Basic Dimension
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Assumption 257: Remember, big apes (Hominids: 20 mya; 350cc) matured earlier than humans at about 8 years. The same for Homininae (7 mya; 400cc), including Australopiths and Homo Naledi. Also for nowadays chimps and bonobos (400cc). Even Turkana boy 1.6 mya (Homo ergaster 1.9 mya; 900 cc) had about adult size at 8 years (152-179 cm). But Homo sapiens got too big brains and matures at about 13 years.
The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.)
In the evolution inbreeding and incest have undergone a dynamic development with a number of distinct stages:
1: Inbreeding and incest started as the natural result of isolation of groups of higher mammals by geographic barriers. Seven million years ago Homininae (400 cc brains) climbed out of the trees and fanned out over the countryside. They were very slow animals which easily lost contact with other groups. Many families died out by autosomal recessive disorders. But where they captured other females, they were saved from extinction. First Homininae had no possessions, only their naked bodies were to create a bond. For millions of years only inbreeding and incest gave Homininae their group identity, underlined by recurrent genetic defects.
Classical conditioning:
Inbreeding and incest started as an unconscious and unintentional lifestyle, where children became look-alikes of their parents. Probably, saturating genes in the offspring unconsciously yielded a mirror to eternity: genetic immortality:
Human religion works with operant conditioning:
2: Over time, human-like cultures were inclined to preserve their group identity by the purposely perpetuation of genetic monocultures, despite ample opportunities for interbreeding with other groups. Now, they consciously cherished genetic immortality as tribal identity.
3: Millions of years later, genetic monocultures developed the abstract idea of perpetual tribal existence (genetic immortality by inbreeding) as model of society. It became a kind of religion without speech to which tribal members had to contribute (sexual deprivation by incest). Inbreeding became a burden and incest a curse of obligate sexual relations within the group of dull sisters and ugly cousins. Sexual pleasure was sacrificed for tribal identity. Inbreeding and incest became the first primordial human religion born from sexuality:
But at the same time and with operant conditioning inbreeding and incest became a very conscious process:
Assumption 143/223: Operant conditioning: Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe.
Operant response: Inbreeding and incest
4: As example of an operant response, elicited for the reinforcing stimulus of increased saturation of parental genes in the offspring, fathers now consciously
fertilized the own sexually mature daughters and nieces:
Assumption 224: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for increased saturation as secondary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes
This introduced perpetual orgasm across generations which contributed to the inbreeding system but also was a strong and lustful reward for males for support to the system:
Assumption 225: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
5: By worshiping perpetual orgasm as core of human male religion, genetic monocultures developed better checks and balances between inbreeding and incest. From that moment on, groups focused systematically and successfully on their eternal existence.
Of course fathers were still obligated to mate with ugly cousins and other dull family, but this forced incest was rewarded with perpetual orgasm across generations, also with sexually immature tribal members.
Assumption 226: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (immature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Second reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes
Third reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)
Inbreeding as a burden found its compensation in everlasting joy, what comes down to sex with daughters, nieces and others. Perpetual orgasm became the core of human male religion:
Perpetual orgasm always is an operationalization of inbreeding and incest (72 virgins in Heaven, 200.000 ya).
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
If one smells perpetual orgasm, inbreeding and incest are not far away. Animals and Christians do not yearn for perpetual orgasm in Heaven, for exogamies indulge all kinds of sex on earth:
By perpetual orgasm across generations a perfect system of checks and balances was created in which benefits and burdens were equally assigned: women bore the burdens and men got the lusts in SM-dyad:
Remember, perpetual orgasm of human males is not primarily meant for fertility. Of course, it is linked to fertility only with sexually mature individuals.
