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Thursday, 11 January 2018

(229) The inbreeding instinct on the Y-chromosome

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

Assumption 334The  Muslim inbreeding instinct is a variant of the male kin bonded lineage which both lie on the male Y-chromosome.

The scheme above stands for the inbreeding instinct, which can best be placed on the male sex Y-chromosome. It might also be found on another chromosome but then it must be triggered by the Y-chromosome and testosterone. 

All animals have a gene on XX or XY, which enforces outbreeding instead of inbreeding:

For Muslim females this gene is still working as expected. But for males from the second (Arabic) Paradise culture outbreeding changed into inbreeding; it looks like a mutation. The same for Asian Muslims:

It is true, primates living in groups together must find a compromise between inbreeding and outbreeding:

But Muslims have gone way too far with all kinds of crazy cousin marriages, where there are plenty other females to be found. 

This is insane, this must be 'religion'. This looks like a mutation on the Y-chromosome:

All evidence indicates that males enforce inbreeding. Inbreeding is the spider in the sexual web of Muslim males originating from the second (Arabic) Paradise culture:

Sexual traits lie on nuDNA, and are influenced by genes from the Y-chromosome:

In the addendum a selection of inbreeding assumptions is given. The interwovenness of inbreeding with sexual traits is striking.

Inbreeding, pedophilia and perpetual orgasm determine primal human religion


Pedophilia is a major reinforcer of the inbreeding culture. But from the beginning incest with mature daughters led to extinction of the species. Therefore, bipedal Hominids raped their immature daughters, who later - in Islam - were sold at sexual maturity:

Inbreeding and pedophilia maintain a profitable relation. Below is shown the stimulus-response relation between inbreeding as an operant response to acquire the reinforcing stimulus of pedophilia. This in operant conditioning of B.F. Skinner: 

Pedophilia is perpetual orgasm in this lifetime

Pedophilia started as a reinforcer of inbreeding in the era of genetic immortality, when individuals still died (Homininae). Groups of bipedal Australopithecines were small and without stringent sexual rules. The availability of immature females kept males in the group, besides a lot of other reasons. It could very well be their own offspring. For males, pedophilia was rewarding while they were forced to cope with ugly cousins under sexually boring circumstances. Anyway, inbreeding and incest go together where incest easily goes over in pedophilia.

Much later in the evolution - and independently from inbreeding - intercourse with much younger females gave nearly impotent males a sexual boost. It is called 'perpetual orgasm in this lifetime'. So, older males with much younger females underlined the potency of males. In the limit this went over to immature females.

It is this discrepancy which would develop into full blown perpetual orgasm in the  period of Homo erectus (earthly reincarnation). The afterlife is the eternal lifespan. Males were eager to be sexually active forever, what they already practiced in this lifetime with sexually immature girls. The greater age difference the better eternity was simulated.

Pre-human religion was identical to animal religion, where Australopithecines procreated their genes to eternity:

But it was with the discovery of perpetual orgasm that human religion overclassed animal religion:

Christianity has been only accepted by exogamous cultures, where the inbreeding instinct was already diluted by outbreeding. But this is not the case for pedophilia and perpetual orgasm. So, for Christians perpetual orgasm had to be blocked in Heaven and priests knew they could only extinguish their pedophile lusts on earth. 

One of the goals of desert religions was to break the bond between genes and the afterlife. Monotheistic dictatorship tried to break the divine power of tribal heads, who would be gods as ancestors and reincarnate into the earthly universe of their tribe. 

It is clear Muslim males cannot forget perpetual orgasm in the afterlife. They even misinterpreted the Tanakh. And see, Muslim women yearn to sexual freedom in Heaven:

Assumption 151: The power of religion lies in the enhanced contrast between earthly and heavenly satisfaction of sexuality. Only the manipulation of sexuality can influence its religious derivative.

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality (e.g. inbreeding) are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.

The birth of insane pedophilia

In the beginning there was not much difference between young and old apelike Australopiths. Hence, the sick form of pedophilia must have started with Homo erectus, the first human. Humans lost their body hair, while secondary characteristics developed disproportionate between males and females, but also between mature and immature individuals. This gave earthly perpetual orgasm an extra boost.

