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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 18 June 2021

(403) Political Correctness split between two religions

 Basic Dimension

(403) Political Correctness split between two religions

Polytheism and Monotheism

Political Correctness is the heir to Christianity. And like a faded flower which disintegrates over time and loses all coherence, the collective name of all those leaves is: Political Correctness.

PC is a Human Religion, built of two consecutive but contradictory developments after Christianity: Individualism from Polytheism (Vanilla-dyad) and Identity politics from Monotheism (tribalism, SM-dyad). This repetitive switch between religions has been going on already for 14 million years.

Sexual Instincts (SI) are functions of Breeding

Former religions sow the seed for the next, which are usually in the opposite direction. There are a number of Sexual Instincts (SI) that lead to counter-religions. But they are all functions of Breeding in the end. 

In the following analysis of the US, Inbreeding and Outbreeding are no longer relevant by itself, yet heavily promoted Racism from PC is a pure function of Inbreeding. In the evolution numerous religions have emerged from all kinds of perspectives, all of which are ultimately functions of Breeding:

PC started from Individualism

PC started with Marxist relativism of cultural norms and values: All cultures were equal and equivalent, leaving individual norms free to vary arbitrary. God no longer existed. It led to multiculturalism, which ultimately amounts to individualism.

PC imposed group norms on individuals

But then PC made a sharp turn towards postmodernism. That is exactly what is said above: Political Correctness is not a single religion but more the concatenation of two conflicting religions under the same name. Fundamentally, they went from polytheism to monotheism and more fundamentally from outbreeding to inbreeding. We must remember these origins to keep track on evolutionary history.

Though PC initially denied absolute moral values according to Marxism, in the rebound they made an exception for group norms, which is amazing and shocking in relation to their earlier individualism. In effect, they hacked into the uprooted individualists and placed them in the group of identity politics.

This transition from individualism to group behavior is well known in the evolution. Normally it returns from atheism to religion, although PC doesn't think they are a religion, because they deny God. But religion is not that simple, Political Correctness is a human religion:

PC's Betrayal to Marx

Marx held that history was a class struggle between capitalists and workers of the proletariat.

And although post modernism implicitly rejected Marx's class struggle between capitalists and proletariat as not an absolute truththey implicitly accepted the same battle between white and colored people. So, they accepted racism as absolute truth, which is correctly seen by the way. Ultimately, they condemned the white man's culture as systemic racism, which is wrong showing post modernists as a group of very inconsistent philosophers. As has been explained by Jordan Peterson.

Again, my claim about what is really happening is the alternation between polytheism and monotheism, between individualism and the grouping of people. And the primary cause of this alternation lies in the perpetual alternation of inbreeding and outbreeding cultures in bipedal evolution, although here breeding itself disappears and systemic racism as a function of inbreeding remains.

So, racism is just one step away from inbreeding but inbreeding itself is no longer an issue:

Today, group identity politics predominate in the US, where the protection of individual rights was the original starting point of PC. These two movements are polar opposites to explain PC's schizophrenia. But here we already conclude that PC has become a tribal culture, a religion that adheres to SM-dyad (read: Hollywood) and expels deviant individuals.

What really happened is that they first disconnected individuals from their religious background and then reattached them to their ethnical or racial group. And guess what, victims didn't even notice this transition. So, Political Correctness simply went over to Racism, a primal function of Inbreeding.

What is the deeper meaning of all this? Of course there will always be racism, because that is a Sexual Instinct (SI) from far before Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc)

Systematic and systemic racism

But more specifically, we indeed distinguish systematic racism in the US in earlier centuries, in which racism played an instrumental role in increasing wealth and economy of the ruling class. But importantly, racism has never been a fundamental part of Western ideology. It was systematic racism and not systemic racism.

Systematic racism is just a tool but systemic racism is part of the ideology itself (see Jordan Peterson). Nazi Germany was a systemic racist ideology.

And now with PC, systemic racism returns and defines its very ideological basis. And it shows. People stop caring about the state of the country and the economy if only systemic racism can express itself undisturbed. Numerous examples of the loss of authority and the increase in riots in the US confirm that.

To sum it up, every sane person is for equality of opportunity, while equality of outcome deprives people of their incentives and drives the country into economic chaos and collapse. Then, apparently systemic racism is more important than economic prosperity.