It is here where sick human males diverge from the Alpha male, who strives for offspring in the first place and does not jump on immature youngsters too much:
6. But meanwhile autosomal recessive disorders spoiled the fun of perpetual
orgasm, and father-daughter sexual relations were banned. Much later also uncle-niece relations were prohibited. Perpetual orgasm (incest across generations in the family) has been forbidden in a long, long struggle of millions of years:
Animals have no institutionalized pedophilia; it was only invented by humans for inbreeding. Pedophilia born from incest has become a very strange and insane human instinct over millions of years:
7: Only the more affluent could afford child marriages as compensation for inbreeding, so the general male public lost their fun in inbreeding. Hence, the burden of inbreeding was not offset any longer by perpetual orgasm across generations. Men still were forced to marry ugly and dull cousins, but were not compensated any longer with sexual rewards of raping the own (sexually mature) daughters and nieces.
That's why the inbreeding and incest system degenerated into hatred and aggression against THE OWN FAMILY: cousins (wives) and daughters died by stoning, acid attacks and honor killings:
8: Now, because fathers were forbidden to fertilize their daughters any longer, they developed a morbid interest in the reproductive organs of their daughters for planning forced marriages with cousins, nephews who are deputies in charge of the sexual claims of fathers on their daughters.
9: Because the heavily unbalanced inbreeding and incest system was no longer functioning, checks and balances were developed as described in Sexual Scales of Religion, in which benefits and burdens of the inbreeding culture are carefully weighted, which process is described fully in the Sexual Model of Religion. In some cultures Sexual Scales is still called "religious law", in which adulterous women are stoned and unwilling daughters are honor killed:
Sexual scales compensate for the loss of perpetual orgasm with sexually mature daughters and nieces of men who are unhappy with the inbreeding system.
The Sexual Balance of Religion weighs the benefits of sadomasochism against its cleavage into killer instinct and sexual instinct. If a man judges the SM-dyad yields too little fun, he may choose for cleavage of SM-dyad by which murder like stoning and honor killing possibly yields more sexual satisfaction:
Assumption 228: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) was
forbidden as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (mature)
Fifth reinforcing stimulus: disband sadomasochism into murder lust and sexual desire to compensate for lost perpetual orgasm across generations (mature).
10: It is long ago that fathers felt fine in Paradise Culture with sufficient incestuous
rewards and sexual pleasure by rape across generations. It kept SM-dyad intact which only oppressed and harassed women and daughters. But now, in Islamic culture, where perpetual orgasm across generations has been forbidden, males earlier are inclined to disband sadomasochism into murder lust and sexual desire, meaning the lustful stoning of adulterous women and acid attacks on unwilling daughters, who do not want not to serve as incubator for family seed:
'The court is moved by hearing of the exceptional feelings of forgiveness of family members for the suspect as key player in the family, which role suspect is expected to take on again after serving her punishment . That's why (Yes, why, for the daughter was an outcast of the family!!!) the court is willing to take over the extremely low sentence and thus will diverge significantly from the sentencing of the Advocate General.'
('Finally, the court has been surprised that no police report of this factual murder has been submitted. If there is no premeditation, then how for Heaven’s sake has the suspect been able to take a knife from the kitchen drawer, run up the stairs, and meanwhile did not come to some reflection? Why did she actually decompose SM-dyad? We know exactly it was because of her daughters strong and natural drive for genetic diversity, for she dated a non-Muslim friend. Classical case of inbreeding offense, registrar, skip this last paragraph'.)
11: Hence, according to Sexual Scales the rape of the daughter sometimes may precede her killing:
This blog is dedicated to three brave young women who paid with their lives for genetic freedom:
12: Later in the evolution, perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. And later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven).
Assumption 220: Perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime started as a conscious operant response to elicit the reinforcing stimulus of even more saturated genes in the sexually mature offspring. In this manner, inbreeding promoted tribal identity in the form of genetic immortality. For this reason, first Homininae started to fertilize sexually mature daughters and nieces.
This kind of highly saturated inbreeding also led to the insight that sexual intercourse with younger generations in itself contributed to eternal survival. Perpetual orgasm across generations got sacred meaning for eternal fertility of human-like males. This kind of incestuous pedophilia became a human male instinct.
