Basic Dimension
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This blog supports no specific religion, but contains a rational analysis of religion in general. It is supported by about 500 assumptions that are mutually compatible.
This analysis transforms my intuitive truth about religion into a rational model. So, it is not a value-free approach, but my subjective opinion for which I found the most appropriate model.
Most attention is given to Islam, because according to the analysis this appears to be the oldest human religion. In a straight line, Islam must be seen as the successor of the primal religion of the hominids, from Australopithecus.
In this blog human religion is a profitable function of sexual religion: HR = f (SR).

Sexual religion concerns the basic dimension (inbreeding - outbreeding).

Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
The theory is parsimonious and no other theory of religion is based on such a simple formula: HR = f (SR).
But parsimony makes no sense if the formula is not based on the true nature of religion, given by the evolution. This concerns content validity, in which no other religion finds its origin in the bipedal mutation from Australopithecus:
Number Archive
This blog supports no specific religion, but contains a rational analysis of religion in general. It is supported by about 500 assumptions that are mutually compatible.
This analysis transforms my intuitive truth about religion into a rational model. So, it is not a value-free approach, but my subjective opinion for which I found the most appropriate model.
Most attention is given to Islam, because according to the analysis this appears to be the oldest human religion. In a straight line, Islam must be seen as the successor of the primal religion of the hominids, from Australopithecus.
In this blog human religion is a profitable function of sexual religion: HR = f (SR).

Sexual religion concerns the basic dimension (inbreeding - outbreeding).

Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it. For example cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Assumption 336: The inbreeding instinct is a human instinct developed somewhere between Homo erectus (2,2 Mya; 900cc) and the Arabian Peninsula (Homo sapiens, 60-50 ka; 1400cc). It is a typical male instinct which aims at earthly reincarnation into tribal inbred bodies enforced by cousin marriages. It is still vividly present in the Muslim culture. But maybe there was an earlier variant aiming at 'rebirth without soul' from Homo naledi (2.3 Mya; 550cc). But we reserve the inbreeding instinct for reincarnation with the soul.The theory is parsimonious and no other theory of religion is based on such a simple formula: HR = f (SR).
But parsimony makes no sense if the formula is not based on the true nature of religion, given by the evolution. This concerns content validity, in which no other religion finds its origin in the bipedal mutation from Australopithecus:

From this contrast between quadrupeds and bipeds the sexual theory of religion is derived:

In addition to the inferential formula HR = f (SR), the theory can be described in the form of multiple regression:
The validity of the theory is evident from the fact that the Myth of Paradise, the Myth of Abraham, honor killings and other aspects are explained integrally by the theory. There is no sensible explanation from other religious theories to be expected. In case of religious disruptions as honor killings, all other theories are invalid. Nowadays Desert Religions have not the faintest idea of the real meaning of the Trees of Paradise.
(122) Islam is a hybrid religion
It is astonishing to see how Islam and Christianity draw the same conclusion from the Myth of Paradise. Both reject earthly reincarnation and choose for resurrection in Heaven of the parallel universe. Judaism did not belief in the parallel universe at all, only into a kind of massive rebirth of their people or not at all in the afterlife.

The inbreeding instinct
The inbreeding instinct is what Muslims do not recognize as their common denominator, as their group identity. It is sustained as long as Muslims marry other Muslims. But beware, new Muslims in religious endogamy do not have this instinct by nature. For example Boko Haram, (mtDNA L2), from sub-Saharan Africa,
originally comes from outbreeding (Voodoo). On the other hand Pakistani with mtDNA L3M are original Muslims:
More and more I have gained some understanding of Islam in what Muslims have done trying to become really good people with high morals. From their viewpoint they sincerely succeeded. But according to standards and values of other people it has gone terribly wrong. On many moral issues they are diametrically opposed to Western culture. Why? How come?
Their roots lie in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia), where they fought in animosity with other Bedouin tribes about 60.000 years ago. It was a hard environment to survive. Maybe from there comes their questionable morality.
So, 'inbreeding with Islam' is a poisonous mixture, see this blog.
The Muslim people resemble a constellation of autosomal recessive disorders, caused by unnatural selection of individuals over many millions of years. This makes integration with other people very difficult and assimilation impossible:
Inbreeding is the real Muslim identity
Inbreeding and racism
Inbreeding cultures are inherently racist. They see themselves as Übermenschen and outbred peoples as Untermenschen. Dehumanizing non-believers facilitates murder of 'other sexual roles' (homosexuals, women children and non-believers). Heterosexual males are subjects and all others objects that can be killed freely. It is weird hearing Muslims protesting against racism in American Congress.
Not all human races or ethnicities are equal. Outbred peoples are more equal and equivalent than inbred peoples. This simply because inbred populations came about by selective breeding in which ideological outliers were systematically killed in the evolution:
Assumption 436: A rational model has been developed for explaining human religion from animal sexuality, resulting in about 500 internal consistent assumptions, to be found in Numbers 73-76.
Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value.
(249) Disastrous inbreeding with bipedal primates

Assumption 450: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion:

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality (e.g. inbreeding) are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.

Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
We give two examples: inbreeding and outbreeding.
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughters' sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into their descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the womb of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Assumption 441: In monotheism, sadistic heterosexual male terror monopolizes and shrinks religious space into one sadistic dimension, leaving 'other sexual roles' suffering masochistically in the mantle. The whole is called the sadomasochistic dimension in sexual space or monotheism in religious space. Both dimensions form an identity.
Assumption 442: In polytheism, religious space permeates sexual space with as many sexual roles as there are gods. All sexual roles are equivalent and experienced in the conscious.
Assumption 71:
Sadomasochistic behavior occurs also in animals, but for the sadomasochistic mental experience empathy is needed, an outstanding human quality.
Sadomasochism must be controlled by morality.
- Sadistic humans without empathy are qualified as natural psychopaths.
- Sadistic humans without morality are cultural psychopaths by religious
Assumption 6: The SM-dyad is the building block of the relationship between husband and wife. Sadomasochism is the interaction between the killer instinct, the sexual instinct and a touch of cannibalism.
Assumption 6: All human power has a sexual component: sadomasochism.
Sadomasochism is the core of human sexuality. It permeates all human relationships as SM-dyad. Soft sex is called: Vanilla-dyad. Inbreeding cultures as Islam are based on SM-dyad, outbred populations as Christianity on Vanilla-dyad. Only Islam will survive, because Vanilla-dyad is not in our genes. That makes Western society decadent and obsolete. Christianity is like a faded flower, longing for the sadomasochistic entanglement with Islam. It is a disgrace.

Assumption 66: Sadomasochism is a combination of murder and sexuality. It is unstable and easy flammable. Oppression of victims easily turns into murder, decomposing SM-dyad again into killing and sexual instinct.
As long as one keeps bloodthirstiness and sexual desire as critical mass in focus it goes well. But after losing control over the event, sadomasochism falls apart again in murder and sexual instinct. Then magic is lost. Then it explodes.
The key difference between Islamic culture and Christianity is that Islam cannot hold this critical mass together, time and again is losing control, disintegrating sadomasochism over and over again in murder and sexual desire. It is a circular and perpetual process; it is the basic feature of Islamic culture. Christianity succeeds much better in holding sadomasochism in synthesis. But more likely is that Islam intentionally collapses SM-dyad time and again in the interaction with Paradise culture. It is a willful interaction giving the Islamic killing machine her animal power.
Assumption 67:
- SM-dyad is the basic relationship between man and woman in human nature. It is a relationship that will haunt mankind to the farthest stars.
- SM-dyad is based on absolute power and results in unequal sexual relations. It easily develops into paraphilia. Vanilla-dyad is formed from relativism and consists of equivalence in sexual relations.
- SM-dyad can temporarily transform into Vanilla dyad, in which case ultimately equal rights for men and women are obtained.
- Because equivalence is against male nature, Vanilla-dyad remains subordinate to SM-dyad. It is and will remain a substitute for the male sexual instinct. Which means that SM-dyad in the background is always present, always searching for new ways to self-realization. SM-dyad will always restore the primal relation between male and female.
- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.
- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.

Assumption 439: From masochism hate to masochism fear:
Muslim boys grow up without respect for women. If they were respected, women had same rights as men and could marry non-Muslims. Bluntly said, monotheism is plain heterosexual terror, without any respect for women's feelings.
In addition, masochism is considered weak and objectionable. That is why Muslim boys do not experience masochism as a valuable trait in education. They will not identify. They do not develop an empathic model for masochism in their conscious mind. So, masochism is suppressed and remains unprocessed in their unconscious.
As a result they hate women's weakness and molest them regularly to induce masochism as proof of being right. Indeed, screaming and crying women can be a shocking event. But the more screaming and shouting, the more the Muslim male's own unconscious is addressed and alarmed. Since he has no model to handle this.
It is like burning fire that comes out of control. In panic he tries to extinguish the fire by killing the woman. A Boko Haram killer told once he killed his victims because he saw the ghosts coming out of their bulging eyes. It was a terrible sight and that is why he had to kill them ...
Assumption 440: Cultural psychopaths.
There are natural psychopaths and cultural psychopaths. The last if boys do not develop empathy with girls in education. If they are only indoctrinated with religion.
Masochism hate is in the conscious mind, but masochism fear goes across the border of the unconscious. When delusion takes the place of reality, Muslim males enter a psychotic state. A state with a psychopathic load.

