Basic Dimension
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We all know Western culture is feminized what has become a big problem. This feminization is caused by its sexual culture of exogamy in which 'other sexual roles' are equivalent to heterosexual males and women are free to choose a partner of their choice, even in other tribes:
Unlike more far fetched inbreeding cultures juvenile chimpanzee females are exchanged with other groups. Inbreeding only applies to males who always remain in their tribe:
In these more healthy cases females have different mitochondrial DNA than males which all have about the same mtDNA. It is also seen with Neanderthals:

And Aborigines:

Reversal of sexual roles
Unhampered feminization in Western society transferred into femdomization and we are now in that phase. Femdomization means women possess all sexual power in society, taken over from males:

But Christian males went a step further. They fell into pure masochism and differ no more from women:
The unisex situation:
Feminized Christian males
By the end of the last century in Western Europe also men were overpowered by personal sorrow. Empathic weeping men with long hairs populated talk shows to report their unstoppable emotions. They drowned in their own suffering and showed disgusting masochistic behavior. Sorrow is lust in masochism. It shows the decadency of Western culture.
Not to say male empathy is bad, on the contrary, but somehow males and females must not profile on the same lust:
This conflicted with the sexual nature of men, since Vanilla-dyad is but prothesis for SM-dyad. This means Vanilla-dyad has built up an enormous unconscious tension in Westerns society, a stress which sought and found alleviation in the massive Muslim immigration.
In the stage of femdomization we experience the counteraction of human nature in which even women are unsatisfied with the unisex situation. They are in charge and determine time and place of male orgasm. They degraded men to sexual slaves, who also lost financial power. How women determined the sexual calendar?
'In 1991 rape was abolished within marriage in the Netherlands. A bill for artificial insemination waited for application. It was the blow for the SM-dyad. Latent lesbian feminists had won. The homosexual clergy was already banned in the sixties. Since, lesbian feminists simply did not grasp how it worked. And by the anti-conception pill women were equal to men. Acquired women's suffrage supplemented with a proportion of masochistic Christian males gave them the majority in parliament and so Western culture went down into a free fall.
Forced tongue kissing and such innocuous was dismissed with years of prison for rape. Then take just a sex doll. In a radical change of direction SM-dyad was exchanged for Vanilla-dyad.'
But you can't with impunity castrate males from their sexuality and force them into female's whims. Something's very rotten in Western society which even made women unconsciously yearn for real males, for sadistic males. It is women who were the engine of the Muslim immigration:
' But later, females were not charmed of the Vanilla-dyad anymore because it is not natural. And for males having to ask for sex on fixed times is an aggravation of already obliged shopping. Also women missed to be pounced in a daze: Hop, the kids outside and then presto, I cook meanwhile by.
For yeah, also half a lesbian feminist wants sometimes be fucked hard into her ass and so it was that Western women unconsciously started looking for a more solid meal than that slouch bite there on the bench:
Then her eye fell on 'black hair sprayed from all its orifices' and he did exactly what Christian males also wanted but were not allowed anymore. He embodied the SM-dyad at its best, yummy, assaulting and raping the screaming and yelling females. Drool ran from her mouth:'

'Inter cultural orgasm as sexual arousal for institutions led by sexually deprived
Christians, led by policor, led by emancipated feminist women who are desperately missing something, who are sexually desiccated by anti-conception, terrorized by Vanilla-dyad, bereft of any sexual satisfaction and craving for wild feelings to be dominated. Sick of Christian male slaves. Sick of Femdom and fantasizing about SM-dyad.'