Hence, both inbreeding and incest became human instincts. They developed as compensating instincts because sex with younger generations also was a lustful payment for males for their contribution to the system. Only in inbreeding cultures males are morally rewarded for sex with the own daughters and nieces.
Without compensation of perpetual orgasm with daughters and nieces, inbreeding and incest became unbalanced and caused honor killings much later in the evolution. Perpetual orgasm over generations was the price daughters had to pay for genetic immortality of the tribe.
From the holiness of incestuous pedophilia with daughters and nieces a different kind of pedophilia evolved: sacred pedophilia with sexually immature individuals in general. Of course this was not meant for inbreeding.
In the evolution incestuous pedophilia lost its former goal to create saturated genes in the offspring because of autosomal recessive disorders and now pedophilia in general was left for perpetual orgasm across generations for males with sexually immature persons.
Hence, nowadays a very insane and sick form of pedophilia with sexually immature persons results from inbreeding, which is not found in the animal world. Later in the evolution newborns were sacrificed to the gods in holy rituals, so these also could live forever in perpetual orgasm.
Resuming, in the first instance, saturating genes in the offspring contributed to the survival of the genetic identity of the tribe in genetic immortality. In the second instance, perpetual orgasm across generations developed as a human lust for males. And in the third instance, pedophilia developed with sexually immature persons. Meanwhile sacred pedophilia developed and degenerated into sacrifices of newborns to the gods.
Extreme saturated inbreeding has been forbidden already for a very long time because of autosomal recessive disorders, though incestuous pedophilia is still practiced in some parts of the world.
But non-incestuous pedophilia has not been banned. This found its outlet in ordinary pedophilia and child marriages, not found in animals. Child marriages developed as sign of powerful eternal orgasm and expected fertility of the wealthy.
Later in the evolution perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation into the (earthly) universe and still later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven, 200.000 ya).
Number Archive

Assumption 257: Remember, big apes (Hominids: 20 mya; 350cc) matured earlier than humans at about 8 years. The same for Homininae (7 mya; 400cc), including Australopiths and Homo Naledi. Also for nowadays chimps and bonobos (400cc). Even Turkana boy 1.6 mya (Homo ergaster 1.9 mya; 900 cc) had about adult size at 8 years (152-179 cm). But Homo sapiens got too big brains and matures at about 13 years.
The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.)
Assumption 221: The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.) states if male incest - as contribution to the inbreeding culture - is not compensated by perpetual orgasm across generations, males develop hatred against wives and daughters, whose stoning and honor killings might result.
In the evolution inbreeding and incest have undergone a dynamic development with a number of distinct stages:
1: Inbreeding and incest started as the natural result of isolation of groups of higher mammals by geographic barriers. Seven million years ago Homininae (400 cc brains) climbed out of the trees and fanned out over the countryside. They were very slow animals which easily lost contact with other groups. Many families died out by autosomal recessive disorders. But where they captured other females, they were saved from extinction. First Homininae had no possessions, only their naked bodies were to create a bond. For millions of years only inbreeding and incest gave Homininae their group identity, underlined by recurrent genetic defects.
Classical conditioning:
Inbreeding and incest started as an unconscious and unintentional lifestyle, where children became look-alikes of their parents. Probably, saturating genes in the offspring unconsciously yielded a mirror to eternity: genetic immortality:
Assumption 142: Classical conditioning: Human inbreeding started as an unconditioned stimulus followed by an unconditioned response of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe.
Human religion works with operant conditioning:
Operant conditioning is the reinforcement of desired behavior with a reward afterwards:
Classical situation:Unconditioned stimulus: unknown trigger.Operant conditioning:
Unconditioned response: Pigeon pecks on button.
Operant response: pigeon pecks on button.
Reinforcing stimulus: pigeon gets a grain.
But at the same time and with operant conditioning inbreeding and incest became a very conscious process:
Assumption 143/223: Operant conditioning: Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe.