Masochism Hatred
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I am not a masochist), and thus discovers in the victim (she is a coward, a masochist). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the brave woman who dares to refuse a forced marriage). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is brave and I am the coward, killing a helpless woman) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, I never learned processing masochism as a virtue). That is the beginning of hatred.
Masochism as a virtue only for heterosexual males.
The Muslim male dilemma with masochism
It is our view that Muslim males are missing empathy for masochism, but only for the suffering of other sexual roles. Women are but objects without feelings, just like animals. But males definitely do feel masochism with heterosexual males. And that's because they see each other as subjects with feelings. The fact that Muslim males are only blind for masochism from other sexual roles is similar to Christianity where animals sometimes are still perceived as objects that can be slaughtered brutally.
With the distinction subject-object we add an additional degree of freedom to allow for a better explanation. The scenario is thus simplified by an intervening variable. Muslim males hate masochism in other sexual roles because empathy with them comes down to a blatant violation of the SM-dyad. Empathy with masochism from women would lead to the subject-subject relation of Vanilla dyad from Christianity which means the end of Islamic culture. Because then there would be two gods, two equivalent sexual roles, two degrees of freedom for culture. And that means the separation of powers and the separation of mosque and state.
Now we earlier concluded that sadomasochism is only possible when one has the empathic ability to understand the suffering of the victim.
But that is only true for the SM-dyad that is not too bandied decomposes in murder lust and sexual desire. That is true for the SM-dyad in BDSM, in porn from the Enlightenment.
Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.
Muslim males have a sadistic drive to mistreat their victims. That is called autistic or cultural psychopathy. But this sexual lust is threatened by the manifestation of feelings of masochism. Hence, the only acceptable way to mistreat victims sadistically is to deny that they have masochistic feelings. As long as Muslims deny masochistic feelings they need not inhibit their sadistic drive.
Although we need the term 'masochism hate' to denote the outer appearances of the process, we now know that the distinction subject - object is really underlying masochism hate.
Finally try the distinction subject-object as the real cause of masochism hatred:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects), and thus discovers in the victim (They are objects because they don't feel any masochism). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.
Now we found the right definition of masochism hatred:
Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.
Assumption 186: Muslims are killing off other faiths not exactly for sexual lust but because of their ideology, by which humanity has to be divided into subjects and objects literally. This originated in the inbreeding and incest culture of first Homininae.
Assumption 170: Other sexual roles are homosexuals, women, children and animals. They are regarded as objects. We add to this category 'other faiths'.
When masochism hate goes over into masochism fear:
ATTENTION! SHOCKING VIDEO. Some of our viewers may find images disturbing (footage from elfaresboda's YouTube channel). Photo: Reuters / Stringer © Reuters
Assumption 262:
In Islam, breaking sadomasochism into murder and sexual lust is an institutionalized process. When 'other sexual roles' are slaughtered after Sharia law it is sexually based sentencing, born from sadomasochism. It looks like murdering 'other sexual roles' keeps on fascinating Muslims who always come in big numbers and never seem satisfied.
Assumption 298: For cultural psychopaths the break-up of SM-dyad into murder and sexuality by Sexual Scales of Religion can also be seen as legitimate compensation for undelivered sexual pleasure by females within SM-dyad.
Geometrical projection on three fundamental cultural archetypes
Assumption 434: Islam and Christianity are both extremes on the sadomasochistic dimension. A total civil war among parallel societies can be prevented by insight into the unconscious. Judaism, the Jewish people as a whole, has developed into a fairly reasonable and moderate religion. If only Islam and Christianity would come to their senses, mankind could be saved from disaster.
Assumption 212: Islam and Christianity are the endogamous core and exogamous mantle of Homininae groups. Together they form the sadomasochistic dimension, renamed as monotheism in religion. As in a big bang, they drifted apart and in a big crunch, they will destroy each other. By divine judgment of Sexual Scales of Religion, sadomasochism will dissolve in murder lust and sexual desire.
Assumption 321: Chrislam is an impossible match for Islam, which will lose its inbreeding instinct by mingling with non-Muslims. Muslims don't recognize this instinct as their overall identity. Also, horny policor females (political correctness)
in Western politics are unaware of sexual motives, while yearning for this sadomasochistic strangulation. Both parties jump blindfolded into a vortex of lust, splitting Western culture into parallel societies after civil war.
(48) Federica Mogherini's lustful submission to Chrislam 🔴
(57) Chrislamic orgasm
In 1991 rape was abolished within marriage in the Netherlands. A bill for artificial insemination waited for application. It was the blow for the SM-dyad. Latent lesbian feminists had won. The homosexual clergy was already banned in the sixties.
Because lesbian feminists simply did not grasp how it worked. And by the anti-conception pill women were equal to men. Acquired women's suffrage supplemented with a proportion of masochistic Christian males gave them the majority in parliament and so Western culture went down into a free fall.
Forced tongue kissing and such innocuous was dismissed with years of prison for rape. Then take just a sex doll. In a radical change of direction SM-dyad was exchanged for Vanilla-dyad.
It was the period of the forced foreplay and cuddling afterwards, proclaimed by the NVSH (Dutch Society for Sexual Reform) where at the same time the eight-year-old daughter learned her first lessons in the parental bed.Afterwards, the insipid cuddling with that worthless sherry. Many marriages were on the rocks with divorces on the assembly line. Males went on like beasts. At the office, that is.
But later, females were not charmed from Vanilla-dyad anymore because it is not natural. And for men, asking for sex on fixed times is an aggravation from mandatory shopping. Also, women missed to be pounced in a daze: Hop, the kids outside and then presto, I cook meanwhile by.
For yeah, half a lesbian feminist also sometimes wants be fucked hard into her ass and so it was that Western women unconsciously started looking around for a more solid meal than that slouch bite there on the bench.
Then her eye fell on: 'black hair sprayed from all its orifices' and he did exactly what Christian males also wanted but were not allowed to do anymore. He embodied the SM-dyad at its best, jummy, assaulting and raping the screaming and yelling females. Drool ran from her mouth.
Feminists talked shame with lust. But a new religion was born. Policor is the unconscious struggle for real men, for the Alpha male. Policor is an effeminate religion, equally for effeminate males. It is no better than Christianity, even worse. Religion is a form of sexuality.
Matthew 5:44
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Assumption 436:
Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value.

Assumption 365: Polytheism and monotheism.
- In polytheism, multiple sexual roles are seen as multiple gods. In monotheism only one sexual role is acknowledged as God, usually male heterosexuality.
- In polytheism all sexual roles are empathically acknowledged in the conscious. In Islam only male heterosexuality is accepted in the conscious, while 'other sexual roles' are suppressed in the unconscious.
- Respect for female sexual roles leads to equal rights in polytheism, in particular to free partner choice. This means that polytheism promotes genetic diversity for women and exogamy with regard to other ethnicities, races and cultures.
- Polytheism promotes respect for other sexual roles, for example LGBT. On the other hand monotheism does not acknowledge any of these sexual roles.
Assumption 444:The existence of God.
Does God exist? Of course, since so many people believe in God. But we all are animals, we are mammals. And more importantly, we are mammals evolved in groups together. And in groups there always is a leader. And over a period of more than 30 million years we are used to be led by a leader, the Alpha male. Humans are herd animals following the leader, just like horses. Horses have the same God-trace in their brains as humans. There is no principal difference. So, does God exist? Of course, but only in your mind...
Assumption 426: The assumption of 'Gods are sexual roles' has the important implication that honor killings are an Islam phenomenon that not happened earlier. Females from inbreeding cultures from the time of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) had more sexual freedom (polytheism = more sexual roles accepted) than in nowadays Islam (monotheism means: male heterosexual terror). Homo erectus females accepted cousin marriages out of free will for the 'honor of the family', for fertility stress, for not to go extinct as a species. Honor killings are an Islam issue, caused by Muslim females who do not understand anymore why cousin marriages are needed. In other words, they intuitively understand very well that cousin marriages are absurd.
Assumption 102: Monotheism is the sadomasochistic principal component
Assumption 102: Monotheism is the sadomasochistic principal component of the overdetermined polytheistic space. The core of the desert religions is sadomasochism.
Assumption 76: Consider the polytheistic set of n tribal heads in paradise culture as an overdetermined set of n-equations in the space of gods, which has to be caught by a single principal component: the assumed factor of sadomasochism. The angle to this main axis has to be given by the God of monotheism (m=1), who by definition is a known but unknown parameter, because God is defined as not to know. Which means that this invisible God, the proposed principal binding factor among all those tribes, is agreed not to be known in an also unknown universe. What means that God gives a fake angle to the SM-dyad in space. But then it may be more parsimonious to define the power dimension of human sexual space directly as sadomasochism and to forget about 'God'.
Assumption 68: In humans, the number of gods in the archetype of God is by nature unlimited (polytheism), with SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) of the space of gods. By testosterone (monotheism) this number of god factors is gradually restricted to one dimension, called SM-dyad or Allah construct. With estrogen multi-dimensionality remains unaffected. This means that males tend to monotheism and females to polytheism.

In addition to the inferential formula HR = f (SR), the theory can be described in the form of multiple regression:
The validity of the theory is evident from the fact that the Myth of Paradise, the Myth of Abraham, honor killings and other aspects are explained integrally by the theory. There is no sensible explanation from other religious theories to be expected. In case of religious disruptions as honor killings, all other theories are invalid. Nowadays Desert Religions have not the faintest idea of the real meaning of the Trees of Paradise.
(122) Islam is a hybrid religion
It is astonishing to see how Islam and Christianity draw the same conclusion from the Myth of Paradise. Both reject earthly reincarnation and choose for resurrection in Heaven of the parallel universe. Judaism did not belief in the parallel universe at all, only into a kind of massive rebirth of their people or not at all in the afterlife.