'Feminists talked shame with lust. But a new religion was born. Policor is the unconscious struggle for real men, for the Alpha male. Policor is an effeminate religion, even for effeminate males. It is no better than Christianity, even worse. Religion is a form of sexuality.'
In concluding, women's suffrage, complemented by the majority of Christian males has resulted in a masochistic overturn of Western society that can be balanced only by fusion of Western culture with Islamic culture, Chrislam:
Chimps (Muslims) and bonobos (Christians)
We use chimps and bonobos as control groups for Muslims and Christians. They are our fellow species:
From there we make this horrible prediction for Western culture:
Bonobos literally implemented Femdom into explicit sexual behavior, while humans up to now only practiced the metaphorical form of power transfer.
But the difference between chimps/bonobos and Islam/Christianity is chimps cannot swim across the Congo river to kill bonobo males and terrorize bonobo females. In fact most Muslims are unable to swim either, but they are brought in Europe by boats of Frontex.
'Today, bonobos are found in only the Democratic Republic of Congo and there is no evidence that they have interbred with chimpanzees in equatorial Africa since they diverged, perhaps because the Congo River acted as a barrier to prevent the groups from mixing'.
'Why, then, have chimps not evolved this social structure? The answer may lie in the history of the habitats they occupy. Both species of primates live in tropical forests along the Zaire River -- chimps north of the river, bonobos to the south. Their environments seem to be quite similar today. But about 2.5 million years ago, there seems to have been a lengthy drought in southern Zaire that wiped out the preferred food plants of gorillas and sent the primates packing. After the drought ended, the forests returned, but the gorillas did not.[bonobos nowadays are without gorillas.]'
'Chimpanzees [nowadays bonobos] in this environment south of the river had the forest to themselves, and could exploit the fiber foods that had previously been eaten by gorillas -- foods that are still eaten by gorillas to the north [chimps nowadays with gorillas], this additional food to tide them [bonobos] over between fruit trees, they could travel in larger, more stable parties, and form strong social bonds. They became bonobos.'
'On the north side of the river, the (nowadays) chimps had to share their niche with gorillas, which eat the fiber foods. The chimps have to compete for fruit, and occasionally meat, food resources that tend to be widely scattered. Female chimps disperse into the forest with their infants to find enough to eat, and cannot spend time together to forge strong bonds. The changes in social behavior that occurred in response to this environmental factor may be what led chimps down a different evolutionary path, toward a society more prone to violence.'
Because the Congo River is a barrier between chimps and bonobos, they did not merge for a million years, and meanwhile they have got another faith (sexual roles) or got other genes, causing very different sexual habits.
Without the Congo River and without the disappearance of Gorillas from the bonobo area, both subspecies probably would not have differed genetically.
But nowadays chimps and bonobos probably will not assimilate because of genetically very different psychological traits in their populations:
It might be possible bonobos would be massacred by chimps as they could cross the Congo River. But remember, Muslim are brought over the Mediterranean Sea into Europe by Frau Merkel.
Number Archive
We all know Western culture is feminized what has become a big problem. This feminization is caused by its sexual culture of exogamy in which 'other sexual roles' are equivalent to heterosexual males and women are free to choose a partner of their choice, even in other tribes:
Unlike more far fetched inbreeding cultures juvenile chimpanzee females are exchanged with other groups. Inbreeding only applies to males who always remain in their tribe:
In these more healthy cases females have different mitochondrial DNA than males which all have about the same mtDNA. It is also seen with Neanderthals:

And Aborigines:

Reversal of sexual roles
Unhampered feminization in Western society transferred into femdomization and we are now in that phase. Femdomization means women possess all sexual power in society, taken over from males:

But Christian males went a step further. They fell into pure masochism and differ no more from women:
The unisex situation:
Feminized Christian males
By the end of the last century in Western Europe also men were overpowered by personal sorrow. Empathic weeping men with long hairs populated talk shows to report their unstoppable emotions. They drowned in their own suffering and showed disgusting masochistic behavior. Sorrow is lust in masochism. It shows the decadency of Western culture.
Not to say male empathy is bad, on the contrary, but somehow males and females must not profile on the same lust:
This conflicted with the sexual nature of men, since Vanilla-dyad is but prothesis for SM-dyad. This means Vanilla-dyad has built up an enormous unconscious tension in Westerns society, a stress which sought and found alleviation in the massive Muslim immigration.
In the stage of femdomization we experience the counteraction of human nature in which even women are unsatisfied with the unisex situation. They are in charge and determine time and place of male orgasm. They degraded men to sexual slaves, who also lost financial power. How women determined the sexual calendar?
'In 1991 rape was abolished within marriage in the Netherlands. A bill for artificial insemination waited for application. It was the blow for the SM-dyad. Latent lesbian feminists had won. The homosexual clergy was already banned in the sixties. Since, lesbian feminists simply did not grasp how it worked. And by the anti-conception pill women were equal to men. Acquired women's suffrage supplemented with a proportion of masochistic Christian males gave them the majority in parliament and so Western culture went down into a free fall.
Forced tongue kissing and such innocuous was dismissed with years of prison for rape. Then take just a sex doll. In a radical change of direction SM-dyad was exchanged for Vanilla-dyad.'
But you can't with impunity castrate males from their sexuality and force them into female's whims. Something's very rotten in Western society which even made women unconsciously yearn for real males, for sadistic males. It is women who were the engine of the Muslim immigration:
' But later, females were not charmed of the Vanilla-dyad anymore because it is not natural. And for males having to ask for sex on fixed times is an aggravation of already obliged shopping. Also women missed to be pounced in a daze: Hop, the kids outside and then presto, I cook meanwhile by.
For yeah, also half a lesbian feminist wants sometimes be fucked hard into her ass and so it was that Western women unconsciously started looking for a more solid meal than that slouch bite there on the bench:
Then her eye fell on 'black hair sprayed from all its orifices' and he did exactly what Christian males also wanted but were not allowed anymore. He embodied the SM-dyad at its best, yummy, assaulting and raping the screaming and yelling females. Drool ran from her mouth:'

'Inter cultural orgasm as sexual arousal for institutions led by sexually deprived
Christians, led by policor, led by emancipated feminist women who are desperately missing something, who are sexually desiccated by anti-conception, terrorized by Vanilla-dyad, bereft of any sexual satisfaction and craving for wild feelings to be dominated. Sick of Christian male slaves. Sick of Femdom and fantasizing about SM-dyad.'

