Number Archive

Le 22 octobre dernier Sadia Sheikh, une femme d'origine pakistanaise, est abattue de trois balles dans le ventre à Lodelinsart près de Charleroi. Le tueur est son frère Mudusar, après les faits il a pris la fuite...
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Forced internet marriage with unknown cousin in Pakistan |
On October 22, Sadia Sheikh, a woman of Pakistani descent, is shot three times in the stomach at Lodelinsart near Charleroi. The killer is her brother Mudusar, after the facts he fled ...
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Shot in the abdomen several times by her brother, while her sister allegedly held her from behind, died within three days.
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Sadia Sheikh R.I.P.: Honor killing, Charleroi 2007. |
Young people must absorb a lot of information at school. And there is hardly time to let it sink. They have to choose a profession, but as a young Muslim girl you have an additional choice to make. You must comply with Islam, and later choose a life partner in accordance with your faith. In addition to Islamic education at home, I would respectfully highlight another side of Islam.
How to tackle this stuff
Below, a different insight is presented in why honor killings happen. And as a corollary a new conception of human religion is outlined. No, it is different. Honor killings are explained just because of a different model of religion. I have to imply the Sexual Theory of Religion, otherwise nobody will understand.
What I have to say is nothing new and you must have sensed it before. It is so obvious. You must have found there is no rational reason for honor killings. All motives from fathers are way too light to kill their daughters. It is absurd. It simply has no substance.
So, somehow you must have felt before what I have written down. I developed a rational model for what you intuitively already felt. That may be very confronting, because now I'll be connecting your unconscious with your conscious by rational rules and force you to think about it, about 'earthly reincarnation' as a cause of honor killings. So, be warned and don't shoot the messenger.
Who has the patience to read it all, might think differently about religion and honor killings afterwards. But it is not expected that everyone is interested in all the material. And so I suggest you go first through the passages which are about Sadia Sheikh, Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan. These parts are easily recognized by photos and other pictures. Then, later on you might read the other parts.
What I have to say is nothing new and you must have sensed it before. It is so obvious. You must have found there is no rational reason for honor killings. All motives from fathers are way too light to kill their daughters. It is absurd. It simply has no substance.
So, somehow you must have felt before what I have written down. I developed a rational model for what you intuitively already felt. That may be very confronting, because now I'll be connecting your unconscious with your conscious by rational rules and force you to think about it, about 'earthly reincarnation' as a cause of honor killings. So, be warned and don't shoot the messenger.
Who has the patience to read it all, might think differently about religion and honor killings afterwards. But it is not expected that everyone is interested in all the material. And so I suggest you go first through the passages which are about Sadia Sheikh, Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan. These parts are easily recognized by photos and other pictures. Then, later on you might read the other parts.
The whole article will cost you easily more than six hours. But that is not such a good idea. The right way is to read the conclusions carefully, since this is really all there is. Then, go cherry picking through the stuff. As I mentioned before, most Muslim girls have intuitively already grasped the reasons for honor killing. So give yourself some time to connect your unconscious with your conscious.
I can not estimate the effect this article has on you. I'm worried about that. But I have to offer the integral story. So, that is a dilemma. Please, do not unwise things. Throw it away if it gets too much in your situation. I will warn in advance.
And never go to your family for help but go to peers you trust.

I can not estimate the effect this article has on you. I'm worried about that. But I have to offer the integral story. So, that is a dilemma. Please, do not unwise things. Throw it away if it gets too much in your situation. I will warn in advance.
And never go to your family for help but go to peers you trust.

Thursday, 9 March 2017
We are on the verge of understanding the mechanisms behind honor killings and acid attacks. Very likely it is an unconscious conflict in the head of fathers. We think about a psychotic interaction, which arises between illusion (an ancient and suppressed instinct for earthly reincarnation) and reality (cultural coercion to reincarnate into Heaven of the parallel universe).
It manifests itself during conflicts with pubescent daughters, culminating full blown when fathers try to enforce them to arranged marriages. Now, raising a pubescent daughter can already be a challenging experience, even without the sneaky paternal lust to sell her reproductive organs to her cousin.
So, two terrible things come together in time and are heavily entangled: raising a pubescent daughter and suppressing forbidden reincarnation, for which the womb of that damned daughter just is needed.
This cocktail of stressful events causes a break in SM-dyad facilitated by Sexual Scales of Religion, the predecessor of Sharia.

So, two terrible things come together in time and are heavily entangled: raising a pubescent daughter and suppressing forbidden reincarnation, for which the womb of that damned daughter just is needed.
This cocktail of stressful events causes a break in SM-dyad facilitated by Sexual Scales of Religion, the predecessor of Sharia.

Summary of conclusions:
Main conclusion:
Honor killings are caused by females blocking earthly reincarnation expectancy of Muslim males.

Preliminary remark
Please consider the following. Jewish scholars respectfully put together Genesis from narratives, which must have been tens of thousands of years old. These narratives are accepted as genuine and correct. But religions are changing in the evolution through numerous time derivatives of sexual culture. What means the original meaning can easily be changed.
On the other hand, the Sexual Theory of Religion has been developed straightforwardly from animal religion. It does not have to correspond to Genesis but a reasonable connection was sought, of course.
Paradise culture
Human sexual development has evolved unnaturally. This in deviation of the rest from the animal kingdom. In the evolution mankind worshipped inbreeding because it is in his genes.
The inbreeding culture started with the first bipedal Hominids, and was caused by the impossibility to exchange juvenile females with other tribes on a regular base:

Hence, inbreeding was no free choice, but anyway it is in our genes for already seven million years:
And that is why the basic dimension of human sexuality has become inbreeding versus outbreeding, from which all primal human religions are derived. Religions are corrections on sexual culture. And inbreeding takes a central place in earthly reincarnation. It strengthens tribal identity by ploughing back the own female genes into the male line.
Assumption 345: Inbreeding strengthens tribal identity by ploughing back the own female genes into the male line.
Paradise myth refers to inbreeding
The sexual religion of the great-apes, our quadrupedal terrestrial precursors, is the male kin bonded lineage with the exchange of juvenile females. This is cleverly communicated without language. This must be the outbreeding instinct of young females.
The Paradise narrative refers to inbreeding, the antipode from outbreeding. It is the symbolic version of 'cousin marriages' between Adam and Eve as more than full siblings. Also in this instinct speech is not necessary to communicate that the Alpha male did not appreciate adulterous females. So, God became very angry when Eve had a sexual relationship with the Serpent from another tribe.

Main conclusion:
Honor killings are caused by females blocking earthly reincarnation expectancy of Muslim males.

Preliminary remark
Please consider the following. Jewish scholars respectfully put together Genesis from narratives, which must have been tens of thousands of years old. These narratives are accepted as genuine and correct. But religions are changing in the evolution through numerous time derivatives of sexual culture. What means the original meaning can easily be changed.
On the other hand, the Sexual Theory of Religion has been developed straightforwardly from animal religion. It does not have to correspond to Genesis but a reasonable connection was sought, of course.
Paradise culture
Human sexual development has evolved unnaturally. This in deviation of the rest from the animal kingdom. In the evolution mankind worshipped inbreeding because it is in his genes.
The inbreeding culture started with the first bipedal Hominids, and was caused by the impossibility to exchange juvenile females with other tribes on a regular base:

Hence, inbreeding was no free choice, but anyway it is in our genes for already seven million years:
And that is why the basic dimension of human sexuality has become inbreeding versus outbreeding, from which all primal human religions are derived. Religions are corrections on sexual culture. And inbreeding takes a central place in earthly reincarnation. It strengthens tribal identity by ploughing back the own female genes into the male line.
Assumption 345: Inbreeding strengthens tribal identity by ploughing back the own female genes into the male line.
Paradise myth refers to inbreeding
The sexual religion of the great-apes, our quadrupedal terrestrial precursors, is the male kin bonded lineage with the exchange of juvenile females. This is cleverly communicated without language. This must be the outbreeding instinct of young females.
The Paradise narrative refers to inbreeding, the antipode from outbreeding. It is the symbolic version of 'cousin marriages' between Adam and Eve as more than full siblings. Also in this instinct speech is not necessary to communicate that the Alpha male did not appreciate adulterous females. So, God became very angry when Eve had a sexual relationship with the Serpent from another tribe.
The Myth of Paradise had a dual interpretation
- For inbreeding cultures the myth was a maturation rite, in which young men were warned for adulterous females like Eve, who threatened eternal tribal identity. If they let this happen, they would be expelled like Adam. Eve was adulterous with the Serpent, a man from another tribe:
And this is what God said to the Serpent:
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
- But in outbreeding cultures the myth warned for autosomal recessive disorders, what knowledge was bitterly gained:

Assumption 350: Mount Toba gave birth to the Tree of Knowledge. Knowledge of autosomal recessive disorders. The super eruption of Mount Toba was 74,000 years ago. The genetic bottleneck of the human race was 70,000 years ago. It is said the supervolcano diminshed the genetic variation of Homo sapiens considerably.

Human religion derived from animal religion

Human religion cannot be derived directly from the animal world. It is too complicated. But we found an intermediate step, an extra degree of freedom in 'sexual religion', what is a form of breeding. And now, with two degrees of freedom we understand human religion and its derivation from animal religion:
Sexual religions are kinds of breeding
- Sexual religions are instincts inherited from Hominids and Hominins.
- Sexual religions are kinds of breeding.
- Sexual religions are inbreeding and outbreeding.
- Hominid's primal sexual religion was the male kin bonded lineage (outbreeding).
- Juvenile females left the group caused by their outbreeding instinct.
- Hominin's second primal sexual religion is cousin marriages (inbreeding).
- 'Cousin marriages' means the exchange of juvenile females with other tribes is blocked by the male inbreeding instinct.
- Female genes are ploughed back into the male lineage.- Cousin marriages saturate the genes of the male kin bonded lineage.
- The same can happen in the female lineage, but that is no primal sexual religion.
- Cousin marriages are invented for the inbreeding instinct of males, not of females.
- Saturated genes bolster eternal tribal identity into descendants and facilitate reincarnation.
- Cousin marriages guarantee males maximal resemblance with themselves in reincarnation.
- Inbreeding (cousin marriages) is a primal sexual religion of the Hominins and Islam is an oppressive ideology of Homo sapiens.
Human religions are functions of breeding
- Judaism, Christianity, Islam and all others are human religions.
- Human religions are determined by sexual religions.
- Human religions are functions of sexual religions.
- Human religions are functions of kinds of breeding: inbreeding and/or outbreeding.
- But in the rebound, human religions dictate kinds of breeding on which sexual religions become artificial functions of human religions.
- Then it looks like Islam and Sharia dictate cousin marriages, rather than that they are caused by the inbreeding instinct of Homo erectus.
- First bipedal Hominids did not know 'reincarnation' and believed in 'genetic immortality in descendants', just like all other animals.
- Their religions were made from first order time derivatives of breeding.
- Based on first order time derivatives they steered inbreeding into outbreeding and reverse.
- But higher order time derivatives as acceleration and jerk could also have significance, at least theoretically and if not constant or zero.
- Later used increasingly higher ordered derivatives were nonsensical (reincarnation).
- So, increasingly higher ordered time derivatives of breeding are a joke.
- Most nowadays human religions are made from these increasingly higher ordered time derivatives of breeding, which almost unrecognizable derailed into magical delusions (reincarnation, resurrection or rebirth), losing every real connection with breeding.
- In case primal sexual religions have been changed into artificial functions of human religions (some weird form of breeding), more realistic successive religious developments are born out of the first, second and third order time derivative thereof.

