Basic Dimension
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Anti-policor people in the Western world are shocked by the coming clash between Islam and former Christianity. They don't understand 'religion' as a dynamic process in which a new equilibrium between the Alpha male and his females will be sought:

Assumption 213: A group of higher mammals exists by virtue of the balance between endogamy and exogamy. Its endogamous core consists of the power of the alpha male to fertilize most females and to establish a genetic monoculture of inbreeding and incest. The exogamic outer layer exists of adulterous females chasing genetic diversity with males from other groups. The total permeability of the group depends on the exact relation between endogamous repulsion and exogamous attraction of external genes. This relation is also called 'human religion'.
Here, religion tumbles into another cycle from polytheism to monotheism, forced by changed environmental parameters, destabilizing the relation between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity:

In the next cycle (Chrislam) general intelligence will go down in the Western world, criminality and drugs abuse will rise, productivity, inventiveness and scientific progress will diminish, it will be a disastrous reset of the failed Enlightenment, which failed to formulate rules to discriminate between cultures:
Hundreds of millions of invaders from Muslim and African countries will destroy Western prosperity and will parasitize on Western health care. It is one thing to handle a mobile phone but another to invent it. Everything our ancestors have developed and built seems simple and of little value. Numerous hordes of morons will attack Western culture as if it were a playground. They have no idea how it's made, or how it must be must be repaired. World culture is going down, going down again.
Distorted equilibrium between genetic diversity and genetic monoculture
This is the state of the art in which Islam blocks genetic diversity for females already for 1400 years and Christianity recently lost its religious heart, its doctrine. It is complementary sexual abnormalities:
Assumption 212: Islam and Christianity are the endogamous core and exogamous mantle of Homininae groups. Together they form the sadomasochistic dimension, renamed as monotheism in religion. As in a big bang, they drifted apart and in a big crunch, they will destroy each other. By divine judgment of Sexual Scales of Religion sadomasochism will dissolve in murder lust and sexual desire.
Both are paraphilic (sado-masochistic) antagonistic sexual deviations around
Judaism, which now will merge into CHRISLAM, what will mark the end of Western civilization:

In Western Europe this is what is left from Christianity, a nothing burger:

Christianity has become an empty shell:
Horny policor females as Merkel and all liberal females in top positions are unaware of yearning for sexual relief by their beloved Muslim invaders:
Muslim states have been bombarded back into the stone age. Libya, Syria and other states lost their infrastructure and social control networks. We ruined the 'regulated' form of Sharia in Islam, we ruined control on females, on inbreeding and incest of this rigid and fossilized society.
And now a new cycle must redefine the relation between the sexes, between genetic monoculture of crazy males and genetic diversity of sensible females. It all is the fault of stupid Western thinking. Our ancestors were brilliant thinkers, but we cannot stand in their shadow, we are a complete failure, not able to bear our magnificent culture anymore.
Of course there are powers that wanted to demolish the Muslim culture, but they probably did not expect to be sucked into the vortex of lust which now arises:
Assumption 212: Islam and Christianity are the endogamous core and exogamous mantle of Homininae groups. Together they form the sadomasochistic dimension, renamed as monotheism in religion. As in a big bang, they drifted apart and in a big crunch, they will destroy each other. By divine judgment of Sexual Scales of Religion sadomasochism will dissolve in murder lust and sexual desire.
Beware, inbreeding and incest can only flourish within a fossilized society in which females can be controlled over generations. But meanwhile we have anti-conception and social networks on the Internet. Muslim women are totally out of control nowadays.
Most control on females has disappeared. Indoctrination and Sharia are gone. But Muslims will always call themselves 'Muslims'. They will continue to talk about 'Islam' and 'Sharia'. But we know better in this era of sliding panels. We will redefine their concepts. We will understand these concepts as variations on male sexual lust.
And that means we will trace back the Muslim faith to the origin of mankind (2 Ma, 900cc) or much farther, to the origin of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). Only then we understand 'human religion'. From that primal model of inbreeding and incest we understand the world.
Then we go another step further to the Hominids (14 Ma; 300cc) to understand how primate religion evolved from the dilemma of higher mammal groups, which constantly had to choose between genetic diversity (females) and genetic monoculture (Alpha male).
The artificially and with violence maintained Muslim culture is falling apart, just as Christianity. Sharia is not from Islam, but comes from the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). It is male sexual jurisdiction. In Islam it was canalized male sexual lust, but in the earlier Paradise cultures it was uncontrolled male terror on females.
The transformation of the Muslim identity
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Chrislam returns to the Alpha male model, merging genetic monoculture with genetic diversity in a new cycle. |

