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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

(415) Conscious (hate), unconscious ('love'), Honor Killings

 Basic Dimension

(415) Conscious (hate), unconscious ('love'), Honor Killings 



Note that inbreeding (endogamy) as a religion of the Alpha male has been adopted by the whole group of chimpanzee males. And a group of Muslim males has inherited this sexual instinct too. But females always opt for outbreeding (exogamy), otherwise the species would already be extinct. 

But this implies that cousin marriages are ordained by the male's inbreeding instinct. This also means that honor killings from reincarnation are caused by the male sexual instinct. Women do not commit honor killings out of a reincarnation instinct based on inbreeding and where it seems they are forced by men to take the blame.

We conclude that women do not commit honor killings because: 
1: They do not have a reincarnation projection from an inbreeding instinct
2: They are naturally not interested in the male bloodline of the tribe.

In politically correct cultures, tensions between ethnicities are prevented by handling honor killings as accidents, committed by women.

This blog restores the morals of the Muslim culture, something they cannot do themselves, because by definition they cannot know their unconscious.

Muslims have inflicted immense moral damage to their religion by failing to resolve honor killings and banning them from society.

Everyone understands that slaughtering daughters for fake offenses as losing their virginity has nothing to do with human justice. This is a moral consideration from the conscious that is completely out of balance with every sense of justice. It is completely insane.

It is clear that the answer for this absurdity cannot be found in the conscious, so the truth must lie in the unconscious. And we found the cause of honor killings. And we also found the remedy.

So, there are two versions of honor killings. The first is from the conscious and gives the death penalty to daughters for trivial offenses, nay, for normal sexual behavior. The imbalance between "punishment" and "transgression" defies every imagination. This absurd and immoral intervention from the conscious has no moral legitimacy whatsoever. But it is the ruling opinion in Muslim culture.

At first sight, the version from the conscious looks correct by demonstrating love for propagating the male bloodline, and hate and revenge towards daughters, who do not cherish the family genome and who demonstrate suspicious 'immoral behavior' or are  propagating with alien males. Muslim fathers tell cultural anthropologists that they have acted out from resentment and took revenge, but it just turns out that they don't know their own unconscious. They have no idea what drives them to 20,000 honor killings a year.

It is important to note that Muslim fathers have no conscious self-projection in the afterlife, through reincarnation into their daughters' offspring. They only kill their daughters as traitors, as runaways from the family genome. Just like apes kill intruders from other tribes, which amounts to the same thing. And indeed, daughters who leave the tribe because they don't want to marry their cousin, are effectually procreating with alien males. (Eve with the Serpent).

So, that's the conscious reason why Muslim girls are killed by their fathers. Thus exactly the chimpanzee instinct still functions in the conscious of Muslim fathers, a drive to keep the male kin bloodline as pure as possible:
And this is what the God Of Inbreeding roared to the Serpent:
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  
But even for Muslims, honor killings are logically inexplicable from the chimpanzee model in the conscious, because this absurd and gruesome punishment is disproportionate to any human morality. Even chimpanzees don't kill their own offspring. Even for Muslims, it is an absurd reaction to kill their daughters and dismember them with sickles, because they lost their virginity to unwanted men. At least that should be. And this heinous crime goes far beyond any 'immorality' in the animal world. So, based on the conscious alone, this horrific act that fathers can do to their children is inexplicable. So much moral imbalance in a conscious decision cannot but point to a complementary, an additional cause (reincarnation projection) in the unconscious. Reincarnation, which was forbidden in Islam on pain of death for 1400 years.
This blog presents the reincarnation theory of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). Since the rise of Islam, fathers developed an unconscious personal desire in an afterlife as their daughter's offspring, provided that tribal DNA is perpetuated. Which means daughters should marry cousins to prevent to create hybrids.

Notice then that there is only a marginal difference between the conscious (no personal afterlife projected) and the unconscious (personal afterlife projected). But this small difference costs the lives of 20,000 Muslim girls a year. Because of the reincarnation psychosis responsible for the killings. And you will never find it if the Muslim mind is not divided into two degrees of freedom: the conscious and the unconscious:

We conclude for the unconscious variant that family DNA is also the love bond in these Muslim families and implies love for daughters, who are going to be killed anyways if they do not want to marry their cousins. So, fathers love their daughters deeply while at the same time killing them (Romina Ashrafi). Honor killings are the deepest tragedy from the animal world. Nowhere exist animals, besides humans, to demonstrate such immoral behavior, that even the old Greeks could not have imagined in their most horrible stories.

And beware, hatred and resentment are not the motives from the unconscious. Muslim girls are not killed by honor-revenge but by honor-"love". Otherwise it is impossible to understand honor killings. It is disgusting, to use an euphemism.