Genetic variation of bipedal Hominids
- Like chimpanzees, first bipedal Hominids must have had enormous genetic variation and even with a hampering exchange of juvenile females with other tribes, they would not have died out so easily.
- Then it is just a little step to understand the rise of the inbreeding culture of Australopithecus without too many autosomal recessive disorders over five million years. Inbreeding had all possibilities to develop into a tribal identity cult, into religion. Inbreeding had all time to settle into the human genome.
- And then we also understand the problem of the shrunk genetic variation of Homo sapiens, who inherited the inbreeding culture from Australopiths but not their abundant genetic variation. Human population nearly died out 75,000 years ago through the mount Toba supereruption, a catastrophe by which enormous amounts of volcano ashes came into the atmosphere for 10 years, followed by a thousand-year-long cooling episode.
- Fertility stress was a real instinct of Hominid inbreeding cultures. They practiced 'cousin marriages' to survive as a group, but the awful consequences of inbreeding developed much later.
The inbreeding instinct
- The inbreeding instinct is sex dependent.
- The inbreeding instinct is to be found on the male Y-chromosome.
- The inbreeding instinct is linked to mtDNA L3N or L3M.
- Only Muslim males inherit the inbreeding instinct.
- The inbreeding instinct dilutes by outbreeding with exogamous peoples.
- The inbreeding instinct aims at earthly reincarnation.
The inbreeding instinct likely lies on the Y-chromosome, because the lust to inbreeding is almost exclusively masculine. But it might be located elsewhere on nuDNA and triggered by testosterone.
Assumption 338: The inbreeding instinct is no joke, since we also have the outcrossing instinct as primal sexual law of nature. So, if Muslims want to compete outbreeding, they should replace it with the stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Assumption 193: The primal law of animal religion is the commandment: thou shalt reproduce in genetic diversity.
Assumption 336: The inbreeding instinct is a human instinct developed somewhere between Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) and the Arabian Peninsula (Homo sapiens, 60-50 ka; 1400cc). It is a typical male instinct which aims at earthly reincarnation into tribal inbred bodies enforced by cousin marriages. It is still vividly present in the Muslim culture.
Assumption 330: Haplo-groups N from L3N and M from L3M, both groups from mtDNA, are sibling-groups what means both might be connected with the inbreeding instinct in nuDNA.
Assumption 328: Cousin marriages are the canary in the coalmine of earthly reincarnation and the inbreeding instinct.
Assumption 322: As long as Muslims do not merge with other peoples, the inbreeding instinct is unaffected and will restore inbreeding and incest as sexual trait in future situations.
Assumption 340: Not Islam is hereditary but it is the inbreeding instinct in the male line.
All Muslim males are honor killers
- All Muslim male family members are equivalent honor killers.
- Brothers need no parental approval to kill their sisters.
- Your brother is an inexperienced young male who does not know his own instincts. He is much more dangerous than your father, so never trust him.
- That is the flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial.
- The 25-year prison sentence for the father is unfounded, compared to the 15 year for Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother who killed Sadia:

Autosomal recessive disorders
- Chromosomes of parents and great-parents are randomly recombined. Once inbreeding and you can be lucky without disorders. But the more successive inbreeding, the less genetic variation remains. Then, on selecting your partner from your inbred population, chances are high on autosomal recessive disorders.
Ratio inbreeding - outbreeding
- Holy grail is the ratio inbreeding - outbreeding.
- Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said: Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil, to know inbreeding and outbreeding.
Male Allah and female Allah
- There is one Koran and there is one Islam, but there are two Allahs, for males and females.
- All Muslim male family members are equivalent honor killers.
- Brothers need no parental approval to kill their sisters.
- Your brother is an inexperienced young male who does not know his own instincts. He is much more dangerous than your father, so never trust him.
- That is the flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial.
- The 25-year prison sentence for the father is unfounded, compared to the 15 year for Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother who killed Sadia:
Honor of the family motivated by fertility stress
Assumption 344: Not Islam is hereditary but the fertility stress instinct from inbreeding cultures.
(Ma = Million years ago)
Assumption 344: Not Islam is hereditary but the fertility stress instinct from inbreeding cultures.
(Ma = Million years ago)
- Honor of the family and fertility stress are two sides of the same coin: the survival of the group.
- To avoid extinction, tribes survived by inbreeding leading to autosomal recessive disorders.
- Autosomal disorders caused high mortality rates, which in turn threatened survival.
- Fertility stress is caused by high mortality rates by inbreeding, needed to prevent extinction.
- Fertility stress is a vicious circle, a rat race to avoid extinction.
- Fertility stress is an instinct of inbreeding cultures.
- Homo erectus girls sacrificed their body as incubator for family semen, for survival of the group:

- Homo sapiens Muslim girls sacrifice their body for the honor of the family:
- Fertility stress is caused by high mortality rates by inbreeding, needed to prevent extinction.
- Fertility stress is a vicious circle, a rat race to avoid extinction.
- Fertility stress is an instinct of inbreeding cultures.
- Homo erectus girls sacrificed their body as incubator for family semen, for survival of the group:

- Homo sapiens Muslim girls sacrifice their body for the honor of the family:

Assumption 341: 'Honor of the family' aims at the survival of the family by inbreeding, in which young females sacrifice their body as incubator for family semen. It is another aspect of 'fertility stress', which is a rat race to avoid extinction by inbreeding, leading to autosomal recessive disorders and high mortality rates.
Assumption 342: Fertility stress is a vicious circle, it is a rat race to avoid extinction by inbreeding, leading to autosomal recessive disorders and high mortality rates. It is another aspect of 'honor of the family'.
Autosomal recessive disorders
- Chromosomes of parents and great-parents are randomly recombined. Once inbreeding and you can be lucky without disorders. But the more successive inbreeding, the less genetic variation remains. Then, on selecting your partner from your inbred population, chances are high on autosomal recessive disorders.
Ratio inbreeding - outbreeding
- Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said: Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil, to know inbreeding and outbreeding.
Male Allah and female Allah
- There is one Koran and there is one Islam, but there are two Allahs, for males and females.
- Male Allah and female Allah are messed up, confounded and contaminated.
- In monotheistic Islam there can be only one God, one Allah.
- In polytheistic Christianity they have God, Jesus, Mary and a lot of other sexual roles available.
- Female Allah is comparable to Jesus.
- The myth of Abraham allows earthly reincarnation.
- Faith in Allah is at odds with earthly reincarnation.
- The Feast of Sacrifice is obstruction to Islam.
- Conflict earthly - parallel reincarnation (or rebirth) causes Muslim schizophrenia.
- Muslim males unconsciously believe in earthly reincarnation by inbreeding.
Assumption 339: Honor killings are caused by females blocking earthly reincarnation expectancy of Muslim males.
- Jews and Christians in part believe in bodily resurrection, in which case the link between inbreeding and the afterlife (the inbreeding instinct) became senseless and disappeared by outcrossing with exogamous peoples.
And although a lot of Muslims also believe in resurrection, Islam failed to eliminate the inbreeding instinct. They can not get rid of the link between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation.
Resurrection, rebirth and reincarnation
- If nothing of the body (the bones) is left on Earth (as with Jesus), then resurrection of the same and identical body in Heaven of the parallel universe could be imaginable.
- If bodily decay is not checked as with Homo naledi in Dinaledi chamber, then the illusion of rebirth of the identical person in another womb is possible on Earth or in Heaven. And most of all, for rebirth no soul is needed.
- If bodily remains are still in the grave, only the soul can reincarnate into the earthly or the parallel universe, but then in a completely new body or as a ghost.
- This means a physical resurrection with bones in two universes at the same time is not logical, although in modern science with mirrored parallel universes anything is possible.
Assumption 385: If the crucial humanizer was the bipedal mutation, we expect mathematical rational thinking rudimentary presented in the first bipedal primates, seven million years ago. According to the normal IQ-distribution there must have been super intelligent Australopiths and Homo naledi. Then, we can expect savants - like mathematics genius prodigy Daniel Tammet - also to be represented in the earliest bipedal hominids, as well as mathematics being an integral part of the human brain. Space is mathematics, scientific thinking may be the essence of the bipedal mutation.
Islam is an extreme example of monotheism with only one God. But the omnipotence of Allah as a single heterosexual God will be undermined by porn on the internet. It will promote the return to polytheism of Homo erectus and criminality of the Hominids.
We know criminality and gay hatred go together. Hence, in the rebound the most regressed Muslims (Hominids) may again increase the distance between heterosexuality and other sexual roles. Based on the lawlessness of Egotheism. Anyway Islam is falling apart.
Islam loses grip on males in Western society because the system is unable to provide sufficient females. Educated women flee the system to atheism. A lot of demographic reasons will be found back in refugee camps. And in this tangled interaction pornography finds its place in the disintegration of the Islamic system. Islam is going down to Paradise culture again.
Islam will fall down into uncontrolled male testosterone. The foundation under Islamic monotheism will be washed away by the internet. And that means Sharia loses influence. But of course they will continue to base their testosterone arbitrariness on 'Sharia'. But Sharia is not based on Islam but on unwritten laws throughout the evolution. Soon every Muslim male will be his own God again without law or consultation with society.
What means a lot of Muslims in Western countries will probably fall back into the utter brutality of previous Paradise culture where rampant sadomasochism of their ancestors was so typical.
Possibly Islam will not return to Sharia which at least had some rules to control testosterone, but it will perish into a wild form of sexual arbitrariness and absolute crime.
On note, cousin marriages, inbreeding and earthly reincarnation are meant for deceased ancestors, family gods who stand for more sexual roles than Allah alone. It is from Homo erectus. See African Voodoo. Criminality of the Hominids means every male is his own God: Egotheism.
The future of Islam
Islam is the third Paradise culture. But Islam loses control over Muslims. Educated Muslim women will escape to Western atheism but a lot of Muslim males will regress to two previous Paradise cultures, from Homo erectus (cousin marriages) and the Hominids (pure criminality):
Rules for survival after refusing cousin marriage:
First lesson: Never make peace again with your family. Never come home again and disappear for ever.
Second lesson: Never trust anybody of your family, they all are going to kill you. Never speak to anybody how you think about arranged or even worse: forced marriages. Especially, don't trust your mother!
Third lesson: Never react if your father asks how you think about marrying your cousin. From then on you must plan your escape from home.
Fourth lesson: You have control of your own destiny. If you do not make any conflicts with your father he will not grasp his unconscious lust for reincarnation into the earthly universe. It is just you who activates his unconscious.
Fifth lesson: Never tell him Allah knows his inappropriate feelings. BTW, you should have already fled.
Sixth lesson: Avoid an intimate relationship with your father. He has to back off your reproductive organs.
Seventh lesson: Never talk about your abortion, just run.
Eighth lesson: Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother, your uncle or any Muslim male in your family.
The Muslim male inbreeding instinct on the Y-chromosome- In monotheistic Islam there can be only one God, one Allah.
- In polytheistic Christianity they have God, Jesus, Mary and a lot of other sexual roles available.
- Female Allah is comparable to Jesus.
- So, Muslim females might assimilate into Western society.
- Male Allah opposes the Christian God of Abraham.
- Male Allah opposes the Christian God of Abraham.
- So, integration of Muslim males is doubtful.
- Assimilation of Muslim males conflicts with Islam.
- The myth of Abraham allows earthly reincarnation.
- Faith in Allah is at odds with earthly reincarnation.
- The Feast of Sacrifice is obstruction to Islam.
- Conflict earthly - parallel reincarnation (or rebirth) causes Muslim schizophrenia.
- Muslim males unconsciously believe in earthly reincarnation by inbreeding.
Assumption 339: Honor killings are caused by females blocking earthly reincarnation expectancy of Muslim males.
- Jews and Christians in part believe in bodily resurrection, in which case the link between inbreeding and the afterlife (the inbreeding instinct) became senseless and disappeared by outcrossing with exogamous peoples.
And although a lot of Muslims also believe in resurrection, Islam failed to eliminate the inbreeding instinct. They can not get rid of the link between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Quranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34).
Resurrection, rebirth and reincarnation
- If nothing of the body (the bones) is left on Earth (as with Jesus), then resurrection of the same and identical body in Heaven of the parallel universe could be imaginable.
- If bodily decay is not checked as with Homo naledi in Dinaledi chamber, then the illusion of rebirth of the identical person in another womb is possible on Earth or in Heaven. And most of all, for rebirth no soul is needed.
- If bodily remains are still in the grave, only the soul can reincarnate into the earthly or the parallel universe, but then in a completely new body or as a ghost.
- This means a physical resurrection with bones in two universes at the same time is not logical, although in modern science with mirrored parallel universes anything is possible.
- And now you see why Muslims unconsciously prefer to believe in reincarnation into the earthly universe and not really believe in resurrection of their bones in two universes at the same time. Resurrection has been a bridge too far for the intelligent Homo sapiens. That's why Voodoo rejected resurrection and stuck to earthly reincarnation, just like Abraham...
Assumption 385: If the crucial humanizer was the bipedal mutation, we expect mathematical rational thinking rudimentary presented in the first bipedal primates, seven million years ago. According to the normal IQ-distribution there must have been super intelligent Australopiths and Homo naledi. Then, we can expect savants - like mathematics genius prodigy Daniel Tammet - also to be represented in the earliest bipedal hominids, as well as mathematics being an integral part of the human brain. Space is mathematics, scientific thinking may be the essence of the bipedal mutation.
The porn revolution of Islam
Without knowledge of the Western world a revolution is taking place in Islam. A breakthrough is occurring in the relations among traditional sexual roles. It is the breaking of rigid sexual roles of monotheism. But do Muslims know? Not really because it is partly unconscious. They do not grasp gods as sexual roles:
Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.
Until recently, the only God in Islamic monotheism was polygamous male heterosexuality:
Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the Alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.
But now porn engulfs the internet and threatens Islamic culture openly with homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality:
Assumption 50: Monotheism = only male heterosexuality in charge. Polytheism = all sexual roles are empathically accepted in the conscious:
1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles.
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
Porn dismantles Islam:
It started in the outer Islamic mantel of religious endogamy in Western Europe, but now it also reached the Arab countries.
Within Islam, porn led to changing attitudes. Since, by porn on the internet the distance between heterosexuality and other sexual roles is greatly reduced.
But educated women will be tolerant of sexual freedom and escape into atheism. So, sexual attitudes will diverge in Islam, which eventually will be the end of monotheism, of Allah.
Islam loses grip on males in Western society because the system is unable to provide sufficient females. Educated women flee the system to atheism. A lot of demographic reasons will be found back in refugee camps. And in this tangled interaction pornography finds its place in the disintegration of the Islamic system. Islam is going down to Paradise culture again.
Islam will fall down into uncontrolled male testosterone. The foundation under Islamic monotheism will be washed away by the internet. And that means Sharia loses influence. But of course they will continue to base their testosterone arbitrariness on 'Sharia'. But Sharia is not based on Islam but on unwritten laws throughout the evolution. Soon every Muslim male will be his own God again without law or consultation with society.
What means a lot of Muslims in Western countries will probably fall back into the utter brutality of previous Paradise culture where rampant sadomasochism of their ancestors was so typical.
Possibly Islam will not return to Sharia which at least had some rules to control testosterone, but it will perish into a wild form of sexual arbitrariness and absolute crime.
On note, cousin marriages, inbreeding and earthly reincarnation are meant for deceased ancestors, family gods who stand for more sexual roles than Allah alone. It is from Homo erectus. See African Voodoo. Criminality of the Hominids means every male is his own God: Egotheism.
The future of Islam
One could say the more inbreeding, the more primitive a religion. But that is not true because human religion has a circular development, without beginning or endpoint:
Islam is the third Paradise culture. But Islam loses control over Muslims. Educated Muslim women will escape to Western atheism but a lot of Muslim males will regress to two previous Paradise cultures, from Homo erectus (cousin marriages) and the Hominids (pure criminality):
Rules for survival after refusing cousin marriage:
Second lesson: Never trust anybody of your family, they all are going to kill you. Never speak to anybody how you think about arranged or even worse: forced marriages. Especially, don't trust your mother!
Third lesson: Never react if your father asks how you think about marrying your cousin. From then on you must plan your escape from home.
Fourth lesson: You have control of your own destiny. If you do not make any conflicts with your father he will not grasp his unconscious lust for reincarnation into the earthly universe. It is just you who activates his unconscious.
Fifth lesson: Never tell him Allah knows his inappropriate feelings. BTW, you should have already fled.
Sixth lesson: Avoid an intimate relationship with your father. He has to back off your reproductive organs.
Seventh lesson: Never talk about your abortion, just run.
Eighth lesson: Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother, your uncle or any Muslim male in your family.
Inbreeding can be partly seen as a matter of managing the legacy. Hence, there might be immoral but rational arguments for cousin marriages. So, if the father of Sadia Sheikh owned some shops in Belgium and in Pakistan, he might have wanted Sadia to marry her cousin in Pakistan. But would you slice your daughter into pieces for money? And if she is dead you have nothing left. This model is not working. You need the Sexual Theory of Religion to explain honor killings. This must be an instinct much stronger than that lousy money, much stronger than the worries about a legacy. Inbreeding must be a primal instinct to explain this brute force, this gruesome murder.
In our opinion the Muslim male inbreeding instinct is to be found on the Y-chromosome. It is the second primal sexual religion of the Hominins:

Assumption 338: The inbreeding instinct is no joke, since we also have the outcrossing instinct as primal sexual law of nature. So, if Muslims want to compete outbreeding, they should replace it with the stronger instinct of inbreeding.
The Hominid - Hominin primal sexual religions
The first primal sexual religion is from the Hominids and is called patrilineal descent or the male kin bonded lineage. Descent is a special case of bonded. The Hominids were quadrupedal great-apes (on four legs). And we know chimps and bonobos still adhere this religion, in which males stick together in the group and juvenile females are exchanged with other groups (just like: Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus robustus, Neanderthals, Aboriginals e.a.). It is all outbreeding, but if there is a defect on the Y-chromosome of the males the tribe might die out:
Adam and Eve:
But their merge is just essential for sexual religion. Part of the group practices outbreeding or crossbreeding, while the other part exerts inbreeding. Cousin marriages saturate the genes of the male kin bonded lineage and bolster eternal tribal identity in descendants and facilitate reincarnation.
- Cousin marriages (Hominin) saturate the genes of the male kin bonded lineage (Hominid).
- It is ploughing back tribal female genes into the male lineage.
- The same can happen in the female lineage, but that is no primal sexual religion.
- Cousin marriages are invented for the inbreeding instinct of males, not of females.
- Saturated genes bolster eternal tribal identity in descendants and facilitate reincarnation.
Complete inbreeding leads to extinction of the species. So, there is always a mix of the two sexual religions. But complete patrilineal descent without cousin marriages is quite possible and complete outcrossing is of course most preferable.

Merge of inbreeding with outbreeding:
CARTA: The Origin of Us - Fossils of Modern Humans Interbreeding within and outside of Africa.

The endogamous core and the exogamous mantle
I will give a short explanation which can be skipped easily, going to the next chapter 'Inbreeding'.
In the Sexual Theory of Religion there is a tension between religion (the core) and sexual behavior (the mantle). This is how primate groups work. If this tension disappears, the group falls apart and its core will be infiltrated by other groups. At this moment Christianity has lost its endogamous core, which is being occupied by Islam:
Now it happens in nature the Alpha male practices inbreeding, while females are naturally for crossbreeding:

And here again, Islam occupies Western culture:
Chrislam is the merge of the endogamous religious core (Islam) with the exogamous sexual mantle (Christianity):
And now we approach a variant of the combined Hominid - Hominin model. It can be two different peoples: exogamous slavery in the mantle of former Christians and orthodox Muslims in power in the religious core. This is no nonsense but are facts in Islamic history:
In primate groups this merge is necessary to build tension between the core and the mantle. Is this natural? No, of course not, but animal groups are not natural. They are a compromise between inbreeding and outbreeding.
So, what is happening in Western Europe today is according to the laws of the Sexual Theory of Religion:

Development of Hominin religion

Although we interchanged freely 'inbreeding' with 'Islam' there are huge differences:

We learn that human religion knows two primal variants: outbreeding (outcrossing) and inbreeding, in other words exogamy and endogamy, or genetic diversity and genetic monoculture. This is so fundamental that it is the basic understanding of all human religion:

In Islamic culture, inbreeding means all kinds of wittingly inbreeding:
The inbreeding instinct likely lies on the Y-chromosome, because the lust to inbreeding is almost exclusively masculine. But it might be located elsewhere on nuDNA and triggered by testosterone.
Inbreeding is a special case of animal religion, the male kin bonded lineage, which we also see in chimps. But inbreeding is exclusively human. Chimps do not know inbreeding as a religion. As they also do not know reincarnation.

From Hominids inherited male kin bonded lineage is the basis of human religion. Humans added reincarnation as extension to animal religion. We see this back in the Ethiopian prayer in this article, where grandfather reincarnates into the tribe which is male kin bonded with reincarnation. But the prayer contains no inbreeding, since it is no Muslim culture.
With cousin marriages Muslim cultures became male and female bonded in the family. And now we have a problem, since both spouses in the cousin marriage have the same grandfather:
Hence, their offspring possibly gets identical alleles on a gene from their great-grandfather. Then there is no further choice to make. LOL, that's not true, but still no advice to inbreeding:
There are several other possibilities. If this process of cousin marriages continues over many generations, there arises a lack of genetic variability and autosomal disorders will occur.
Inbreeding is a special case of animal religion, the male kin bonded lineage, which we also see in chimps. But inbreeding is exclusively human. Chimps do not know inbreeding as a religion. As they also do not know reincarnation.