The inbreeding instinct
The inbreeding instinct is what Muslims do not recognize as their common denominator, as their group identity. It is sustained as long as Muslims marry other Muslims. But beware, new Muslims in religious endogamy do not have this instinct by nature. For example Boko Haram, (mtDNA L2), from sub-Saharan Africa,
originally comes from outbreeding (Voodoo). On the other hand Pakistani with mtDNA L3M are original Muslims:
More and more I have gained some understanding of Islam in what Muslims have done trying to become really good people with high morals. From their viewpoint they sincerely succeeded. But according to standards and values of other people it has gone terribly wrong. On many moral issues they are diametrically opposed to Western culture. Why? How come?
Their roots lie in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia), where they fought in animosity with other Bedouin tribes about 60.000 years ago. It was a hard environment to survive. Maybe from there comes their questionable morality.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.But the real reason for the Islamic fiasco is the evil interaction between their inbreeding instinct leading to earthly reincarnation and Islam for heavenly resurrection. That gave the psychotic twirl in their religion that makes males crazy and psychopathic against females, resulting in honor killings and acid attacks.
So, 'inbreeding with Islam' is a poisonous mixture, see this blog.
The Muslim people resemble a constellation of autosomal recessive disorders, caused by unnatural selection of individuals over many millions of years. This makes integration with other people very difficult and assimilation impossible:
Inbreeding is the real Muslim identity
Inbreeding and racism
Inbreeding cultures are inherently racist. They see themselves as Übermenschen and outbred peoples as Untermenschen. Dehumanizing non-believers facilitates murder of 'other sexual roles' (homosexuals, women children and non-believers). Heterosexual males are subjects and all others objects that can be killed freely. It is weird hearing Muslims protesting against racism in American Congress.
Not all human races or ethnicities are equal. Outbred peoples are more equal and equivalent than inbred peoples. This simply because inbred populations came about by selective breeding in which ideological outliers were systematically killed in the evolution:
Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value.
(249) Disastrous inbreeding with bipedal primates

Assumption 450: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion:
Human religion originates from animal sexuality. The basic dimension comes down to inbreeding (cousin marriages) vs. outbreeding (male kin bonded lineage with the exchange of juvenile females with other groups). Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that benefits them.

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality (e.g. inbreeding) are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.

Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
We give two examples: inbreeding and outbreeding.
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughters' sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into their descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the womb of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Assumption 441: In monotheism, sadistic heterosexual male terror monopolizes and shrinks religious space into one sadistic dimension, leaving 'other sexual roles' suffering masochistically in the mantle. The whole is called the sadomasochistic dimension in sexual space or monotheism in religious space. Both dimensions form an identity.
Assumption 442: In polytheism, religious space permeates sexual space with as many sexual roles as there are gods. All sexual roles are equivalent and experienced in the conscious.
Assumption 71:
Sadomasochistic behavior occurs also in animals, but for the sadomasochistic mental experience empathy is needed, an outstanding human quality.
Sadomasochism must be controlled by morality.
- Sadistic humans without empathy are qualified as natural psychopaths.
- Sadistic humans without morality are cultural psychopaths by religious
Assumption 6: The SM-dyad is the building block of the relationship between husband and wife. Sadomasochism is the interaction between the killer instinct, the sexual instinct and a touch of cannibalism.
Assumption 6: All human power has a sexual component: sadomasochism.
Sadomasochism is the core of human sexuality. It permeates all human relationships as SM-dyad. Soft sex is called: Vanilla-dyad. Inbreeding cultures as Islam are based on SM-dyad, outbred populations as Christianity on Vanilla-dyad. Only Islam will survive, because Vanilla-dyad is not in our genes. That makes Western society decadent and obsolete. Christianity is like a faded flower, longing for the sadomasochistic entanglement with Islam. It is a disgrace.

Assumption 66: Sadomasochism is a combination of murder and sexuality. It is unstable and easy flammable. Oppression of victims easily turns into murder, decomposing SM-dyad again into killing and sexual instinct.
As long as one keeps bloodthirstiness and sexual desire as critical mass in focus it goes well. But after losing control over the event, sadomasochism falls apart again in murder and sexual instinct. Then magic is lost. Then it explodes.
The key difference between Islamic culture and Christianity is that Islam cannot hold this critical mass together, time and again is losing control, disintegrating sadomasochism over and over again in murder and sexual desire. It is a circular and perpetual process; it is the basic feature of Islamic culture. Christianity succeeds much better in holding sadomasochism in synthesis. But more likely is that Islam intentionally collapses SM-dyad time and again in the interaction with Paradise culture. It is a willful interaction giving the Islamic killing machine her animal power.
Assumption 67:
- SM-dyad is the basic relationship between man and woman in human nature. It is a relationship that will haunt mankind to the farthest stars.
- SM-dyad is based on absolute power and results in unequal sexual relations. It easily develops into paraphilia. Vanilla-dyad is formed from relativism and consists of equivalence in sexual relations.
- SM-dyad can temporarily transform into Vanilla dyad, in which case ultimately equal rights for men and women are obtained.
- Because equivalence is against male nature, Vanilla-dyad remains subordinate to SM-dyad. It is and will remain a substitute for the male sexual instinct. Which means that SM-dyad in the background is always present, always searching for new ways to self-realization. SM-dyad will always restore the primal relation between male and female.
- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.
- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.

Assumption 439: From masochism hate to masochism fear:
Muslim boys grow up without respect for women. If they were respected, women had same rights as men and could marry non-Muslims. Bluntly said, monotheism is plain heterosexual terror, without any respect for women's feelings.
In addition, masochism is considered weak and objectionable. That is why Muslim boys do not experience masochism as a valuable trait in education. They will not identify. They do not develop an empathic model for masochism in their conscious mind. So, masochism is suppressed and remains unprocessed in their unconscious.
As a result they hate women's weakness and molest them regularly to induce masochism as proof of being right. Indeed, screaming and crying women can be a shocking event. But the more screaming and shouting, the more the Muslim male's own unconscious is addressed and alarmed. Since he has no model to handle this.
It is like burning fire that comes out of control. In panic he tries to extinguish the fire by killing the woman. A Boko Haram killer told once he killed his victims because he saw the ghosts coming out of their bulging eyes. It was a terrible sight and that is why he had to kill them ...
Assumption 440: Cultural psychopaths.
There are natural psychopaths and cultural psychopaths. The last if boys do not develop empathy with girls in education. If they are only indoctrinated with religion.
Masochism hate is in the conscious mind, but masochism fear goes across the border of the unconscious. When delusion takes the place of reality, Muslim males enter a psychotic state. A state with a psychopathic load.

Masochism Hatred
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I am not a masochist), and thus discovers in the victim (she is a coward, a masochist). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the brave woman who dares to refuse a forced marriage). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is brave and I am the coward, killing a helpless woman) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, I never learned processing masochism as a virtue). That is the beginning of hatred.
Masochism as a virtue only for heterosexual males.
The Muslim male dilemma with masochism
It is our view that Muslim males are missing empathy for masochism, but only for the suffering of other sexual roles. Women are but objects without feelings, just like animals. But males definitely do feel masochism with heterosexual males. And that's because they see each other as subjects with feelings. The fact that Muslim males are only blind for masochism from other sexual roles is similar to Christianity where animals sometimes are still perceived as objects that can be slaughtered brutally.
With the distinction subject-object we add an additional degree of freedom to allow for a better explanation. The scenario is thus simplified by an intervening variable. Muslim males hate masochism in other sexual roles because empathy with them comes down to a blatant violation of the SM-dyad. Empathy with masochism from women would lead to the subject-subject relation of Vanilla dyad from Christianity which means the end of Islamic culture. Because then there would be two gods, two equivalent sexual roles, two degrees of freedom for culture. And that means the separation of powers and the separation of mosque and state.
Now we earlier concluded that sadomasochism is only possible when one has the empathic ability to understand the suffering of the victim.
But that is only true for the SM-dyad that is not too bandied decomposes in murder lust and sexual desire. That is true for the SM-dyad in BDSM, in porn from the Enlightenment.
Masochism hatred defined under the condition of subject-object
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects without feelings like masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects without feelings like masochism), and thus discovers in the victim (Indeed they are objects, what I can prove because I don't feel any masochism with them). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman appeals to his understanding of masochism and certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.
Muslim males have a sadistic drive to mistreat their victims. That is called autistic or cultural psychopathy. But this sexual lust is threatened by the manifestation of feelings of masochism. Hence, the only acceptable way to mistreat victims sadistically is to deny that they have masochistic feelings. As long as Muslims deny masochistic feelings they need not inhibit their sadistic drive.
Although we need the term 'masochism hate' to denote the outer appearances of the process, we now know that the distinction subject - object is really underlying masochism hate.
Finally try the distinction subject-object as the real cause of masochism hatred:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects), and thus discovers in the victim (They are objects because they don't feel any masochism). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.
Now we found the right definition of masochism hatred:
Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.