Therefore, Romina has been murdered out of a sick and twisted "love" concept, which is all too well known from psychotics who kill women who do not return their love, here called reincarnation psychosis:

Assumption 639: The cause of Honor killings.

Honor killings are caused by a combination of two effects: the conscious and the unconscious

The conscious: 
In the ancient chimpanzee instinct, the male blood line is protected by killing males from other tribes, while young females are free to leave. This means that the male kin bloodline is based on male inbreeding, but the exchange of females turns it all into outbreeding

In the Muslim population this chimpanzee instinct is still active, but now by killing males and females who do not serve the male kin bloodline by not entering into cousin marriages.

The chimpanzee instinct itself is too weak to explain the murder of Romina Ashrafi. But it acted as a guideline in her father's conscious. This means that the chimpanzee instinct indicated the domain in which Romina's murder would be committed.

The unconscious: 
But to actually commit the murder, a reincarnation psychosis in her father's unconscious was necessary. Often women are murdered by psychotics who project into them a sick love that is not reciprocated. That is also what happened to Romina Ashrafi. 
That is why the murder of Romina Ashrafi is the cross product of her father's conscious and unconscious strivings.

Translate assumptions, which will become pictures later on,

into your own language:

List of assumptions by number: (76) The Sexual Theory of Religion (Part 4: 400-700)

Why Muslims suppress the unconscious

Muslim Culture Inherited Its religion from bipedal primates. It is named 'inbreeding and Incest', founded 14 million years ago.

Females hate inbreeding and have been terrorized in the evolution with SM-dyad. SM-dyad is the husband-wife relationship of monotheism. Monotheism is male terror on females:

Monotheism, as a religion, uses only a single degree of freedom, from the conscious: male heterosexuality as their God. Would Islam accept the unconscious then the second degree would be homosexuality. But then monotheism would expand to polytheism, two gods: 

Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.

Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:

1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality

A second complication is the reincarnation projection of males in the unconscious. Also then the Muslim faith would expand to two religions: Reincarnation and Resurrection. That's why Muslims are blindfolded for the unconscious. That's why honor killings could emerge and that's why they never disappear, unless Muslim culture changes dramatically. If not, women will flee from Islam within several decennia:


The unconscious reincarnation projection is the only way to understand honor killings in a logical way:

But this all means that perpetrators of honor crimes are legally guilty, but morally possibly not. Because they do not know their unconscious. And that is an unheard of and almost absurd conclusion. That is contrary to common sense. That is at odds with our moral compass. And rightly so. But I couldn't draw any other conclusion, because as a scientist I also judge perpetrators in an amoral waySo I feel a bit compliant in crime, but that's a sincere feeling in the pursuit of truth.


Assumption 640A failed reincarnation projection is the necessary and
sufficient condition for honor killings.

In contrast to chimpanzees, foreign male intruders in Muslim tribes are not automatically killed. Because Muslim fathers may accept marriage partners who are not family members. That is why the male bloodline is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for honor killings in the conscious. Necessary, because fathers do weigh their decision within the male bloodline domain. So, the male bloodline is the first selection criterion for possible marriage partners of their daughters in the conscious, e.g. Third cousins (Thrice removed). 

Based on the horror about honor killings within the Muslim community, the male bloodline is not seen as a morally acceptable reason. And that's why we will not find the real reason for honor killings in the conscious.

In the unconscious we find the reincarnation projection within the domain of the male bloodline of the father. His male DNA is a necessary condition for the reincarnation projection, because he wants to reincarnate into his own family DNA.

This means the unconscious reincarnation projection comes down to the necessary
and sufficient condition for honor killings in the unconscious as well as in the conscious. Which means that all those incomprehensible honor killings in the Muslim culture ultimately are predicated on an unconscious sexual instinct: Reincarnation through inbreeding.

The final conclusion is that honor killings are caused by a failed reincarnation projection of Muslim males into offspring from female tribal members, who do not accept breeding within the male bloodline.

 Family council:

This blog has concluded that honor killings happen when a reincarnation projection from the father in the offspring from his daughter fails, because she doesn't want to marry her cousin or another choice from her father (Romina Ashrafi).

Sometimes a family council goes on the murder in advance. But the question is who are the actors in this play? We know from our theory that the the initiator of the killing must be a man, her father, her brother or her uncle. No concessions about that. So, let's say the father is in an reincarnation psychosis and collects his male family members to kill his daughter. He is looking for moral support from his family.