Operant response: Inbreeding and incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality of the tribe in the offspring
4: As example of an operant response, elicited for the reinforcing stimulus of increased saturation of parental genes in the offspring, fathers now consciously
fertilized the own sexually mature daughters and nieces:
Assumption 224: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for increased saturation as secondary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes
This introduced perpetual orgasm across generations which contributed to the inbreeding system but also was a strong and lustful reward for males for support to the system:
Assumption 225: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
5: By worshiping perpetual orgasm as core of human male religion, genetic monocultures developed better checks and balances between inbreeding and incest. From that moment on, groups focused systematically and successfully on their eternal existence.
Of course fathers were still obligated to mate with ugly cousins and other dull family, but this forced incest was rewarded with perpetual orgasm across generations, also with sexually immature tribal members.
Assumption 226: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (immature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)
Inbreeding as a burden found its compensation in everlasting joy, what comes down to sex with daughters, nieces and others. Perpetual orgasm became the core of human male religion:
Perpetual orgasm always is an operationalization of inbreeding and incest (72 virgins in Heaven, 200.000 ya).
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway
- The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
- The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
- The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle
If one smells perpetual orgasm, inbreeding and incest are not far away. Animals and Christians do not yearn for perpetual orgasm in Heaven, for exogamies indulge all kinds of sex on earth:
By perpetual orgasm across generations a perfect system of checks and balances was created in which benefits and burdens were equally assigned: women bore the burdens and men got the lusts in SM-dyad:
Remember, perpetual orgasm of human males is not primarily meant for fertility. Of course, it is linked to fertility only with sexually mature individuals.
Schizophrenic Homininae lost all contact with the animal world, because intentional and culturally instigated inbreeding and incest is sick and unnatural:
By operant conditioning, inbreeding and incest had become really complementary, it were operant responses with reinforcing stimuli for the group (genetic immortality) and rewards for the individual male (perpetual orgasm). But females were frustrated in their drive for genetic diversity and were guarded in captivity:
orgasm, and father-daughter sexual relations were banned. Much later also uncle-niece relations were prohibited. Perpetual orgasm (incest across generations in the family) has been forbidden in a long, long struggle of millions of years:
Assumption 227: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) was forbidden as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
Operant response: Incest
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)
What remained of perpetual orgasm
in this lifetime were incestuous pedophile relations with immature daughters and nieces, and not- incestuous pedophile marriages with others (immature) daughters: child marriages:
Animals have no institutionalized pedophilia; it was only invented by humans for inbreeding. Pedophilia born from incest has become a very strange and insane human instinct over millions of years:
Assumption 222:
1: Incest with sexually mature girls (daughters and nieces) developed from inbreeding as super saturation of genes in the offspring. Then also incestuous pedophilia with immature daughters and nieces - as perpetual orgasm across generations - developed as reward for males for their contribution to the inbreeding culture. Later in the evolution incest with daughters and nieces was forbidden because of autosomal recessive disorders.
2: Later, the male instinct expanded into non-incestuous pedophilia with sexually immature persons (other people's children). Child marriages developed as sign of powerful perpetual orgasm and expected eternal fertility of the wealthy. It is difficult to feel any empathy for religious instigated pedophilia with sexually immature individuals. In this form it is unknown in the animal world and must have been caused by 7 million years of inbreeding culture. It is a sick aberration of sexuality.
3: Meanwhile sacred pedophilia with sexually immature persons degenerated in the sacrifice of newborns to the gods in holy rituals, so they could live in perpetual orgasm too.
7: Only the more affluent could afford child marriages as compensation for inbreeding, so the general male public lost their fun in inbreeding. Hence, the burden of inbreeding was not offset any longer by perpetual orgasm across generations. Men still were forced to marry ugly and dull cousins, but were not compensated any longer with sexual rewards of raping the own (sexually mature) daughters and nieces.
That's why the inbreeding and incest system degenerated into hatred and aggression against THE OWN FAMILY: cousins (wives) and daughters died by stoning, acid attacks and honor killings:
8: Now, because fathers were forbidden to fertilize their daughters any longer, they developed a morbid interest in the reproductive organs of their daughters for planning forced marriages with cousins, nephews who are deputies in charge of the sexual claims of fathers on their daughters.