We conclude for Western Europe (Muslim importation) and the US (systemic racism) to the same trend in which polytheism (individualism) reverses into monotheism (group thinking).

Also that Political Correctness in Western Europe and in the US are both split religions as clarified above.

SM-dyad and inbreeding

In the evolution, monotheism usually goes together with inbreeding and polytheism with outbreeding. This is because females hate inbreeding and have to be terrorized into cooperation by SM-dyad, which is called 'monotheism'. Monotheism is male heterosexuality, the main God or principal component of sexual space:


It's clear that while inbreeding is the evolutionary underlying cause of identity politics, it's not the real driver in the US. The driving force here is Racism, which is a pure function of inbreeding of the first bipedal primates, 14 million years ago. 

PC= f(Racism(Inbreeding)|Monotheism).

Therefore, Racism is an intermediate function to Inbreeding. It is the view of this blog that all Sexual Instincts (SI) of bipedal primates are ultimately functions of Breeding, reason why Inbreeding and Outbreeding are called 'Sexual Religions' (SR) in the conscious. So, HR= f(SR) is kind of shorthand meaning that all obvious instincts like for example Racism are ultimately functions of SR, Inbreeding and Outbreeding:

So in the US, basic traits like inbreeding and outbreeding are disguised by new derivatives of sexual behavior over time:

Amazingly, just as Political Correctness in Western Europe falls back on SM-dyad of Inbreeding, so does PC from the United States, but this time through pure Racism.

Europe, Muslim immigration:

As always in the evolution, after a period of Outbreeding or Polytheism, the pointer returns to Inbreeding or Monotheism and vice versa. Although breeding is completely obscured by subsequent derivations of religion in the evolution.

Any polytheistic religion ultimately dissolves into individualism, because cohesion is diluted over groups until there is no group left. Then, new sexual impulses give rise to new religions from our unconscious sexual instincts, such as Fertility Stress, which are ultimately functions of inbreeding or outbreeding:

Although this looks somewhat complicated, it is still the simplest representation of something much more complicated:

Inbreeding and outbreeding are the basic drives from 14 million years of bipedal religion. Does this still make any sense in our time? Yes, because it's in our genes and  85% of the world's religions are still based on breeding:

So what's really going on in the US is that Christianity (read: Political Correctness), as dying polytheistic culture, is beating wildly around in search of new meaning. Also the opposing primary religion of monotheism is involved. As said, this is because Inbreeding and Outbreeding alternate in the evolution, triggered by Sexual Instincts (SI) as Fertility Stress and Racism. And yes, in the United States, Racism as a function of Inbreeding (Monotheism) from Australopithecus is involved in dying Christianity. And that is the main religious disturbance in Political Correctness in the US right now: 

United States:

PC= f(Racism(Inbreeding)|Monotheism).

Western Europe:

PC=f(Muslim immigration(Inbreeding)|Monotheism).

So, its weird but both opposing influences of monotheism and polytheism in the US and Europe are triggered by racial differences. Which opposition causes the absurd looking schizophrenia in Political Correctness at the moment:

Racial differences arise due to the scaling-up of the different races and ethnicities. This creates mixes and conflicts. No wonder human religion is given a new impetus by Racism as a function of Inbreeding.

And out of racist motives PC wants to destroy Western Culture in the US and Europe. But in the States they propagate 'equality of outcome', apparently to destroy the American economy, in which they have already made great progress.

In Western Europe, the first article of the Constitution forbids discrimination, but this article factually protects the greatest discriminatory religion in the world, Islam. This Orwellian double speak is also manifest in PC of the US, which also claims to be against discrimination purely out of a systemic racist ideology.

And of course, mingling all kinds of ethnicities and races leads to Racism, inevitably. So, the deterioration of Christianity in the US is caused by Racism and in Europe by the simple extinction of Christianity as a polytheistic culture in its final stage. But that makes these two situations different in further analyses.