Assumption 213: A group of higher mammals exists by virtue of the balance between endogamy and exogamy. Its endogamous core consists of the power of the alpha male to fertilize most females and to establish a genetic monoculture of inbreeding and incest. The exogamic outer layer exists of adulterous females chasing genetic diversity with males from other groups. The total permeability of the group depends on the exact relation between endogamous repulsion and exogamous attraction of external genes. This relation is also called 'human religion'.
Here, religion tumbles into another cycle from polytheism to monotheism, forced by changed environmental parameters, destabilizing the relation between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity:

In the next cycle (Chrislam) general intelligence will go down in the Western world, criminality and drugs abuse will rise, productivity, inventiveness and scientific progress will diminish, it will be a disastrous reset of the failed Enlightenment, which failed to formulate rules to discriminate between cultures:
Hundreds of millions of invaders from Muslim and African countries will destroy Western prosperity and will parasitize on Western health care. It is one thing to handle a mobile phone but another to invent it. Everything our ancestors have developed and built seems simple and of little value. Numerous hordes of morons will attack Western culture as if it were a playground. They have no idea how it's made, or how it must be must be repaired. World culture is going down, going down again.
Distorted equilibrium between genetic diversity and genetic monoculture
This is the state of the art in which Islam blocks genetic diversity for females already for 1400 years and Christianity recently lost its religious heart, its doctrine. It is complementary sexual abnormalities:
Assumption 212: Islam and Christianity are the endogamous core and exogamous mantle of Homininae groups. Together they form the sadomasochistic dimension, renamed as monotheism in religion. As in a big bang, they drifted apart and in a big crunch, they will destroy each other. By divine judgment of Sexual Scales of Religion sadomasochism will dissolve in murder lust and sexual desire.
Both are paraphilic (sado-masochistic) antagonistic sexual deviations around
Judaism, which now will merge into CHRISLAM, what will mark the end of Western civilization:
For both sexual disorders it came to a high price to indoctrinate their youth in every new generation. But now the moment has come Islam and Christianity are exhausted and will collapse into their origin and implode into Judaism:
But first they will fall much further back to the Alpha male model and start a new cycle:
To the Alpha male model from which all primate religions emerged:
But first they will fall much further back to the Alpha male model and start a new cycle:
To the Alpha male model from which all primate religions emerged:
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Notice, genitic diversity comes from degraded Christianity but also from the religious endogamous mantle of Islam. Genetic monoculture is the holy grail of the Muslim culture. |
This is the Alpha male model in nature:

As mentioned before, Christianity lost its endogamous heart:

As mentioned before, Christianity lost its endogamous heart:

In Western Europe this is what is left from Christianity, a nothing burger:

Christianity has become an empty shell:

Horny policor females as Merkel and all liberal females in top positions are unaware of yearning for sexual relief by their beloved Muslim invaders:
Muslim states have been bombarded back into the stone age. Libya, Syria and other states lost their infrastructure and social control networks. We ruined the 'regulated' form of Sharia in Islam, we ruined control on females, on inbreeding and incest of this rigid and fossilized society.
And now a new cycle must redefine the relation between the sexes, between genetic monoculture of crazy males and genetic diversity of sensible females. It all is the fault of stupid Western thinking. Our ancestors were brilliant thinkers, but we cannot stand in their shadow, we are a complete failure, not able to bear our magnificent culture anymore.
Of course there are powers that wanted to demolish the Muslim culture, but they probably did not expect to be sucked into the vortex of lust which now arises:
Assumption 212: Islam and Christianity are the endogamous core and exogamous mantle of Homininae groups. Together they form the sadomasochistic dimension, renamed as monotheism in religion. As in a big bang, they drifted apart and in a big crunch, they will destroy each other. By divine judgment of Sexual Scales of Religion sadomasochism will dissolve in murder lust and sexual desire.
Beware, inbreeding and incest can only flourish within a fossilized society in which females can be controlled over generations. But meanwhile we have anti-conception and social networks on the Internet. Muslim women are totally out of control nowadays.
Most control on females has disappeared. Indoctrination and Sharia are gone. But Muslims will always call themselves 'Muslims'. They will continue to talk about 'Islam' and 'Sharia'. But we know better in this era of sliding panels. We will redefine their concepts. We will understand these concepts as variations on male sexual lust.
And that means we will trace back the Muslim faith to the origin of mankind (2 Ma, 900cc) or much farther, to the origin of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). Only then we understand 'human religion'. From that primal model of inbreeding and incest we understand the world.
Then we go another step further to the Hominids (14 Ma; 300cc) to understand how primate religion evolved from the dilemma of higher mammal groups, which constantly had to choose between genetic diversity (females) and genetic monoculture (Alpha male).
The artificially and with violence maintained Muslim culture is falling apart, just as Christianity. Sharia is not from Islam, but comes from the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). It is male sexual jurisdiction. In Islam it was canalized male sexual lust, but in the earlier Paradise cultures it was uncontrolled male terror on females.
The transformation of the Muslim identity
Seven million years ago, the first Homininae set up tribal endogamies. In the evolution, however, tribal endogamy went on to ethnic endogamy, what process is described very well in Genesis.
Endogamous evolution
Tribal endogamy lost much of its group identity on its way to ethnic endogamy.
Family ties were cut and no more reincarnated ancestors in their own tribe. One of the main benefits of tribal endogamy is lost in evolution.
Ethnic endogamy was an antidote against autosomal recessive disorders caused by inbreeding and incest and this led to religious scale magnification.
As tribal endogamies increased they lost more and more of their original identity. Eventually they evolved into religious endogamies, where members had to marry within their religion.
That's what we see in the transition from Paradise culture to the monotheism of Islam:
Nowadays endogamies as Islam derive their group identity only from external enemies. Bad qualities hated in their own character are ascribed to others. Muslims hate Jews what is quite understandable. Everything blamed to Jews is Muslims self a burden. And everything Jews possess feels as a lack.
The more diffuse endogamies are, the more they need external foes. Islam developed into a watered-down religious endogamy. Hence, the Muslim culture would fall apart by making peace with Israel.
A tribal endogamy is naturally a small and closed group. And one cannot achieve with impunity its dissolution to ethnic endogamy and certainly latest transition from Paradise culture to religious endogamy of Islam was a step too far.
Islam is in an existential crisis what it probably will not survive. Islam is not a cohesive group any longer, so the risk is growing that its religious endogamy disintegrates into tribal endogamy again. With religious endogamy Islam overplayed its hand. Slaughtering each other is a solution back to separated tribes.
An endogamy inflates itself as it runs into billions. Islam with 1.6 billion followers now inflated to a Red Giant ready to erupt. Its initial identity of the Homininae no longer exists in Islam itself:
Islam is a dying story, very dangerously, that's certain.
In comparison, scale does not affect exogamous Christianity. Because, exogamies naturally absorb all kinds of endogamies in their multidimensional frame, in which people are equal and equivalent:
Islamic culture and cohesion is beaten out of Libya and Syria. So chances for evolution of Islamic culture to atheism have been lost, because this progress can come only from the woman's perspective. Islam achieved only one real evolution and that was Tunisia, where in 2013 the separation of mosque and state, and the separation of powers were proclaimed. Hopefully this process ever will continue in the future.
The only escape from total collapse of Islamic culture is lifting her endogamy and mingling with exogamies (Chrislam).
The Muslim culture is out of control. Social control and economical infrastructure are severely damaged. Also the culture has grown too much on which it lost its identity.
Endogamous evolution
Tribal endogamy lost much of its group identity on its way to ethnic endogamy.
Family ties were cut and no more reincarnated ancestors in their own tribe. One of the main benefits of tribal endogamy is lost in evolution.
Ethnic endogamy was an antidote against autosomal recessive disorders caused by inbreeding and incest and this led to religious scale magnification.
As tribal endogamies increased they lost more and more of their original identity. Eventually they evolved into religious endogamies, where members had to marry within their religion.
That's what we see in the transition from Paradise culture to the monotheism of Islam:
Nowadays endogamies as Islam derive their group identity only from external enemies. Bad qualities hated in their own character are ascribed to others. Muslims hate Jews what is quite understandable. Everything blamed to Jews is Muslims self a burden. And everything Jews possess feels as a lack.
The more diffuse endogamies are, the more they need external foes. Islam developed into a watered-down religious endogamy. Hence, the Muslim culture would fall apart by making peace with Israel.
A tribal endogamy is naturally a small and closed group. And one cannot achieve with impunity its dissolution to ethnic endogamy and certainly latest transition from Paradise culture to religious endogamy of Islam was a step too far.
Islam is in an existential crisis what it probably will not survive. Islam is not a cohesive group any longer, so the risk is growing that its religious endogamy disintegrates into tribal endogamy again. With religious endogamy Islam overplayed its hand. Slaughtering each other is a solution back to separated tribes.
An endogamy inflates itself as it runs into billions. Islam with 1.6 billion followers now inflated to a Red Giant ready to erupt. Its initial identity of the Homininae no longer exists in Islam itself:
Therefore Islam will first explode into religious endogamy and then collapses again into ethnic endogamy to stabilize in tribal endogamy.
All to often we predicted extreme monotheistic religions of dying as old stars. Islam will explode as a Red Giant:
The tribal core has become too small to control the ethnic shell and the enormous religious endogamous mantle any longer:
But then Islam itself will disappear first: Koran and sharia will no longer affect male Muslims and they will fight each other all over the world in search of tribal identity. In short, as it looks now Islam regresses to previous Paradise culture, of which the Muslim criminality in Europe is already a dazzling harbinger.
All to often we predicted extreme monotheistic religions of dying as old stars. Islam will explode as a Red Giant:
The tribal core has become too small to control the ethnic shell and the enormous religious endogamous mantle any longer:
But then Islam itself will disappear first: Koran and sharia will no longer affect male Muslims and they will fight each other all over the world in search of tribal identity. In short, as it looks now Islam regresses to previous Paradise culture, of which the Muslim criminality in Europe is already a dazzling harbinger.
Islam is a dying story, very dangerously, that's certain.
In comparison, scale does not affect exogamous Christianity. Because, exogamies naturally absorb all kinds of endogamies in their multidimensional frame, in which people are equal and equivalent:
Islamic culture and cohesion is beaten out of Libya and Syria. So chances for evolution of Islamic culture to atheism have been lost, because this progress can come only from the woman's perspective. Islam achieved only one real evolution and that was Tunisia, where in 2013 the separation of mosque and state, and the separation of powers were proclaimed. Hopefully this process ever will continue in the future.
The only escape from total collapse of Islamic culture is lifting her endogamy and mingling with exogamies (Chrislam).
Islam will keep its name but will be split into three parts. Two regresses to Paradise culture I and II and the third goes to atheism. A small part of older Muslims will die out as traditional Islam.
What happens now is the Islamic population is falling apart into different groups.