Incest by fathers has long been forbidden, but the instinctive lust for perpetual orgasm sometimes remains. Nowadays, this lust for endless orgasm sublimates into mental incest: stalking.
It sometimes results in fathers not penetrating their daughters any longer, but their minds. Fathers over-identify with daughters and see them as objects. In Muslim cultures some fathers develop a suffocating supervision: stalking.
In those cases, by rejecting incest with the cousin, daughters also reject their father, who sometimes takes revenge as frustrated stalker who kills his victim.
Greater emotional involvement easily leads to more extreme violence. More intense relations between father and daughter lead to greater chances of honor killing. This, because these fathers over-identify with their daughters, they want to possess them literally and figuratively.
Honor killings and acid attacks are psychiatric forms of paraphilia.
9: Because the heavily unbalanced inbreeding and incest system was no longer functioning, checks and balances were developed as described in Sexual Scales of Religion, in which benefits and burdens of the inbreeding culture are carefully weighted, which process is described fully in the Sexual Model of Religion. In some cultures Sexual Scales is still called "religious law", in which adulterous women are stoned and unwilling daughters are honor killed:
Sexual scales compensate for the loss of perpetual orgasm with sexually mature daughters and nieces of men who are unhappy with the inbreeding system.
The Sexual Balance of Religion weighs the benefits of sadomasochism against its cleavage into killer instinct and sexual instinct. If a man judges the SM-dyad yields too little fun, he may choose for cleavage of SM-dyad by which murder like stoning and honor killing possibly yields more sexual satisfaction:
Assumption 228: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) was
forbidden as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.
Operant response: Incest
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
10: It is long ago that fathers felt fine in Paradise Culture with sufficient incestuous
rewards and sexual pleasure by rape across generations. It kept SM-dyad intact which only oppressed and harassed women and daughters. But now, in Islamic culture, where perpetual orgasm across generations has been forbidden, males earlier are inclined to disband sadomasochism into murder lust and sexual desire, meaning the lustful stoning of adulterous women and acid attacks on unwilling daughters, who do not want not to serve as incubator for family seed:
By breaking SM-dyad a new world of sexual lust opens for fathers, brothers and uncles. By breaking the code of inbreeding, daughters easily become the whore of the family:
In Islamic culture raping of daughters is forbidden and their virginity is checked at marriage. But when social structure collapses because daughters refuse arranged marriages, their virginity does not matter anymore.
Honor killings immediately after an abortion are suspect and indicate a tangle of potential conflicts. Did the father sexually abuse his daughter after his decision to decompose SM-dyad into rape and murder? Did he make her pregnant? That's forbidden in Islam. Did she threaten to make this public?
Are father and daughter checkmate? He wants her to marry her cousin, while she puts him under pressure because of sexual abuse. Was the honor killing caused by panic? And why is the family agrees with the murder? To protect the "honor of the family"? Or to prevent shame on the family, because of the behavior of her father, her brothers and her uncle?
We don't know and many complications cannot be treated here. Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan were killed shortly after an abortion. Do families unconsciously still believe in earthly reincarnation? A mortal sin in nowadays Islam! Did families take unconsciously revenge because of killed ancestors, already descended into the fetuses? We don't know.
Don't we have to see whole families as criminal organizations?
How many tragic complications takes the daughter to her grave?'In overweging nemende wat ter terechtzitting van het hof aan de orde is gesteld en in het bijzonder de exceptionele vergevingsgezinde opstelling van de nabestaanden jegens verdachte en de gehechtheid van de gezinsleden aan verdachte als spil van het gezin - welke rol verdachte na het uitzitten van haar straf naar verwachting weer op zich zal nemen -, ziet het hof aanleiding de straf, zoals door de rechtbank is opgelegd, over te nemen en daarmee in zeer aanzienlijke mate van het hierboven geformuleerde uitgangspunt en de in beginsel billijke strafeis van de advocaat-generaal af te wijken.'