The father comes from the unconscious to the conscious with S.A.D. He has Separation Anxiety Disorder. He is a psychiatric patient. But he does not realize his unconscious
reincarnation projection and so he starts fresh with the family DNA, the Male Bloodline, from which also none of the other male attendees expect a projection in the afterlife. 

So, none of the male council members ever talks about the elephant in the room, their reincarnation projection, which confession by the way, would be fairly dangerous in Islam, for the last 1400 years anyways.

And now something remarkable happens in that the father interprets the family DNA, the male kin bonded lineage, as the sufficient condition for killing his daughter. He combines the feeling from his unconscious (reincarnation) with a rationalization (male bloodline) in his conscious. And he will never understand what is happening. He is not guilty of this disorder, by the way. 

So, the other persons in the room only rejected the 'immoral behavior' of the daughter, what the father understood as moral support to kill her. So, there is here a profound misunderstanding, also given that speaking about honor killings is taboo in Islam.
Well, I try to be empathetic and with understanding to avoid premature accusation from extreme immorality of Muslim family councils, I try to make the best of it to find reasons for tragic misunderstanding.

And I think it - for the time being - not realistic to expect family councils actually to agree to the kill of daughters for not willing to marry their cousins. This, because we yet decided that the Muslim culture rejects such immoral justifications of murder, well, I hope so but I'm not a Muslim myself. Could whole families exist of pure criminals?

So, there certainly will be a lot of aggression and malevolence during that meeting, but likely not a death sentence. On which the father or any other male regresses to his 
unconscious, where he - in the rebound - interprets his failed afterlife projection as a sufficient condition for murder, in the conscious.

And by the way, imagine that the father encourages his son to the honor killing of his sister. Then there arises a big problem. The son must therefore be in the same state of reincarnation psychosis as his father. And I doubt that a family council can be seen as the connecting covariate, inducing the same state of reincarnation psychosis in the son as in the father. Don't think so, would be to coincidental.

Furthermore, the reincarnation projection is a sexual instinct, where the son has more testosterone than his father. So it is quite possible that the curves of reincarnation psychoses do not run parallel in time and magnitude. The son will therefore likely kill his sister earlier in time (Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim) than the father. 

And indeed, another problem, why would the brothers of Sadia Sheik and Gülsüm Selim have informed their fathers in advance. Both deny. And both brothers were 27 years old and adult men. What does it matter what their father possibly recommends them? 
Honor killings do not go per cultural transfer, but by heritage of a sexual instinct of father to son:


Assumption 639: The cause of Honor killings.

Honor killings are caused by a combination of two effects: the conscious and the unconscious

The conscious: 
In the ancient chimpanzee instinct, the male blood line is protected by killing males from other tribes, while young females are free to leave. This means that the male kin bloodline is based on male inbreeding, but the exchange of females turns it all into outbreeding

In the Muslim population this chimpanzee instinct is still active, but now by killing males and females who do not serve the male kin bloodline by not entering into cousin marriages.

The chimpanzee instinct itself is too weak to explain the murder of Romina Ashrafi. But it acted as a guideline in her father's conscious. This means that the chimpanzee instinct indicated the domain in which Romina's murder would be committed.

The unconscious: 
But to actually commit the murder, a reincarnation psychosis in her father's unconscious was necessary. Often women are murdered by psychotics who project into them a sick love that is not reciprocated. That is also what happened to Romina Ashrafi.

That is why the murder of Romina Ashrafi is the cross product of her father's conscious and unconscious strivings.


Assumption 640A failed reincarnation projection is the necessary and
sufficient condition for honor killings.

In contrast to chimpanzees, foreign male intruders in Muslim tribes are not automatically killed. Because Muslim fathers may accept marriage partners who are not family members. That is why the male bloodline is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for honor killings in the conscious. Necessary, because fathers do weigh their decision within the male bloodline domain. So, the male bloodline is the first selection criterion for possible marriage partners of their daughters in the conscious, e.g. Third cousins (Thrice removed). 

Based on the horror about honor killings within the Muslim community, the male bloodline is not seen as a morally acceptable reason. And that's why we will not find the real reason for honor killings in the conscious.

In the unconscious we find the reincarnation projection within the domain of the male bloodline of the father. His male DNA is a necessary condition for the reincarnation projection, because he wants to reincarnate into his own family DNA.

This means the unconscious reincarnation projection comes down to the necessary
and sufficient condition for honor killings in the unconscious as well as in the conscious. Which means that all those incomprehensible honor killings in the Muslim culture ultimately are predicated on an unconscious sexual instinct: Reincarnation through inbreeding.

The final conclusion is that honor killings are caused by a failed reincarnation projection of Muslim males into offspring from female tribal members, who do not accept breeding within the male bloodline.

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