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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

(280) Honor killings are the benchmark of Islam

Basic Dimension


Long ago Australopiths had as much genetic variation as chimps today. And though they lost each other out of sight in the savannas and were unable to exchange juvenile females on a regular basis, they didn't go extinct from severe inbreeding in about seven million years:

 Yet, they took every chance to exchange females, also for a lot of other reasons:

But 100 to 50 thousand years ago the human population (Homo sapiens) shrank to 3000 - 10,000 breeding pairs, what gave a seriously declined genetic variation. Maybe the Toba super volcano was the cause, which had a disastrous influence on life on Earth. But remember, in the evolution of bipedal primates their number never exceeded 24,000 breeding pairs. So, a natural decline and natural genetic degeneration must be considered as well, by prolonged inbreeding.

About 10,000 years ago humans realized that religion led to the extinction of the species. Their religion was based on the inbreeding instinct still seen in nowadays Arab and Asian Muslims, which was thought to lead to earthly reincarnation in the own tribe, or family:

The crux of their religion was that ancestors only wanted to return to Earth in a genetically unchanged tribe or family, so that cousin marriages were mandated as much as possible:

Because this religion is based on the real inbreeding instinct from Muslim males nothing has changed since then:

To ban inbreeding - but also for a lot of other reasons - people invented the parallel universe, where inbreeding for reincarnation made no sense any more. So, resurrection in some unknown universe needed no inbreeding on Earth any longer.

The Myth of Abraham

Assumption 429The Myth of Abraham (350Kya - 10,000 Ya) simply means the covenant that God made with Abraham in which humans were allowed to reincarnate into the earthly universe (into the male kin bonded lineage, Isaac) on condition that they would worship God in the parallel universe. This covenant was valid for all ancient African religions like polytheistic Voodoo (gods), later adapted to monotheism (God). It was the cultural acceptance of the parallel universe by them who still believed in reincarnation.

Abraham's mental resurrection disorder

To prove his belief in God, his belief in resurrection in heaven, Abraham had to cut his ties with earthly reincarnation by killing his only tribal son Isaac. Then he would definitely lose the possibility to reincarnate into tribal* descendants. Notice this is just a myth.

* BTW, the impending transition from reincarnation to resurrection was a headache file for Desert Religions (Inbreeding) as well as for outcrossing cultures (Voodoo). Here, Abraham tried to block tribal reincarnation by killing his only tribal son Isaac. That fits the male kin bonded lineage in which incoming women had no tribal status (Voodoo, FGM), as well as inbreeding cultures with cousin marriages (Desert Religions, Inbreeding). Below reincarnation in inbreeding and outcrossing cultures:


Happily, God prevented this psychotic kill from Abraham, because wise scholars understood the general reincarnation instinct (Voodoo)*, or the derived inbreeding instinct (Desert Religions) could not be banished by the faith in resurrection and that's why they accepted the compromise in which humans worshipped the only God in the parallel universe and adored no other idols (deceased ancestors) on Earth. This was a very wise split decision.

* Much later in the religious evolution we see for outbreeding cultures as Christianity the trouble-free combination of the instinct of earthly reincarnation - in its original form of genetic immortality in descendants (animal religion) - and heavenly resurrection. But to be clear, Christians are not persecuted for their faith.

Tragically, later in the evolution, numerous psychotic (Christian) fathers were badly influenced by the myth of Abraham and killed their own children, because there came no divine intervention alike Abraham. Also, numerous psychotic Muslim fathers committed suicide and killed their own children, because they were depressed and no longer wanted to reincarnate in their descendants. 

Eid al-Adha (Arabicعيد الأضحى‎‎ ʿīd al-aḍḥā, [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæː], "Festival of the Sacrifice"), also called the "Sacrifice Feast", is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra'il (Gabriel), who then put a sheep in his son's place. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: the family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.

So, If Muslims knew the real meaning of the Myth of Abraham, the Sacrifice Feast would be prohibited immediately:

Thus, about 10,000 years ago Homo sapiens invented a compromise between earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection. Actually, this must seen as a transformation period. And indeed, nowadays West African Negroes (Voodoo, outbreeding) do still believe in earthly reincarnation from ancestors, while gods live in some parallel universe:

But about 3500 YA, Desert Religions enforced the parallel universe to eradicate inbreeding. Christianity and moderated Judaism succeeded in creating an a-sexual afterlife. But Muslims failed and changed their parallel universe into a feast of outbreeding:

Notice that inbred populations - with their inbreeding instinct - were unable to exchange this instinct against the vague promise of a celibate afterlife. But under tremendous pressure they made the best of it: 

They fantasized a Heaven filled with blonde Christian virgins (outbreeding) as reward for earthly sexual suffocation from their ugly nieces:

Well, anyway Muslims had to learn to live with reincarnation into the earthly universe (their inbreeding instinct) and the enforced  - on pain of death - resurrection in Heaven from Allah.