So, while in Europe we have the following fake causes of dying Christianity, in the US we find in Racism a real Sexual Instinct (SI) as perpetrator:

Fake causes of dying Christianity

This all means that what we see as causes of the fall of Western European culture are actually accompanying phenomena. They are the symptoms of a dying culture. They are movements that not coincidentally arose at the right moment in time, but originate from Western culture itself. Muslims have no part in this. So, the following movements are definitely not causal to the fall of Western society, but are signaling the end stage of Western society, dying as a faded flower:

- Women's suffrage.

- Depillarization of churches.

- The Muslim invasion.

- Multiculturalism.

- Political Correctness.

So, Racism is causal and instrumental to the fall of Christianity in the United States.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

(402) Christianity is based on a fallacy

Basic Dimension

Christianity is based on the untenable premise that man is sinful by nature. But morality is an unnatural construct. Nature is amoral. So the basic assertion, the premise that dogmatically leads to Christianity, must be wrong to begin with.

The premise of sin is needed to reach to the acceptance of 'blame'. And then guilt leads to the acceptance of penance. And penance is experienced as a masochistic lust in Christianity. For suffering is pleasure in masochism. And that's weird because penance is not normally experienced as a lust.

This all means that the religious concept of Christianity is ultimately based on a sexual lust. Masochism as sexual lust is the underlying trait of Christianity. Therefore, Christianity is based on a fallacy.

Christianity is based on the untenable premise that Christians are sinful, leading to the circular reasoning that they must be sinful or else they would not experience the masochistic lust of penance: suffering. So, the experience of masochistic lust through penance proves the proposition that Christians are sinful. Where people normally do not attach feelings of lust to penance.

Pope John Paul

Pope John Paul whipped himself on the shins daily, until he bled to atone for the sins of the world. It was later claimed that this contributed to his canonization.

With that, masochism became the unspoken Leitmotif of Christianity as extreme counterpart of sadism from Islam:

The Fallacy of Christianity:

1: Sin (Religious Concept)

2: Guilt (Moral Concept)

3: Penance (Legal concept)

4: Masochistic Lust (Sexual Concept)

The real premise is that Christians are masochistic, which is a natural drive for bipedal primates, which invented sadomasochism 14 million years ago. And polytheistic religions tend to masochism because 'goddesses as sexual roles' are also empathically experienced in their conscious. And females have a masochistic drive. So, masochism was already lively in the conscious of pre-Christians:

But SM dyad is weak in polytheism while in Christianity masochism represents the stronger version of monotheism as it is copied from strong SM-dyad from Desert Religions. As a result, Christians were a little embarrassed at first and it was difficult for Northern European peoples to feel sexual satisfaction from being bluntly pounced on by sadism. Therefore, sexuality was disguised and religion was given a metaphysical, esoteric sugar coating.

Desert religions (monotheism) were developed in extreme poverty of the Arabic Peninsula, about 50.000 years ago:

what led to extreme SM-dyad. But polytheism normally develops in temperate zones where the grass is green as in Paradise. It has normal, weak masochism. Anyways, to swap weak masochism with seductive strong masochism became an irresistible challenge for Christians, but they managed very well indeed:

Christians have simply reversed their religious motivation:

The Truth about Christianity:

1: Masochistic Lust (Sexual Concept)

2: Penance (legal concept)

3: Guilt (Moral Concept)

4: Sin (Religious Concept)

Christians have a masochistic lust, leading to the socially acceptable concept of penance compensating for moral guilt from religious sin:

God is dead

The problem with Christianity is that God is dead since Nietzsche and Marxist nihilism:

But then there was no more sin and guilt, while the masochistic lust remained, especially for women. As a result, former Christians, now Political Correctness, cannot satisfy their masochistic lust any longer, a plain sexual drive. And that is why PC has been sucking up Muslim culture for 60 years after the depillarization of churches in Western Europe. To be clear, latent lesbians in top positions in society have been aggressively sucking in the Muslim culture:

PC simply lacked the incentive from feeling pain, to experience masochistic lust as in the old days of Christianity. Four hundred and fifty million Europeans felt the same loss, because they are descended from Christian ancestors. Masochism alone is just a point in space and needs a straight line to a second point (sadism) to give direction and meaning to their lust. So the Muslim immigration saved Christianity from instant death, albeit that it turned into Political Correctness, the follow up religion of Christianity.