From Hominids inherited male kin bonded lineage is the basis of human religion. Humans added reincarnation as extension to animal religion. We see this back in the Ethiopian prayer in this article, where grandfather reincarnates into the tribe which is male kin bonded with reincarnation. But the prayer contains no inbreeding, since it is no Muslim culture.
With cousin marriages Muslim cultures became male and female bonded in the family. And now we have a problem, since both spouses in the cousin marriage have the same grandfather:
Hence, their offspring possibly gets identical alleles on a gene from their great-grandfather. Then there is no further choice to make. LOL, that's not true, but still no advice to inbreeding:
There are several other possibilities. If this process of cousin marriages continues over many generations, there arises a lack of genetic variability and autosomal disorders will occur.
In conclusion, inbreeding is born out of the patriarchal culture and therefore is also a masculine religion. Females have nothing with inbreeding, since their natural drive is outcrossing or outbreeding, or genetic diversity versus genetic monoculture of Muslim males. This all means if breeding is religion, then religion must be a kind of breeding. And because females naturally want crossbreeding, religion learns them inbreeding, that's religion. At least it must be a Muslim (religious endogamy), a Pakistani is already better (ethnic endogamy), but preferably girls marry their cousin, that's tribal endogamy:
Chimps did not develop the inbreeding instinct, because they are quadrupeds (on four legs) with exuberant exchange of juvenile females with neighbouring groups. Bonobos are semi-terrestrial but these quadrupeds stumble in circles and return to well known tribes when ripening fruit forests. There they exchange juvenile females.
Terrestrial = living on the land rather than in the trees.
But bipedal Australopiths (terrestrial animals on two legs) disappeared in straight lines behind the horizon and developed inbreeding genes because of difficulties to meet other groups:
In crossbreeding with outbred populations the human inbreeding instinct is thought to disappear by dilution.
Fertility stress and honor of the family
Long ago, bipedal Hominids left the safety of the trees. They wandered through the savannas of Africa and became terrestrial animals:
In the trees great-apes can only bring up little offspring. That did not change on the ground. There, humanlike creatures were a simple prey for predators what reduced their numbers:
Long ago, bipedal Hominids left the safety of the trees. They wandered through the savannas of Africa and became terrestrial animals:
They were on the verge of extinction:

This led to inbreeding in the family. But inbreeding and incest led to higher mortality rates, what in turn led to the demand for more children and more cousin marriages. It is this vicious circle that we call 'fertility stress'. It was a rat race to avoid extinction by producing as many children as possible, no matter how.
Assumption 333: Fertility stress is the deeply felt urge to get as many offspring as possible.
So, to avoid extinction, tribes survived by inbreeding and incest leading to autosomal recessive disorders, which in turn threatened survival. This led to the fertility stress instinct.
- Honor of the family was motivated by fertility stress originally.
- Honor of the family and fertility stress are two sides of the same coin: the survival of the group.
Assumption 341: 'Honor of the family' aims at the survival of the family by inbreeding, in which young females sacrifice their body as incubator for family semen. It is another aspect of 'fertility stress', which is a rat race to avoid extinction by inbreeding, leading to autosomal recessive disorders and high mortality rates.
Assumption 342: Fertility stress is a vicious circle, it is a rat race to avoid extinction by inbreeding, leading to autosomal recessive disorders and high mortality rates. It is another aspect of 'honor of the family'.
Girls had to sacrifice their body as incubator for family semen, for survival of the group, for the honor of the family. Otherwise they were simply honor raped.
At the end of the first Paradise culture (Australopithecus 7-2 Ma; 400cc) the inbreeding culture was embedded in 'religion':
Assumption 287: In millions of years the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) refined their inbreeding culture by religion called 'genetic immortality' but tragically they optimized 'phenotypically controlled mortality'. They optimized inbreeding into fertility stress.
They discovered that enforcing inbreeding led to phenotypic mortality (extinction of the species) and learned to merge inbreeding with outcrossing:
Muslim countries all over the world found their own formula, of course somewhat eroded in modern times. But you see the mingling of inbreeding with crossbreeding for not to die out as a species:

And now you can understand why Muslim fathers are eager to enforce cousin marriages on their daughters. It is not a matter of survival any longer, it has become a hidden instinct.
Islam failed to conquer inbreeding, which instinct has gone undercover into the unconscious, where it is much more damaging than before. And this means it must be made conscious again:
- First bipedal Hominids did not know 'reincarnation' and believed in 'genetic immortality in descendants', just like all other animals.
- Their religions were made from first order time derivatives of breeding.
- Based on first order time derivatives they steered inbreeding into outbreeding and reverse.
- But higher order time derivatives as acceleration and jerk could also have significance, at least theoretically and if not constant or zero.
- Later used increasingly higher ordered derivatives were nonsensical (reincarnation).
- Most nowadays human religions are made from these increasingly higher ordered time derivatives of breeding, which almost unrecognizable derailed into magical delusions (reincarnation), losing every real connection with breeding.
- In case primal sexual religions have been changed into artificial functions of human religions (some weird form of breeding), more realistic successive religious developments are born out of the first, second and third order time derivative thereof.
In below schemes acceleration and jerk have nothing to do with earthly and parallel reincarnation. It is just for illustration:
Genetic variation of Australopiths
The above passage about inbreeding of Australopithecus needs to be placed into perspective. You can imagine that a few Australopiths would not have survived a five million time period of threatening extinction by inbreeding. Though the fertility instinct is a real instinct, it is difficult to place on the time-line of the Hominid development:
About 140,000 years ago human populations from East or Central Africa moved southwards and colonized western southern Africa. The probable nearest living relatives of these source populations are: the Hadzabe people from north-central Tanzania and Mbuti pygmies from the eastern Congo. This migration gave rise to the present-day San hunter-gatherers (Bushmen). The San-people (and the Khoisan-group) are seen as the oldest Homo sapiens with the greatest genetic variation. They are said to show the human population genetic footprints:
On the other hand, out of Africa human population groups worldwide are highly homogeneous (99.5% similar) genetically. This means, inbreeding with autosomal recessive disorders occurs sooner between Asians and Caucasians than within two neighbouring tribes of San people. They simply have more genetic variation in one tribe than we in the whole world.
Well, chimpanzees also have enormous genetic variation and even with a hampering exchange of juvenile females with other tribes they would not die out so easily. But the Neanderthals did, however.
Then, it is just a little step to understand the rise of the inbreeding culture of Australopithecus without too many autosomal recessive disorders over a five million years time period. Inbreeding had all possibilities to develop into a tribal identity cult, into religion. Inbreeding had all time to settle into the human genome.
And then we also understand the problem with the shrunk genetic variation of Homo sapiens, who inherited the inbreeding culture from Australopiths but not their abundant genetic variation.
Earthly reincarnation
Assumption 336: The inbreeding instinct is a human instinct developed somewhere between Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) and the Arabian Peninsula (Homo sapiens, 60-50 ka; 1400cc). It is a typical male instinct which aims at earthly reincarnation into tribal inbred bodies enforced by cousin marriages. It is still vividly present in the Muslim culture.
mtDNA L3N or L3M

The human male inbreeding instinct is thought to be combined with mtDNA L3N or L3M, which are twins in mtDNA:
Assumption 330: Haplo-groups N from L3N and M from L3M, both groups from mtDNA, are sibling-groups what means both might be connected with the inbreeding instinct in nuDNA.
Assumption 330: Haplo-groups N from L3N and M from L3M, both groups from mtDNA, are sibling-groups what means both might be connected with the inbreeding instinct in nuDNA.

Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.

Notice, in the Sexual Theory there is no difference between the function of Jesus and female Allah. Both are masochistic and protect 'other sexual roles'. That is important, although they are the spiritual cause of policor. Too bad.
And now we understand that later on 'Heaven in the parallel universe' was unable to add a longer afterlife than earthly reincarnation, which was already infinitive. And it also happened that the bond between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation had become an instinct. So in the Muslim mind the parallel universe of Allah is at odds with earthly reincarnation in his unconscious. The learning theory to understand the wording of human religion is called 'operant conditioning' and comes from B.F. Skinner. Below you see the wording of the Muslim culture:
- Cousin marriages (Hominin) saturate the genes of the male kin bonded lineage (Hominid).
A large number of Muslim males still project their afterlife unconsciously into descendants of inbred bodies of their family. Therefore they enforce inbreeding by cousin marriages. Heavy inbreeding serves the saturation of tribal genes, what strengthens tribal identity in the afterlife, which is mankind's primal religion. Hence, a lot of Muslim males still strive to cousin marriages. But they are unconscious of the reason why and talk somewhat about 'the honor of the family'.
But there is a big problem for Muslim males, for you cannot believe to go to Heaven of Allah in the parallel universe and at the same time believe in earthly reincarnation. That is a mortal sin wherefore Muslims could be hung in the past 1400 years. So, Muslim males have a big dilemma, which has been hidden into their unconscious:
Genes and the afterlife
- Jews and Christians in part believe in bodily resurrection, in which case the link between inbreeding and the afterlife (the inbreeding instinct) became senseless and disappeared by outcrossing with exogamous peoples. Actually bodily resurrection is a rebirth of the old body.
And although a lot of Muslims also believe in resurrection, Islam failed to eliminate the inbreeding instinct. They can not get rid of the link between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Quranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34).
- If bodily remains are still in the grave, only the soul can reincarnate into the earthly or the parallel universe, but then in a completely new body or as a ghost.
- This means a physical resurrection with bones in two universes at the same time is not logical, although in modern science with mirrored parallel universes anything is possible.
- And now you see why Muslims unconsciously prefer to believe in reincarnation into the earthly universe and not really in resurrection of their bones in two universes at the same time. Resurrection has been a bridge too far for the intelligent Homo sapiens. That's why Voodoo rejected resurrection and stuck to earthly reincarnation, just like Abraham...
Resurrection, rebirth and reincarnation
- If nothing of the body (the bones) is left on Earth (as with Jesus), then resurrection of the same and identical body in Heaven of the parallel universe could be possible.
- If bodily decay is not checked as with Homo naledi in Dinaledi chamber, then the illusion of rebirth of the identical person in another womb is possible on Earth or in Heaven. And most of all, with rebirth no soul is needed.
- If nothing of the body (the bones) is left on Earth (as with Jesus), then resurrection of the same and identical body in Heaven of the parallel universe could be possible.
- If bodily decay is not checked as with Homo naledi in Dinaledi chamber, then the illusion of rebirth of the identical person in another womb is possible on Earth or in Heaven. And most of all, with rebirth no soul is needed.
- If bodily remains are still in the grave, only the soul can reincarnate into the earthly or the parallel universe, but then in a completely new body or as a ghost.
- This means a physical resurrection with bones in two universes at the same time is not logical, although in modern science with mirrored parallel universes anything is possible.
- And now you see why Muslims unconsciously prefer to believe in reincarnation into the earthly universe and not really in resurrection of their bones in two universes at the same time. Resurrection has been a bridge too far for the intelligent Homo sapiens. That's why Voodoo rejected resurrection and stuck to earthly reincarnation, just like Abraham...
Honor killings