It even went so far that in the era of Home sapiens males became horny just because of  undeveloped sexual characteristics of immature girls. This sick pedophile inversion takes place only with humans, what we call insane. But beware, it is in our genes for already millions of years. Raping babies by soldiers in wartime is the extreme of 'perpetual orgasm in this lifetime'. Also, sacrifying babies to the gods is to offer gods the sexual boost of eternal potency.

So, the inbreeding instinct is linked to pedophilia and perpetual orgasm:

Religion is a kind of breeding:

And Muslim fathers still rape their daughters:

Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016


Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway 

  • The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
  • The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
  • The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle 

She is still on risk to die and must leave home immediately:



Assumption 183: There is one Koran and there is one Islam, but there are two Allahs, for males and females. Both gods are called 'Allah' because Islam is monotheistic. But the female Allah actually developed from genetic diversity and the male Allah from the genetic monoculture of inbreeding and incest. In polytheism there would be two gods, with different names, a male and a female god, for example 'God' and 'Jesus'. In evolution the Christian god changed from genetic monoculture to genetic diversity as result of Vanilla-dyad.

Assumption 208: Individual animals survive by genetic diversity. But in mammal groups tension arises between the endogamous core (genetic monoculture) of alpha males and compensating exogamous mantles of genetic diversity by females. Without this correction mechanism groups would extinct. Islam will split into an endogamous core (inbreeding and incest) and a religious exogamous shell (without inbreeding). Both, Islam's mantle of religious endogamy (without inbreeding) and Western culture without endogamous core, eventually leave the group stage and return to complete individualism of genetic diversity.

Assumption 211: The alpha male is the endogamous heart of the group. His sexual monoculture is based on incest and inbreeding. Females are the exogamous mantle pursuing genetic diversity.

Assumption 213: A group of higher mammals exists by virtue of the balance between endogamy and exogamy. Its endogamous core consists of the power of the alpha male to fertilize most females and to establish a genetic monoculture of inbreeding and incest. The exogamic outer layer exists of adulterous females chasing genetic diversity with males from other groups. The total permeability of the group depends on the exact relation between endogamous repulsion and exogamous attraction of external genes. This relation is also called 'human religion'.

Assumption 221: The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.) states if male incest - as contribution to the inbreeding culture - is not compensated by perpetual orgasm across generations, males develop hatred against wives and daughters, whose stoning and honor killings might result.

Assumption 222:

1: Incest with sexually mature girls (daughters and nieces) developed from inbreeding as super saturation of genes in the offspring. Then also incestuous pedophilia with 
immature daughters and nieces - as perpetual orgasm across generations - developed as reward for males for their contribution to the inbreeding culture. Later in the evolution incest with daughters and nieces was forbidden because of autosomal recessive disorders.

2: Later, the male instinct expanded into non-incestuous pedophilia with sexually 
immature persons (other people's children). Child marriages developed as sign of powerful perpetual orgasm and expected eternal fertility of the wealthy. It is difficult to feel any empathy for religious instigated pedophilia with sexually immature individuals. In this form it is unknown in the animal world and must have been caused by 7 million years of inbreeding culture. It is a sick aberration of sexuality.

3: Meanwhile sacred pedophilia with sexually immature persons degenerated in the sacrifice of newborns to the gods in holy rituals, so they could live in perpetual orgasm too.

Assumption 232 (short): Pedophilia started with the raping of sexually mature daughters for genetic saturation of parental genes in the inbreeding culture. Because of autosomal recessive disorders, mature daughters have been replaced with sexually immature daughters later in the evolution. This is called displacement of perpetual orgasm across generations, what was the reward for males for their contribution to the inbreeding culture.

As a consequence of this hereditary displacement hard pedophilia (rape) nowadays concerns lust in sexually immature girls and boys. It is an unnatural human sexual drive evolved out of inbreeding which is only viable in sadomasochistic cultures.

As a 'logical' result of immature raping, daughters were sold for child marriage just before sexual maturity. Both, displacement (pedophilia with sexually immature daughters) and sublimation (perpetual orgasm in Heaven) have settled in the human mind as genetically transferable forms of perpetual orgasm.

Soft pedophilia (without rape, grooming) is based on the Vanilla-dyad, which in the Western world is based on equal sexual roles and equivalent relations. Hence, soft pedophiles displace rape for impermissible sexual acts, and sublimate unequal sexual roles into apparently equivalent semi-adult friendship.