'The court is moved by hearing of the exceptional feelings of forgiveness of family members for the suspect as key player in the family, which role suspect is expected to take on again after serving her punishment . That's why (Yes, why, for the daughter was an outcast of the family!!!) the court is willing to take over the extremely low sentence and thus will diverge significantly from the sentencing of the Advocate General.'
('Finally, the court has been surprised that no police report of this factual murder has been submitted. If there is no premeditation, then how for Heaven’s sake has the suspect been able to take a knife from the kitchen drawer, run up the stairs, and meanwhile did not come to some reflection? Why did she actually decompose SM-dyad? We know exactly it was because of her daughters strong and natural drive for genetic diversity, for she dated a non-Muslim friend. Classical case of inbreeding offense, registrar, skip this last paragraph'.)
This blog is dedicated to three brave young women who paid with their lives for genetic freedom:
Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim: Tribal endogamy. Mirjam Abarkan: Religious endogamy. Sadia Sheikh: (shot in the abdomen several times, died within three days) |
Gülsüm Selim: (strangled with an iron cord and beaten to death with an iron bar)
Mirjam Abarkan: (stabbed into the heart) 1157891W/Door Servaas van der Laan: 1157891W/Door Servaas van der Laan:
12: Later in the evolution, perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. And later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven).
Assumption 220: Perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime started as a conscious operant response to elicit the reinforcing stimulus of even more saturated genes in the sexually mature offspring. In this manner, inbreeding promoted tribal identity in the form of genetic immortality. For this reason, first Homininae started to fertilize sexually mature daughters and nieces.
This kind of highly saturated inbreeding also led to the insight that sexual intercourse with younger generations in itself contributed to eternal survival. Perpetual orgasm across generations got sacred meaning for eternal fertility of human-like males. This kind of incestuous pedophilia became a human male instinct.
Hence, both inbreeding and incest became human instincts. They developed as compensating instincts because sex with younger generations also was a lustful payment for males for their contribution to the system. Only in inbreeding cultures males are morally rewarded for sex with the own daughters and nieces.
Without compensation of perpetual orgasm with daughters and nieces, inbreeding and incest became unbalanced and caused honor killings much later in the evolution. Perpetual orgasm over generations was the price daughters had to pay for genetic immortality of the tribe.
From the holiness of incestuous pedophilia with daughters and nieces a different kind of pedophilia evolved: sacred pedophilia with sexually immature individuals in general. Of course this was not meant for inbreeding.
In the evolution incestuous pedophilia lost its former goal to create saturated genes in the offspring because of autosomal recessive disorders and now pedophilia in general was left for perpetual orgasm across generations for males with sexually immature persons.
Hence, nowadays a very insane and sick form of pedophilia with sexually immature persons results from inbreeding, which is not found in the animal world. Later in the evolution newborns were sacrificed to the gods in holy rituals, so these also could live forever in perpetual orgasm.
Resuming, in the first instance, saturating genes in the offspring contributed to the survival of the genetic identity of the tribe in genetic immortality. In the second instance, perpetual orgasm across generations developed as a human lust for males. And in the third instance, pedophilia developed with sexually immature persons. Meanwhile sacred pedophilia developed and degenerated into sacrifices of newborns to the gods.
Extreme saturated inbreeding has been forbidden already for a very long time because of autosomal recessive disorders, though incestuous pedophilia is still practiced in some parts of the world.
But non-incestuous pedophilia has not been banned. This found its outlet in ordinary pedophilia and child marriages, not found in animals. Child marriages developed as sign of powerful eternal orgasm and expected fertility of the wealthy.
Later in the evolution perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation into the (earthly) universe and still later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven, 200.000 ya).
Assumption 221: The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.) states if male incest - as contribution to the inbreeding culture - is not compensated by perpetual orgasm across generations, males develop hatred against wives and daughters, whose stoning and honor killings might result.
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.