If you feel the instinctive urge to do something wrong, you can weaponize yourself not to do it. But only in case you understand your motives. Only then you can bargain with yourself. But if you do not know who you really are, you will easily become an unguided projectile, surrendered to incomprehensible motives. That's the Muslim male drama in full-length. Below I will show what is really going on in the Muslim mind.
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Tiny friendly woman, so sadly |
The family of Sadia Sheikh only killed their daughter, big deal. There was agreement Sadia violated 'the honor of the family', whatever that may be. And then, suddenly they were in court with not-understanding aggressive Westerners who were only concerned about their fallen daughter.
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They were shocked about the hostility of the unbelievers. But there was also something else. They did not know exactly why Mudusar slaughtered his sister. For, to justify this behavior you must know why, and they did not know why, since it was only being agreed upon, Sadia had to be killed in the most gruesome way to satisfy their feelings, to satisfy the instinct of the Muslim males.
Are these people guilty? When the same behavior happens thousands of times in Pakistan every year? Come to your senses, this is not personally to charge, this is a short circuit between the national character and Islam. Prior to Islam these girls were also killed, but men knew what they were doing and why. The big difference in Islam is that Muslim males now have suppressed the link between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation. Making it much more difficult to fight. So, it is necessary to make this behavior conscious again.
And because former Homo erectus girls understood their duty as incubator of family semen, they protested less, since they agreed on earthly reincarnation. But today, young Muslim girls cannot grasp the idiocy of cousin marriages anymore and the most intelligent ones protest against this insanity and flee from home:
Of course they all are guilty. To be a Muslim is your own adult choice, for which you must also bear the consequences. The law must be maintained.
The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial
Instincts are stronger at younger age. And that gives the odds that Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother of Sadia Sheikh and the brother of Gülsüm Selim were acting on their own initiative when killing their sisters. They needed no instructions from their fathers and may have taken the lead in plotting the murders. According to the Sexual Theory of Religion they needed no instructions since as Muslim males they all have the same eternal projection into the offspring of the tribe. So the brother unconsciously expects to reincarnate into descendants of his sister.
If that would be true it has been wrong to give the father of Sadia a prison sentence of 25 years and Mudusar a sentence of 15 years.
- The 25-year prison sentence for the father is unfounded, compared to the 15 year for Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother who killed Sadia:
This is the theoretical flaw in the Sadia Sheik trial. Both fathers (of Sadia and Gülsüm) denied participation in the actual murder. Mudusar and Tahira also denied the role of the father. That is no proof, of course, but does Belgian justice have proof of the opposite?
Mudusar Sheikh (27 ans, 15 years), le frère, Tariq Mahmood Sheikh (62 ans, 25 years), le père, Sariya Sheikh (22 ans, 5 years) la soeur cadette, et Parveen Zahida (59 ans, 20 years), la mère de Sadia Sheikh.
Of course they all are guilty to a certain degree, but that is a different matter. We must keep the law in Western society. We must prove that the fathers are complicit in plotting but also in performing the murder. And for plotting the murder we must estimate better who had the lead, the father or the son.
According to the court, the father did not keep his promises to his daughter, as she had to marry her Pakistani fiancee. He chose the worst possible solution to save the honor of his family and had his daughter killed. The fact that he had his son appear to murder Sadia, according to the court, shows a total lack of feelings of guilt.
Emotional blackmail
The court then accused the mother of Sadia of emotional blackmail. "She used the influence she had on her son to convince him to kill his sister."
Sadia's sister, Tahira, disputes the verdict. According to her, the court is afraid of the community to which the family belongs. She also emphasized that nothing indicates that her parents are guilty.
Mirjam Abarkan
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Mirjam, Rest In Peace |
Round the Mirjam Abarkan trial are great doubts. If the mother must be the perpetrator then the scenario does not fit well. No mother with growing children keeps a large killer knife upstairs in the bathroom to cut labels from new clothing. There are little scissors for that. And if the mother first ran into the bathroom to get a knife, before going into the room of Mirjam, it seems premeditated. And if she took the knife from the kitchen downstairs, before running upstairs to the room of Mirjam, it definitely is premeditated. This scenario is very obscure and not thoroughly elaborated in the trial. What is strange. Furthermore, the scenario of the mentally disabled brother of Mirjam - who was also in the house - is not given. There are rumors he could be the real perpetrator and the mother has taken responsibility. Anyway, this phony trial is untrustworthy, since it was a highly politicized multicultural fake trial. Further analysis on this site.

Mirjam, in depth analysis
It all has come to the mother as a coincidence, but it wasn't. It was in the making of history. She must accept her fate and make the best of it. Give it a place and do not look back, for, that makes no sense.
It appears Mirjam loved her mother dearly and that's a tragedy. She somehow seems to have foreseen her fate and might have been wiser than we think. Also one gets slightly the impression Mirjam has forgiven in advance what was going to happen in a daze. She wrote some very important letters which shine new light on the case, as if she sensed and anticipated the rules of Islamic game. It even might be she had a somewhat telepathic relationship with her mother, anyway they were very close:
"Mirjam also struggled with the situation at home. The prosecutor cites two letters to her mother she wrote in the months before her death. "I know a lot of things I did wrong. I did hurt you. I want to laugh with you. I do not need guys, I need you. "
In the letter Mirjam did a proposal for a solution, she suggested rules. "I hope you will give it a chance, because we are both crazy here. I'm not saying you were wrong, that I was too. Please write back. I love you."
This is not written by a child but by an adult in the making taking responsibility for her desperate mother. She saw her mother could not handle the situation. She definitely must have sensed and anticipated it was going wrong, badly wrong. She felt it. She knew it. Therefore she has taken care of her mother before and unconsciously might have forgiven in advance in a moment of contemplation. So, it might be read also as an unconscious consolation.
If you are a Muslim girl your father might ask you to marry your cousin. That would be a shocking violation of your physical integrity. Then, he is definitely not interested in your well being, in your happiness in marriage. So, what else can he want? He can only be interested in your offspring, your descendants. But what the hell is his personal interest into your descendants?
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In some cases fathers might panic in a psychosis and kill their daughters like Abraham tried to kill Isaac:
Unlike the God of Abraham, Allah does not want to compromise. He does not want Muslims to reincarnate into the earthly universe, but into Heaven of the parallel universe.
(115) The Myth of Abraham: Earthly vs. Parallel Universe
So Muslims can encounter big problems:
Allah hears and sees everything and he knows their wish to reincarnate into the earthly universe instead of heaven in the parallel universe:
Fifth lesson: Never tell him Allah knows his inappropriate feelings. BTW, you should have already fled.
Now follows unconscious thinking:

God (not Allah) forbade the killing of Isaac and permitted Abraham earthly reincarnation into the offspring of Isaac, his only begotten tribal son. In turn Abraham promised to worship God in the parallel universe and not to worship earthly idols (his ancestors) any longer.
This division into earthly reincarnation and the parallel universe was a wonderful compromise what we still see in Voodoo, though in outbreeding cultures worshipping earthly idols is permitted:
In this central core of voodoo worship is Loa (god, divine being, good spirit), Oracle, ancestral worship and reincarnation. Heaven and hell do not exist in Voodooism. Why?, In Voodoo they believe in reincarnation.

Now we see an amazing and fundamental difference. Earthly reincarnation into outbred bodies is completely harmless, because male genes are spread all over the world. That is characteristic for Negro populations in Africa with mtDNA=L2:

But pre-Muslim cultures with mtDNA=L3N or L3M combined earthly reincarnation with inbreeding. And that aggravated inbreeding heavily because males pressed females more and more to tribal inbreeding (cousin marriages). They wanted to reincarnate into a tribe, which was as saturated with tribal genes (inbreeding) as possible. This for tribal identity (religion).
In conclusion: Earthly reincarnation is harmless in outcrossing populations. In inbreeding cultures like Islam it is disastrous for women, since a lot of inbred bodies must be produced for reincarnating ancestors.
And that is the reason of the rise of the desert religions. Since it were inbreeding religions which needed an afterlife in Heaven of the parallel universe the most. For, in Heaven of the parallel universe the bond is broken between inbreeding and the afterlife:
Christianity tried to break the bond between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation by presenting believers a wormhole in space into a parallel universe without sexuality or inbred bodies to reincarnate.
But Muslims invented a very special interpretation of Heaven and added sexuality again as perpetual orgasm:
- Jews and Christians in part believe in bodily resurrection, in which case the link between inbreeding and the afterlife (the inbreeding instinct) became senseless and disappeared by outcrossing with exogamous peoples. Actually bodily resurrection is a rebirth of the old body.
And although a lot of Muslims also believe in resurrection, Islam failed to eliminate the inbreeding instinct. They can not get rid of the link between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Quranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34).
Inbreeding has become a human male instinct for Paradise people (Muslims) for already two million years.
So, Islam presented an afterlife in Heaven with Allah, which is contrary to the Muslim male inbreeding instinct and this has split the Muslim male mind:

Islam forbade reincarnation into the earthly universe on pain of dead. Since those Muslims do not really believe in Allah. That's why Muslims are so happy with the Sacrifice feast; it is their unconscious obstruction to Islam:
Assumption 279: For Muslims the Sacrifice Feast unconsciously means the escape from Heaven in the parallel universe and permission to follow their basic instinct to reincarnate into the earthly universe.
Vaguely you must have had some very dark feelings about it. Then you reached a horrible conclusion, which you discarded immediately, because this would be completely absurd: The identification of your father with your offspring.
But your fears were not silly at all. In fact, prior to Islam it was quite normal to reincarnate into the offspring. It was the former religion for millions of years. This blog developed a model for earthly reincarnation suitable for inbreeding cultures since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc). It understands the reason for cousin marriages. And if girls not wanted, well then they were honor killed:
But your fears were not silly at all. In fact, prior to Islam it was quite normal to reincarnate into the offspring. It was the former religion for millions of years. This blog developed a model for earthly reincarnation suitable for inbreeding cultures since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc). It understands the reason for cousin marriages. And if girls not wanted, well then they were honor killed:
(It is no inbreeding, since the woman was unknown until marriage: 'this young woman'. Furthermore, Ethiopia is a Christian enclave in North Africa.)
This book is from 1921 and the prayer comes from Ethiopia, a Christian enclave in North Africa. The prayer must be very, very old:
Deliberate inbreeding, selective breeding or artificial selection
In our view the Muslim male inbreeding instinct lies on the Y-chromosome and can only be diluted by outcrossing with non-Muslim exogamous populations, like Western peoples.
But meanwhile, this male inbreeding instinct has caused a terrible selection on the Muslim population, eliminating strong and self supporting women like Sadia, Gülsüm and Mirjam and sensible and empathic men:

And this (un)natural selection over millions of years led to a population in which outbreeding genes are more and more eliminated. So, also the female population is deformed by the Muslim male inbreeding instinct:
This led to the creation of an overpopulation of sadistic males to the left side and masochistic females to the right in Muslim cultures, taking Western culture as the norm:
By which the Muslim male population barely integrates into Western society, not to speak of assimilation:

But Muslim females could assimilate, since female Allah equals Jesus:

And this (un)natural selection over millions of years led to a population in which outbreeding genes are more and more eliminated. So, also the female population is deformed by the Muslim male inbreeding instinct:
This led to the creation of an overpopulation of sadistic males to the left side and masochistic females to the right in Muslim cultures, taking Western culture as the norm:
By which the Muslim male population barely integrates into Western society, not to speak of assimilation:

But Muslim females could assimilate, since female Allah equals Jesus:
Reasons for honor killings and honor rape
Reasons for honor killings and honor rape
1: Females increasing fertility stress (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc).
2: Females blocking earthly reincarnation (H. erectus (2 Ma; 900cc).
3: Females provoking psychosis (Homo sapiens (350 ka: 1400cc).
There are several reasons for honor killings.
3: Females provoking psychosis (Abraham)
Above, you saw psychosis, caused by the unconscious fear Allah has heard the mortal sin of the father, who wished to reincarnate into the earthly universe. We can postulate this hypothesis but cannot prove it, since it is unconscious.
On the other hand a lot of psychotic fathers are known in history who killed their own children because God did not stop them on the supreme moment, like He did with Abraham.
Also you saw fertility stress of the first Homininae:
1: Females increasing fertility stress
'Girls had to sacrifice their body as incubator for family semen, for survival of the group, for the honor of the family. Otherwise they were simply honor raped.'
Assumption 284: Honor killings and acid attacks are caused by Muslims trying to obey the wishes of the ancestral fertility gods. These do not want to reincarnate into hybrids and bastards of Eve with that alien Serpent. And if they refuse to reincarnate the family dies out and family members cannot reincarnate. That's why families always form a closed front to kill the fallen daughter.
But this is the most likely reason:
2: Females blocking earthly reincarnation
The most likely reason for honor killings is the frustration of the father's eternal life projection by the refusal of his daughter (sister) to serve as incubator of family semen (cousin marriages). The father (or brother) unconsciously wants to reincarnate into his own family, in which family genes are saturated as much as possible, with as less outcrossing as needed. He wants to preserve his identity in the afterlife, after reincarnation into your offspring.
Assumption 339: Honor killings are caused by females blocking earthly reincarnation expectancy of Muslim males.
The father and the son are both Muslim males - from the male kin bonded lineage - and both unconsciously expect to reincarnate into inbred offspring because of their inbreeding instinct on the Y-chromosome.
This means honor killings can be a joint action of father and son, both males. This might have been the case with Sadia Sheikh, but her brother stressed he acted alone. That would be the flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial where the father got the highest prison sentence of 25 years. In our view the 27 year old brother can certainly have acted alone.
Also it is known the brother of Gülsüm Selim butchered their sister down with a bar after gruesome strangling:
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Gülsüm, Rest In Peace |
Both fathers (of Sadia and Gülsüm) deny participation in the actual murder. Of course they are guilty to a certain degree, but that is a different matter. We must keep the law in Western society. We must prove that the fathers are complicit in plotting but also in performing the murder. And for plotting the murder we must estimate better who had the lead, the father or the son.
Gülsüm Selim: (strangled and beaten to death with a bar)
On refusal of cousin marriage and according to Sexual Scales of Religion the father (or brother) has right on compensation, what is the gruesome murder on his daughter or sister. Notice the sexual lust to kill a woman. It is just hard porn. And this means religion is a form of sexuality. Here it is the decomposition of the SM-dyad into murder and sexual lust:
The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial
Mother of Sadia Sheikh, murdered in 2007, released under conditions
Mother of Sadia Sheikh, murdered in 2007, released under conditions
The mother of Sadia Sheikh, who was murdered in 2007 and was killed by her brother for refusing a forced marriage, is released under conditions on 13 December. Her lawyer confirms the news that was previously released by the newspaper La Dernière Heure. Sadia Sheikh (20) was murdered by her brother in October 2007 in their home in Lodelinsart, a borough of Charleroi. Her relatives had her killed because she would have dishonored the family. The court of assisen van Namen condemned her father Tariq Mahmood Shiekh Tariq in 2012 to 25 years in prison, her mother Parveen Zahida to 15 years (? BD), her brother Mudusar also to 15 years and her sister Sariya to 5 years.
Mother Parveen Zahida is therefore conditionally released on Wednesday, the Liege sentencing court ruled Friday. "My client has been eligible for a release since December 2016, but we had not submitted an application so far because we wanted to continue her psychological counseling," says her lawyer Vincent Dusaucy. Continuing therapy is also one of the conditions imposed on Zahida.
Mother Parveen Zahida is therefore conditionally released on Wednesday, the Liege sentencing court ruled Friday. "My client has been eligible for a release since December 2016, but we had not submitted an application so far because we wanted to continue her psychological counseling," says her lawyer Vincent Dusaucy. Continuing therapy is also one of the conditions imposed on Zahida.
bron Belga
Mudusar Sheikh (27 ans, 15 years), le frère, Tariq Mahmood Sheikh (62 ans, 25 years), le père, Sariya Sheikh (22 ans, 5 years) la soeur cadette, et Parveen Zahida (59 ans, 20 years), la mère de Sadia Sheikh.
Honour killing of Sadia Sheikh

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The honour killing of Sadia Sheikh occured on October 22, 2007, when a 20-year-old Belgian woman of Pakistani heritage was fatally shot by her brother. Sheikh had left her family after her parents pressured her to marry a cousin she had never met:
Mudusar Sheikh (27 ans, 15 years), le frère, Tariq Mahmood Sheikh (62 ans, 25 years), le père, Sariya Sheikh (22 ans, 5 years) la soeur cadette, et Parveen Zahida (59 ans, 20 years), la mère de Sadia Sheikh.
The fight between the conscious and the unconscious
The main problem in Western thinking is the fallacy that Muslims are conscious actors when committing honor killings. This logical error is caused by the descriptive understanding of cultural anthropologists, who asked Muslims straightforwardly the reasons of their honor killings. They described the phenomenological process of honor killings, but did not see the underlying thinking. They just reflected what they observed:
Of course, they got conscious rationalizations from unconscious drives in return. Since honor killings cannot be logically defended. Therefore, we need psychology:

The objective of the Sexual theory of Religion is to split the Muslim mind into two conflicting parts: The conscious and the unconscious. From this arises a splendid explanation of honor killings.
Honor killings in Islam are caused by an unconscious conflict between earthly reincarnation (unconscious) and parallel reincarnation (or rebirth) in Heaven of Allah (conscious).
Many articles can be found on this blog:
The brother of Sadia Sheikh might have spoken the truth, claiming he had acted alone. This is in accordance with the Sexual Theory of Religion, which states all males of the male kin bonded lineage have the expectation to reincarnate into descendants of tribal females:
Eighth lesson: Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother, your uncle or any Muslim male in your family...
Crossbreeding ("Hybridization")
Sadia, by dating or marrying an alien saddled her brother with the risk to reincarnate into her descendants, hybrids from a male of a different tribe. So, according to our theory the father is not needed to instruct his son to kill his sister.
Accidental reincarnation of an ancestor into a hybrid means he can never reincarnate into the tribe again after his next death. That's one of the reasons for "honor killings".

A worse complication is abortion of a hybrid e.g. from a Western alien. Then an ancestor already reincarnated into the fetus and is murdered without a chance to ever reincarnate into his tribe again. Since now he is a hybrid. Therefore Muslim girls should never admit an abortion.
(131) What Muslim girls should know 🔴
(132) Wat moslimmeisjes moeten weten
Mirjam Abarkan and Gülsüm Selim were slaughtered and butchered to death after confessing an abortion. How come?
Sadia Sheikh: (shot in the stomach three times, died within three days)
Gülsüm Selim: (strangled with a cord and beaten to death with a bar)
Mirjam Abarkan: (stabbed into the heart) 1157891W/Door Servaas van der Laan: 1157891W/Door Servaas van der Laan:
If Mudusar Sheikh acted alone
Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of Sadia, acknowledged from the beginning that he acted alone:
Mudusar Sheikh reconnaît d'emblée avoir voulu tuer sa soeur précisa avoir agi d’initiative. Il mit hors de cause ses parent et sa soeur Sariya.
Mudusar Sheikh recognizes from the outset that he wanted to kill his sister and said he acted on his own initiative. His parents and sister Sariya were not involved.
Devant la cour d'assises du Hainaut, l'accusé Mudusar Sheikh, le frère de la victime, a confirmé lundi avoir agi de sa propre initiative en assassinant Sadia Sheikh.
In front of the court of assizes of Hainaut, accused Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of the victim, confirmed Monday to have acted on his own by assassinating Sadia Sheikh.
But of course, there will have been family consultation prior to the murder. And of course, all are guilty to a certain degree. But I still miss the major share of the father in the planning of the murder. Even if he anticipated what was going on, and tried to flee to Pakistan, he is not yet the main culprit or principal perpetrator.
Mudusar Sheikh (27 ans, 15 years), le frère, Tariq Mahmood Sheikh (62 ans, 25 years), le père, Sariya Sheikh (22 ans, 5 years) la soeur cadette, et Parveen Zahida (59 ans, 20 years), la mère de Sadia Sheikh.
Mudusar Sheikh (27 ans, 15 years), le frère, Tariq Mahmood Sheikh (62 ans, 25 years), le père, Sariya Sheikh (22 ans, 5 years) la soeur cadette, et Parveen Zahida (59 ans, 20 years), la mère de Sadia Sheikh.
Following our theory of the 'male kin bonded lineage', father and brother have the same interest in the reincarnation projection into descendants of Sadia. Hence, Mudusar Sheikh did not need the assignment of his father. Then the prison sentence of 25 years for the father, without any proof, is disproportionate. I am not talking about the level of the penalties but about the proportions between the suspects.
In conclusion, Mudusar did not need the assignment for the murder from his father. But apparently the jury thought he did, since the father got the longest prison sentence of 25 years, which seems disproportionate in relation to his 27 year old son.
Murder with premeditation
Mudusar has made contradictory statements in which he claims both intentional murder and the contrary. His mind was not in a stable condition.
In the first place we must take him seriously. Mudusar remarked, “I didn’t want to take her life, but to make her feel as bad as I felt”. So, make a better analysis why he felt so badly. Take him seriously when he tells in other words his motives are mostly unconscious to him:
'The most likely reason for honor killings is the frustration of his eternal life projection by the refusal of his daughter (sister) to serve as incubator of family semen (cousin marriages). The father (or brother) unconsciously wants to reincarnate into his own family, in which family genes are saturated as much as possible, with as less outcrossing as needed. He wants to preserve his identity in the afterlife, after reincarnation into your offspring.'
Following our theory, killing his sister was not the optimal punishment. Just like acid attacks, such victims are a lasting warning to other girls and are punished for life. Mudusar shot 3 bullets into her stomach. But one bullet into her head would suffice to kill her. So, he did not want to kill his sister, just as he said, which makes it worse. It proves premeditation in quite a different way.
I think Mudusar wanted to prevent Sadia to have children ever, but to stay alive as punishment. Just what he said. He did not want to kill her. Since, with 3 bullets in the stomach getting children becomes fairly unlikely. This is in agreement with our theory, because Sadia would apparently marry with a Belgian man, an alien, from whom she would get hybrids, in whose descendants Mudusar did not want reincarnate.
In retrospect Mudusar is ashamed of his behavior, where in Pakistan it is not abnormal to kill your sister. Honor killings are a plague, an enduring sexual lust in that culture.
But he still has no clue, he still does not understand his behavior, his inbreeding instinct on the male Y-chromosome.
Hence Mudusar rationalizes his behavior, persuading himself with: “I didn’t want to take her life, but to make her feel as bad as I felt”. He does not seem to realize how absurd this sentence is, taking a gun with premeditation and shooting several times at both your sisters. Deliberate killing.
Mudusar was seven years older than Sadia. What kind of relationship did they had? What is acceptable in that culture? It is a very sick culture.
Without a conclusive theory we cannot help the next Sadia. And we cannot judge the brother properly either. And the punishment of the father might be completely out of tough with reality in case he did not order the murder. I think this could be huge case of tunnel vision.
The slaughter of Mirjam Abarkan
Round the Mirjam Abarkan trial are great doubts. If the mother must be the perpetrator then the scenario does not fit well. No mother with growing children keeps a large killer knife in the bathroom upstairs to cut labels from new clothing. There are little scissors for that. And if the mother first ran into the bathroom to get a knife, before going to the room of Mirjam, it seems premeditated. And if she took the knife from the kitchen downstairs, before running upstairs to the room of Mirjam, it definitely is premeditated. This scenario is very obscure and not thoroughly elaborated in the trial. What is strange. Furthermore, the scenario of the mentally disabled brother of Mirjam - who was also in the house - is not given. There are rumors he could be the real perpetrator and the mother has taken responsibility. Anyway, this phony trial is untrustworthy, since it was a highly politicized multicultural fake trial. Further analysis on this site.