Masochism fear
The more the victim screams with eyes wide open, the greater the risk that the unconscious truth penetrates that the victim must also be a subject with normal feelings. Masochism hate facilitating the lust to mistreat victims earlier turns into masochism fear when suffering becomes too great. By masochism fear the SM-dyad explodes into murder and sexual lust. Precisely before the truth penetrates the Muslim kills the screaming victim with eyes wide open. Then the victim is dead and definitely an object.
Assumption 185: The reason for Muslim males to kill other sexual roles, and especially other faiths is to degrade them to objects. Precisely because they unconsciously know that all living beings are subjects, they never stop killing them because that's the only way to prove that only Muslim males are subjects.
Assumption 186: Muslims are killing off other faiths not exactly for sexual lust but because of their ideology, by which humanity has to be divided into subjects and objects literally. This originated in the inbreeding and incest culture of first Homininae.
Assumption 170: Other sexual roles are homosexuals, women, children and animals. They are regarded as objects. We add to this category 'other faiths'.
When masochism hate goes over into masochism fear:
ATTENTION! SHOCKING VIDEO. Some of our viewers may find images disturbing (footage from elfaresboda's YouTube channel). Photo: Reuters / Stringer © Reuters
The blogosphere is boiling at the cruel beating of a female protester by Egyptian military police, who continued battling protesters in Tahrir Square on Sunday. The clashes, into their fourth day now, have left 10 people dead and hundreds injured.
The video uploaded on YouTube Sunday reveals the extreme cruelty of the country’s law enforcers during the crackdown on Qasr Al-Ainy Street just off Tahrir Square.
The army soldiers in full riot gear have been savagely beating a seemingly unconscious female protester with big sticks, kicking her and stomping on her chest.
In Islam, breaking sadomasochism into murder and sexual lust is an institutionalized process. When 'other sexual roles' are slaughtered after Sharia law it is sexually based sentencing, born from sadomasochism. It looks like murdering 'other sexual roles' keeps on fascinating Muslims who always come in big numbers and never seem satisfied.
Assumption 298: For cultural psychopaths the break-up of SM-dyad into murder and sexuality by Sexual Scales of Religion can also be seen as legitimate compensation for undelivered sexual pleasure by females within SM-dyad.
Geometrical projection on three fundamental cultural archetypes
Assumption 434: Islam and Christianity are both extremes on the sadomasochistic dimension. A total civil war among parallel societies can be prevented by insight into the unconscious. Judaism, the Jewish people as a whole, has developed into a fairly reasonable and moderate religion. If only Islam and Christianity would come to their senses, mankind could be saved from disaster.
Assumption 321: Chrislam is an impossible match for Islam, which will lose its inbreeding instinct by mingling with non-Muslims. Muslims don't recognize this instinct as their overall identity. Also, horny policor females (political correctness)
in Western politics are unaware of sexual motives, while yearning for this sadomasochistic strangulation. Both parties jump blindfolded into a vortex of lust, splitting Western culture into parallel societies after civil war.
(48) Federica Mogherini's lustful submission to Chrislam 🔴
(57) Chrislamic orgasm
In 1991 rape was abolished within marriage in the Netherlands. A bill for artificial insemination waited for application. It was the blow for the SM-dyad. Latent lesbian feminists had won. The homosexual clergy was already banned in the sixties.
Because lesbian feminists simply did not grasp how it worked. And by the anti-conception pill women were equal to men. Acquired women's suffrage supplemented with a proportion of masochistic Christian males gave them the majority in parliament and so Western culture went down into a free fall.
Forced tongue kissing and such innocuous was dismissed with years of prison for rape. Then take just a sex doll. In a radical change of direction SM-dyad was exchanged for Vanilla-dyad.
It was the period of the forced foreplay and cuddling afterwards, proclaimed by the NVSH (Dutch Society for Sexual Reform) where at the same time the eight-year-old daughter learned her first lessons in the parental bed.Afterwards, the insipid cuddling with that worthless sherry. Many marriages were on the rocks with divorces on the assembly line. Males went on like beasts. At the office, that is.
But later, females were not charmed from Vanilla-dyad anymore because it is not natural. And for men, asking for sex on fixed times is an aggravation from mandatory shopping. Also, women missed to be pounced in a daze: Hop, the kids outside and then presto, I cook meanwhile by.
For yeah, half a lesbian feminist also sometimes wants be fucked hard into her ass and so it was that Western women unconsciously started looking around for a more solid meal than that slouch bite there on the bench.
Then her eye fell on: 'black hair sprayed from all its orifices' and he did exactly what Christian males also wanted but were not allowed to do anymore. He embodied the SM-dyad at its best, jummy, assaulting and raping the screaming and yelling females. Drool ran from her mouth.
Feminists talked shame with lust. But a new religion was born. Policor is the unconscious struggle for real men, for the Alpha male. Policor is an effeminate religion, equally for effeminate males. It is no better than Christianity, even worse. Religion is a form of sexuality.
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Christians and Muslims never go together
Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value.

Assumption 365: Polytheism and monotheism.
- In polytheism, multiple sexual roles are seen as multiple gods. In monotheism only one sexual role is acknowledged as God, usually male heterosexuality.
- In polytheism all sexual roles are empathically acknowledged in the conscious. In Islam only male heterosexuality is accepted in the conscious, while 'other sexual roles' are suppressed in the unconscious.
- Respect for female sexual roles leads to equal rights in polytheism, in particular to free partner choice. This means that polytheism promotes genetic diversity for women and exogamy with regard to other ethnicities, races and cultures.
- Polytheism promotes respect for other sexual roles, for example LGBT. On the other hand monotheism does not acknowledge any of these sexual roles.
Assumption 444:The existence of God.
Does God exist? Of course, since so many people believe in God. But we all are animals, we are mammals. And more importantly, we are mammals evolved in groups together. And in groups there always is a leader. And over a period of more than 30 million years we are used to be led by a leader, the Alpha male. Humans are herd animals following the leader, just like horses. Horses have the same God-trace in their brains as humans. There is no principal difference. So, does God exist? Of course, but only in your mind...
Assumption 426: The assumption of 'Gods are sexual roles' has the important implication that honor killings are an Islam phenomenon that not happened earlier. Females from inbreeding cultures from the time of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) had more sexual freedom (polytheism = more sexual roles accepted) than in nowadays Islam (monotheism means: male heterosexual terror). Homo erectus females accepted cousin marriages out of free will for the 'honor of the family', for fertility stress, for not to go extinct as a species. Honor killings are an Islam issue, caused by Muslim females who do not understand anymore why cousin marriages are needed. In other words, they intuitively understand very well that cousin marriages are absurd.
Assumption 177: Sadomasochism is the core value of Paradise culture, projected as religion into the parallel universe and renamed as 'monotheism'.
Assumption 102: Monotheism is the sadomasochistic principal component
Assumption 102: Monotheism is the sadomasochistic principal component of the overdetermined polytheistic space. The core of the desert religions is sadomasochism.
Assumption 68: In humans, the number of gods in the archetype of God is by nature unlimited (polytheism), with SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) of the space of gods. By testosterone (monotheism) this number of god factors is gradually restricted to one dimension, called SM-dyad or Allah construct. With estrogen multi-dimensionality remains unaffected. This means that males tend to monotheism and females to polytheism.
Assumption 68: In humans, the number of interdependent gods (n) in the polytheistic space of gods (rank=m=5 vectors) in the archetype of God (rank=p=5 factors) is unlimited, with the SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) (p=1). SM-dyad is called 'monotheism' otherwise. With male testosterone this space will be gradually restricted to only one conscious dimension (p=1), the SM-dyad or Allah-construct, named otherwise monotheism or sadomasochism. Remaining (m-p=4) components are relegated to the unconscious. But in case of estrogen all sexual factors (p=5) remain unaffected in the conscious of women.
Assumption 77: Because the God of monotheism is defined as a known but unknown parameter (angle) from His Principal Axis in the space of (tribal) gods, the system of equations of paradise culture actually seemed unresolved. Nevertheless the n-space of tribes was reduced to a by tribal heads accepted single dimension: monotheism. Knowing that hatred and hostility is the most common factor among Bedouin tribes, God and Allah must be based also on hatred and hostility. Hence, God and Allah are personifications of Sadism on the throne, and the real nature of monotheism must be sadomasochism.
Assumption 371: Prophets as gods.
Prophets who protect 'other sexual roles' belong to the exogamous mantle and by definition are polytheistic gods (Jesus and Abraham).
But prophets like Moses and Mohammed are placed next to God in the endogamous core and are monotheistic gods.

Assumption 156: Incest was the first form of perpetual orgasm: timeless orgasm across generations. Earthly reincarnation as a second form offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.
Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension. It comes down to never ending orgasm, the center of gravity of male religion.

(Assumption 220:)
In the evolution incestuous pedophilia lost its former goal to create saturated genes in the offspring because of autosomal recessive disorders and now pedophilia in general was left for perpetual orgasm across generations for males with sexually immature persons.
Hence, nowadays a very insane and sick form of pedophilia with sexually immature persons results from inbreeding, which is not found in the animal world. Later in the evolution, newborns were sacrificed to the gods in holy rituals, so these also could live forever in perpetual orgasm.
Resuming, in the first instance, saturating genes in the offspring contributed to the survival of the genetic identity of the tribe in genetic immortality. In the second instance, perpetual orgasm across generations developed as a human lust for males. And in the third instance, pedophilia developed with sexually immature persons. Meanwhile sacred pedophilia developed and degenerated into sacrifices of newborns to the gods.
Extreme saturated inbreeding has been forbidden already for a very long time because of autosomal recessive disorders, though incestuous pedophilia is still practiced in some parts of the world.
But non-incestuous pedophilia has not been banned. This found its outlet in ordinary pedophilia and child marriages, not found in animals. Child marriages developed as sign of powerful eternal orgasm and expected fertility of the wealthy.
Later in the evolution perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation into the (earthly) universe (2.2 Mya) and still later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven, 1400 YA).
Assumption 146: In inbreeding and incest, humans found a promising mechanism
for genetic immortality of the tribe. Therefore, inbreeding refers to timelessness within human sexuality. It is a physical variable with timelessness dimension.
Hence religion, or better inbreeding, stands for the time dimension within the
sexual domain.
Religion in the core regulates sexual behavior in the mantle.
Magistrates regulate sexual behavior of the people (mostly females).
Muslim fathers force their daughters into cousin marriages.
Sexual terror steers sexual culture.
Still visible in nowadays Muslim culture.
Inbreeding cultures promote tribal identity by saturating tribal genes, by plowing back female genes into the male kin bonded lineage, called 'cousin marriages'. This custom was set by ancestors as a condition for tribal reincarnation. But ancestors cannot talk anymore, so it has been powerful males who have established this culture, right against the outcrossing instinct from females.
But too much tribal inbreeding, caused by excessive selection on tribal or family characteristics, led to phenotypic mortality, caused by autosomal recessive disorders. Then, as a correction, female slaves from other tribes were captured for outbreeding:
(98) Inheritance patterns
(146) Consanguineous marriages
(154) Coefficient of Inbreeding (C.O.I.)
(156) Coefficient of Relationship (C.O.R.)
(230) The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial 🔴
Assumption 321: Chrislam is an impossible match for Islam, which will lose its inbreeding instinct by mingling with non-Muslims. Muslims don't recognize this instinct as their overall identity. Also, horny policor females (political correctness)
in Western politics are unaware of sexual motives, while yearning for this sadomasochistic strangulation. Both parties jump blindfolded into a vortex of lust, splitting Western culture into parallel societies after civil war.