The disintegration of Islamic culture can be monitored, but not without theory. And it is too easy to think Sharia is not needed. This scourge of the third Paradise culture (Islam) was needed to oppress the evil of the second (cousin marriages) and the first (pure criminality). We have to deal with a people which are completely different from other peoples by unnatural selection: inbreeding and incest.
Assumption 320: There is an important difference between inbreeding and the inbreeding instinct. Actual Inbreeding is bound to tribal and family endogamy. It goes over into outbreeding from tribal endogamy to ethnic endogamy and religious endogamy. At last, inbreeding becomes kind of outbreeding within the Muslim domain. But the inbreeding instinct is an inherited Muslim trait for millions of years, which can only be diluted by merging Muslims with non-Muslims. Therefore we might see a decrease of actual inbreeding in the Muslim population without the disappearance of the inbreeding instinct as long as Muslims do not merge with non-Muslims. For example in the religious endogamy of the Muslim culture we find a lot of outbreeding accompanied by the inbreeding instinct. That's why Sadia Sheikh (Belgium), Gülsüm Selim (Germany) and Mirjam Abarkan (Netherlands) are murdered within the religious endogamy of Islam. Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim concern tribal (family) endogamy, but the slaughter of Mirjam Abarkan is a pure case of the inbreeding instinct without real inbreeding:
Assumption 255: The future of Islam.
Islam can be described in three concentric circles.
- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have the inbreeding and incest instinct. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken from the tree of knowledge.
- The middle group consists of ethnic endogamy and is a transition group of Arab Muslims, in which inbreeding and incest is diluting from tribal endogamy to the outer group of religious endogamy. Here, the holy grail of inbreeding and incest reigns still strong.
- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims that is connected only by religious endogamy. The inbreeding and incest instinct is diluted more and more and Muslim females are allowed to marry only Muslims. Notice, the outer mantle of Islam is closed for females, which are killed if they marry non-Muslims.

