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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Saturday, 11 January 2020

(302) The model of the Muslim immigration

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The model of the Muslim immigration

Necessary conditions for the Muslim invasion:

1: Masochistic Christianity.
2: Marxist cultural relativism.
3. Women's suffrage.

Necessary and sufficient condition:

1: Latent lesbian rulers at top positions of society are unsatisfied with Vanilla-dyad and unconsciously drag Islamic SM-dyad into the empty core of God.

The most influential factor in the above model is women's suffrage, which has an enormous steering effect on Western culture. It is women's emancipation that has accelerated the Muslim invasion ad absurdum:

Assumption 500The strongly promoted Muslim immigration of Western Europe is an unconscious reaction to the flattened unipolar sexual relationship between husband and wife, named as Vanilla-dyad. Contrary to this Western unisex model, Muslims still use SM-dyad, which is bipolar and based on a sexual instinct.

Women's emancipation is unknowingly dominated by sexuality. Parallel to the sexual dimension of breeding we connote SM-dyad to inbreeding and Vanilla-dyad to outbreeding:

SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad:

Assumption 67:

- SM-dyad is the basic relationship between man and woman in human nature. It is a relationship that will haunt mankind to the farthest stars.

- SM-dyad is based on absolute male power and results in unequal sexual relations. It easily develops into paraphilia. Vanilla-dyad is formed from relativism and consists of equivalence in sexual relations.

- SM-dyad can temporarily transform into Vanilla dyad, in which case ultimately equal rights for men and women are obtained.

- Because equivalence is against male nature, Vanilla-dyad remains subordinate to SM-dyad. It is and will remain a substitute for the male sexual instinct. Which means that SM-dyad in the background is always present, always searching for new ways to self-realization. SM-dyad is the primal relation between male and female.

- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.

Assumption 501Multiculturalism is against discrimination and made it Article 1 of the Constitution. But this law protects Islam in the first place as the greatest discriminatory religion in the world. Multiculturalism drew Orwellian doublespeak into the Constitution and made Western morality to a farce.

Assumption 502: As an example of Orwellian doublethink latent lesbian men haters at top positions of Western society choose consciously for Vanilla-dyad (Me Too movement), while unconsciously yearning to SM-dyad by dragging in the Muslim culture.

The reason of the Muslim immigration lies in the unconscious, simply because no rational ground can be found. Asian workers were much cheaper 50 years ago and are highly intelligent. But anyway, also in the unconscious we find a logical explanation for the Muslim invasion of Western Europe. But it takes some time to lay the puzzle. In this resume I will write shorthand to explain the plot, but more analyses will follow.

How Political Correctness confuses the conscious with the unconscious

The most distinctive difference between Democrats and Republicans is that a lot of 'liberals' show the characteristics of psychosis in which they lack reality. Actually, they are a collection of individuals, each with their own moral standards that can change daily. This is the final stage of a Western outcrossing culture in which group identity already has been canceled. They call themselves atheists, but in religious terms this is purely polytheism:

Here we are dealing with a breakdown of Homo sapiens into Homo sapiens (PC) and (PI, Incorrectness):

Unconscious ethical standards

If a person makes conflicting statements represented by two crossing lines in the conscious, he may know to have reached an illogical conclusion. For example, it cannot be both true that one approves honor killings and at the same time fights for women emancipation. That will be unmasked in the rational conscious:

And one can also not claim to reject honor killings, while at the same time saying all cultures are equal. But yet that's a popular position of Political Correctness. 

The intersection of the lines of this claim lies in the unconscious for supporters of multiculturalism. They can't see the intersection and apparently don't perceive their error in thinking. So, one can be stupid enough not to grasp illogical statements, but one can also be highly intelligent and be blocked by the unconscious. 

This means Democrats in the House and journalists from CNN sometimes really mean what they say. But they don't have a grip on their unconscious attitude, their elusive moral standards.Therefore and in this case, we distinguish between Homo sapiens (PC) and (PI):

So, the problem with Political Correctness is they cannot choose for the Me Too movement supporting Vanilla-dyad and at the same time say all cultures are equal, while actually promoting SM-dyad from Islam with honor killings as a resultBut somehow they seem to be able to combine this in their unconscious, especially in the unconscious of latent lesbian women in top positions of society:

Political Correctness apparently is not able to distinguish in the conscious between
the Me Too movement (Vanilla-dyad) and Islam (SM-dyad). Then, how confusing will it be in their unconscious? Because Political Correctness supports Vanilla-dyad in the conscious, but a the same time adheres SM-dyad in the unconscious:

Assumption 499: Political Correctness supports Vanilla-dyad in the conscious, but at the same time adheres SM-dyad in the unconscious.