Assumption 431: 'Inbreeding and incest' was the primal sexual religion of the first bipedal primates (Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc) and became an instinct at the onset of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), who linked inbreeding to reincarnation.
Although Muslims consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe, they cannot forget their innate inbreeding instinct. That is why the Muslim faith is a mixture of inbreeding (sexual religion) and Islam (human religion). Muslims can get rid of this instinct only by mingling with outbred peoples, which is detrimental for the latter.

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality (e.g. inbreeding) are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.
Assumption 420: Monotheism and inbreeding.
Originally monotheism comes from the Alpha male as a polygamous heterosexual and monotheistic God, who practiced inbreeding. But after Abraham developed resurrection in the parallel universe with a metaphorical God, also monotheistic but now a-sexual, without inbreeding. But Muslim males changed a-sexuality into outbreeding, with the result that they believe in resurrection in heaven with 72 blonde Christian whores from other tribes. As a result, Muslim males consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe (outbreeding), but unconsciously in earthly reincarnation with inbreeding.

A simple theory,

Assumption 415: Honor killings.
Without cousin marriages, Muslim males must reincarnate into descendants who are hybrids from unknown Muslim families or from other faiths (Sadia Sheikh). And once reincarnated into these hybrids they can never return to their own tribe after their next death. The idea that Muslims can marry any other Muslim comes from religious endogamy and is at odds with the inbreeding instinct.
So, Muslim fathers unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in the family. Then, they are condemned to roam as ghosts through space forever. This, unconsciously, is almost deadly frightening for Muslim fathers. Their inbreeding instinct is much stronger than their belief in heaven.
Daughters who have been pregnant (Gülsüm Selim, Mirjam Abarkan) must be killed, because after abortion an ancestor is killed too, what is a crime against the honor of the family. In old times a raped daughter - who lost her virginity - always had a chance on a hybrid. So, she was killed also by her dad, her paps...
All honor killings have the same denominator: The fear of Muslim males to lose their afterlife, because they unconsciously believe in earthly reincarnation and not in heaven of the parallel universe. So, because a lot of Muslims do not really believe in the parallel universe, they enforce cousin marriages.
For unwilling daughters, honor killings or acid attacks will follow. Only then Muslim fathers will find their inner peace, being paid with sexual pleasure from the kill as compensation for the loss of their afterlife (Sexual Scales of Religion).
Therefore, refusal of a cousin marriage, or having been raped, or loss of virginity or having committed abortion, all this may lead to the death of the daughter.
Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother or your Muslim uncle. Also never trust your Muslim mother, your Muslim aunt or even your blood own sister Tahira Sheikh, who assisted her brother Mudusar Sheikh in killing Sadia. Only trust unrelated peers from school.
That is why they kill their daughters on the suspicion of any sexual contact with
non-tribal males. So, rape, loss of virginity, abortion or whatever suspicion which drives them mad - such as a Western lifestyle - can cause the death of a Muslim girl.
Assumption 438: Inbreeding started as a sexual culture for bipedal hominids. It became a religion for later Australopithecus (7-5 Mya; 400cc). Inbreeding bolstered tribal self-identity by plowing back female genes into the male kin bonded lineage.
But with the brilliant finding of the soul and reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the meaning of inbreeding changed. Inbreeding merged with reincarnation into the inbreeding instinct. From then on, inbreeding (cousin marriages) served reincarnation from tribal males, who did not want to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes.
Assumption 428: The clash between reincarnation and resurrection. The idea of the soul is the most shocking revelation of human religion, conceptualized by Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). The soul was needed for choosing the tribe to reincarnate. And without reincarnation, the soul would live forever in the universe. So, there was a binary choice.
But would the soul remain in the earthly universe as an invisible ghost? With the increase of the frontal lobe, doubts increased too. Maybe still another universe could be imagined.
But what kind of universe? It took bipedal primates until Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1400cc) to conceptualize the parallel universe. In this first phase, humans reincarnated on Earth and gods lived in the parallel universe. This agreement with the gods is shown in the Myth of Abraham. Still visible in Voodoo.
But about 10,000 years ago humans imagined themselves to resurrect in heaven from the parallel universe. And about 4000 YA Desert religions arose, which insisted on giving up effectively reincarnation and massively resurrect in heaven of the parallel universe. This monotheistic coup deprived tribal ancestors of power over their afterlife. Monotheism is just a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
This transition from reincarnation to resurrection in the parallel universe is the greatest revolution in human religion. Thus, we have 'reincarnation with the soul' and 'resurrection in the parallel universe' as masterpieces of human religion.
In a tragic and historical error 1400 YA, Islam forbade reincarnation and enforced resurrection in heaven from the parallel universe on pain of death. With that, Islam overplayed her hand, for which Christianity and Judaism guarded themselves.
The inbreeding instinct is two million years old and can only be diluted by outbreeding, but not with other Muslims. Islam is not an instinct and only 1400 years old. Beyond that it is enforced on pain of death. Consciously, Muslim males believe in resurrection, unconsciously in reincarnation.
And now we can understand the tension between these two super ideas. Exactly here, the Muslim faith crushed between inbreeding from SexualReligion (reincarnation) and Islam from HumanReligion (resurrection). It became a psychotic and psychopathic hybrid faith, enforced on pain of death on its 'believers'. On a daily basis we still see the results in numerous honor killings and acid attacks.
Assumption 429: The Myth of Abraham (350Kya - 10,000 Ya) simply means the covenant that God made with Abraham in which humans were allowed to reincarnate into the earthly universe on condition that they would worship God in the parallel universe. This covenant was valid for all ancient African religions like polytheistic Voodoo (gods), later adapted to monotheism (God). It was the cultural acceptance of the parallel universe by them who still believed in reincarnation.
Assumption 417: The Myth of Abraham is not about polytheism or monotheism in the first place. These are not fundamental religious concepts in human development. It just comes to counting the number of gods. On the other hand, earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection are paradigm shifts in human religious thinking. That is the real importance of the myth. Monotheistic sexual terror from Desert religions is a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
Islam is a monotheistic religion. Allah is God in Heaven of the parallel universe. There can be no other gods in any universe. Muslims can only resurrect in Heaven. That is why their old faith of reincarnation into descendants in the earthly universe by inbreeding is banned on pain of death. And therefore Abraham had to kill his only son Isaac. Then the cycle of earthly reincarnation was definitely interrupted.
Islamic monotheism is not a natural adhered religion, but is sexual terror, enforced on pain of death. Then, earthly reincarnation as major reinforcer of the inbreeding instinct has gone underground into the unconscious of Muslims.
But the Sacrifice Feast is contrary to this prohibition and is therefore celebrated with intense joy every year. Somehow reincarnation into descendants is approved anyway. If Muslims realized the real meaning of the Sacrifice Feast it would have been forbidden officially:

Assumption 411: The Muslim faith is a symbiotic relationship between two religions: 'Inbreeding and Incest' (cousin marriages) and 'Resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe' (Allah). 'Inbreeding and incest' is the bipedal primate religion and the key to the Babylonian speech confusion in Islam.
Assumption 413: The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a sexual religion (Inbreeding) and a human religion (Islam). It is a Muslim male dilemma. Honor killings are caused by the incompatibility of earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection. It is the incompatibility of the unconscious faith in tribal (family) reincarnation and the conscious faith in heavenly resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah.

Assumption 144: Secondary reinforcement (Earthly reincarnation):
(Operant conditioning)
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe.
Secondary reinforcement (Earthly reincarnation):
Human inbreeding developed as an operant response (inbreeding) followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of reincarnation into the earthly universe.
'Inbreeding and reincarnation' formed a profitable combination, in which earthly reincarnation became the prevailing instinctive reward for inbreeding. With reincarnation males would live forever, while they still died with the earlier religion of 'genetic immortality'.
So, after the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. We speak of the inbreeding instinct connecting inbreeding with reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.