If children do not protest against unfamiliar touching then pedophiles conclude they are taking responsibility and they like it.

Assumption 255: The future of Islam.

Islam can be described in three concentric circles.

- The inner circle consists of tribal endogamy and is formed by Arab Muslims who still have heavy inbreeding and incest. The optimum ratio in the Muslim population is 40 % tribal based inbreeding, against 60 % ethnically based outbreeding and is considered the holy grail of God, the wisdom taken from the tree of knowledge.

- The middle group consists of ethnic endogamy and is a transition group of Arab Muslims, in which inbreeding and incest is diluting from tribal endogamy to the outer group of religious endogamy. Here, the holy grail of inbreeding and incest reigns still strong.

- The outer circle is formed by an ethnic diverse group of Muslims which is connected mainly by religious endogamy. Inbreeding and incest is diluted more and more but Muslim females are still forced to marry Muslims. So, leaving the outer mantle of Islam is forbidden and females are still killed on marrying non-Muslims:

- Inbreeding and incest is actually diluted in the religious outer mantle of Islamic culture by outbreeding within the greater Muslim domain. But this does not mean the inbreeding instinct itself has gone. This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslims. By mingling with exogamous peoples without inbreeding instinct.

Only when Muslims mingle with non-Muslims for a vast number of generations this horrible inbreeding instinct might disappear. But until the very present day Muslim girls are murdered in the religious outer mantle if yearning to genetic diversity with non-Muslims.

The tribal core of inbreeding and incest will only survive in a rigid and frozen society in which women and girls can be checked on a daily basis. Within today's high tech and flexible society, the Islamic core of inbreeding and incest will extinct. But that does not apply to the inbreeding and incest instinct of Arab Muslims. They very likely will regress to former Paradise culture without any rules (Sharia) or consultation (mosques) of society. In Paradise culture every tribal head (Muslim male) will be his own God again: pure criminality.

The outer mantle of religious endogamy will feel the attack on its one-dimensional monotheism by porn on the internet. The reign of the Almighty Allah will be over and besides heterosexuality a second God comes on the scene: homosexuality.

Only a two dimensional society has the ability to split mosque and state. The separation of powers and the separation of church and state is dependent on the number of degrees of freedom in a sexual culture. This number depends on the number of free sexual roles, e.g. the number of gods: God and Jesus. Hence porn on the internet = polytheism.

Taking all, Islamic culture will collapse by the loss of inbreeding and incest. The old Arabic core will degenerate into pure criminality. The outer mantle of religious endogamy will explode as a red giant and will mingle with the rest of the world, freeing Muslim females.

After many generations, in which the inbreeding and incest instinct will be diluted by mingling with exogamous peoples, a new religion will be born called: Chrislam. It will have the exogamous mantle of Christianity but a new core of sort of Islam. There will be nothing new in the world.

Assumption 273: Honor killings and forced marriages in inbreeding cultures are not unambiguously causally chained as both are just symptoms of the unconscious domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. This has great consequences for the trial of honor killings, as these can also be caused by dating non-Muslims, loss of virginity, abortions or having a Western lifestyle and the like. 

Assumption 330: Haplo-groups N from L3N and M from L3M, both groups from mtDNA, are sibling-groups what means both might be connected with the inbreeding instinct in nuDNA.  

Assumption 320: There is an important difference between inbreeding and the inbreeding instinct. Actual Inbreeding is bound to tribal and family endogamy. It goes over into outbreeding from tribal endogamy to ethnic endogamy into religious endogamy. At last, inbreeding becomes kind of outbreeding within the Muslim domain. But the inbreeding instinct is an inherited Muslim trait for millions of years, which can only be diluted by merging Muslims with non-Muslims. Therefore we might see a decrease of actual inbreeding in the Muslim population without the disappearance of the inbreeding instinct as long as Muslims do not merge with non-Muslims. For example in the religious endogamy of the Muslim culture we find a lot of outbreeding accompanied by the inbreeding instinct. That's why Sadia Sheikh (Belgium), Gülsüm Selim (Germany) and Mirjam Abarkan (Netherlands) were murdered within the religious endogamy of Islam. Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim concern tribal (family) endogamy, but the slaughter of Mirjam Abarkan is a pure case of the inbreeding instinct without real inbreeding.



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