1: 'Prosecutor Lambers said no premeditation was found for honor killing and therefore concluded it was no first degree murder, but manslaughter.'
But this kind of logic shapes the art for future honor killings in accordance with the jurisprudence (no visible conspiracies against the victim).
Prosecutor Lambers said no premeditation was found for honor killing and therefore concluded it was no first degree murder, but manslaughter. So, if I kill my daughter with a knife intentionally as is proved by the pathologist it will be murder, because I am no Muslim. But if a Muslim kills his daughter and Lambers finds no indication for honor killing, it is manslaughter. This is a very weird way of thinking.
2: The court: 'In punishment-reducing purposes, the court rightly largely also factor in that the family members of the accused, also relatives of the victim, as demonstrated by the hearing of the court traveled victim statement against accused are forgiving, despite the loss of their daughter and sister.
Nobody defended Mirjam Abarkan. The lawyer defended the mother. The prosecutor defended the law. Both prosecutor and court are policor and shamefully defended Islam and multiculturalism. It is a disgrace for the Netherlands.
Mirjam has been sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism. Policor high priests danced around her mutilated dead body. In the end Mirjam has been killed by our totally irresponsible and insane government, throwing all guilt on the desperate mother driven to madness. But their game of lying, framing and spinning will not go unnoticed into history books. Only the pathologist was honest, stood firm and proved Mirjam did not throw herself voluntary onto the knife. So Mirjam has been spared the biggest lie and greatest shame tried by the lawyer. Shame on you.
Our multicultural government is really guilty in her crazy attempt to merge two completely incompatible cultures. The mother could no way understand and resist the sick vortex of Islam in which she has fallen. She has been crushed between opposing cultures. Also she did not understand breaking Sexual Scales of Religion into sexuality and murder. She never understood Islam as the unconscious process for the bigger part it is.
She had already drifted far away from reality, allowed herself to propel through inner rage, and until now does still not understand what came into her that moment. But it must be clear, conscious control diminished to zero and unconscious primal forces interacted to protect the tribe against outcasts as Miriam was in the family.
But what is my point? If a Dutch mother from our own exogamous culture becomes furious and loses self-control she will grab a broom or is throwing cups. But people from endogamous cultures take a knife, but should know better what is in their unconscious. They must learn who they really are.
We can not straighten this multicultural mess caused by the deliberate mixing of incompatible cultures. But if we understand what really happened with Mirjam, Sadia and Gülsüm, we might be able to control honor killings in future situations.
How to avoid honor killing:
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
She is still at risk to die and must leave home immediately.

Run away from home in time
Rules for survival after refusing cousin marriage:
First lesson: After leaving home, never make peace again with your family. Never come home again and disappear forever! They will kill you.
Both, Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim were trapped and came home to make peace again:

Second lesson: Never trust anybody from your family, they all are going to kill you. Never speak to anybody about how you think about arranged or even worse: forced marriages. Especially, don't trust your mother!
Third lesson: Never react if your father asks how you think about marrying your cousin. From then on you must plan your escape from home.
Now follows unconscious thinking:

Fifth lesson: Never tell him Allah knows his inappropriate feelings. BTW, you should have already fled.
Now follows unconscious thinking:
Now follows unconscious thinking:
Seventh lesson: Never talk about your abortion, just run.
Eighth lesson: Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother, your uncle or any Muslim male in your family.
Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile, inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for 2 million years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Reincarnation into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.
Hence, parallel reincarnation as a tertiary reinforcer of inbreeding, was a good substitute but was not able to expel earthly reincarnation as an instinct.
Tertiary reinforcement (third order conditioning):
Assumption 160:
In Islamic culture honor killings are caused by the rejection of inbreeding and incest. With this decision daughters unwittingly reject the earthly reincarnation and eternal orgasm of their father.
Incest by fathers has long been forbidden, but the instinctive lust for perpetual orgasm sometimes remains. Then, this lust for endless orgasm sublimates into mental incest: stalking.
It sometimes results in fathers not penetrating their daughters any longer, but their minds. Fathers over-identify with their daughters and see them as objects. In Muslim cultures some fathers develop a suffocating supervision: stalking.
In those cases, by rejecting incest with the cousin, daughters reject also their father, who sometimes takes revenge as frustrated stalker who kills his victim.
Greater emotional involvement easily leads to more extreme violence. More intense relations between father and daughter lead to greater chances of honor killing.
This, because these fathers over-identify with their daughters, they want to possess them literally and figuratively.
Honor killings and acid attacks are psychiatric forms of paraphilia.
Assumption 161: Addressing honor killings.
1: Endogamous cultures practice inbreeding and incest as an instinct since
Homininae. First inbreeding was tied to genetic immortality, but later to earthly
reincarnation, which combination is currently in force: the expectation of earthly reincarnation of tribal males reinforces inbreeding and incest..
2: The only way to extinguish this inbreeding instinct is by outcrossing.
Ethnic and religious endogamies are but generalizations of tribal endogamy,
because women who do not want to marry Muslims are still being ostracized or killed. This means that populations are still moving to the extremes of the SM-dyad. The inbreeding instinct only will disappear when genetic monocultures change to genetic diversity.
Assumption 6: The SM-dyad is the building block of the relationship between husband and wife. Sadomasochism is the interaction between the killer instinct, the sexual instinct and a touch of cannibalism.
3. Honor killings frequently happened in previous Paradise culture. They were related to reincarnation. But in Islam earthly reincarnation is prohibited as a mortal sin. Therefore Muslims supplant the intention of their inbreeding and incest instinct. Now they connect it to the “honor of the family”. But awareness of the combination of inbreeding with reincarnation and perpetual incest is the first step towards preventing honor killings.
4. Honor killings arise from the over-identification of fathers with their
daughters, who they regard as possessions. It is the sublimation of the forbidden incest instinct. They do not see them as subjects but as objects, as extensions of themselves, as ribs, so to speak. Therefore fathers develop a morbid self-projection in their daughters out in suffocating control over their behavior. It is a form of stalking. Honor killings are promoted by an overly close relationship between fathers and daughters at puberty. The relaxation of sick relationships between fathers and daughters in pre-puberty is a prerequisite to preventing honor killings.
5. Honor killings are to be seen as compensation for fathers forbidden physical incest and their loss of reincarnation by failed inbreeding. Incest and inbreeding are embroiled in a heavy interaction since Homo erectus. Her lustful kill is the final settlement with his daughter who refuses inbreeding and incest with the cousin, his deputy in incest. Through the honor killing she pays the price for her father's disrupted eternal life projection, especially his loss of perpetual orgasm in the afterlife. Perpetual orgasm started as incest with daughters by Hominins.
6. The honor killing itself must be seen as a form of sublimated orgasm, wherein the disintegration of sadomasochism in its constituent parts gives the father more satisfaction than keeping his daughter alive in an SM-dyad. Therefore, honor killings are the price of satisfaction for fathers. The disruption of his perpetual orgasm leads to the disruption of Sexual Scales, wherein sadomasochism again dissolves in murder and sexuality.
Accidental reincarnation of an ancestor into a hybrid means he can never reincarnate into the tribe again after his next death. That's one of the reasons for "honor killings". A worse complication is abortion of a hybrid e.g. from a Western alien. Then an ancestor already reincarnated into the fetus and is murdered without a chance to reincarnate into his tribe again. Since now he is a hybrid. Therefore Muslim girls should never admit an abortion.
Assumption 273: Honor killings and forced marriages in inbreeding cultures are not unambiguously causally chained as both are just symptoms of the unconscious domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. This has great consequences for the trial of honor killings, as these can also be caused by dating non-Muslims, loss of virginity, abortions or having a Western lifestyle and the like.
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Muslims cannot understand their unconscious by introspection. Their behavior can only be reconstructed by logical analysis of non-Muslims. You cannot be your own psychologist so easily.
Hence Mudusar rationalizes his behavior, persuading himself with: “I didn’t want to take her life, but to make her feel as bad as I felt”. He does not seem to realize how absurd this sentence is, taking a gun with premeditation and shooting several times at both your sisters. Deliberate killing.
On refusal of cousin marriage and according to Sexual Scales of Religion the father (or brother) has right on compensation what is the gruesome murder on his daughter or sister (see further below).
He had the cultural set it was acceptable to kill his sisters. And now he starts thinking, but too late. Western culture must warn Muslims for their inbreeding instinct on the Y-chromosome, which makes males kill girls who do not want to be incubators of family semen in cousin marriages.
Mudusar was seven years older than Sadia. What kind of relationship did they had? What is acceptable in that culture? It is a very sick culture.
Without a conclusive theory we cannot help the next Sadia. And we cannot judge the brother properly either. And the punishment of the father might be completely out of tough with reality in case he did not order the murder. I think this could be huge case of tunnel vision.
The slaughter of Mirjam Abarkan
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Mirjam Abarkan 16 year, had a Colombian boyfriend and got an abortion known to the family |
Round the Mirjam Abarkan trial are great doubts. If the mother must be the perpetrator then the scenario does not fit well. No mother with growing children keeps a large killer knife in the bathroom upstairs to cut labels from new clothing. There are little scissors for that. And if the mother first ran into the bathroom to get a knife, before going to the room of Mirjam, it seems premeditated. And if she took the knife from the kitchen downstairs, before running upstairs to the room of Mirjam, it definitely is premeditated. This scenario is very obscure and not thoroughly elaborated in the trial. What is strange. Furthermore, the scenario of the mentally disabled brother of Mirjam - who was also in the house - is not given. There are rumors he could be the real perpetrator and the mother has taken responsibility. Anyway, this phony trial is untrustworthy, since it was a highly politicized multicultural fake trial. Further analysis on this site.

Major faults in the Mirjam Abarkan juridical case
1: 'Prosecutor Lambers said no premeditation was found for honor killing and therefore concluded it was no first degree murder, but manslaughter.'
But this kind of logic shapes the art for future honor killings in accordance with the jurisprudence (no visible conspiracies against the victim).
Prosecutor Lambers said no premeditation was found for honor killing and therefore concluded it was no first degree murder, but manslaughter. So, if I kill my daughter with a knife intentionally as is proved by the pathologist it will be murder, because I am no Muslim. But if a Muslim kills his daughter and Lambers finds no indication for honor killing, it is manslaughter. This is a very weird way of thinking.
2: The court: 'In punishment-reducing purposes, the court rightly largely also factor in that the family members of the accused, also relatives of the victim, as demonstrated by the hearing of the court traveled victim statement against accused are forgiving, despite the loss of their daughter and sister.
Also at the hearing on appeal the bereaved have shown of forgiveness towards the accused (the mother) and stated that the case has yielded only victims. In doing so, they stressed that, unlike the document of appeal of the prosecutor might suggest, they do not feel more sympathy for the suspect than for the victim, with her questionable puberal behavior.'
1: Dammit, this puberal behavior is not questionable at all, but quite common for VHMO-girls (lower professional education) at that age. It is a disgrace the court paraphrases Islamic culture and is unable or not willing to set Dutch pedagogical standards. Shame on you.
2: Here the court is paving undesirable jurisprudence in which united families are seen as positive elements in these crimes. But connected families or closed tribes are just the basic threat for victims of honor killings - which are to be expelled - and are never to be seen as reason for reduced sentence for perpetrators:

Nobody defended Mirjam Abarkan. The lawyer defended the mother. The prosecutor defended the law. Both prosecutor and court are policor and shamefully defended Islam and multiculturalism. It is a disgrace for the Netherlands.
Mirjam has been sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism. Policor high priests danced around her mutilated dead body. In the end Mirjam has been killed by our totally irresponsible and insane government, throwing all guilt on the desperate mother driven to madness. But their game of lying, framing and spinning will not go unnoticed into history books. Only the pathologist was honest, stood firm and proved Mirjam did not throw herself voluntary onto the knife. So Mirjam has been spared the biggest lie and greatest shame tried by the lawyer. Shame on you.
Our multicultural government is really guilty in her crazy attempt to merge two completely incompatible cultures. The mother could no way understand and resist the sick vortex of Islam in which she has fallen. She has been crushed between opposing cultures. Also she did not understand breaking Sexual Scales of Religion into sexuality and murder. She never understood Islam as the unconscious process for the bigger part it is.
She had already drifted far away from reality, allowed herself to propel through inner rage, and until now does still not understand what came into her that moment. But it must be clear, conscious control diminished to zero and unconscious primal forces interacted to protect the tribe against outcasts as Miriam was in the family.
But what is my point? If a Dutch mother from our own exogamous culture becomes furious and loses self-control she will grab a broom or is throwing cups. But people from endogamous cultures take a knife, but should know better what is in their unconscious. They must learn who they really are.
We can not straighten this multicultural mess caused by the deliberate mixing of incompatible cultures. But if we understand what really happened with Mirjam, Sadia and Gülsüm, we might be able to control honor killings in future situations.
How to avoid honor killing:
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway
- The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
- The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
- The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle

Rules for survival after refusing cousin marriage:
First lesson: After leaving home, never make peace again with your family. Never come home again and disappear forever! They will kill you.
Both, Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim were trapped and came home to make peace again:

Third lesson: Never react if your father asks how you think about marrying your cousin. From then on you must plan your escape from home.
Fourth lesson: You have control of your own destiny. If you do not make any conflicts with your father he will not grasp his unconscious lust for reincarnation into the earthly universe. It is just you who activates his unconscious.
Now follows unconscious thinking:

Fifth lesson: Never tell him Allah knows his inappropriate feelings. BTW, you should have already fled.
Now follows unconscious thinking:
Now follows unconscious thinking:
Sixth lesson: Avoid an intimate relationship with your father. He has to back off your reproductive organs.
Seventh lesson: Never talk about your abortion, just run.
Eighth lesson: Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother, your uncle or any Muslim male in your family.
Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation.
Parallel reincarnation was not better than earthly reincarnation because reincarnation into the parallel universe brought not about a longer eternal life than earthly
reincarnation. And with heavenly reincarnation tribal heads were no gods any longer (no reincarnation into their own tribe) and they would become completely dependent on the God of monotheism. And for a lot of other reasons a stalemate arose between earthly and heavenly reincarnation:
Parallel reincarnation was not better than earthly reincarnation because reincarnation into the parallel universe brought not about a longer eternal life than earthly
reincarnation. And with heavenly reincarnation tribal heads were no gods any longer (no reincarnation into their own tribe) and they would become completely dependent on the God of monotheism. And for a lot of other reasons a stalemate arose between earthly and heavenly reincarnation:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universeLater reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
The brother of Sadia Sheikh might have spoken the truth, claiming he had acted alone. This is in accordance with the Sexual Theory of Religion, which states all males of the male kin bonded lineage have the expectation to reincarnate into descendants of tribal females. Sadia, by dating or marrying an alien saddled her brother with the risk to reincarnate into her descendants, hybrids from a male of another tribe. So, according to this theory the father is not needed to instruct his son to kill his sister.
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse. Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight into an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.
Assumption 191: Another reason to prefer the parallel universe above the earthly universe was that tribal members did not have to reincarnate into other hostile tribes on earth.
Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse. Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight into an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.
Assumption 191: Another reason to prefer the parallel universe above the earthly universe was that tribal members did not have to reincarnate into other hostile tribes on earth.
Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile, inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for 2 million years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Reincarnation into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universeSecondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universeLater reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Assumption 157: The balance of power between earthly and parallel reincarnation is determined by the beauty of women. Smaller tribes give a smaller choice of attractive women. Hence, smaller tribes cause a greater desire for the parallel universe. What means that tribal endogamy in rural areas leads to a greater demand for the parallel universe than ethnic and religious endogamy in big cities, in which the variety of attractive women increases enormously.
Now, both forms of reincarnation had their peculiarities:
1: Earthly reincarnation replaced genetic immortality since two million years and became the new instinct: inbreeding - earthly reincarnation.
2: But parallel reincarnation promised a better quality of afterlife for perpetual orgasm (the 72 new virgins in heaven).
Now, both forms of reincarnation had their peculiarities:
1: Earthly reincarnation replaced genetic immortality since two million years and became the new instinct: inbreeding - earthly reincarnation.
2: But parallel reincarnation promised a better quality of afterlife for perpetual orgasm (the 72 new virgins in heaven).
Hence, parallel reincarnation as a tertiary reinforcer of inbreeding, was a good substitute but was not able to expel earthly reincarnation as an instinct.
Tertiary reinforcement (third order conditioning):
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universeLater reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Assumption 160:
In Islamic culture honor killings are caused by the rejection of inbreeding and incest. With this decision daughters unwittingly reject the earthly reincarnation and eternal orgasm of their father.
Incest by fathers has long been forbidden, but the instinctive lust for perpetual orgasm sometimes remains. Then, this lust for endless orgasm sublimates into mental incest: stalking.
It sometimes results in fathers not penetrating their daughters any longer, but their minds. Fathers over-identify with their daughters and see them as objects. In Muslim cultures some fathers develop a suffocating supervision: stalking.
In those cases, by rejecting incest with the cousin, daughters reject also their father, who sometimes takes revenge as frustrated stalker who kills his victim.
Greater emotional involvement easily leads to more extreme violence. More intense relations between father and daughter lead to greater chances of honor killing.
This, because these fathers over-identify with their daughters, they want to possess them literally and figuratively.
Honor killings and acid attacks are psychiatric forms of paraphilia.
Assumption 161: Addressing honor killings.
1: Endogamous cultures practice inbreeding and incest as an instinct since
Homininae. First inbreeding was tied to genetic immortality, but later to earthly
reincarnation, which combination is currently in force: the expectation of earthly reincarnation of tribal males reinforces inbreeding and incest..
2: The only way to extinguish this inbreeding instinct is by outcrossing.
Ethnic and religious endogamies are but generalizations of tribal endogamy,
because women who do not want to marry Muslims are still being ostracized or killed. This means that populations are still moving to the extremes of the SM-dyad. The inbreeding instinct only will disappear when genetic monocultures change to genetic diversity.
Assumption 6: The SM-dyad is the building block of the relationship between husband and wife. Sadomasochism is the interaction between the killer instinct, the sexual instinct and a touch of cannibalism.
3. Honor killings frequently happened in previous Paradise culture. They were related to reincarnation. But in Islam earthly reincarnation is prohibited as a mortal sin. Therefore Muslims supplant the intention of their inbreeding and incest instinct. Now they connect it to the “honor of the family”. But awareness of the combination of inbreeding with reincarnation and perpetual incest is the first step towards preventing honor killings.
4. Honor killings arise from the over-identification of fathers with their
daughters, who they regard as possessions. It is the sublimation of the forbidden incest instinct. They do not see them as subjects but as objects, as extensions of themselves, as ribs, so to speak. Therefore fathers develop a morbid self-projection in their daughters out in suffocating control over their behavior. It is a form of stalking. Honor killings are promoted by an overly close relationship between fathers and daughters at puberty. The relaxation of sick relationships between fathers and daughters in pre-puberty is a prerequisite to preventing honor killings.
5. Honor killings are to be seen as compensation for fathers forbidden physical incest and their loss of reincarnation by failed inbreeding. Incest and inbreeding are embroiled in a heavy interaction since Homo erectus. Her lustful kill is the final settlement with his daughter who refuses inbreeding and incest with the cousin, his deputy in incest. Through the honor killing she pays the price for her father's disrupted eternal life projection, especially his loss of perpetual orgasm in the afterlife. Perpetual orgasm started as incest with daughters by Hominins.
6. The honor killing itself must be seen as a form of sublimated orgasm, wherein the disintegration of sadomasochism in its constituent parts gives the father more satisfaction than keeping his daughter alive in an SM-dyad. Therefore, honor killings are the price of satisfaction for fathers. The disruption of his perpetual orgasm leads to the disruption of Sexual Scales, wherein sadomasochism again dissolves in murder and sexuality.
Accidental reincarnation of an ancestor into a hybrid means he can never reincarnate into the tribe again after his next death. That's one of the reasons for "honor killings". A worse complication is abortion of a hybrid e.g. from a Western alien. Then an ancestor already reincarnated into the fetus and is murdered without a chance to reincarnate into his tribe again. Since now he is a hybrid. Therefore Muslim girls should never admit an abortion.
Assumption 166: Honor killings and acid attacks are caused in endogamous cultures in order to preserve the inbreeding and incest culture. In Paradise culture this was meant for genetic immortality of the tribe. But in human evolution inbreeding merged with (earthly) reincarnation. This instinctive combination is currently in force. Hence nowadays Muslim males unconsciously need appropriate inbred bodies for later earthly reincarnation. Hence, they enforce inbreeding and incest, (read: forced marriages with cousins) on their daughters.