Fake causes of dying Christianity

This all means that what we see as causes of the fall of Western culture are actually accompanying phenomena. They are the symptoms of a dying culture. They are movements that not coincidentally arose at the right moment in time, but originate from Western culture itself. Muslims have no part in this. So, the following movements are definitely not causal to the fall of Western society, but are signaling the end stage of Western society, dying as a faded flower:

- Women's suffrage.

- Depillarization of churches.

- The Muslim invasion.

- Multiculturalism.

- Political Correctness.

Suffering is also a precious lust in Islam:

In Islam, suffering is also a precious lust. Especially for women, although men like it too. Anyway, masochistic suffering is the basic feature of Desert Religions, but why? Why do believers in Abrahamic Religions harbor suffering, where it is just alienated in others? What makes these religions so prone to masochism, what appears to be their propelling nuclear drive? That's the subject of this article.

Chimps and bonobos

Monotheism means power in the hands of a single sexual role: male heterosexuality

Christianity took root in Northern European peoples that are not based on inbreeding. And such outbred peoples are usually not monotheistic but polytheistic in nature.

Monotheism usually goes hand in hand with inbreeding, which was the primordial male religion of bipedal primates 14 million years ago. It established the eternal continuation of the male cognate line.

But inbreeding is not a necessary condition for monotheism, because in principle it can also go hand in hand with outbreeding. For example, quadrupedal chimpanzees are reigned by male heterosexual behavior (monotheism), but have no inbreeding because of the exchange of juvenile females with other tribes. And that is because they never migrated over the plains of Africa and never left the trees. They only have hypothetical inbreeding in the male bloodline, which is rather harmless if existing. They also have an extremely varied genome.

And also bonobos can be defined as outbreeding and they are purely polytheistic. In sexual behavior, they are fundamentally different from their cousins, the chimpanzees:

Sexual identity and conscience

Now, seeing gods as sexual roles, monotheistic Islam, for example, recognizes only one sexual role in the conscious, namely male heterosexuality, while the rest of the sexual roles is expelled to the unconscious:

Therefore, many men from Islamic culture do not develop empathy with other sexual roles (e.g. female sexuality) by education, which can lead to masochism hatred and fear and sometimes to the death of 'other sexual roles'. Masochism therefore remains misunderstood by males and then can be projected into females as masochism hatred.

Monotheism inevitably develops into disrespect and lack of empathy with other sexual roles. But what's the  reason? There is something in the relationship of monotheistic males with their God that causes this aberration. It's an unhealthy relationship.

Christianity developed empathy in female sexual roles

Christianity has never been monotheistic, but semi-polytheistic as an antidote to this proposition. That's to say, the relationship of Christians with their God is also questionable, but Christianity followed 'the Teachings of Jesus', who respected 'other sexual roles' (read: women) and led Christianity away from monotheism back to polytheism, the momentum of the swinging clapper between inbreeding and outbreeding religions in the evolution:

The definition of hate

Why masochism itself is projected onto women is obvious, but the definition of hate also states that what one hates in oneself is projected onto others. Misogyny within Islam is therefore a combined factor of female sexuality and a male projection of hatred on non-males.

All this means that monotheism by definition leads to a split sexual conscience, which can be considered a culturally instigated aberration that often leads to cultural psychopathy. The Muslim culture can do nothing about this but to fathom its own hate projection.

But beware, thousands of years of cultural selection and the elimination of unwanted personalities led to an inverse Gaussian Distribution that created a somewhat demographically deformed population:

As a result, relatively more and more natural psychopaths arise from cultural psychopathy simply through elimination of brave females and sensible males, which is worrying:

Islam (sadism) and Christianity (masochism) are the extremes of the sadomasochistic dimension of Desert Religions. Both are completely dependent on breeding according to HR=f(SR): Human religions are functions of breeding. 

In this age they will grow to such enormous proportions that they will become inseparable. This will lead to religious equalization, a clash like regression to the mean. It will be a religious implosion between Islam and Political Correctness, heir of Christianity. We call this coming civil war: Chrislam:

The Muslim culture

Can the Muslim culture still correct this wrong? In principle yes, but then it lapses into polytheism, which violates the core of their faith. 

Only showing learned - but not sincerely meant - respect for women is missing the point. That is a non-binding standard, it is precisely about the hate projection described below. That is the real problem of many Muslim males. That is the core of the Islam drama.