Well, that's not so strange, because SM-dyad is an instinct in the unconscious, an inherited sexual mindset from Australopithecus to fantasize and facilitate sexual play. Its main use was to fight fertility stress from bipedal primates, which as great apes had only few offspring:

While Vanilla-dyad is just a cultural product of civility and love in the conscious. It comes from outcrossing cultures without fertility stress and without autosomal recessive disorders, boosting the number of children.  This we find especially in inbred populations:

In outbred populations, boys are educated by their mothers to empathically respect women:

Otherwise they may become cultural psychopaths:
Without proper education by mothers, males respect only male sexuality and suppress 'other sexual roles' in the unconscious. Cultural schizophrenic males develop no sensitivity for females, no empathy and no sexual civility for women. Only natural psychopaths and cultural psychopaths take SM-dyad literally and may kill females in reality:


SM-dyad is a bipedal sexual instinct in the unconscious, with a projection in the conscious:


But Vanilla-dyad is a cultural product of civility and love, which has no origin in the unconscious. Though some animals have also kind of Vanilla-dyad (bonobos). Chimps are not much interested in sex.

But two thousand years of Christian masochistic indoctrination resonates in the unconscious from where masochism originates:

SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad are completely different but can go together as complementary sexual behavior in the conscious.

Note: Vanilla-dyad is no masochism:

So, latent lesbian women at top positions of society can consciously choose for Vanilla-dyad but unconsciously yearn to SM-dyad. That's the real cause of the Muslim invasion of Western Europe: Orwellian double-think:

Assumption 502: As an example of Orwellian doublethink latent lesbian men haters on top positions of Western society choose consciously for Vanilla-dyad (Me Too movement), while unconsciously yearning to SM-dyad by dragging in the Muslim culture.

Assumption 497Vanilla-dyad is a cultural product of civility and love, while SM-dyad is a sexual instinct based on rudeness and lust. SM-dyad is a sexual mindset exclusively for bipedal primates to fantasize sexuality in order to facilitate sexual play. SM-dyad combined with Vanilla-dyad is complementary sexual behavior for bipedal primates.

What does this all mean? It says that people can advocate civility through Vanilla-dyad, but be obsessed by SM-dyad at the same time. Latent lesbian man haters supporting Vanilla-dyad in the open, can also be fascinated by brutal males with SM-dyad, which is a drive projected on Muslim males in the context of inter cultural orgasm:

Furthermore, we also know multicultural judges who punish extremely violent Muslims less than natives. Apparently, they also are unconsciously obsessed with SM-dyad. There are endless more examples from daily life showing Orwellian doublethink from Political Correctness in Western culture.

Multiculturalism is against discrimination and made this Article 1 of the Constitution.
But this law protects Islam in the first place as the greatest discriminating religion in the world. Multiculturalism drew Orwellian doublespeak into the Constitution and made Western morality to a farce.

Assumption 501: Multiculturalism is against discrimination and made it Article 1 of the Constitution. But this law protects Islam in the first place as the greatest discriminatory religion in the world. Multiculturalism drew Orwellian doublespeak into the Constitution and made Western morality to a farce.

This all makes the Muslim invasion into Western Europe a compensatory sexual lust:

Assumption 500The strongly promoted Muslim immigration of Western Europe is an unconscious reaction to the flattened unipolar sexual relationship between husband and wife, named as Vanilla-dyad. Contrary to this Western unisex model, Muslims still use SM-dyad, which is bipolar and based on a sexual instinct.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

(301) The Muslim immigration is a Christian sexual disorder

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How many have not already desperately wondered: Have we brought home the devil with the Muslim culture? And they are not far off. Only they had no model in which the Muslim culture fits in with Western culture. 

The Muslim immigration is no coincidence. There must be a reason for this migration. It is clear that Muslims did not take the initiative, they were invited. Why? And why did this apparently agreed behavior from hundreds of millions of Europeans take place? 

If there was no real economic profit - there was none - and nobody can give a reasonable explanation for this invitation, there must be an unconscious reason for this shocking and invasive breach of Western culture. So, this blog developed a scenario that took a new look at religion in general, in particular honor killings, but also at the Muslim immigration

Two thousand years ago, before Christianity, Western peoples were proud and definitely not masochistic outbred populations. Over time, outcrossing groups will always dissolve into individualism and lose group identity. That happened in Western Europe through Marxist Cultural relativism, in which masochistic Christianity lost its God. 

But the problem is two thousand years of masochistic indoctrination cannot be wiped out so easily by the descendants of Christians, now called Political Correctness, who as heir to Christianity lost their God. They lost their sadistic master in the Catholic Church. 

Then, latent lesbian females in charge introduced Vanilla-dyad - kind of Me Too movement - but at the same time dragged sadistic Muslims with SM-dyad into Europe and have done this for already 50 years.

