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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 25 September 2020

(336) The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial

 Basic Dimension

Below a picture of the forced marriage on the internet from Sadia Sheik with an 
unknown cousin in Pakistan for getting offspring intended for the reincarnation of Muslim males from patrilineal descent:

After this forced marriage Sadia escaped the parental home and moved with her boyfriend to the town where she studied law. After some time she accepted an invitation to make amends at home, whereupon she was murdered by her brother Mudusar. 


Le 22 octobre dernier Sadia Sheikh, une femme d'origine pakistanaise, est abattue de trois balles dans le ventre à Lodelinsart près de Charleroi. Le tueur est son frère Mudusar, après les faits il a pris la fuite... 

On October 22, Sadia Sheikh, a woman of Pakistani origin, was shot three times in the stomach in Lodelinsart near Charleroi (Belgium). The killer is her brother Mudusar, after the facts he fled ...

Shot in the abdomen several times by her brother, while her sister allegedly held her from behind, died within three days.

Sadia Sheikh R.I.P.: Honor killing, Charleroi 2007

What if Mudusar Sheikh really acted alone???

Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of Sadia, acknowledged from the beginning that he acted alone:
Mudusar Sheikh reconnaît d'emblée avoir voulu tuer sa soeur précisa avoir agi d’initiative. Il mit hors de cause ses parent et sa soeur Sariya.
Mudusar Sheikh recognizes from the outset that he wanted to kill his sister and said he acted on his own initiative. His parents and sister Sariya were not involved.
Devant la cour d'assises du Hainaut, l'accusé Mudusar Sheikh, le frère de la victime, a confirmé lundi avoir agi de sa propre initiative en assassinant Sadia Sheikh.
In front of the court of assizes of Hainaut, accused Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of the victim, confirmed Monday to have acted on his own by assassinating Sadia Sheikh.

The brother of Sadia Sheikh might have spoken the truth, claiming he had acted alone, meaning his father was not involved in planning the murder. Because, if you were his father, would you let your son pay for your own crimes? I don't think so. I tend to believe Mudusar. 

There is still another reason why Mudusar was telling the truth. Had he arranged the murder with his father beforehand, they would have shared the blame, or his father would have taken it upon himself. Neither seems to have happened and Mudusar therefore had no reason to involve his father in this.

This is also in accordance with the Sexual Theory of Religion, which states all males of the male kin bonded lineage have the instinctive expectation to reincarnate into descendants of tribal females. Sadia (Eve), by dating or marrying an alien (the Serpent), saddled her brother with the risk to reincarnate into her descendants, hybrids from a male of another tribe. So, according to this theory the father is not needed to instruct his adult son to kill his sister.

The son was the culprit as has been proven. He was not mentally retarded, so he was fully responsible for his deeds. The father's attitude is conceivable, but that does not matter legally.

For 1400 years Muslims have been killed for their belief in reincarnation. So, reincarnation is suppressed in their unconscious. But this instinct from Homo erectus cannot be obliterated by 'resurrection', which is no sexual instinct at all and nothing more than a word.

Has Belgium wrongly convicted Sadia's father as the main culprit on the basis of the incorrect HONOR killing theory, instead of the correct REINCARATION killing theory? Did the son really need his father's approval? Yes, for 'honor', but not for 'reincarnation'.

I learned a lot from art. 230 because the brother from Gülsüm Selim also killed his own sister:

The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial

Instincts are stronger at younger age. And that gives the odds that Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother of Sadia Sheikh and the brother of Gülsüm Selim were acting on their own initiative when killing their sisters. They needed no instructions from their fathers and may have taken the lead in plotting the murders. According to the Sexual Theory of Religion they needed no instructions since as Muslim males they all have the same eternal projection into the offspring of the tribe. So the brother unconsciously expects to reincarnate into descendants of his sister.

This all means Western society is on the wrong trail understanding what's really  happening. There might be unconscious communication between Muslim males, between father and son, but with the assumption of the reincarnation instinct we don't need that. And that means a lot of fathers might be incorrectly convicted.

* It is an open question whether the mother or the brother killed Mirjam. I have the feeling this is not investigated properly. 


Age distribution of honor killers

We need to know the age distribution of reincarnation killers and their family situation. I expect younger males to have more hormonal aggression. I expect the reincarnation drive flattens out with death in sight, how contradictory too. This all means the reincarnation theory versus the honor killing theory is falsifiable.

Islam must take a stand on this

The challenge for the Muslim faith would be from now on to continue in religious freedom and without further honor killings. But if this theory is rejected, then please stop further honor killings anyway

The cognitive dissonance theory is all what remains after 10 years of painstaking research. Would there be any other viable scenario, I would have found for sure.

And last but not least: this honor killing issue must be addressed in this era, because half of the Muslim population consists of intellectually more and more advanced women. And if women leave, the Muslim faith will fall apart into four groups:

The Muslim faith can fall apart, just like Christianity, the opposite of Islam on the Desert scale dimension, which religious tragedy is covered in countless other articles on this blog. Both religions will fall back to individualism and/or tribal separation.

Well, I suppose you will not always like my analyses, but remember it is sincerely meant to help and not to condemn.

For them visiting this site for the origins of human religion, this is my start configuration:

And this is enlightening as well. Hundreds of diagrams for picture thinkers:

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