnation and resurrection). Magical thinking replaced genetic immortality from the animal world.
Assumption 406: 'Rebirth without soul' is just a rational analogy from the life cycle of plants. It is not magical thinking, it is just the wrong analogy. Rebirth has no free will. It does not have a soul in the afterlife, which offers the deceased to reincarnate into the tribe of their choice.
Assumption 386: The difference between rebirth and reincarnation is that in rebirth the own body of flesh and blood revives.
Assumption 404: Rebirth and resurrection.
Rebirth is the complete renewal of the DNA of a dead person into a foetus, complete with long telomeres (Homo naledi). Resurrection is the revival of a dead person in his last appearance (Christianity, Jesus). Islam mixes rebirth (repairing DNA completely) with resurrection (reinstating the last stage) in some parallel universe.
Assumption 409: The biggest mistake in evolutionary thinking about human development is that it magically began with the hominids and ended rationally with hominins. Writing out all phases reveals the opposite. The bipedal mutation was intrinsically rational, but derailed into a magical way. Our brain has evolved into a magical nucleus that is rationally sublimated in the mantle.
Assumption 410: Homo naledi can be called 'a late hominid'. Bipedal hominids survived for seven million years with their vulnerable bodies against feline predators. Without a sharp and rational brain, they would not have survived. From the moment they left the trees they must have used wooden spears to defend themselves. They were not stupid at all, although they must have functioned at a low level of rationality.
Assumption 166: Honor killings and acid attacks are caused in endogamous cultures in order to preserve the inbreeding and incest culture. In Paradise culture this was meant for genetic immortality of the tribe. But in human evolution inbreeding merged with (earthly) reincarnation. This instinctive combination is currently in force. Hence nowadays Muslim males unconsciously need appropriate inbred bodies for later earthly reincarnation. Hence, they enforce inbreeding and incest, (read: forced marriages with cousins) on their daughters.
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