'Feminists talked shame with lust. But a new religion was born. Policor is the unconscious struggle for real men, for the Alpha male. Policor is an effeminate religion, even for effeminate males. It is no better than Christianity, even worse. Religion is a form of sexuality.'
In concluding, women's suffrage, complemented by the majority of Christian males has resulted in a masochistic overturn of Western society that can be balanced only by fusion of Western culture with Islamic culture, Chrislam:
Chimps (Muslims) and bonobos (Christians)
We use chimps and bonobos as control groups for Muslims and Christians. They are our fellow species:
From there we make this horrible prediction for Western culture:
Bonobos literally implemented Femdom into explicit sexual behavior, while humans up to now only practiced the metaphorical form of power transfer.
But the difference between chimps/bonobos and Islam/Christianity is chimps cannot swim across the Congo river to kill bonobo males and terrorize bonobo females. In fact most Muslims are unable to swim either, but they are brought in Europe by boats of Frontex.
'Today, bonobos are found in only the Democratic Republic of Congo and there is no evidence that they have interbred with chimpanzees in equatorial Africa since they diverged, perhaps because the Congo River acted as a barrier to prevent the groups from mixing'.
'Why, then, have chimps not evolved this social structure? The answer may lie in the history of the habitats they occupy. Both species of primates live in tropical forests along the Zaire River -- chimps north of the river, bonobos to the south. Their environments seem to be quite similar today. But about 2.5 million years ago, there seems to have been a lengthy drought in southern Zaire that wiped out the preferred food plants of gorillas and sent the primates packing. After the drought ended, the forests returned, but the gorillas did not.[bonobos nowadays are without gorillas.]'
'Chimpanzees [nowadays bonobos] in this environment south of the river had the forest to themselves, and could exploit the fiber foods that had previously been eaten by gorillas -- foods that are still eaten by gorillas to the north [chimps nowadays with gorillas], this additional food to tide them [bonobos] over between fruit trees, they could travel in larger, more stable parties, and form strong social bonds. They became bonobos.'
'On the north side of the river, the (nowadays) chimps had to share their niche with gorillas, which eat the fiber foods. The chimps have to compete for fruit, and occasionally meat, food resources that tend to be widely scattered. Female chimps disperse into the forest with their infants to find enough to eat, and cannot spend time together to forge strong bonds. The changes in social behavior that occurred in response to this environmental factor may be what led chimps down a different evolutionary path, toward a society more prone to violence.'
Nowadays bonobos travel all the year from fruit place to fruit place. Meanwhile they eat fiber foods. They are intellectually very flexible and developed great capability for empathy, as Christians. But chimpanzees are prisoners of little areas and are unable to roam through the forests north of Congo River. Females did not communicate well what leads to spiritual poverty, to a lack of empathy and to sexual monocultures of chimp males in the last million years.
Remember the difference between hominids (20 mya; 300cc) and homininae (7 mya; 400cc). The first rigidly stayed on one place in the forest while the second roamed through the savannas of Africa. Compare the religion of chimps (hominids) with that of bonobos (homininae). Conclude, a change of habitat has led to a change in sexual culture, from which religion is the reaction on a set of higher order time derivatives. Chimps did not alter in the evolution, but bonobos did. But bonobos did not adhere to the inbreeding and incest culture. On the contrary they right away evolved much farther than homo sapiens and bypassed Christians on Vanilla-dyad. Bonobos practice perpetual orgasm in this lifetime and in this universe in a very friendly way: Vanilla-dyad.
Because the Congo River is a barrier between chimps and bonobos, they did not merge for a million years, and meanwhile they have got another faith (sexual roles) or got other genes, causing very different sexual habits.
Without the Congo River and without the disappearance of Gorillas from the bonobo area, both subspecies probably would not have differed genetically.
But nowadays chimps and bonobos probably will not assimilate because of genetically very different psychological traits in their populations:
It might be possible bonobos would be massacred by chimps as they could cross the Congo River. But remember, Muslim are brought over the Mediterranean Sea into Europe by Frau Merkel.