Basic Dimension
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The main dimension in mammal groups religion
The degree of group permeability is the fundamental dimension of religion of higher mammals. Permeability is determined by the ratio of exogamy to endogamy:
In mammal groups usually there is a patriarchal system in which males have control over females:
But in matriarchal systems females have control over males:
'Scientists such as Jared Diamond in The Third Chimpanzee, and Morris Goodman[21] of Wayne State University in Detroit suggest that the bonobo and common chimpanzee are so closely related to humans that their genus name also should be classified with the human genus Homo: Homo paniscus, Homo sylvestris, or Homo arboreus. An alternative philosophy suggests that the term Homo sapiens is the misnomer rather, and that humans should be reclassified as Pan sapiens, though this would violate the Principle of Priority, as Homo was named before Pan (1758 for the former, 1816 for the latter).'
The split in Panini Religion:
Chimps resolve conflicts with aggression and violence while bonobos peacefully settle their differences with a variety of sexual behaviors.
This is comparable with the split in Hominini religion:
In mammal groups, religion is universal. On Eq.S.R, the split in Pan religion is in reasonable agreement with the caesura of Homo:
This means Muslims are like chimpanzees and Christians morally behave like bonobos.
Other sexual roles are pinched in monotheism, where the heterosexual God oppresses the population (Islam), while the opposite occurs in polytheism, where all gods are freely transformed into sexual roles (Greek gods).
Current situation:
Possible future development Christianity:
From animal sexuality we first reconstructed the basis of human religion and then with our vast knowledge of human processes we combine both types of sexuality on one super dimension.
First the evolution of human religion:
From here we infer there are no substantial differences between subspecies of Homininae on our main dimension of religion:
And now in retrospect we understand the animals from the basic dimension as follows:
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
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The main dimension in mammal groups religion
The degree of group permeability is the fundamental dimension of religion of higher mammals. Permeability is determined by the ratio of exogamy to endogamy:
In mammal groups usually there is a patriarchal system in which males have control over females:
But in matriarchal systems females have control over males:
Assumption 213: Group of higher mammals:
A group of higher mammals exists by virtue of the balance between endogamy and exogamy.
Its endogamous core consists of the power of the alpha male to fertilize all females. Hence, he basically establishes a genetic monoculture by inbreeding and incest, only serving the immediate survival of the group. But in the long run his genes will be over-represented in his descendants, unless competitive males in the exogamous mantle contribute to genetic diversity.
But tension also arises between the sexual desires of the dominant male and the females. Since females naturally tend to genetic diversity with other males. Hence, the exogamic outer layer consists of adulterous females chasing genetic diversity with other males and from other groups, what comes down to the permeability of the group.
For humans, the total permeability of the mantle depends on the relation between endogamous repulsion and exogamous attraction of external genes. This relation is the natural base of 'human religion'.
But only on the basis of inbreeding and incest (Islam) permeability is related to endogamy. Endogamous cores in completely permeable cultures as the Enlightenment are derived from other values.
Hominini and Panini
'DNA evidence suggests the bonobo and common chimpanzee species effectively separated from each other fewer than one million years ago.[22][23].The Pan line split from the last common ancestor shared with humans approximately six to seven million years ago. Because no species other than Homo sapiens has survived from the human line of that branching, both Pan species are the closest living relatives of humans and cladistically are equally close to humans. The recent genome data confirms the genetic equidistance.'.
'Scientists such as Jared Diamond in The Third Chimpanzee, and Morris Goodman[21] of Wayne State University in Detroit suggest that the bonobo and common chimpanzee are so closely related to humans that their genus name also should be classified with the human genus Homo: Homo paniscus, Homo sylvestris, or Homo arboreus. An alternative philosophy suggests that the term Homo sapiens is the misnomer rather, and that humans should be reclassified as Pan sapiens, though this would violate the Principle of Priority, as Homo was named before Pan (1758 for the former, 1816 for the latter).'
The split in Panini Religion:
Chimps resolve conflicts with aggression and violence while bonobos peacefully settle their differences with a variety of sexual behaviors.
This is comparable with the split in Hominini religion:
Muslims cherish violence as natural part of their Islamic doctrine, while Christians at least in their religion seek peaceful coexistence.
If all religions are pushed together on the permeability characteristic, a link evolves between animal sexuality and human religion: the Equal Sexual Roles (Eq.S.R.) rank order:
Therefore we propose the Equal Sexual Roles (Eq.S.R.) rank order
Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.
Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.
Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:
1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality
The permeability of a culture is determined by the degree of empathy with sexual roles, what is not the same as moral acceptance. When sexual roles - or gods - are considered equal their members are seen as equivalent subjects, apart from the moral acceptance of their behavior.
Paraphilia arises when sexual roles are regarded as unequal and practitioners are seen as non-equivalent objects. An example is monotheism, in which male heterosexuality (subject) is seen as the only God and 'other sexual roles' are regarded as objects. In monotheism homosexuals and women are seen as objects.
Islam discriminates between all kinds of sexual roles and chimp males oppress females as they wish, Christianity barely acknowledges homosexuality but bonobos consider all sexual roles as equivalent, except mother-son incest:
But Christianity can be understood as the transition from patriarchal to matriarchal religion. Jesus as feminized personification of the female role gives a clear indication to that purpose. This means that Christianity also can be seen as an alpha female society developing towards polytheism, towards total individualism. Which means Enlightenment - with a much more turbulent religious evolution ahead -, eventually will surpass the emphatic experience of sexual roles of static bonobo culture.
In mammal groups, religion is universal. On Eq.S.R, the split in Pan religion is in reasonable agreement with the caesura of Homo:
This means Muslims are like chimpanzees and Christians morally behave like bonobos.
Other sexual roles are pinched in monotheism, where the heterosexual God oppresses the population (Islam), while the opposite occurs in polytheism, where all gods are freely transformed into sexual roles (Greek gods).
Current situation:
Possible future development Christianity:
From animal sexuality we first reconstructed the basis of human religion and then with our vast knowledge of human processes we combine both types of sexuality on one super dimension.
First the evolution of human religion:
From here we infer there are no substantial differences between subspecies of Homininae on our main dimension of religion:
And now in retrospect we understand the animals from the basic dimension as follows:
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
Homininae with religion conflicting dimensions:
Homininae religion, state of the art:
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