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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

(244) SM-dyad broken down by masochism hate and fear

Basic Dimension


Number Archive


We need a better understanding of the working of primal human sexuality. How did sadomasochism evolve from the animal world, where empathy with victims is not their greatest quality? Are animals capable of combining murder with sexual lust to create something greater than the parts? They are not and therefore SM - in relation to sexuality - must be just a human quality.

So, any model of human sexuality has to start with empathy needed to develop sadomasochism, especially SM-dyad, as the basis of what makes us humans:

Lack of empathy breaks down SM-dyad

Only cultures which develop no empathy (with other sexual roles) will elicit SM-dyad to break down:

They also have a sort of judgement, called 'Sexual Scales of Religion', which is a religious measure in which they calculate the advantage of killing the female (the lust to kill), against the profits from further explotation in SM-dyad:

Besides the blunt lack of empathy it becomes much more complicated when adultery or the refusal of forced marriage is at stake. When they think to have a legitimate reason to kill the female. Then, Sexual Scales also judge between inbreeding and outbreeding, the core interest of Islamic culture:

But it will be even more complicated if adultery - or whatever - interferes with the male's projection into earthly reincarnation:

There are strong and clear signals alarming girls for the schizophrenic wish from Muslim fathers to reincarnate into the earthly universe

These signs are well known, but the underlying theory which causes this absurd behavior is unclear:

Signals in real life:

Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016


Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway 

  • The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
  • The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
  • The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle 

And this is 'how it's made':

But 'lack of empathy' triggers new theory to explain this mess. Then, we also must add masochism hate and masochism fear:

And now we're coming to a still better theory of the Muslim mind:

Notice, masochism hate and fear are sort of innate Muslim male deficiencies which must be placed before Sexual Scales. They emerge from another theory about conscious empathy with other sexual roles:

And so we arrive at the complete Theory of Sexual Religion, which implies all 'human religions' in the world triggered by sexual religions:

Then, this is the complete model which integrates human religion with sexual religion:

The Sexual Theory of Religion is the only complete explanation of the horrible atrocities of the Muslim culture:


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