The most influential factor is women's suffrage, which has an enormous steering effect on Western culture. It is women's emancipation that has accelerated the Muslim invasion ad absurdum. It is unknowingly dominated by sexuality. Parallel to the sexual dimension of breeding we connote SM-dyad to inbreeding and Vanilla-dyad to outbreeding:

SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad:

Assumption 67:

- SM-dyad is the basic relationship between man and woman in human nature. It is a relationship that will haunt mankind to the farthest stars.

- SM-dyad is based on absolute male power and results in unequal sexual relations. It easily develops into paraphilia. Vanilla-dyad is formed from relativism and consists of equivalence in sexual relations.

- SM-dyad can temporarily transform into Vanilla dyad, in which case ultimately equal rights for men and women are obtained.

- Because equivalence is against male nature, Vanilla-dyad remains subordinate to SM-dyad. It is and will remain a substitute for the male sexual instinct. Which means that SM-dyad in the background is always present, always searching for new ways to self-realization. SM-dyad is the primal relation between male and female.

- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.

Just like Muslim women, who for the bigger part must be addicted to their masochistic role, also Christian women fell for SM-dyad (strong) from Desert Religions, which is an unnatural exaggeration of SM-dyad (weak) from Australopithecus.

Therefore, the Muslim immigration is a sexual correction on the loss of the sadistic God in the central core of Christianity. 

Assumption 503The Muslim immigration is a sexual correction on the loss of the sadistic God in the central core of Christianity.

It is true the Christian God was not sadistic but his role on Earth has been taken over by the sadistic Catholic Church for ages:

The Muslim immigration is a Christian sexual disorder

Bipedal primates don't flourish by Vanilla-dyad alone. The Me Too movement only allows half the sexual play. That's unsustainable. Western females in charge on top positions of society have ruined Western culture and degrade males to eunuchs. They can, because they are the political ruling class of ethical norms and values by women's suffrage. That's why they are willfully and consciously removing male characteristics from society and sexuality.

But unconsciously they are sexually unsatisfied and have compensated Vanilla-dyad by reintroducing SM-dyad from the Muslim culture into Western society by their devastating Muslim immigration policy that goes beyond all limits. But this is an ineffective symbolic measure which does not help them personally, but ruins Western society: 

SM-dyad is a bipedal sexual instinct from Australopithecus hiding in our unconscious. We can't remove it. Latent lesbian rulers in top positions of society try to wipe out the SM-dyad projection from the conscious (like Me Too movement). But that won't help.

What really happens with the Muslim immigration is understandable only if we see religion as the empowering form of sexuality, which enforces sexual rules on the population.

So, sexually unsatisfied latent lesbian females on top positions of society unconsciously correct their own boring sexual life (Vanilla-dyad) by reintroducing the Muslim SM-dyad. But beware, it is only an unconscious fantasy. This is what caused the Muslim immigration, just an unconscious fantasy:

Assumption 504The Muslim immigration is caused by an unconscious sexual fantasy from latent lesbian females is top positions of society, who try to compensate their boring sex life based on Vanilla-dyad, with the reintroduction of SM-dyad.

But this will become the reality: 

Tahrir Square

There is no rational profit from the Muslim immigration for Western Europe. And it concerns tens of millions of Muslims who reject Western culture, who hardly integrate and certainly not assimilate. The strange thing is that hundreds of millions of Europeans do not protest against Muslim immigration, which can be deduced from their voting behavior. So, there is a hidden greatest common denominator facilitating this choice, an unknown attitude, likely in the unconscious from Europeans. 

And what can be that greatest common denominator for hundreds of millions of Europeans? That comes down to Christianity, which is a function of sexuality. 
Christianity is a function of masochism, which is half SM-dyad, which is a sexual instinct in the unconscious. So, for two thousand years Western Europeans have masochism strongly activated in their unconscious, masochism as half instinct from SM-dyad:

SM-dyad is a human sexual instinct in the unconscious, with a projection in the conscious. (Vanilla-dyad has no origin in the unconscious, since it is a cultural product by education, to boys from their mothers). 

SM-dyad is also a Human Religion (HR). So, originally, SM-dyad (HR) is a sexual instinct developed by Australopithecus as a function of Inbreeding, which is a Sexual Religion (SR), so HR = f (SR)

Then, SM-dyad is a Human Religion as a function of Inbreeding, which latter is a Sexual Religion as part of Genetic Immortality (Inbreeding-Outbreeding). 

Desert Religions developed SM-dyad (strong), from which Christianity took over Masochism (strong). Masochism, is part from SM-dyad:

Political Correctness is the follow-up religion from Christianity. Activated by Marxist relativism and women's suffrage latent lesbian females in top positions of society removed God from the central red core, but ultimately cannot live without being subjected to sadism, as an unconscious fantasy fed by 2000 years of deeply felt masochism:

That's why they unconsciously yearn to sadistic Muslim males in the core, which means Islam is their new unconsciously romanticized God in the core:

This is their new Alpha male, a new God, a romanticized real male:

And a new religion is born giving masochism a satisfactory life: Chrislam: