Basic Dimension
Number Archive

De theorie is gebaseerd op 600 volledig met elkaar overeenstemmende assumpties. Vrijwel al deze assumpties staan in NUMBER ARCHIVE onder artikel 76:
Globale behandeling honor killings.
Eerwraak (honor revenge) of honor killings?
Waarom gebeurteerwraak (honor killings)?
Wat iseerwraak precies?
Waarom pleegt juist de moslim man honor killings?
Cognitieve dissonantie: reïncarnatie en resurrectie.
Uitleg cognitieve dissonantie.
Wat leidt er toteerwraak (honor killings)?
Wat is de common sense oorzaak van honor killings?
Wat is volgens jou de werkelijke oorzaak?
Wat is er te doen aan honor killings?
Waar kunnen moslim meisjes voor worden gewaarschuwd?
Op welk moment wordt de toestand thuis onhoudbaar?
Onderzoek van menselijke religie.
1: Honor killings en menselijke religie worden begrepen door de manier waarop zij worden onderzocht. Men heeft daarbij de keuze uit prospectief en retrospectief onderzoek.
Wat is er dan fout gegaan met het oog op interacties in de tijd?
Definitie van religie.
2: Religie:
Wat is religie?
Wat is het verband tussen honor killings en religie?
Hoe luidt de functie van religie?
Waar komt religie vandaan?
De evolutie van religie:
3: De evolutie van religieuze concepten:
Naast de wijze van onderzoek is de evolutie van religieuze concepten van groot belang.
De uitwerking van de inhoudsopgave:
Globale behandeling van honor killings:
Eerwraak of honor killings:
Als ik het over eerwraak heb ('honor revenge, literally'), dan bedoel ik eigenlijk eremoord ('honor killing'). Honor killings zijn bedoeld om de voortplanting van de vrouw te blokkeren, wat ook het onderwerp van dit blog is.
Alhoewel zuur aanvallen (acid attacks) zo mogelijk nog gruwelijker zijn dan honor killings, staan die de voortplanting van de vrouw in principe niet in de weg. Bij zuuraanvallen wordt 'shaming and naming' van de vrouw belangrijker gevonden dan het blokkeren van de voortplanting. Het kan bijvoorbeeld worden gezien als een blijvende waarschuwing voor andere jonge vrouwen om een bepaalde man niet te beledigen door niet op zijn avances in te gaan. Deze man is vaak ook geen familielid.
Dus honor killings betreffen de familie eer (family honor) van Australopithecus, een regressieverschijnsel omdat reincarnatie van Homo erectus in Islam moet worden onderdrukt, terwijl zuuraanvallen juist wel met het (primitieve) eergevoel van jonge moslims te maken heeft. Honor killings en zuuraanvallen hebben daarom een volstrekt verschillende psychologische oorzaak, al kunnen beide zaken wel door elkaar lopen.
Daarom zijn zuuraanvallen hier niet het onderwerp van onderzoek. Het betreft hier meestal primitieve agressie van jonge mannen met een zwaar gestoorde persoonlijkheid, die zonder meer de aller zwaarste straf verdienen.
Zuuraanvallen hebben dus niets met het onderwerp van dit blog te maken, tenzij confounding met familierelaties optreedt. Maar ook dan dienen beide zaken voor de analyse nog steeds gescheiden te blijven.
Concluderend bedoel ik met 'eerwraak' dus 'honor killings'.
Waarom gebeurteerwraak (honor killings)?
Eerwraak (honor killings) gebeurt omdat de man, meestal de vader in een psychose zit.
Wat is eerwraak precies?
Honor killings worden veroorzaakt door cognitieve dissonantie tussen reincarnatie in het onbewuste en resurrectie (wederopstanding) in het bewuste van de moslim man
(assumpties 558, 467):
Assumption 558: Cognitive dissonance is the cause of honor killings.
If religion is just an attitude, it can be changed, although very difficult. Maybe within several generations. But if religion is based on a sexual instinct, it cannot be changed, only diluted by outcrossing.
There is every reason to believe that human religion was originally based on the inbreeding instinct of the first bipedal primates. Arab and Asian Muslims still have this instinct.
This hereditary predisposition cannot be removed by indoctrination with resurrection in heaven of Allah. It can only be suppressed with horrible consequences. As a result, Muslim males believe in resurrection in the conscious, while their reincarnation instinct based on inbreeding in the unconscious says otherwise.
Islam created an unconscious form of cognitive dissonance that leads to psychosis and possibly honor killings. Muslim fathers must be made aware of this cognitive dissonance, thereby preventing this stone-cold psychosis from leading to the honor killings of their daughters.
Waarom pleegt juist de moslim man honor killings?
In Islam is inteelt nodig voor de mannelijke reincarnatie in een genetisch 'identiek' nageslacht. Inteelt is een mannelijk instinct. Vrouwen willen geen inteelt, die willen uitteelt want dat is het vrouwelijke instinct. We hebben het hier dus over twee tegengestelde seksuele instincten.
Uit mijn theorie komt naar voren dat voor reincarnatie in de moslim cultuur inteelt
nodig is (ass. 520, 438), wat een puur mannelijke eigenschap is. Uitteelt, crossbreeding is een vrouwelijk instinct.
De verklaring wordt gevonden in de patrilineale afkomst van chimpansees (male kin bonded lineage, 429, 438,450), waarin alleen de overleving van de mannelijke lijn van belang is. Bij moslims leidt inteelt via neef/nicht huwelijken tot een zo zuiver mogelijke genetische familie spiegel waarin ancestors wel willen reincarneren om de stam aan afstammelingen te helpen (vruchtbaarheidstress).
Assumption 438: Inbreeding started as a sexual culture for bipedal hominids. It became a religion for later Australopithecus (7-5 Mya; 400cc). Inbreeding bolstered tribal self-identity by plowing back female genes into the male kin bonded lineage.
But with the brilliant finding of the soul and reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the meaning of inbreeding changed. Inbreeding merged with reincarnation into the inbreeding instinct. From then on, inbreeding (cousin marriages) served reincarnation from tribal males, who did not want to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection by outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing,
Muslim males must show up with the much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Nog verder terug in de tijd zien we dat de Alpha male inteelt bedrijft en de vrouwtjes in de periferieoverspel crossbreeding plegen:
Cognitieve dissonantie: reïncarnatie en resurrectie.
Het conflict tussen reincarnatie en resurrectie is de schuld van Islam, of liever van de woestijngodsdiensten in het algemeen.
Uitleg cognitieve dissonantie.
Dat is een heel verhaal maar het komt erop neer dat de woestijnreligies 4000 jaar voor Christus van reincarnatie op resurrectie (opstanding) overgingen om inteelt uit te bannen, maar ook om de macht van de stamhoofden (polytheisme) te breken. De Abrahamitische religies zijn van oorsprong politieke terreur organisaties, die naast het bestrijden van de inteelt ook de macht van de stammen wilden breken en hun monotheistische alleenheerschappij wilden vestigen. De stamhoofden waren hun eigen god, wat we ego-theïsme noemen. Polytheïsme is religieuze democratie.
1400 years ago, Islam forbade reincarnation and killed all the reincarnation believers to far beyond Persia. Monotheistic terror forced resurrection into heaven of the parallel universe. In this way, Islamic scholars must have thought to exterminate reincarnation. But the alleles of reincarnation were already widespread in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims for millions of years.
Parents no longer dared to tell their children about their true faith, because that would be an immediate dead-sentence. So, reincarnation was pushed into the unconscious, causing millions of honor killings in the next 1400 years.
Just like Abraham believed in God, Muslims believe in Allah. But just like Abraham, many Muslim males unconsciously do not believe in resurrection in some parallel universe. The Myth of Abraham is about 350,000 years old and not for nothing. It is the compromise between Homo erectus (reincarnation) and Homo sapiens (resurrection). It is the most fundamental myth of Human Religion connecting two types of Humanoids.
The following cluster of factors dived into the unconscious of Muslim males:
1: The reincarnation instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc).
2: The inbreeding instinct and the fertility stress instinct from the
Hominids (14 Mya; 300cc) through Australopithecus (3,4 Mya; 400cc).
Muslim fathers and daughters are unaware of this reincarnation instinct, which explodes when daughters do not follow their fathers' guidelines.
What really happens with honor killings is that Islam has placed a time-bomb in the heads of Muslim fathers, which can go off any time a daughter does not comply.
Wat leidt er tot eerwraak (honor killings)?
De culturele antropologie heeft een aantal gedragingen gevonden die tot eerwraak leiden, maar men heeft de achterliggende oorzaken nog niet ontdekt. Aanleiding tot honor killing zijn:
- Westerse levenstijl.
- Dating niet moslims.
- Verlies van maagdelijkheid voor het huwelijk, verkrachting.
- Ongewenste zwangerschap voor het huwelijk.
- Abortus.
- Overspel in het huwelijk.

Wat is de common sense oorzaak van honor killings?
Tot nu toe was de oorzaak niet bekend. Men verwijst altijd naar oude gewoonten van vroeger. Culturele antropologie is gebaseerd op directe waarneming, leidend tot retrospectief onderzoek naar de oorzaken van honor killings. In feite wordt alleen de bewuste mening van moslim mannen gepeild. Diepte psychologie daarentegen gaat uit van prospectief, voorspellend onderzoek dat met de tijd meegaat. Het begint 20 miljoen jaar geleden en eindigt in het heden. Beide methoden, prospectief en retrospectief leiden tot volstrekt verschillende oorzaken van honor killings.
Wat is volgens jou de werkelijke oorzaak?
Dat is een lang verhaal maar het heeft te maken met de evolutie van religie. Het heeft te maken met evolutie van bipedale primaten die op twee benen gingen lopen. Het heeft ook te maken met de ontwikkeling van religieuze concepten. Dat volgt straks uit de evolutie van de mens.
Wat is er te doen aan honor killings?
Ten eerste moeten moslim vaders bewust worden gemaakt van hun onbewuste reincarnatie drang en ten tweede moeten moslim meisjes zelf kunnen beschikken over hun lot (523). Deze onbewuste drang tot reincarnatie leidt tot verstarde psychoses waaruit honor killings voortkomen (546, 551):
Assumption 523: What would Abraham advise?
Religion works through conviction, not through indoctrination. Islam has no authority to enforce resurrection by force. Historically, Islam has failed to remove reincarnation from Muslim society. We also know that honor killings are not caused by the fertility instinct, not by the instinct of reincarnation, nor by the inbreeding instinct. Honor killings are caused by a rigid and cold psychosis in Muslim males, driven by ignorance of their reincarnation instinct. What, then, would be wise in accordance with the myth of Abraham? Islam should give believers back the choice between resurrection and reincarnation. We cannot eliminate cousin marriages, but we can prevent honor killings by raising awareness.
1400 years ago, Islam forbade reincarnation and killed all the reincarnation believers to far beyond Persia. Monotheistic terror forced resurrection into heaven of the parallel universe. In this way, Islamic scholars must have thought to exterminate reincarnation. But the alleles of reincarnation were already widespread in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims for millions of years.
Parents no longer dared to tell their children about their true faith, because that would be an immediate dead-sentence. So, reincarnation was pushed into the unconscious, causing millions of honor killings in the next 1400 years.
Just like Abraham believed in God, Muslims believe in Allah. But just like Abraham, many Muslim males unconsciously do not believe in resurrection in some parallel universe. The Myth of Abraham is about 350,000 years old and not for nothing. It is the compromise between Homo erectus (reincarnation) and Homo sapiens (resurrection). It is the most fundamental myth of Human Religion connecting two types of Humanoids.
The following cluster of factors dived into the unconscious of Muslim males:
1: The reincarnation instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc).
2: The inbreeding instinct and the fertility stress instinct from the
Hominids (14 Mya; 300cc) through Australopithecus (3,4 Mya; 400cc).
Muslim fathers and daughters are unaware of this reincarnation instinct, which explodes when daughters do not follow their fathers' guidelines.
What really happens with honor killings is that Islam has placed a time-bomb in the heads of Muslim fathers, which can go off any time a daughter does not comply.
Romina was a human being, a subject in his conscious, but just an object, an incubator for family semen in his unconscious. What we see is characteristic for honor killers, a stone-cold psychosis in which the perpetrator knows he is wrong, but feels he is right ...
Waar kunnen moslim meisjes voor worden gewaarschuwd?
Er zijn een heleboel regels waaraan moslim meisjes zich moeten houden. Maar het belangrijkste is wel dat zij onder alle omstandigheden een vriendschappelijke betrekking met hun vader in stand moeten houden. Dit tegen beter weten in.
Door een 'goede' relatie met de vader is de dochter een subject, een mens. Valt deze relatie weg dan krijgt de onbewuste moordlust van de vader vrij baan. Dan ziet hij zijn dochter als een object, als een ding, als een broodstoof (incubator) voor familiezaad. En dan wordt het gevaar voor honor killing levensgroot.
Op welk moment wordt de toestand thuis onhoudbaar?
Wanneer de vader telkens weer op het gewenste huwelijk met de neeft terugkomt. Zijn onbewuste reincarnatie drang neemt steeds grotere vormen aan en de dochter moet voorbereidingen treffen om het huis te ontvluchten. Dat kan zelfs op 14 jarige leeftijd opeens acuut worden.
Onderzoek van menselijke religie.
1: Honor killings en menselijke religie worden begrepen door de manier waarop zij worden onderzocht. Men heeft daarbij de keuze uit prospectief en retrospectief
Prospectief onderzoek:
Bij voorspellend onderzoek start men 20 miljoen jaar terug in het verleden en probeert men dezelfde ontwikkeling te doordenken als de eerste bipedale primaten hebben gemaakt. Bijvoorbeeld:
1: De apen kwamen uit de bomen.
2: De volgorde van ontwikkeling in de bipedale mutatie:
- Great apes gingen rechterop lopen.
- Dijbenen schoven in de heupkom onder een schuine hoek. Daardoor kon de primaat het ene been voor het andere zetten en werd hij niet moe, zoals chimpanzees die met iedere stap hun volle gewicht moeten verplaatsen.
3: Het achterhoofdsgat (foramen magnum) schoof van midden op het achterhoofd naar onder het hoofd.
Zou men zuiver retrospectief (terugkijkend) te werk gaan en een geraamte van een Hominid opgraven, dan zou men het verlaagde achterhoofdsgat en de veranderde dijbeenhoek tezamen aantreffen en niet weten wat hier oorzaak en gevolg was.
Wanneer men hetzelfde proces als de hominiden probeert door te maken, dan wordt men ook voor dezelfde keuze elementen in hun ontwikkeling geplaatst. Men ziet dan waaruit de interacties (de waaier van nieuwe gedragingen) voortkomen. Maar bij retrospectief (terugkijkend) onderzoek ziet men alleen de waaier en weet men niet meer hoe die tot stand gekomen is.
Prospectief onderzoek
Assumption 540: Prospective and retrospective analyses of religion.
The Sexual Theory of Religion took as starting point 20 million years ago and built a prospective model of Human Religion based on the natural dimension: Breeding. The Theory has a kind of bottom-up approach, which begins at the specific and moves to the general. It starts with the concrete (breeding) and possibly ends at the abstract religious macro level (polytheism or monotheism).
Mainstream religions (Desert Religions) would start the other way around, from the present time to look retrospectively back into the past. It would have a kind of top-down approach, which goes from the general to the specific. It would start at macro level (polytheism or monotheism) to end with the specific and concrete breeding.
Analyzing retrospectively is not such a good idea, because there is no correction for time dependent causality. One cannot retroactively correct for instantaneous interactions. And time-series analysis starts also from the beginning and never from the end.
Time dependent causality means A is caused in time by B, so A = f(B).
For example, predictive (prospective) research starts 20 million years in the past and tries to experience the same development as the first bipedal primates:
1: Great apes left the trees.
2: They walked upright.
3: The thighs slid at an oblique angle into the hip socket. This allowed the primate to put one leg in front of the other and not get tired, like chimpanzees who have to shift their full weight with each step.
4: The occipital hole (foramen magnum) slid to below the head.
If one were to work purely retrospectively (looking back) and find a skeleton of a Hominid, one would find the lowered foramen magnum and the modified thigh angle together and would not know cause and effect.
Thus, if we are modelling human religion, we have no other choice than the bottom-up approach.
It is our natural habit to look backwards in history. Then we see the Myth of Abraham as a conflict between polytheism and monotheism. But that is wrong. In those days, people indeed worshipped many idols (polytheism), and agreed to honor the only true God (monotheism).
But with this easy conclusion we started at the endpoint of history. Why not beginning from the start? Because, was Abraham kind of psychopath willing to kill his own son? Of course not, in ancient times people also had empathy. So, the Myth must have been changed in history. There must have been an earlier myth, which made sense.
In the bottom-up method we know reincarnation is a function of breeding. It can be inbreeding or outbreeding. The latter is no problem but the former is. When reincarnation becomes a function of inbreeding we get autosomal recessive disorders. That's the first reason why Desert Religions had big problems with reincarnation. But of course, they also wanted to break the power of their citizens, who were egotheistic in determining their own afterlife, with their idols.
But the point is, polytheism / monotheism was not the original meaning of the Myth of Abraham. Originally, Abraham wanted to prove to God his willingness to resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe, which proof could only be delivered by killing his only tribal son from the male kin bonded lineage. Then of course, the chain of reincarnations would be broken.
And then God made the covenant with Abraham that people would be allowed to reincarnate if they would worship the true God in heaven (kind of Voodoo). So, the real significance of the Myth of Abraham is reincarnation/resurrection and not polytheism/monotheism. The covenant with God is a compromise between reincarnation from Homo erectus and resurrection from Homo sapiens.
But the covenant between Abraham and God was ad odds with the policies of the Desert Religions, which worked towards resurrection. Therefore, they probably falsified the myth as if Abraham would sacrifice his son out of docility to God. A very sad joke.
All of that is understandable, but it is weird that contemporary religious science is still deceived by following the top-down method.
For the same reason honor killings were never resolved, though millions of women in history must have intuitively felt how things were. What they missed was making a total model of Human Religion, in which honor killings fit seamlessly.
Honor killings can only be explained with the bottom-up method. They explanation that honor killings are related to old habits is a typical top-down approach that does not provide any insight in the nature of the event.
A prospective analysis of religion from the past without any data is disastrous. All principal component analyses and all geometrical projections are fake. In reality, even the multiple regressions do not exist. Well, we will never get religious records from the past.
Wat is er dan fout gegaan met het oog op interacties in de tijd?
Kort en goed heb je bij retrospectief onderzoek geen idee hoe al die interacties, al die wervelingen in religie tot stand zijn gekomen omdat je van voren naar achteren had moeten onderzoeken.
Effecten in de tijd zijn niet terug te vinden. In prospectieve pijldiagrammen zie je welke keuzes er in de evolutie werden gemaakt, maar dan moet je wel met de tijd meegaan, achteraf zie je niet meer de oorspronkelijke keuzes die gemaakt zijn.
Bij retrospectief onderzoek zie je niet welke religieuze keuzes de mensen in de evolutie gemaakt hebben. Je ziet nu monotheisme en polytheisme maar begrijpt niet dat polytheisme het gevolg van reincarnatie kan zijn, en reincarnatie weer van teeltkeuze.
Definitie van religie.
2: Religie:
Wat is religie?
Religie is de handhaving van de seksuele regels voor de vrouw (448,450). En religie bevindt zich in de rode kern van de groep:
Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
We give two examples: inbreeding and outbreeding.
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughters' sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into their descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the womb of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers do. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Wat is het verband tussen honor killings en religie?
Teeltkeuze (Breeding):

Assumption 561: The function of Human Religion: HR = f(SR).
HR = f(SR) offers the most parsimonious and heuristic religious model in the world, in which Human Religion (HR) is a function of Sexual Religion (breeding). Human Religion is thought to be a function of a weighted combination of inbreeding and outbreeding.
In case of HR = f(SR), we speak of a blue rational function (f). In case of a magical derivation of SR we write a pink f in HR = f(SR). For example, a rational function of inbreeding bends inbreeding into outbreeding to prevent further autosomal recessive
disorders. And irrational or magical functions are even further away from breeding and eventually lose contact with reality.
Genetische immortaliteit bij dieren, (454, 472, 474, 479)
3: De evolutie van religieuze concepten:
Naast de wijze van onderzoek is de evolutie van religieuze concepten van groot belang.
Assumption 403: The evolution of human religious concepts keeps track with their intellectual development. But more advanced and magical concepts from their cauliflower brain do not supplant rational concepts from the animal world. Interactions occur between 'sleep forever', 'rebirth with and without soul', 'reincarnation' and 'resurrection in the multiverse'. The schizophrenia of Islam is caused by impossible interactions between these concepts, in which Muslims instinctively believe in earthly reincarnation, but are also forced to accept Allah and resurrection into the parallel universe. Notice the similarity between Allah and the God of Darkness.
De ontwikkeling van religieuze abstracties houdt verband met de hersen inhoud. Maar belangrijker is wellicht dat bij een groter hersenvolume meer magisch denken optrad, waarvan de wenselijkheid betwijfeld kan worden:

Number Archive

De theorie is gebaseerd op 600 volledig met elkaar overeenstemmende assumpties. Vrijwel al deze assumpties staan in NUMBER ARCHIVE onder artikel 76:
Globale behandeling honor killings.
Eerwraak (honor revenge) of honor killings?
Waarom gebeurt
Wat is
Waarom pleegt juist de moslim man honor killings?
Cognitieve dissonantie: reïncarnatie en resurrectie.
Uitleg cognitieve dissonantie.
Wat leidt er tot
Wat is de common sense oorzaak van honor killings?
Wat is volgens jou de werkelijke oorzaak?
Wat is er te doen aan honor killings?
Waar kunnen moslim meisjes voor worden gewaarschuwd?
Op welk moment wordt de toestand thuis onhoudbaar?
Onderzoek van menselijke religie.
1: Honor killings en menselijke religie worden begrepen door de manier waarop zij worden onderzocht. Men heeft daarbij de keuze uit prospectief en retrospectief onderzoek.
Wat is er dan fout gegaan met het oog op interacties in de tijd?
Definitie van religie.
2: Religie:
Wat is religie?
Wat is het verband tussen honor killings en religie?
Hoe luidt de functie van religie?
Waar komt religie vandaan?
De evolutie van religie:
3: De evolutie van religieuze concepten:
Naast de wijze van onderzoek is de evolutie van religieuze concepten van groot belang.
De uitwerking van de inhoudsopgave:
Globale behandeling van honor killings:
Eerwraak of honor killings:
Als ik het over eerwraak heb ('honor revenge, literally'), dan bedoel ik eigenlijk eremoord ('honor killing'). Honor killings zijn bedoeld om de voortplanting van de vrouw te blokkeren, wat ook het onderwerp van dit blog is.
Alhoewel zuur aanvallen (acid attacks) zo mogelijk nog gruwelijker zijn dan honor killings, staan die de voortplanting van de vrouw in principe niet in de weg. Bij zuuraanvallen wordt 'shaming and naming' van de vrouw belangrijker gevonden dan het blokkeren van de voortplanting. Het kan bijvoorbeeld worden gezien als een blijvende waarschuwing voor andere jonge vrouwen om een bepaalde man niet te beledigen door niet op zijn avances in te gaan. Deze man is vaak ook geen familielid.
Dus honor killings betreffen de familie eer (family honor) van Australopithecus, een regressieverschijnsel omdat reincarnatie van Homo erectus in Islam moet worden onderdrukt, terwijl zuuraanvallen juist wel met het (primitieve) eergevoel van jonge moslims te maken heeft. Honor killings en zuuraanvallen hebben daarom een volstrekt verschillende psychologische oorzaak, al kunnen beide zaken wel door elkaar lopen.
Daarom zijn zuuraanvallen hier niet het onderwerp van onderzoek. Het betreft hier meestal primitieve agressie van jonge mannen met een zwaar gestoorde persoonlijkheid, die zonder meer de aller zwaarste straf verdienen.
Zuuraanvallen hebben dus niets met het onderwerp van dit blog te maken, tenzij confounding met familierelaties optreedt. Maar ook dan dienen beide zaken voor de analyse nog steeds gescheiden te blijven.
Concluderend bedoel ik met 'eerwraak' dus 'honor killings'.
Waarom gebeurt
Eerwraak (honor killings) gebeurt omdat de man, meestal de vader in een psychose zit.
Wat is eerwraak precies?
Honor killings worden veroorzaakt door cognitieve dissonantie tussen reincarnatie in het onbewuste en resurrectie (wederopstanding) in het bewuste van de moslim man
(assumpties 558, 467):
Assumption 558: Cognitive dissonance is the cause of honor killings.
If religion is just an attitude, it can be changed, although very difficult. Maybe within several generations. But if religion is based on a sexual instinct, it cannot be changed, only diluted by outcrossing.
There is every reason to believe that human religion was originally based on the inbreeding instinct of the first bipedal primates. Arab and Asian Muslims still have this instinct.
This hereditary predisposition cannot be removed by indoctrination with resurrection in heaven of Allah. It can only be suppressed with horrible consequences. As a result, Muslim males believe in resurrection in the conscious, while their reincarnation instinct based on inbreeding in the unconscious says otherwise.
Islam created an unconscious form of cognitive dissonance that leads to psychosis and possibly honor killings. Muslim fathers must be made aware of this cognitive dissonance, thereby preventing this stone-cold psychosis from leading to the honor killings of their daughters.
Assumption 467: Honor killings are the Gestalt of the horrible symbiosis between two opposite religions: reincarnation and resurrection, acting as water and fire. They are the gruesome benchmark of the Muslim faith.
Waarom pleegt juist de moslim man honor killings?
In Islam is inteelt nodig voor de mannelijke reincarnatie in een genetisch 'identiek' nageslacht. Inteelt is een mannelijk instinct. Vrouwen willen geen inteelt, die willen uitteelt want dat is het vrouwelijke instinct. We hebben het hier dus over twee tegengestelde seksuele instincten.
Uit mijn theorie komt naar voren dat voor reincarnatie in de moslim cultuur inteelt
nodig is (ass. 520, 438), wat een puur mannelijke eigenschap is. Uitteelt, crossbreeding is een vrouwelijk instinct.
De verklaring wordt gevonden in de patrilineale afkomst van chimpansees (male kin bonded lineage, 429, 438,450), waarin alleen de overleving van de mannelijke lijn van belang is. Bij moslims leidt inteelt via neef/nicht huwelijken tot een zo zuiver mogelijke genetische familie spiegel waarin ancestors wel willen reincarneren om de stam aan afstammelingen te helpen (vruchtbaarheidstress).
Assumption 438: Inbreeding started as a sexual culture for bipedal hominids. It became a religion for later Australopithecus (7-5 Mya; 400cc). Inbreeding bolstered tribal self-identity by plowing back female genes into the male kin bonded lineage.
But with the brilliant finding of the soul and reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the meaning of inbreeding changed. Inbreeding merged with reincarnation into the inbreeding instinct. From then on, inbreeding (cousin marriages) served reincarnation from tribal males, who did not want to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection by outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing,
Muslim males must show up with the much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Nog verder terug in de tijd zien we dat de Alpha male inteelt bedrijft en de vrouwtjes in de periferie
Cognitieve dissonantie: reïncarnatie en resurrectie.
Het conflict tussen reincarnatie en resurrectie is de schuld van Islam, of liever van de woestijngodsdiensten in het algemeen.
Uitleg cognitieve dissonantie.
Dat is een heel verhaal maar het komt erop neer dat de woestijnreligies 4000 jaar voor Christus van reincarnatie op resurrectie (opstanding) overgingen om inteelt uit te bannen, maar ook om de macht van de stamhoofden (polytheisme) te breken. De Abrahamitische religies zijn van oorsprong politieke terreur organisaties, die naast het bestrijden van de inteelt ook de macht van de stammen wilden breken en hun monotheistische alleenheerschappij wilden vestigen. De stamhoofden waren hun eigen god, wat we ego-theïsme noemen. Polytheïsme is religieuze democratie.
Assumption 546: The Honor Killing Time-bomb in the Unconscious.
1400 years ago, Islam forbade reincarnation and killed all the reincarnation believers to far beyond Persia. Monotheistic terror forced resurrection into heaven of the parallel universe. In this way, Islamic scholars must have thought to exterminate reincarnation. But the alleles of reincarnation were already widespread in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims for millions of years.
Parents no longer dared to tell their children about their true faith, because that would be an immediate dead-sentence. So, reincarnation was pushed into the unconscious, causing millions of honor killings in the next 1400 years.
Just like Abraham believed in God, Muslims believe in Allah. But just like Abraham, many Muslim males unconsciously do not believe in resurrection in some parallel universe. The Myth of Abraham is about 350,000 years old and not for nothing. It is the compromise between Homo erectus (reincarnation) and Homo sapiens (resurrection). It is the most fundamental myth of Human Religion connecting two types of Humanoids.
The following cluster of factors dived into the unconscious of Muslim males:
1: The reincarnation instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc).
2: The inbreeding instinct and the fertility stress instinct from the
Hominids (14 Mya; 300cc) through Australopithecus (3,4 Mya; 400cc).
Muslim fathers and daughters are unaware of this reincarnation instinct, which explodes when daughters do not follow their fathers' guidelines.
What really happens with honor killings is that Islam has placed a time-bomb in the heads of Muslim fathers, which can go off any time a daughter does not comply.
Wat leidt er tot eerwraak (honor killings)?
De culturele antropologie heeft een aantal gedragingen gevonden die tot eerwraak leiden, maar men heeft de achterliggende oorzaken nog niet ontdekt. Aanleiding tot honor killing zijn:
- Westerse levenstijl.
- Dating niet moslims.
- Verlies van maagdelijkheid voor het huwelijk, verkrachting.
- Ongewenste zwangerschap voor het huwelijk.
- Abortus.
- Overspel in het huwelijk.

Wat is de common sense oorzaak van honor killings?
Tot nu toe was de oorzaak niet bekend. Men verwijst altijd naar oude gewoonten van vroeger. Culturele antropologie is gebaseerd op directe waarneming, leidend tot retrospectief onderzoek naar de oorzaken van honor killings. In feite wordt alleen de bewuste mening van moslim mannen gepeild. Diepte psychologie daarentegen gaat uit van prospectief, voorspellend onderzoek dat met de tijd meegaat. Het begint 20 miljoen jaar geleden en eindigt in het heden. Beide methoden, prospectief en retrospectief leiden tot volstrekt verschillende oorzaken van honor killings.
Wat is volgens jou de werkelijke oorzaak?
Dat is een lang verhaal maar het heeft te maken met de evolutie van religie. Het heeft te maken met evolutie van bipedale primaten die op twee benen gingen lopen. Het heeft ook te maken met de ontwikkeling van religieuze concepten. Dat volgt straks uit de evolutie van de mens.
Wat is er te doen aan honor killings?
Ten eerste moeten moslim vaders bewust worden gemaakt van hun onbewuste reincarnatie drang en ten tweede moeten moslim meisjes zelf kunnen beschikken over hun lot (523). Deze onbewuste drang tot reincarnatie leidt tot verstarde psychoses waaruit honor killings voortkomen (546, 551):
Assumption 523: What would Abraham advise?
Religion works through conviction, not through indoctrination. Islam has no authority to enforce resurrection by force. Historically, Islam has failed to remove reincarnation from Muslim society. We also know that honor killings are not caused by the fertility instinct, not by the instinct of reincarnation, nor by the inbreeding instinct. Honor killings are caused by a rigid and cold psychosis in Muslim males, driven by ignorance of their reincarnation instinct. What, then, would be wise in accordance with the myth of Abraham? Islam should give believers back the choice between resurrection and reincarnation. We cannot eliminate cousin marriages, but we can prevent honor killings by raising awareness.
Assumption 546: The Honor Killing Time-bomb in the Unconscious.
1400 years ago, Islam forbade reincarnation and killed all the reincarnation believers to far beyond Persia. Monotheistic terror forced resurrection into heaven of the parallel universe. In this way, Islamic scholars must have thought to exterminate reincarnation. But the alleles of reincarnation were already widespread in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims for millions of years.
Parents no longer dared to tell their children about their true faith, because that would be an immediate dead-sentence. So, reincarnation was pushed into the unconscious, causing millions of honor killings in the next 1400 years.
Just like Abraham believed in God, Muslims believe in Allah. But just like Abraham, many Muslim males unconsciously do not believe in resurrection in some parallel universe. The Myth of Abraham is about 350,000 years old and not for nothing. It is the compromise between Homo erectus (reincarnation) and Homo sapiens (resurrection). It is the most fundamental myth of Human Religion connecting two types of Humanoids.
The following cluster of factors dived into the unconscious of Muslim males:
1: The reincarnation instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc).
2: The inbreeding instinct and the fertility stress instinct from the
Hominids (14 Mya; 300cc) through Australopithecus (3,4 Mya; 400cc).
Muslim fathers and daughters are unaware of this reincarnation instinct, which explodes when daughters do not follow their fathers' guidelines.
What really happens with honor killings is that Islam has placed a time-bomb in the heads of Muslim fathers, which can go off any time a daughter does not comply.
Assumption 551:
05/28/2020 Iran
'Teenage girl Romina Ashrafi from the northwestern city of Talesh had fallen in love with a man in his thirties and ran away after her father objected to a marriage. After returning home last week, her father beheaded her in her sleep, reportedly with a sickle. The father then reported himself to the police. Agents are said to have found the father with the bleeding murder weapon in his hand.'
It's only been 10 years since the 4-year-old Romina sat on Dad's lap. And how proud he was of his little girl. Therefore, he is probably not a psychopath, but a psychotic. That begs the question how come the father changed into a psychotic?
He became gloomy at the first development of Romina's secondary sexual characteristics. He had to find her a man in whose descendants he would like to reincarnate someday. Preferably a family member. And that's how honor killings come about. But this whole process is unconscious to Muslim males.
He did not flee, but went to the police with the sickle in his hand. As if part of his mind emphasized the correctness of his actions. Clear evidence that his unconscious made a different judgment than his conscious. Also, the fact that he consciously was afraid to kill Romina while she was awake. His relationship with Romina prevented that. But when she slept his unconscious drive to kill the hybrid in her got the upper hand. Bastard descendants into which he would never reincarnate.
Honor killings are life-and-death fights between fathers and daughters. But neither party knows what is happening. The father fights for his afterlife and the daughter for her worldly survival.
Waar kunnen moslim meisjes voor worden gewaarschuwd?
Er zijn een heleboel regels waaraan moslim meisjes zich moeten houden. Maar het belangrijkste is wel dat zij onder alle omstandigheden een vriendschappelijke betrekking met hun vader in stand moeten houden. Dit tegen beter weten in.
Door een 'goede' relatie met de vader is de dochter een subject, een mens. Valt deze relatie weg dan krijgt de onbewuste moordlust van de vader vrij baan. Dan ziet hij zijn dochter als een object, als een ding, als een broodstoof (incubator) voor familiezaad. En dan wordt het gevaar voor honor killing levensgroot.
Op welk moment wordt de toestand thuis onhoudbaar?
Wanneer de vader telkens weer op het gewenste huwelijk met de neeft terugkomt. Zijn onbewuste reincarnatie drang neemt steeds grotere vormen aan en de dochter moet voorbereidingen treffen om het huis te ontvluchten. Dat kan zelfs op 14 jarige leeftijd opeens acuut worden.
Onderzoek van menselijke religie.
1: Honor killings en menselijke religie worden begrepen door de manier waarop zij worden onderzocht. Men heeft daarbij de keuze uit prospectief en retrospectief
Prospectief onderzoek:
Bij voorspellend onderzoek start men 20 miljoen jaar terug in het verleden en probeert men dezelfde ontwikkeling te doordenken als de eerste bipedale primaten hebben gemaakt. Bijvoorbeeld:
1: De apen kwamen uit de bomen.
2: De volgorde van ontwikkeling in de bipedale mutatie:
- Great apes gingen rechterop lopen.
- Dijbenen schoven in de heupkom onder een schuine hoek. Daardoor kon de primaat het ene been voor het andere zetten en werd hij niet moe, zoals chimpanzees die met iedere stap hun volle gewicht moeten verplaatsen.
3: Het achterhoofdsgat (foramen magnum) schoof van midden op het achterhoofd naar onder het hoofd.
Zou men zuiver retrospectief (terugkijkend) te werk gaan en een geraamte van een Hominid opgraven, dan zou men het verlaagde achterhoofdsgat en de veranderde dijbeenhoek tezamen aantreffen en niet weten wat hier oorzaak en gevolg was.
Wanneer men hetzelfde proces als de hominiden probeert door te maken, dan wordt men ook voor dezelfde keuze elementen in hun ontwikkeling geplaatst. Men ziet dan waaruit de interacties (de waaier van nieuwe gedragingen) voortkomen. Maar bij retrospectief (terugkijkend) onderzoek ziet men alleen de waaier en weet men niet meer hoe die tot stand gekomen is.
Prospectief onderzoek
Assumption 540: Prospective and retrospective analyses of religion.
The Sexual Theory of Religion took as starting point 20 million years ago and built a prospective model of Human Religion based on the natural dimension: Breeding. The Theory has a kind of bottom-up approach, which begins at the specific and moves to the general. It starts with the concrete (breeding) and possibly ends at the abstract religious macro level (polytheism or monotheism).
Mainstream religions (Desert Religions) would start the other way around, from the present time to look retrospectively back into the past. It would have a kind of top-down approach, which goes from the general to the specific. It would start at macro level (polytheism or monotheism) to end with the specific and concrete breeding.
Analyzing retrospectively is not such a good idea, because there is no correction for time dependent causality. One cannot retroactively correct for instantaneous interactions. And time-series analysis starts also from the beginning and never from the end.
Time dependent causality means A is caused in time by B, so A = f(B).
For example, predictive (prospective) research starts 20 million years in the past and tries to experience the same development as the first bipedal primates:
1: Great apes left the trees.
2: They walked upright.
3: The thighs slid at an oblique angle into the hip socket. This allowed the primate to put one leg in front of the other and not get tired, like chimpanzees who have to shift their full weight with each step.
4: The occipital hole (foramen magnum) slid to below the head.
If one were to work purely retrospectively (looking back) and find a skeleton of a Hominid, one would find the lowered foramen magnum and the modified thigh angle together and would not know cause and effect.
It is our natural habit to look backwards in history. Then we see the Myth of Abraham as a conflict between polytheism and monotheism. But that is wrong. In those days, people indeed worshipped many idols (polytheism), and agreed to honor the only true God (monotheism).
But with this easy conclusion we started at the endpoint of history. Why not beginning from the start? Because, was Abraham kind of psychopath willing to kill his own son? Of course not, in ancient times people also had empathy. So, the Myth must have been changed in history. There must have been an earlier myth, which made sense.
In the bottom-up method we know reincarnation is a function of breeding. It can be inbreeding or outbreeding. The latter is no problem but the former is. When reincarnation becomes a function of inbreeding we get autosomal recessive disorders. That's the first reason why Desert Religions had big problems with reincarnation. But of course, they also wanted to break the power of their citizens, who were egotheistic in determining their own afterlife, with their idols.
But the point is, polytheism / monotheism was not the original meaning of the Myth of Abraham. Originally, Abraham wanted to prove to God his willingness to resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe, which proof could only be delivered by killing his only tribal son from the male kin bonded lineage. Then of course, the chain of reincarnations would be broken.
And then God made the covenant with Abraham that people would be allowed to reincarnate if they would worship the true God in heaven (kind of Voodoo). So, the real significance of the Myth of Abraham is reincarnation/resurrection and not polytheism/monotheism. The covenant with God is a compromise between reincarnation from Homo erectus and resurrection from Homo sapiens.
But the covenant between Abraham and God was ad odds with the policies of the Desert Religions, which worked towards resurrection. Therefore, they probably falsified the myth as if Abraham would sacrifice his son out of docility to God. A very sad joke.
All of that is understandable, but it is weird that contemporary religious science is still deceived by following the top-down method.
For the same reason honor killings were never resolved, though millions of women in history must have intuitively felt how things were. What they missed was making a total model of Human Religion, in which honor killings fit seamlessly.
Honor killings can only be explained with the bottom-up method. They explanation that honor killings are related to old habits is a typical top-down approach that does not provide any insight in the nature of the event.
A prospective analysis of religion from the past without any data is disastrous. All principal component analyses and all geometrical projections are fake. In reality, even the multiple regressions do not exist. Well, we will never get religious records from the past.
But we can do a lot of other things. No scientific experiment will succeed without intuition, without imagination, without intellectual predictive power. The spin-off of supervising scientific research is intuitive shadow accounting of the project's success. This quality can also be used in a prospective analysis of human religion beginning 20 million years ago.
What is needed is a lot of logical assumptions (550) steering the process into some direction, assumptions which are not contradictory. And during the ride many flowcharts will appear with choice elements at interactions, which must be intuitively estimated with relative probabilities.
So, many interactions will be encountered, providing course changes from the past to the future. And now it comes: the scientist must fill in these course changes to the best of his ability. He must let relive human religious history for the second time.
And in this way, he comes again across The Myth of Abraham, he passes again the effect of the genome impoverishment of Homo Sapiens, and again he has to decide about Adam who is being divorced from paradise and many, many other unexpected developments. It is as if we relive history and, in this way, also understand much better how honor killings occur.
Wat is er dan fout gegaan met het oog op interacties in de tijd?
Kort en goed heb je bij retrospectief onderzoek geen idee hoe al die interacties, al die wervelingen in religie tot stand zijn gekomen omdat je van voren naar achteren had moeten onderzoeken.
Effecten in de tijd zijn niet terug te vinden. In prospectieve pijldiagrammen zie je welke keuzes er in de evolutie werden gemaakt, maar dan moet je wel met de tijd meegaan, achteraf zie je niet meer de oorspronkelijke keuzes die gemaakt zijn.
Bij retrospectief onderzoek zie je niet welke religieuze keuzes de mensen in de evolutie gemaakt hebben. Je ziet nu monotheisme en polytheisme maar begrijpt niet dat polytheisme het gevolg van reincarnatie kan zijn, en reincarnatie weer van teeltkeuze.
Definitie van religie.
2: Religie:
Wat is religie?
Religie is de handhaving van de seksuele regels voor de vrouw (448,450). En religie bevindt zich in de rode kern van de groep:
Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
We give two examples: inbreeding and outbreeding.
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughters' sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into their descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the womb of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers do. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Assumption 450: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion:
Human religion originates from animal sexuality. The basic dimension comes down to inbreeding (cousin marriages) vs. outbreeding (male kin bonded lineage with the exchange of juvenile females with other groups). Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that benefits them.
Teeltkeuze (Breeding):

Assumption 561: The function of Human Religion: HR = f(SR).
HR = f(SR) offers the most parsimonious and heuristic religious model in the world, in which Human Religion (HR) is a function of Sexual Religion (breeding). Human Religion is thought to be a function of a weighted combination of inbreeding and outbreeding.
In case of HR = f(SR), we speak of a blue rational function (f). In case of a magical derivation of SR we write a pink f in HR = f(SR). For example, a rational function of inbreeding bends inbreeding into outbreeding to prevent further autosomal recessive
disorders. And irrational or magical functions are even further away from breeding and eventually lose contact with reality.
Waar komt religie vandaan?
Genetische immortaliteit bij dieren, (454, 472, 474, 479)
Assumption 454: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion.
Human religion originates from animal sexuality. The basic dimension comes down to inbreeding (cousin marriages) vs outbreeding (male kin bonded lineage with the exchange of juvenile females with other groups). Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions HR = f (SR). Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that benefits them (FGM, cousin marriages, pedophilia, etc).
Assumption 472: Genetic immortality (without soul) is animal religion and is living on in the genes of the offspring, while the individual dies. Reincarnation is exactly the same religion (but now with a soul), in which the individual reincarnates into descendants. Because of the nearly identical link with animal religion, reincarnation is the strongest human religion, which will survive all the others with the soul. Atheism (without soul) is identical to genetic immortality and is purely animal religion. In the end atheism will survive all human religions.

Assumption 474: Genetic immortality (without soul) is animal religion and is living on in the genes of the offspring, while the individual dies. Genetic immortality is the basic law of sexuality in nature and comes down to outcrossing. For primates there is a complication, since in the evolution bipedal primates (hominins) usually chose for inbreeding, while quadrupedal primates (e.g. chimps) chose for outbreeding.
Assumption 479: The Muslim inbreeding instinct is thought to lead to reincarnation and is based on genetic immortality, the primal sexual drive in nature. Both, reincarnation and genetic immortality project the afterlife into another body, by breeding. But resurrection is not really based on genetic immortality nor on any other sexual instinct. And both, resurrection and rebirth, project the afterlife into one's own body, without breeding. That's why Islam (resurrection) can never defeat reincarnation.
Maar hoe ziet de evolutie van religie er dan uit?
Assumption 555: The plausibility of an inbreeding instinct
1: Twenty million years ago, the first bipedal primates lived in mammal groups with the Alpha male, which practiced inbreeding. But females in the periphery of the group chose for outbreeding or genetic diversity.

2: The first bipedal Hominids from 14 to 7 million years ago were forced to inbreeding by the bipedal mutation, which made it difficult for them to get in touch with other groups. Sexual culture is controlled and sanctioned by 'religion' and therefore 'inbreeding and incest' became the first bipedal primate religion.
3: Because this condition has lasted 14 million years, we assume that inbreeding has become a Sexual Instinct controlled and sanctioned by "religion". If that instinct is not diluted by mixing with outbred populations, it will be retained in the genes of the inbred population, AKA Arab and Asian Muslims.

4: A religion exists for a few thousand years at the most, say a maximum of 5 thousand years. This means that the inbreeding culture of Muslims cannot be the same religion as that of the early bipedal primates. There is no cultural connection possible. And that is the reason to suppose an inbreeding instinct, which is permanently present in the genes of inbred populations and from which swells up every few thousand years a new inbreeding culture.

5: The implication of point 4 is that there is no guarantee of a meaningful religious evolution beyond the evolution of religious concepts as such, as reincarnation and resurrection, which is limited.
6: And that means Homo naledi could in principle have had more empathic religious depth than contemporary religions. So, according to this theory there is no reason to reject the burial rituals of Homo naledi, even if they did not believe in the soul or in reincarnation. They believed in the revival of their DNA, as a fetus with extended telomeres. Therefore, their graves needed an open connection to the outside world, without any gifts. With a soul graves were closed, with precious gifts.
7: So, inbreeding cultures come and go but have nothing in common. Their only connection is the eruption of the inbreeding instinct, dating from the first Hominids:
De evolutie van religie:Assumption 472: Genetic immortality (without soul) is animal religion and is living on in the genes of the offspring, while the individual dies. Reincarnation is exactly the same religion (but now with a soul), in which the individual reincarnates into descendants. Because of the nearly identical link with animal religion, reincarnation is the strongest human religion, which will survive all the others with the soul. Atheism (without soul) is identical to genetic immortality and is purely animal religion. In the end atheism will survive all human religions.

Assumption 474: Genetic immortality (without soul) is animal religion and is living on in the genes of the offspring, while the individual dies. Genetic immortality is the basic law of sexuality in nature and comes down to outcrossing. For primates there is a complication, since in the evolution bipedal primates (hominins) usually chose for inbreeding, while quadrupedal primates (e.g. chimps) chose for outbreeding.
Assumption 479: The Muslim inbreeding instinct is thought to lead to reincarnation and is based on genetic immortality, the primal sexual drive in nature. Both, reincarnation and genetic immortality project the afterlife into another body, by breeding. But resurrection is not really based on genetic immortality nor on any other sexual instinct. And both, resurrection and rebirth, project the afterlife into one's own body, without breeding. That's why Islam (resurrection) can never defeat reincarnation.
Maar hoe ziet de evolutie van religie er dan uit?
Assumption 555: The plausibility of an inbreeding instinct
1: Twenty million years ago, the first bipedal primates lived in mammal groups with the Alpha male, which practiced inbreeding. But females in the periphery of the group chose for outbreeding or genetic diversity.

2: The first bipedal Hominids from 14 to 7 million years ago were forced to inbreeding by the bipedal mutation, which made it difficult for them to get in touch with other groups. Sexual culture is controlled and sanctioned by 'religion' and therefore 'inbreeding and incest' became the first bipedal primate religion.


4: A religion exists for a few thousand years at the most, say a maximum of 5 thousand years. This means that the inbreeding culture of Muslims cannot be the same religion as that of the early bipedal primates. There is no cultural connection possible. And that is the reason to suppose an inbreeding instinct, which is permanently present in the genes of inbred populations and from which swells up every few thousand years a new inbreeding culture.

5: The implication of point 4 is that there is no guarantee of a meaningful religious evolution beyond the evolution of religious concepts as such, as reincarnation and resurrection, which is limited.
7: So, inbreeding cultures come and go but have nothing in common. Their only connection is the eruption of the inbreeding instinct, dating from the first Hominids:
3: De evolutie van religieuze concepten:
Naast de wijze van onderzoek is de evolutie van religieuze concepten van groot belang.
Assumption 403: The evolution of human religious concepts keeps track with their intellectual development. But more advanced and magical concepts from their cauliflower brain do not supplant rational concepts from the animal world. Interactions occur between 'sleep forever', 'rebirth with and without soul', 'reincarnation' and 'resurrection in the multiverse'. The schizophrenia of Islam is caused by impossible interactions between these concepts, in which Muslims instinctively believe in earthly reincarnation, but are also forced to accept Allah and resurrection into the parallel universe. Notice the similarity between Allah and the God of Darkness.
De ontwikkeling van religieuze abstracties houdt verband met de hersen inhoud. Maar belangrijker is wellicht dat bij een groter hersenvolume meer magisch denken optrad, waarvan de wenselijkheid betwijfeld kan worden:

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