Basic Dimension
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The closer you get to the origin of religion, the more HR = f(SR). But the further you get from breeding, the less breeding is recognizable and you switch to HR2 = f(HR1).
And you get away from breeding by taking countless magical derivatives from (female) sexual behavior. But below are rational derivatives:
In the Muslim faith we have Islam (HR2)[resurrection] as a function of the previous inbreeding culture (HR1)[reincarnation]. It is stunning how close the Muslim faith has stayed with its origin:
But through advancing knowledge, we now know that there is no progress, no real evolution in religion. Human Religion is a circular process, as we will show.
Below we see the merge of resurrection from monotheistic Islam with reincarnation from the previous polytheistic inbreeding culture:
Both planes are correlated and it is possible to project from one plain to another. Merged there clearly resulted in the middle. It is called the Muslim faith:
On the other hand, we have Christianity, which is only embraced by outbred populations without the burden of hereditary inbreeding. As a result, Christianity was able to develop an entirely new religion that has nothing to do with the original Paradise Myth:
So, Christianity is really far away from its inbreeding origin, fighting its way back to polytheism with: God, Jesus and Mary, depicting all possible sexual roles as gods.
But what we really see is the folowing:
1: First, we had an instinctive eruption of inbreeding leading to the polytheistic inbreeding culture from Arabs and Asians about 10.000 years BC. [HR = f(SR)]
2: Then, we got the monotheistic counter action from the Desert Religions about 4000 years BC, which tried to change reincarnation into resurrection. [HR2 = f(HR1)]
3: Subsequently, we saw again a counteraction from a small group around Jesus, which again paved the way for polytheism but now without inbreeding, because it concerned outbred populations. Polytheism because 'gods are sexual roles' and Jesus himself stood for 'other sexual roles'. [HR3 = f(HR2(HR1))]
We conclude that Sexual Instincts in the unconscious of bipedal primates lead to eruptions of drives over and over again, whether it's inbreeding or fertility stress or whatever. They all look like 'new' religions, thousands of fertility religions in the evolution:
You will remember that we have touched on this circular process numerous times in this blog without realizing that Sexual Instincts in the unconscious are the cause.
Tribal ancestors from inbreeding cultures are multiple heterosexual males from the leading sexual role, the first god. This we call serial monotheism. Only the variety in different sexual roles (male and female gods) determines polytheism.
So, fundamentally, we only see outbreeding, outcrossing and genetic diversity as polytheism:
Which all means that there is no evolution in human faith and that Human religion is a circular process by nature:
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And you get away from breeding by taking countless magical derivatives from (female) sexual behavior. But below are rational derivatives:
In the Muslim faith we have Islam (HR2)[resurrection] as a function of the previous inbreeding culture (HR1)[reincarnation]. It is stunning how close the Muslim faith has stayed with its origin:
But through advancing knowledge, we now know that there is no progress, no real evolution in religion. Human Religion is a circular process, as we will show.
Below we see the merge of resurrection from monotheistic Islam with reincarnation from the previous polytheistic inbreeding culture:
Both planes are correlated and it is possible to project from one plain to another. Merged there clearly resulted in the middle. It is called the Muslim faith:
On the other hand, we have Christianity, which is only embraced by outbred populations without the burden of hereditary inbreeding. As a result, Christianity was able to develop an entirely new religion that has nothing to do with the original Paradise Myth:
So, Christianity is really far away from its inbreeding origin, fighting its way back to polytheism with: God, Jesus and Mary, depicting all possible sexual roles as gods.
But what we really see is the folowing:
1: First, we had an instinctive eruption of inbreeding leading to the polytheistic inbreeding culture from Arabs and Asians about 10.000 years BC. [HR = f(SR)]
2: Then, we got the monotheistic counter action from the Desert Religions about 4000 years BC, which tried to change reincarnation into resurrection. [HR2 = f(HR1)]
3: Subsequently, we saw again a counteraction from a small group around Jesus, which again paved the way for polytheism but now without inbreeding, because it concerned outbred populations. Polytheism because 'gods are sexual roles' and Jesus himself stood for 'other sexual roles'. [HR3 = f(HR2(HR1))]
We conclude that Sexual Instincts in the unconscious of bipedal primates lead to eruptions of drives over and over again, whether it's inbreeding or fertility stress or whatever. They all look like 'new' religions, thousands of fertility religions in the evolution:
You will remember that we have touched on this circular process numerous times in this blog without realizing that Sexual Instincts in the unconscious are the cause.
So, fundamentally, we only see outbreeding, outcrossing and genetic diversity as polytheism:
So, what have we learned so far? Inbreeding leads to polytheism, and monotheism tries to reach outbreeding in heaven or whatever, but it fails time after time, because inbreeding is the strongest religious instinct of bipedal primates. So, all this misery of the Desert Religions is a recurring tragedy in human evolution. It never stops, never.