The three-stage rocket of Paradise culture:
3: Religious endogamy (Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc)
- The third group is older than 50 and was raised in former Islam. (Third Paradise culture).
What happens now is the Islamic population is falling apart into different groups.

The disintegration of Islamic culture can be monitored, but not without theory. And it is too easy to think Sharia is not needed. This scourge of the third Paradise culture (Islam) was needed to oppress the evil of the second (cousin marriages) and the first (pure criminality). We have to deal with a people which are completely different from other peoples by unnatural selection: inbreeding and incest.
Assumption 320: There is an important difference between inbreeding and the inbreeding instinct. Actual Inbreeding is bound to tribal and family endogamy. It goes over into outbreeding from tribal endogamy to ethnic endogamy and religious endogamy. At last, inbreeding becomes kind of outbreeding within the Muslim domain. But the inbreeding instinct is an inherited Muslim trait for millions of years, which can only be diluted by merging Muslims with non-Muslims. Therefore we might see a decrease of actual inbreeding in the Muslim population without the disappearance of the inbreeding instinct as long as Muslims do not merge with non-Muslims. For example in the religious endogamy of the Muslim culture we find a lot of outbreeding accompanied by the inbreeding instinct. That's why Sadia Sheikh (Belgium), Gülsüm Selim (Germany) and Mirjam Abarkan (Netherlands) are murdered within the religious endogamy of Islam. Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim concern tribal (family) endogamy, but the slaughter of Mirjam Abarkan is a pure case of the inbreeding instinct without real inbreeding:
Assumption 255: The future of Islam.
Islam can be described in three concentric circles.
- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have the inbreeding and incest instinct. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken from the tree of knowledge.
- The middle group consists of ethnic endogamy and is a transition group of Arab Muslims, in which inbreeding and incest is diluting from tribal endogamy to the outer group of religious endogamy. Here, the holy grail of inbreeding and incest reigns still strong.
- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims that is connected only by religious endogamy. The inbreeding and incest instinct is diluted more and more and Muslim females are allowed to marry only Muslims. Notice, the outer mantle of Islam is closed for females, which are killed if they marry non-Muslims.

The three-stage rocket of Paradise culture:
1: Tribal endogamy (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)
- The first group is the youth which is no longer indoctrinated by Islam but by the atrocities of Paradise culture on the Internet. A lot of them will become criminals and murderers (First Paradise culture).
- The first group is the youth which is no longer indoctrinated by Islam but by the atrocities of Paradise culture on the Internet. A lot of them will become criminals and murderers (First Paradise culture).
2: Ethnic endogamy (Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc)
- The second group parents of about 40 is trying to enforce cousin marriages on their sons and daughters (Second Paradise culture).
- The second group parents of about 40 is trying to enforce cousin marriages on their sons and daughters (Second Paradise culture).
Hay Festival 2011: Professor risks political storm over Muslim 'inbreeding’
Prof Steve Jones, one of Britain’s most eminent scientists, has warned that the level of inbreeding among the nation’s Muslims is endangering the health of future generations.-----------------------------------------------
The geneticist said that it was common in the Islamic world for men to marry their nieces and cousins. He said that Bradford has a particular problem and warned that it could affect the health of children born into these marriages.“It is common in the Islamic world to marry your brother’s daughter, which is actually closer than marrying your cousin.(..) We should be concerned about that as there can be a lot of hidden genetic damage. Children are much more likely to get two copies of a damaged gene.”
He added: “Bradford is very inbred. There is a huge amount of cousins marrying each other there.” Research in Bradford has found that babies born to Pakistani women are twice as likely to die in their first year as babies born to white mothers, with genetic problems linked to inbreeding identified as a “significant” cause.
Studies have found that within the city, more than 70 per cent of marriages are between relations, with more than half involving first cousins.
First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to 'appalling' disabilities among children.
She said: "There are a lot of first-cousin marriages in certain communities, particularly among Pakistanis who come from the Pakistani Kashmir area. We know so much about DNA now, but there is so much disability among the children, which is absolutely appalling."
"You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some disability. That is absolutely unacceptable, and if we cannot do anything about it, is it fair to the children?"
First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families.
3: Religious endogamy (Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc)
- The third group is older than 50 and was raised in former Islam. (Third Paradise culture).
Religious endogamy on its way to exogamy
The core of Islam is tribal endogamy. Then comes ethnic endogamy in which tribes united for warfare. Both phases concern the same genetic group. But in the outer mantle of religious endogamy, Islam conquered the world but lost much of the tribal connection with inbreeding and incest. Only on family scale forced marriages and cousin marriages play a role. Hence, in the Western world Muslim females more and more are allowed to find a partner if it is just a Muslim. This is semi genetic diversity.
Assumption 208: Individual animals survive by genetic diversity. But in mammal groups tension arises between the endogamous core (genetic monoculture) of alpha males and compensating exogamous mantles of genetic diversity by females. Without this correction mechanism groups would extinct. Islam will split into an endogamous core (inbreeding and incest) and a religious exogamous shell (without inbreeding). Both, Islam's mantle of religious endogamy (without inbreeding) and Western culture without endogamous core, eventually leave the group stage and return to complete individualism of genetic diversity.
But also in religious endogamy females are still killed if they want to go for real genetic diversity:
Anyway we agree Islam might develop some genetic diversity for females in the long run after experiencing a lot more autosomal recessive disorders. And this means we may assign a slight sexual freedom effect for women in the picture below:

4: The fourth group of intellectual females
- The fourth group consist of young females who have chosen for Western society.
In the future a lot of Muslim males might regress to criminal gangs. But a group of educated females will flee into atheism:

Assumption 255: The future of Islam.
Islam can be described in three concentric circles:
- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have heavy inbreeding and incest. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken from the tree of knowledge.
- The middle group consists of ethnic endogamy and is a transition group of Arab Muslims, in which inbreeding and incest is diluting from tribal endogamy to the outer group of religious endogamy. Here, the holy grail of inbreeding and incest reigns still strong.
- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims which is connected only by religious endogamy. Inbreeding and incest is diluted more and more but Muslim females are still forced to marry Muslims. So, leaving the outer mantle of Islam is forbidden and females are still killed if they marry non-Muslims:
- Inbreeding and incest is actually diluted in the religious outer mantle of Islamic culture by outbreeding within the greater Muslim domain. But this does not mean the inbreeding instinct itself has gone. This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslims. By mingling with exogamous peoples without inbreeding instinct.
Only when Muslims mingle with non-Muslims for a vast number of generations this horrible inbreeding instinct might disappear. But until the very present day Muslim girls are murdered in the religious outer mantle if yearning to genetic diversity with non-Muslims:
The tribal core of inbreeding and incest will only survive in a rigid and frozen society in which women and girls can be checked on a daily basis. Within today's high tech and flexible society, the Islamic core of inbreeding and incest will extinct. But that does not apply to the inbreeding and incest instinct of Arab Muslims. They very likely will regress to former Paradise culture without any rules (Sharia) or consultation (mosques) of society. In Paradise culture every tribal head (Muslim male) will be his own God again: pure criminality.
The outer mantle of religious endogamy will feel the attack on its one-dimensional monotheism by porn on the internet. The reign of the Almighty Allah will be over and besides heterosexuality a second God comes on the scene: homosexuality.
Only a two dimensional society has the ability to split mosque and state. The separation of powers and the separation of church and state is dependent on the number of degrees of freedom in a sexual culture. This number depends on the number of free sexual roles, e.g. the number of gods: God and Jesus. Hence porn on the internet = polytheism.
Taking all, Islamic culture will collapse by the loss of inbreeding and incest. The old Arabic core will degenerate into pure criminality. The outer mantle of religious endogamy will explode as a red giant and will mingle with the rest of the world, freeing Muslim females.
After many generations, in which the inbreeding and incest instinct will be diluted by mingling with exogamous peoples, a new religion will be born called: Chrislam. It will have the exogamous mantle of Christianity but a new core of sort of Islam. There will be nothing new in the world.
The core of Islam is tribal endogamy. Then comes ethnic endogamy in which tribes united for warfare. Both phases concern the same genetic group. But in the outer mantle of religious endogamy, Islam conquered the world but lost much of the tribal connection with inbreeding and incest. Only on family scale forced marriages and cousin marriages play a role. Hence, in the Western world Muslim females more and more are allowed to find a partner if it is just a Muslim. This is semi genetic diversity.
Assumption 208: Individual animals survive by genetic diversity. But in mammal groups tension arises between the endogamous core (genetic monoculture) of alpha males and compensating exogamous mantles of genetic diversity by females. Without this correction mechanism groups would extinct. Islam will split into an endogamous core (inbreeding and incest) and a religious exogamous shell (without inbreeding). Both, Islam's mantle of religious endogamy (without inbreeding) and Western culture without endogamous core, eventually leave the group stage and return to complete individualism of genetic diversity.
But also in religious endogamy females are still killed if they want to go for real genetic diversity:
Anyway we agree Islam might develop some genetic diversity for females in the long run after experiencing a lot more autosomal recessive disorders. And this means we may assign a slight sexual freedom effect for women in the picture below:

4: The fourth group of intellectual females
- The fourth group consist of young females who have chosen for Western society.
In the future a lot of Muslim males might regress to criminal gangs. But a group of educated females will flee into atheism:

Assumption 255: The future of Islam.
Islam can be described in three concentric circles:
- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have heavy inbreeding and incest. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken from the tree of knowledge.
- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims which is connected only by religious endogamy. Inbreeding and incest is diluted more and more but Muslim females are still forced to marry Muslims. So, leaving the outer mantle of Islam is forbidden and females are still killed if they marry non-Muslims:
- Inbreeding and incest is actually diluted in the religious outer mantle of Islamic culture by outbreeding within the greater Muslim domain. But this does not mean the inbreeding instinct itself has gone. This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslims. By mingling with exogamous peoples without inbreeding instinct.
Only when Muslims mingle with non-Muslims for a vast number of generations this horrible inbreeding instinct might disappear. But until the very present day Muslim girls are murdered in the religious outer mantle if yearning to genetic diversity with non-Muslims:
The tribal core of inbreeding and incest will only survive in a rigid and frozen society in which women and girls can be checked on a daily basis. Within today's high tech and flexible society, the Islamic core of inbreeding and incest will extinct. But that does not apply to the inbreeding and incest instinct of Arab Muslims. They very likely will regress to former Paradise culture without any rules (Sharia) or consultation (mosques) of society. In Paradise culture every tribal head (Muslim male) will be his own God again: pure criminality.
The outer mantle of religious endogamy will feel the attack on its one-dimensional monotheism by porn on the internet. The reign of the Almighty Allah will be over and besides heterosexuality a second God comes on the scene: homosexuality.
Only a two dimensional society has the ability to split mosque and state. The separation of powers and the separation of church and state is dependent on the number of degrees of freedom in a sexual culture. This number depends on the number of free sexual roles, e.g. the number of gods: God and Jesus. Hence porn on the internet = polytheism.
Taking all, Islamic culture will collapse by the loss of inbreeding and incest. The old Arabic core will degenerate into pure criminality. The outer mantle of religious endogamy will explode as a red giant and will mingle with the rest of the world, freeing Muslim females.
After many generations, in which the inbreeding and incest instinct will be diluted by mingling with exogamous peoples, a new religion will be born called: Chrislam. It will have the exogamous mantle of Christianity but a new core of sort of Islam. There will be nothing new in the world.