(Operant conditioning)
Tertiary reinforcement (Resurrection):
Human inbreeding developed as an operant response (inbreeding) followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of resurrection into the parallel universe.
2) Human religion (Islam), in which belief in Allah leads to resurrection.
3) The schizophrenic combination of both, in which inbreeding on Earth leads to outbreeding in heaven of the parallel universe (the 72 virgins, nowhere written BTW).
In the inbreeding philosophy, the problem with earthly reincarnation is that the afterlife is limited by extinction from tribes and families. While in heaven of the parallel universe eternal life reigns forever. A second problem is that inbred tribes must be kept genetically stable for facilitating the reincarnation of ancestors. It must be a frozen tribal genome, free from hybrids from other tribes (the Serpent from Eve). If not, hybrid ancestors would be refused to return to their tribe after their next dead. Then, they were lost in space forever. Therefore, Muslim fathers enforce cousin marriages and honor kill unwilling daughters. Because, they will become the ancestors...So, the deeper reason for honor killings is the panic fear of Muslim males, to loose their tribal afterlife (in the family) on Earth.
But this problem only applies to inbreeding cultures. Outbreeding cultures need no parallel universe, because they reincarnate into whatever tribe, if not into animals. So, outbred populations live forever with earthly reincarnation and have nothing to win with the parallel universe. So, originally, the afterlife was a panacea only for inbreeding cultures.
And so, Voodoo does not believe in the parallel universe, just like Hinduism. They are (more or less) outbreeding cultures, which believe in earthly reincarnation. So, outbred populations do not need the parallel universe. Christianity is embraced by outbred populations, which now believe in the parallel universe as exception to the rule. Christianity and Judaism have evolved away from inbreeding during the evolution.
Therefore, inbreeding cultures from Homo sapiens (350 Kya; 1400cc) became psychotic, psychopathic and paranoid. Muslim faith shows the structural mismatch from the religious concepts: reincarnation and resurrection.
Assumption 432: Rebuilding human religion from animal sexuality shows Desert Religions as torchbearers from the primal hominid religion: Inbreeding and incest. Islam is the flamboyant exponent of the group.
Rebuilding human development from scratch, creates understanding of the Gordian knot in which Islam is entwined. Where in the evolution religious concepts come and go, this is not the case in Islam. The ancient and innate inbreeding instinct of Muslims, meant for reincarnation, clashes with nowadays resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe. This linea recta causes honor killings.
One way or the other, Islam must recognize the flaws in its religion. Awareness of negative interactions between religious concepts is the first step towards recovery. If only Muslim males would understood honor killings, much would have been accomplished.
Assumption 433: The way in which Muslims have interpreted the Tanakh shows severe imbalance, traced back to uncontrolled hatred and anger. Alternative hate and love form a bipolarity which makes unpredictable as form of power. Contradictions between the conscious and the unconscious are used to frighten others. That is the power of the Muslim faith, the entanglement of the unconscious SexualReligion (inbreeding > reincarnation) with the conscious HumanReligion (outbreeding > resurrection). By (un)natural selection of the population during millions of years, some characteristics have been formed which look like autosomal recessive disorders. Because the whole population has been selected consistently in the same direction, not much carriers are left over. This means, by consistent inbreeding while permanently exterminating outliers, human populations can differ fundamentally in time.
The structure of the Muslim faith:
The hypothetical link from the inbreeding instinct with mtDNA L3. Female mtDNA combined with male DNA by spatial association in the evolution:
Assumption 255: The future of Islam.
Islam can be described in three concentric circles.
- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have heavy inbreeding and incest. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken of the Tree of Knowledge.
- The middle group consists of ethnic endogamy and is a transition group of Arab Muslims, in which inbreeding and incest is diluting from tribal endogamy to the outer group of religious endogamy. Here, the holy grail from inbreeding and incest is still strong.
- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims which is connected mainly by religious endogamy. Inbreeding and incest is diluted more and more but Muslim females are still forced to marry Muslims. So, leaving the outer mantle of Islam is forbidden and females are still killed on marrying non-Muslims.
- Inbreeding and incest is actually diluted in the religious outer mantle of Islamic culture by outbreeding within the greater Muslim domain. But this does not mean the inbreeding instinct itself has gone. This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslims. By mingling with exogamous peoples without inbreeding instinct.
Only if Muslims mingle with non-Muslims for a large number of generations this horrible inbreeding instinct might disappear. But until the very present day Muslim girls are murdered in the religious outer mantle if yearning to genetic diversity with non-Muslims.
The tribal core from inbreeding and incest will only survive in a rigid and frozen society, in which women and girls can be checked on a daily basis. Within today's high-tech and flexible society, the Islamic core of inbreeding and incest will go extinct. But that does not apply to the inbreeding and incest instinct of Arab Muslims. Very likely they will regress to former Paradise cultures without any rules (Sharia) or consultation (mosques) of society. In Paradise culture every tribal head (Muslim male) will be his own God again: pure criminality.
The outer mantle of religious endogamy will feel the attack on its one-dimensional monotheism by porn on the internet. The reign of the Almighty Allah will be over and besides heterosexuality a second God comes on the scene: homosexuality.
Only a two dimensional society has the ability to split mosque and state. The separation of powers and the separation of church and state is dependent on the number of degrees of freedom in a sexual culture. This number depends on the number of free sexual roles, e.g. the number of gods: God and Jesus. Hence porn on the internet = polytheism.
Taking all, Islamic culture will collapse by the loss of inbreeding and incest. The old Arabic core will degenerate into pure criminality. The outer mantle of religious endogamy will explode as a red giant and will mingle with the rest of the world, freeing Muslim females.
After many generations, in which the inbreeding and incest instinct will be diluted by mingling with exogamous peoples a new religion will be born called: Chrislam. It will have the exogamous mantle from Christianity but a new core from sort of Islam. There will be nothing new in the world. But this only after World War III and a down spiraling human race...
Assumption 435 : What about the Muslim faith?
We built a reasonable model for tracing back honor killings to reincarnation and resurrection, as a disturbance in the Muslim faith. Can we generalize this theory to other disharmonies? Is the supposed conflict between reincarnation and resurrection symptomatic for still other inconsistencies? If this is true, then Muslim males must be aware of their unconscious and they must have the choice to believe in reincarnation or resurrection. This will not differ greatly from the current situation. Only then the unconscious is conscious and Muslim girls are saved. But if the Muslim faith does not change by itself, it will be overtaken by former Paradise cultures in time.
Example of reincarnation in an outbreeding culture:

Assumption 446: Split of FGM and INBREEDING as sexual religions:
About 60-50 Kya, (Kya = thousand years ago), some inbred populations (pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N)), left Africa with severe diminished genome, caused by the super volcano from Mount Toba, 74 Kya, and by being just tiny selections of the East African population.
The problem from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was that there were no other tribes for exchanging juvenile females, so they were forced to practice inbreeding (cousin marriages) with their already inferior genome.
Sexual religion from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was inbreeding and Human religion was pre-Desert Religion (monotheism). They swarmed in all directions, and 40 Kya a number of them settled as pre-Muslims back into North Africa. They had become inbred populations.
On the other hand we have outbred Negro-populations (Negroes (mtDNA L2)), who fled into West-Africa around 70 Kya, having a much more varied genome, because they possibly escaped the super volcano from 74 Kya and kept their complete population roaming to the West, where they developed FGM as sexual religion. The date of the super volcano (74 Kya) is precisely determined, but not the migration to West and North Africa from about 70 Kya.
Negroes (mtDNA L2) were surrounded by neighboring tribes, all small in number, creating a lively exchange of juvenile females. All tribes still had their complete genome. Sexual religion was Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Human religion was Voodoo (polytheism). They became outbred populations.
Assumption 77: Because the God of monotheism is defined as a known but unknown parameter (angle) from His Principal Axis in the space of (tribal) gods, the system of equations of paradise culture actually seemed unresolved. Nevertheless the n-space of tribes was reduced to a by tribal heads accepted single dimension: monotheism. Knowing that hatred and hostility is the most common factor among Bedouin tribes, God and Allah must be based also on hatred and hostility. Hence, God and Allah are personifications of Sadism on the throne, and the real nature of monotheism must be sadomasochism.
Assumption 371: Prophets as gods.
Prophets who protect 'other sexual roles' belong to the exogamous mantle and by definition are polytheistic gods (Jesus and Abraham).
But prophets like Moses and Mohammed are placed next to God in the endogamous core and are monotheistic gods.

Assumption 156: Incest was the first form of perpetual orgasm: timeless orgasm across generations. Earthly reincarnation as a second form offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.
Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension. It comes down to never ending orgasm, the center of gravity of male religion.

Assumption 220: Perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime started as a conscious operant response to elicit the reinforcing stimulus from even more saturated genes in the sexually mature offspring. In this manner, inbreeding promoted tribal identity in the form of genetic immortality. For this reason, first homininae started to fertilize sexually mature daughters and nieces.
This kind of highly saturated inbreeding also led to the insight that sexual intercourse with younger generations in itself contributed to eternal survival. Perpetual orgasm across generations got sacred meaning for eternal fertility of human-like males. This kind of incestuous pedophilia became a human male instinct.
Hence, both inbreeding and incest became human instincts. They developed as compensating instincts because sex with younger generations also was a lustful payment for males for their contribution to the system. Only in inbreeding cultures males are morally rewarded for sex with the own daughters and nieces.
Without compensation from perpetual orgasm with daughters and nieces, inbreeding and incest became unbalanced and caused honor killings much later in the evolution. Perpetual orgasm over generations was the price daughters had to pay for genetic immortality of the tribe.
From the holiness of incestuous pedophilia with daughters and nieces a different kind of pedophilia evolved: sacred pedophilia with sexually immature individuals in general. Of course this was not meant for inbreeding.
This kind of highly saturated inbreeding also led to the insight that sexual intercourse with younger generations in itself contributed to eternal survival. Perpetual orgasm across generations got sacred meaning for eternal fertility of human-like males. This kind of incestuous pedophilia became a human male instinct.
Hence, both inbreeding and incest became human instincts. They developed as compensating instincts because sex with younger generations also was a lustful payment for males for their contribution to the system. Only in inbreeding cultures males are morally rewarded for sex with the own daughters and nieces.
Without compensation from perpetual orgasm with daughters and nieces, inbreeding and incest became unbalanced and caused honor killings much later in the evolution. Perpetual orgasm over generations was the price daughters had to pay for genetic immortality of the tribe.
From the holiness of incestuous pedophilia with daughters and nieces a different kind of pedophilia evolved: sacred pedophilia with sexually immature individuals in general. Of course this was not meant for inbreeding.
(Assumption 220:)
In the evolution incestuous pedophilia lost its former goal to create saturated genes in the offspring because of autosomal recessive disorders and now pedophilia in general was left for perpetual orgasm across generations for males with sexually immature persons.
Hence, nowadays a very insane and sick form of pedophilia with sexually immature persons results from inbreeding, which is not found in the animal world. Later in the evolution, newborns were sacrificed to the gods in holy rituals, so these also could live forever in perpetual orgasm.
Resuming, in the first instance, saturating genes in the offspring contributed to the survival of the genetic identity of the tribe in genetic immortality. In the second instance, perpetual orgasm across generations developed as a human lust for males. And in the third instance, pedophilia developed with sexually immature persons. Meanwhile sacred pedophilia developed and degenerated into sacrifices of newborns to the gods.
Extreme saturated inbreeding has been forbidden already for a very long time because of autosomal recessive disorders, though incestuous pedophilia is still practiced in some parts of the world.
But non-incestuous pedophilia has not been banned. This found its outlet in ordinary pedophilia and child marriages, not found in animals. Child marriages developed as sign of powerful eternal orgasm and expected fertility of the wealthy.
Later in the evolution perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation into the (earthly) universe (2.2 Mya) and still later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven, 1400 YA).
Assumption 221: The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.) states if male incest - as contribution to the inbreeding culture - is not compensated by perpetual orgasm across generations, males develop hatred against wives and daughters, whose stoning and honor killings might result.
Assumption 146: In inbreeding and incest, humans found a promising mechanism
for genetic immortality of the tribe. Therefore, inbreeding refers to timelessness within human sexuality. It is a physical variable with timelessness dimension.
Hence religion, or better inbreeding, stands for the time dimension within the
sexual domain.
Religion in the core regulates sexual behavior in the mantle.
Magistrates regulate sexual behavior of the people (mostly females).
Muslim fathers force their daughters into cousin marriages.
Sexual terror steers sexual culture.
Still visible in nowadays Muslim culture.
Inbreeding cultures promote tribal identity by saturating tribal genes, by plowing back female genes into the male kin bonded lineage, called 'cousin marriages'. This custom was set by ancestors as a condition for tribal reincarnation. But ancestors cannot talk anymore, so it has been powerful males who have established this culture, right against the outcrossing instinct from females.
But too much tribal inbreeding, caused by excessive selection on tribal or family characteristics, led to phenotypic mortality, caused by autosomal recessive disorders. Then, as a correction, female slaves from other tribes were captured for outbreeding:
How did 'honor of the family' originate?
(98) Inheritance patterns
(146) Consanguineous marriages
(154) Coefficient of Inbreeding (C.O.I.)
(156) Coefficient of Relationship (C.O.R.)
(230) The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial 🔴
in Western politics are unaware of sexual motives, while yearning for this sadomasochistic strangulation. Both parties jump blindfolded into a vortex of lust, splitting Western culture into parallel societies after civil war.

Expected civil wars (policor: political correctness):

Assumption 431: 'Inbreeding and incest' was the primal sexual religion of the first bipedal primates (Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc) and became an instinct at the onset of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), who linked inbreeding to reincarnation.
Although Muslims consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe, they cannot forget their innate inbreeding instinct. That is why the Muslim faith is a mixture of inbreeding (sexual religion) and Islam (human religion). Muslims can get rid of this instinct only by mingling with outbred peoples, which is detrimental for the latter.

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality (e.g. inbreeding) are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.
Assumption 420: Monotheism and inbreeding.
Originally monotheism comes from the Alpha male as a polygamous heterosexual and monotheistic God, who practiced inbreeding. But after Abraham developed resurrection in the parallel universe with a metaphorical God, also monotheistic but now a-sexual, without inbreeding. But Muslim males changed a-sexuality into outbreeding, with the result that they believe in resurrection in heaven with 72 blonde Christian whores from other tribes. As a result, Muslim males consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe (outbreeding), but unconsciously in earthly reincarnation with inbreeding.

A simple theory,
though huge consequences:

Assumption 415: Honor killings.
Without cousin marriages, Muslim males must reincarnate into descendants who are hybrids from unknown Muslim families or from other faiths (Sadia Sheikh). And once reincarnated into these hybrids they can never return to their own tribe after their next death. The idea that Muslims can marry any other Muslim comes from religious endogamy and is at odds with the inbreeding instinct.
So, Muslim fathers unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in the family. Then, they are condemned to roam as ghosts through space forever. This, unconsciously, is almost deadly frightening for Muslim fathers. Their inbreeding instinct is much stronger than their belief in heaven.
All honor killings have the same denominator: The fear of Muslim males to lose their afterlife, because they unconsciously believe in earthly reincarnation and not in heaven of the parallel universe. So, because a lot of Muslims do not really believe in the parallel universe, they enforce cousin marriages.
For unwilling daughters, honor killings or acid attacks will follow. Only then Muslim fathers will find their inner peace, being paid with sexual pleasure from the kill as compensation for the loss of their afterlife (Sexual Scales of Religion).
Therefore, refusal of a cousin marriage, or having been raped, or loss of virginity or having committed abortion, all this may lead to the death of the daughter.
Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother or your Muslim uncle. Also never trust your Muslim mother, your Muslim aunt or even your blood own sister Tahira Sheikh, who assisted her brother Mudusar Sheikh in killing Sadia. Only trust unrelated peers from school.
![]() |
Sadia Sheikh R.I.P. |
Assumption 437: The cause of honor killings:
With Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the idea of reincarnation arose, which caused big problems for inbreeding cultures:
1) Because of hostility among tribes, ancestors could only be reincarnated safely into their own tribe.
2) Next problem was that ancestors did not want to reincarnate into hybrids, because after their next death they would be strangers in their own tribe and refused for reincarnation.
3) A third problem was the greater mortality from inbred populations which boosted fertility stress. So, the risk was tribal extinction if ancestors did not dare to return to the harsh tribal life to save the species.
And because tribal ancestors are nothing more than Muslim males, the last enforce cousin marriages because they unconsciously fear to loose their afterlife in hybrids.
With Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the idea of reincarnation arose, which caused big problems for inbreeding cultures:
1) Because of hostility among tribes, ancestors could only be reincarnated safely into their own tribe.
2) Next problem was that ancestors did not want to reincarnate into hybrids, because after their next death they would be strangers in their own tribe and refused for reincarnation.
3) A third problem was the greater mortality from inbred populations which boosted fertility stress. So, the risk was tribal extinction if ancestors did not dare to return to the harsh tribal life to save the species.
And because tribal ancestors are nothing more than Muslim males, the last enforce cousin marriages because they unconsciously fear to loose their afterlife in hybrids.
non-tribal males. So, rape, loss of virginity, abortion or whatever suspicion which drives them mad - such as a Western lifestyle - can cause the death of a Muslim girl.
But with the brilliant finding of the soul and reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the meaning of inbreeding changed. Inbreeding merged with reincarnation into the inbreeding instinct. From then on, inbreeding (cousin marriages) served reincarnation from tribal males, who did not want to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes.
Assumption 428: The clash between reincarnation and resurrection. The idea of the soul is the most shocking revelation of human religion, conceptualized by Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). The soul was needed for choosing the tribe to reincarnate. And without reincarnation, the soul would live forever in the universe. So, there was a binary choice.
But would the soul remain in the earthly universe as an invisible ghost? With the increase of the frontal lobe, doubts increased too. Maybe still another universe could be imagined.
But what kind of universe? It took bipedal primates until Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1400cc) to conceptualize the parallel universe. In this first phase, humans reincarnated on Earth and gods lived in the parallel universe. This agreement with the gods is shown in the Myth of Abraham. Still visible in Voodoo.
But about 10,000 years ago humans imagined themselves to resurrect in heaven from the parallel universe. And about 4000 YA Desert religions arose, which insisted on giving up effectively reincarnation and massively resurrect in heaven of the parallel universe. This monotheistic coup deprived tribal ancestors of power over their afterlife. Monotheism is just a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
This transition from reincarnation to resurrection in the parallel universe is the greatest revolution in human religion. Thus, we have 'reincarnation with the soul' and 'resurrection in the parallel universe' as masterpieces of human religion.
In a tragic and historical error 1400 YA, Islam forbade reincarnation and enforced resurrection in heaven from the parallel universe on pain of death. With that, Islam overplayed her hand, for which Christianity and Judaism guarded themselves.
The inbreeding instinct is two million years old and can only be diluted by outbreeding, but not with other Muslims. Islam is not an instinct and only 1400 years old. Beyond that it is enforced on pain of death. Consciously, Muslim males believe in resurrection, unconsciously in reincarnation.
And now we can understand the tension between these two super ideas. Exactly here, the Muslim faith crushed between inbreeding from SexualReligion (reincarnation) and Islam from HumanReligion (resurrection). It became a psychotic and psychopathic hybrid faith, enforced on pain of death on its 'believers'. On a daily basis we still see the results in numerous honor killings and acid attacks.
Assumption 429: The Myth of Abraham (350Kya - 10,000 Ya) simply means the covenant that God made with Abraham in which humans were allowed to reincarnate into the earthly universe on condition that they would worship God in the parallel universe. This covenant was valid for all ancient African religions like polytheistic Voodoo (gods), later adapted to monotheism (God). It was the cultural acceptance of the parallel universe by them who still believed in reincarnation.
Assumption 424: An honor killing can be a human sacrifice in which an anxious father (or Abraham) confirms his belief in heaven from Allah (or God). The death of his daughter (or his only son Isaac) makes earthly reincarnation impossible along her descendants. In this way he does penance if he fears that an angry Allah (God) has noticed his desire for earthly reincarnation.
Assumption 111: An honor killing is a human sacrifice, in which the father confirms his belief in the parallel universe of Allah. The death of his daughter makes earthly reincarnation impossible.
Islam is a monotheistic religion. Allah is God in Heaven of the parallel universe. There can be no other gods in any universe. Muslims can only resurrect in Heaven. That is why their old faith of reincarnation into descendants in the earthly universe by inbreeding is banned on pain of death. And therefore Abraham had to kill his only son Isaac. Then the cycle of earthly reincarnation was definitely interrupted.
Islamic monotheism is not a natural adhered religion, but is sexual terror, enforced on pain of death. Then, earthly reincarnation as major reinforcer of the inbreeding instinct has gone underground into the unconscious of Muslims.
But the Sacrifice Feast is contrary to this prohibition and is therefore celebrated with intense joy every year. Somehow reincarnation into descendants is approved anyway. If Muslims realized the real meaning of the Sacrifice Feast it would have been forbidden officially:

Assumption 411: The Muslim faith is a symbiotic relationship between two religions: 'Inbreeding and Incest' (cousin marriages) and 'Resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe' (Allah). 'Inbreeding and incest' is the bipedal primate religion and the key to the Babylonian speech confusion in Islam.
Assumption 413: The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a sexual religion (Inbreeding) and a human religion (Islam). It is a Muslim male dilemma. Honor killings are caused by the incompatibility of earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection. It is the incompatibility of the unconscious faith in tribal (family) reincarnation and the conscious faith in heavenly resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah.

Assumption 144: Secondary reinforcement (Earthly reincarnation):
(Operant conditioning)
Operant response: inbreeding
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe.
Secondary reinforcement (Earthly reincarnation):
Human inbreeding developed as an operant response (inbreeding) followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of reincarnation into the earthly universe.
'Inbreeding and reincarnation' formed a profitable combination, in which earthly reincarnation became the prevailing instinctive reward for inbreeding. With reincarnation males would live forever, while they still died with the earlier religion of 'genetic immortality'.
So, after the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. We speak of the inbreeding instinct connecting inbreeding with reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.

Assumption 145: Tertiary reinforcement (Resurrection):
(Operant conditioning)
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: resurrection in the parallel universeSecondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcement (Resurrection):
Human inbreeding developed as an operant response (inbreeding) followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of resurrection into the parallel universe.
Above statement illustrates the schizophrenic twist in the Muslim faith. This belief is a hybrid mix from two religions:
1) Sexual religion, in which inbreeding leads to reincarnation.
3) The schizophrenic combination of both, in which inbreeding on Earth leads to outbreeding in heaven of the parallel universe (the 72 virgins, nowhere written BTW).
Though parallel resurrection is the competitor of earthly reincarnation it is not the instinctive reward for inbreeding:
In the inbreeding philosophy, the problem with earthly reincarnation is that the afterlife is limited by extinction from tribes and families. While in heaven of the parallel universe eternal life reigns forever. A second problem is that inbred tribes must be kept genetically stable for facilitating the reincarnation of ancestors. It must be a frozen tribal genome, free from hybrids from other tribes (the Serpent from Eve). If not, hybrid ancestors would be refused to return to their tribe after their next dead. Then, they were lost in space forever. Therefore, Muslim fathers enforce cousin marriages and honor kill unwilling daughters. Because, they will become the ancestors...So, the deeper reason for honor killings is the panic fear of Muslim males, to loose their tribal afterlife (in the family) on Earth.
But this problem only applies to inbreeding cultures. Outbreeding cultures need no parallel universe, because they reincarnate into whatever tribe, if not into animals. So, outbred populations live forever with earthly reincarnation and have nothing to win with the parallel universe. So, originally, the afterlife was a panacea only for inbreeding cultures.
And so, Voodoo does not believe in the parallel universe, just like Hinduism. They are (more or less) outbreeding cultures, which believe in earthly reincarnation. So, outbred populations do not need the parallel universe. Christianity is embraced by outbred populations, which now believe in the parallel universe as exception to the rule. Christianity and Judaism have evolved away from inbreeding during the evolution.
Now we resume the dilemma from inbreeding cultures: They can not get rid of their inbreeding instinct, while they also understand that only the parallel universe lasts forever. This means they cannot chose between:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: resurrection in the parallel universeLater reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Therefore, inbreeding cultures from Homo sapiens (350 Kya; 1400cc) became psychotic, psychopathic and paranoid. Muslim faith shows the structural mismatch from the religious concepts: reincarnation and resurrection.
Assumption 432: Rebuilding human religion from animal sexuality shows Desert Religions as torchbearers from the primal hominid religion: Inbreeding and incest. Islam is the flamboyant exponent of the group.
Rebuilding human development from scratch, creates understanding of the Gordian knot in which Islam is entwined. Where in the evolution religious concepts come and go, this is not the case in Islam. The ancient and innate inbreeding instinct of Muslims, meant for reincarnation, clashes with nowadays resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe. This linea recta causes honor killings.
One way or the other, Islam must recognize the flaws in its religion. Awareness of negative interactions between religious concepts is the first step towards recovery. If only Muslim males would understood honor killings, much would have been accomplished.
Assumption 433: The way in which Muslims have interpreted the Tanakh shows severe imbalance, traced back to uncontrolled hatred and anger. Alternative hate and love form a bipolarity which makes unpredictable as form of power. Contradictions between the conscious and the unconscious are used to frighten others. That is the power of the Muslim faith, the entanglement of the unconscious SexualReligion (inbreeding > reincarnation) with the conscious HumanReligion (outbreeding > resurrection). By (un)natural selection of the population during millions of years, some characteristics have been formed which look like autosomal recessive disorders. Because the whole population has been selected consistently in the same direction, not much carriers are left over. This means, by consistent inbreeding while permanently exterminating outliers, human populations can differ fundamentally in time.
The structure of the Muslim faith:
Assumption 255: The future of Islam.
Islam can be described in three concentric circles.
- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have heavy inbreeding and incest. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken of the Tree of Knowledge.
- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims which is connected mainly by religious endogamy. Inbreeding and incest is diluted more and more but Muslim females are still forced to marry Muslims. So, leaving the outer mantle of Islam is forbidden and females are still killed on marrying non-Muslims.
- Inbreeding and incest is actually diluted in the religious outer mantle of Islamic culture by outbreeding within the greater Muslim domain. But this does not mean the inbreeding instinct itself has gone. This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslims. By mingling with exogamous peoples without inbreeding instinct.
Only if Muslims mingle with non-Muslims for a large number of generations this horrible inbreeding instinct might disappear. But until the very present day Muslim girls are murdered in the religious outer mantle if yearning to genetic diversity with non-Muslims.
The tribal core from inbreeding and incest will only survive in a rigid and frozen society, in which women and girls can be checked on a daily basis. Within today's high-tech and flexible society, the Islamic core of inbreeding and incest will go extinct. But that does not apply to the inbreeding and incest instinct of Arab Muslims. Very likely they will regress to former Paradise cultures without any rules (Sharia) or consultation (mosques) of society. In Paradise culture every tribal head (Muslim male) will be his own God again: pure criminality.
The outer mantle of religious endogamy will feel the attack on its one-dimensional monotheism by porn on the internet. The reign of the Almighty Allah will be over and besides heterosexuality a second God comes on the scene: homosexuality.
Only a two dimensional society has the ability to split mosque and state. The separation of powers and the separation of church and state is dependent on the number of degrees of freedom in a sexual culture. This number depends on the number of free sexual roles, e.g. the number of gods: God and Jesus. Hence porn on the internet = polytheism.
Taking all, Islamic culture will collapse by the loss of inbreeding and incest. The old Arabic core will degenerate into pure criminality. The outer mantle of religious endogamy will explode as a red giant and will mingle with the rest of the world, freeing Muslim females.
After many generations, in which the inbreeding and incest instinct will be diluted by mingling with exogamous peoples a new religion will be born called: Chrislam. It will have the exogamous mantle from Christianity but a new core from sort of Islam. There will be nothing new in the world. But this only after World War III and a down spiraling human race...
Assumption 435 : What about the Muslim faith?
We built a reasonable model for tracing back honor killings to reincarnation and resurrection, as a disturbance in the Muslim faith. Can we generalize this theory to other disharmonies? Is the supposed conflict between reincarnation and resurrection symptomatic for still other inconsistencies? If this is true, then Muslim males must be aware of their unconscious and they must have the choice to believe in reincarnation or resurrection. This will not differ greatly from the current situation. Only then the unconscious is conscious and Muslim girls are saved. But if the Muslim faith does not change by itself, it will be overtaken by former Paradise cultures in time.
Example of reincarnation in an outbreeding culture:

Assumption 446: Split of FGM and INBREEDING as sexual religions:
About 60-50 Kya, (Kya = thousand years ago), some inbred populations (pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N)), left Africa with severe diminished genome, caused by the super volcano from Mount Toba, 74 Kya, and by being just tiny selections of the East African population.
The problem from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was that there were no other tribes for exchanging juvenile females, so they were forced to practice inbreeding (cousin marriages) with their already inferior genome.
Sexual religion from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was inbreeding and Human religion was pre-Desert Religion (monotheism). They swarmed in all directions, and 40 Kya a number of them settled as pre-Muslims back into North Africa. They had become inbred populations.
On the other hand we have outbred Negro-populations (Negroes (mtDNA L2)), who fled into West-Africa around 70 Kya, having a much more varied genome, because they possibly escaped the super volcano from 74 Kya and kept their complete population roaming to the West, where they developed FGM as sexual religion. The date of the super volcano (74 Kya) is precisely determined, but not the migration to West and North Africa from about 70 Kya.
Negroes (mtDNA L2) were surrounded by neighboring tribes, all small in number, creating a lively exchange of juvenile females. All tribes still had their complete genome. Sexual religion was Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Human religion was Voodoo (polytheism). They became outbred populations.
If the (human) religion of the father is understood as a profitable function of the sexual religion (FGM), then we have fulfilled the underlying assumption concerning the relation between human religion and sexual religion. We have already given some examples why it is profitable for fathers to mutilate their daughters.
Just like cousin marriages lead to inbreeding, facilitates FGM outbreeding:
(142) FGM, Inbreeding and reincarnation
Assumption 447: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughter's sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into her descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes. Because, if ancestors (Muslim males) reincarnate into hybrids, they are refused into the tribe after their next death. Then they will be ghosts roaming through space forever. In other words, tribal inbreeding leads to secure earthly reincarnation in the tribe.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the wombs of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy:

2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N. This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
(138) The Land of Myrrh (FGM) (Efua Dorkenoo)

Just like cousin marriages lead to inbreeding, facilitates FGM outbreeding:
(142) FGM, Inbreeding and reincarnation
Assumption 447: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughter's sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into her descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes. Because, if ancestors (Muslim males) reincarnate into hybrids, they are refused into the tribe after their next death. Then they will be ghosts roaming through space forever. In other words, tribal inbreeding leads to secure earthly reincarnation in the tribe.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the wombs of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy:

2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N. This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
(138) The Land of Myrrh (FGM) (Efua Dorkenoo)