Now Islam is a simple case, but there are countless sophisticated religions such as those of the ancient Egyptians, which seem far removed from inbreeding, but ultimately depend on breeding.
Now Islam is a simple case, but there are countless sophisticated religions such as those of the ancient Egyptians, which seem far removed from inbreeding, but ultimately depend on breeding.
Assumption 555: The plausibility of an inbreeding instinct
1: Twenty million years ago, the first bipedal primates lived in mammal groups with the Alpha male, which practiced inbreeding. But females in the periphery of the group chose for outbreeding or genetic diversity.
2: The first bipedal Hominids from 14 to 7 million years ago were forced to inbreeding by the bipedal mutation, which made it difficult for them to get in touch with other groups. Sexual culture is controlled and sanctioned by 'religion' and therefore 'inbreeding and incest' became the first bipedal primate religion.
3: Because this condition has lasted 14 million years, we assume that inbreeding has become a Sexual Instinct controlled and sanctioned by "religion". If that instinct is not diluted by mixing with outbred populations, it will be retained in the genes of the inbred population, AKA Arab and Asian Muslims.
4: A religion exists for a few thousand years at the most, say a maximum of 5 thousand years. This means that the inbreeding culture of Muslims cannot be the same religion as that of the early bipedal primates. There is no cultural connection possible. And that is the reason to suppose an inbreeding instinct, which is permanently present in the genes of inbred populations and from which swells up every few thousand years a new inbreeding culture.
5: The implication of point 4 is that there is no guarantee of a meaningful religious evolution beyond the evolution of religious concepts as such, as reincarnation and resurrection, which is limited.
6: And that means Homo naledi could in principle have had more empathic religious depth than contemporary religions. So, according to this theory there is no reason to reject the burial rituals of Homo naledi, even if they did not believe in the soul or in reincarnation. They believed in the revival of their DNA, as a fetus with extended telomeres. Therefore, their graves needed an open connection to the outside world, without any gifts. With a soul graves were closed, with precious gifts. (289) Homo naledi: Inbreeding caused no mole behavior
7: So, inbreeding cultures come and go but have nothing in common. Their only connection is the eruption of the inbreeding instinct, dating from the first Hominids:
(289) Homo naledi: Inbreeding caused no mole behavior
But in this latest interview Prof. Dr. Lee Berger said that possibly Homo naledi could be our ancient ancestor. Thinking about that means Homo erectus delivered the body to Homo sapiens with the enlarged skull, but Homo naledi brought in the hands, wrists, feet and legs. So the most modern features came from Homo naledi and the psychotic brain from Homo erectus:
The reason science is wrong about Homo naledi's religious beliefs lies in retrospective research. This blog revives all religious stages prospectively and comes to fundamentally different conclusions. All religious choices from the bipedal evolution were made anew, which sometimes resulted in unexpected interactions.
But retrospectively, one digs a Neanderthal tomb from 100,000 years ago and concludes this must have been the beginning of bipedal religion. That's a joke and no science either ...
1: Twenty million years ago, the first bipedal primates lived in mammal groups with the Alpha male, which practiced inbreeding. But females in the periphery of the group chose for outbreeding or genetic diversity.
2: The first bipedal Hominids from 14 to 7 million years ago were forced to inbreeding by the bipedal mutation, which made it difficult for them to get in touch with other groups. Sexual culture is controlled and sanctioned by 'religion' and therefore 'inbreeding and incest' became the first bipedal primate religion.
4: A religion exists for a few thousand years at the most, say a maximum of 5 thousand years. This means that the inbreeding culture of Muslims cannot be the same religion as that of the early bipedal primates. There is no cultural connection possible. And that is the reason to suppose an inbreeding instinct, which is permanently present in the genes of inbred populations and from which swells up every few thousand years a new inbreeding culture.
5: The implication of point 4 is that there is no guarantee of a meaningful religious evolution beyond the evolution of religious concepts as such, as reincarnation and resurrection, which is limited.
7: So, inbreeding cultures come and go but have nothing in common. Their only connection is the eruption of the inbreeding instinct, dating from the first Hominids:
(289) Homo naledi: Inbreeding caused no mole behavior
But in this latest interview Prof. Dr. Lee Berger said that possibly Homo naledi could be our ancient ancestor. Thinking about that means Homo erectus delivered the body to Homo sapiens with the enlarged skull, but Homo naledi brought in the hands, wrists, feet and legs. So the most modern features came from Homo naledi and the psychotic brain from Homo erectus:
The reason science is wrong about Homo naledi's religious beliefs lies in retrospective research. This blog revives all religious stages prospectively and comes to fundamentally different conclusions. All religious choices from the bipedal evolution were made anew, which sometimes resulted in unexpected interactions.
But retrospectively, one digs a Neanderthal tomb from 100,000 years ago and concludes this must have been the beginning of bipedal religion. That's a joke and no science either ...