Greek mythology

Conversely to monotheism, all possible gods are experienced empathically in the consciousness of polytheism (Greek mythology). In addition to male gods, there are also goddesses who gave female sexuality a normal place in the conscious of man. Women were masochistic, but certainly also sadistic and heroic:

Artemis and Apollo
Jacques- Louis David

The mirror of worship hidden in the unconscious

With regard to 'masochism hate', it is no coincidence that masochism turns out to be the most important male characteristic in relation to the sadistic God of Desert Religions

Muslims and Christians honor their God in a sado-masochistic relationship. This relationship also contains latent homoerotic features, which is why male homosexuality is also repressed into the unconscious.

Therefore, the sexual mirror image in the unconscious of monotheistic males shows exactly the relationship to their God. 

So, it is not so much about showing outward respect for women and homosexuals, but more about relating the underlying hate factor to the male experience of religion. Failure to teach empathy in other sexual roles in parenting has dire consequences. Misogyny and hatred of homosexuals became the open nerve of the Muslim religion.

And how different this is in polytheism where males have no sado-masochistic relationship with their gods. There, males are in a sado-sado relationship to compete with their gods, dragons and demons for the favors of women.

Therefore, the integrated sexual conscience of polytheistic males is far preferable to the split in monotheism. Healthy competition resulting from empathy with 'all sexual roles' is far preferable to a cringing attitude towards God.

In monotheism there is officially no place for males in sexually oriented female roles, because according to the rule 'gods are sexual roles', two gods would immediately arise on the way to polytheism: male heterosexuality and female sexual roles, both in the conscious. 

And that would torment the Muslim male self projection as gods, which they would have to share with females:

But the dilemma for males in monotheism is there is no other role to worship God beyond a pure feminine role. Only a sado-maso relationship is permissible with males as object to God. But females are already objects in the unconscious. Males do not want to be females, but there is no other option. Otherwise, the male role would naturally lead to a sado-sado relationship with God, competition with God over the females, which is unimaginable in Desert Religions.

That is exactly why monotheistic males are in a split with the relationship to God. Where their masochistic relationship is obvious, it should not be named and is then projected as hatred in women and homosexuals:

This is the core problem of Islam. A normal man to man relationship (competition) with God is impossible within monotheism. Because then God cannot be honored (in submission) and has to be competed. 

So, it's not about politeness to women, but more about understanding the misogyny implemented through religious indoctrination.

In monotheism, males actually have to play the only available female sexual role to their God, for which they are deeply ashamed. Therefore they suppress their masochism, which unlived masochism, however, leads to unconscious masochism hatred of women and homosexuals. It is called 'displacement' in psychology:

When we use displacement, our mind senses that reacting to the original source of our frustration might be unacceptable—even dangerous. Instead, it finds us a less threatening subject that can serve as a safer outlet for our negative feelings.


The father-son relationship of Jesus to God is to avoid any latent homoeroticism. But it is a weird and completely unhealthy relationship for a man of 33 years. 

See how Jesus is depicted in his father's arms amidst lovely androgynous creaturesWeak feminine behavior lying in the protective arms of male heterosexual power amidst the whole LGBTQ+ community. It's 'all sexual roles' in a nutshell. So, Christianity has been understood as polytheism all the times. The 'teachings of Jesus' have always been experienced as total polytheism:

It is pure polytheism, what painters painfully sharply felt without drawing the ultimate conclusion: Islam is right: Christianity isn't monotheistic but at least semi-polytheistic.

Masochism hate and fear in Islam


Out of pure hatred, based on displacement, some Muslim males knock masochism out of their wives in SM-dyad that characterizes the husband-wife relationship in Islam. And when she starts screaming pitifully, they panic because of intrusive masochism fear. Because eventually unprocessed masochism threatens to penetrate into their conscious mind.

According to 'Sexual Scales of Religion', just before becoming aware of misunderstood masochism, sadomasochism breaks down again into murderous lust and sexual lust, after which women can be killed to prevent further awareness of unprocessed masochism. Not that this entire process will always be followed, but this this can be the ultimate consequence.

The polytheistic future of Islam

Islam will inevitably fall into 4 groups this century. But with the transition to a two god system for men and women, the sting would have been pulled from monotheism.

God is dead 

Masochism is a point in space with no direction. But with sadism comes the straight line back that directs masochism. Which means Christians without sadism - God is dead through Marxist nihilism - lost direction for their religious (read sexual) satisfaction.

Political Correctness as heir to Christianity therefore looked in Muslim culture for a replacement for their sadistic God, which is exactly the reason of 60 years of Muslim immigration by 450 million European Christians after depillarization of the churches in the 1960s.

But it would be absurd for 450 million European Christians to simply agree to Muslim immigration for 60 years. Which they did anyway. In politics it is sheer impossible to agree on the simplest facts. But not about Muslim immigration. How come? Therefore, an extremely simple explanation must be found, a single factor cause, such as a simple sexual lust.

The Muslim immigration is nothing but the sucking of sadism through Political Correctness, former Christianity. It is the final stage of Christianity falling apart like a withered rose.

However, it is also the natural final stage of any polytheistic religion, because where no cohesive culture is conditional, eventually all cohesion disappears into individualism.

Marxist nihilism is therefore not the cause, but simply ushered in the final phase of the development from polytheism to complete individualism. Because if one no longer distinguishes between marriage partners, then each culture eventually loses its own identity and the individual remains.

Then the overarching morality disappears in multiculturalism. Then gender identity disappears in as many sexual roles as there can be gods within polytheism. With which the LGBTQ+ community demonstrates the culmination of polytheism into complete individualism, in which every individual again practices egotheism and there are no longer generally applicable norms and values.

And that is why God did not die through Marxist relativism or by Nietzsche, but Marxism was simply the right ideology at the right time in the development of this polytheistic culture, turned into multiculturalism without any morals, without any overarching identity and meeting all the conditions for a civil war in which new religions will be created.

Christianity is a religious sugar coating over a rock-hard sexual drive. Christianity is the cuckoo's egg in the nest of former polytheism. And this evil symbiosis will rage until the complete disappearance of the European Judeo-Christian tradition. It will soon degenerate into a civil war that combines the ultimate masochistic gratification of Political Correctness with the ultimate sadism of Islam:

We have analyzed the root cause of the Western guilt complex. We understand the origins of European self-flagellation:

Pope John Paul

Pope John Paul whipped himself on the shins daily, until he bled to atone for the sins of the world. It was later claimed that it contributed to his canonization.

The next question to be asked is: What can we do about this? And how do we get rid of this.

But why would you do anything against this development? It is the consummation of an exhausted polytheistic culture infected with a masochistic fallacy, greedily accepted by 450 million Europeans. Or do you really believe that the Bilderberg conference is behind this. Do you really not believe that 450 million Europeans have held their governments in place for 60 years to fulfill their secret unconscious desires? No, nothing can be done about this as long as the ruling female majority on the basis of women's suffrage, supplemented with masochistic Christian males, keep these governments in function.


1: Marxist relativism was not the real cause but only the provocation to 'the death of God'. Marxism could have been replaced by any other ideology, which jumped into the hole of polytheistic degeneration on its way to individualism.

2: Likewise, multiculturalism as a result of Marxist nihilism did not come out of the blue. Multiculturalism has no identityno self-propelled momentum, no ideology. Multiculturalism is the result of the degeneration of Western culture itself, tacitly embraced by 450 million former Christians. Multiculturalism is a loose term. It's just a farce in the minds of Europeans. So, multiculturalism is really the result of the degeneration of Western culture itself, quietly embraced by 450 million former Christians.

3: According to this blog's analysis there is an enormous hunger to a sadistic ruler, which does not need to be related to inbreeding, but this just happens to be the case. Another conclusion is that one cannot strive against a sexual masochistic instinct that has infected the whole European population for already 2000 years. It's a hopeless situation. Only civil war can offer a solution, but no one is waiting for that.

4: This analysis shows that the Muslim population is not to blame. They were transported into Western Europe to save Christianity from instant death. And as long as 450 Europeans are unable to see this, the evolution will once again end in a clash between inbred cultures and outbred cultures. There is nothing new under the sun. Human religion is a function of Breeding: HR= f(SR).