What we see is Muslim scholars knew from the beginning they could not defeat the inbreeding instinct and had to deal with it. BTW, lots of other arguments exist in favor of the parallel universe. To be found on this blog.

But Muslim scholars must have realized the schizophrenic situation of two diametrically opposed religions: earthly reincarnation vs. heavenly resurrection.

Unlike Abraham - who just was a wise Myth - they would not bargain about religion. Because then they would lose their powerful position. So, they did not reconcile both religions like Abraham. They chose to accept inbreeding but decided to neglect earthly reincarnation. Muslims had to believe in resurrection in the parallel universe from Allah on pain of dead: stoning or hanging.

But something unpredictable happened: Muslims suppressed the link between inbreeding and reincarnation into their unconscious. Muslim fathers and daughters lost any idea where inbreeding was good for. That's why they regressed to 'honor of the family' from Australopithecus. But nobody understands what slicing your daughter into pieces has to do with 'honor of the family'. And that is the state of the art of honor killings in Islam: honor of the family:

Both religions: inbreeding for earthly reincarnation and resurrection in Heaven from Allah (outbreeding) led to a schizophrenic situation, which is the core of the terrible state of the Muslim faith, their combined religion:

Well, in this context we must understand that honor killings were welcome because they underlined the atrocities of Islam. It became a dangerous and difficult to understand, completely illogical religion which frightened believers. Atrocities and horrible massacres are characteristic of the Muslim faith. But to be fair, It must be said that Christianity was just as capable of the same horrible deeds in history. Christianity contains its flaws as well. But the schizophrenia from Islam has no counterpart in human history. Islam is sadistic and schizophrenic, while Christianity is masochistic but more logical:

Because honor killings are alien to Islam (human religion) and alien to inbreeding (sexual religion) as well (see below), we must conclude that the Muslim faith is deliberately encouraging honor killings to keep the fear of Islam in the public:

Senseless honor killings where unconscious Muslim males chase the fiction from earthly reincarnation:

And that's why honor killings are the complete fraud of Islam because they are alien to resurrection. Knowing that you can prevent honor killings by admitting reincarnation, but instead creating a symbiosis of two impossible religions, held together with gruesome honor killings:

Next, some notes which I want to keep with this article:

Honor killings are a religious accident

Organically, honor killings have nothing to do with Islam, but are collateral damage from the combined religion, the Muslim faith. In the Muslim faith, honor killings happen because of a big flaw in this mixed religion. The Muslim faith is a tragic combination of a sexual religion (Inbreeding) and a human religion (Islam, outbreeding)

Islam means resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah.
Inbreeding means reincarnation into the earthly universe.

Reincarnation means inbreeding on Earth.
Resurrection means outbreeding in Heaven.

Assumption 461: In principle, honor killings are alien to Islam and inbreeding. They would not be used in resurrection or reincarnation separately, which are actually very different religions. But honor killings are collateral damage from the enforced merger of both religions, because in Islam resurrection is enforced on pain of death to the Muslim population.

Islam left no space for its previous inbreeding culture. Islam decided believing in earthly reincarnation deserved the death penalty and that's why Muslims suppressed the link between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation into their unconscious for 1400 years. So, today's Muslims practice severe inbreeding without knowing why, since the only thing they remember is 'honor of the family', what is a joke if therefore daughters must be butchered into pieces:

We conclude: Honor killings have no function in religion and can only be seen as collateral damage from the hybrid religion, from the Muslim faith:

Assumption 460: Honor killings belong neither to reincarnation nor to resurrection, but are the diabolical secretion of a religious symbiosis, called the Muslim faith. Reincarnation and resurrection are water and fire, while creating the evil of honor killings. Because Muslims hate honor killings as improper religious by-products, they could eradicate them from their belief without losing face.

The Muslim faith is a combination of two religions

The Muslim faith is a combination of a human religion (HR) and a sexual religion (SR).

Islam is a human religion of 1400 years old.
Inbreeding is a sexual religion of 2,2 million years old.

Islam means resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah.
But inbreeding means reincarnation into the earthly universe.

Reincarnation means inbreeding on Earth.
Resurrection means outbreeding in Heaven with 72 virgins from another tribe:

These religions cannot be combined together, other than for creating a schizophrenic mess in a sick population. Muslims are forced to believe in Allah and were killed in history on believing in tribal gods who reincarnated into the tribe or family. 

In the era of Homo erectus, females understood the reasons for cousin marriages as meant for reincarnation and still earlier in the time of Australopithecus as needed for honor of the family (fertility stress):

In today's case of 'resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah', inbreeding and honor killings are not religiously prescribed. But also in the eras of reincarnation and fertility stress honor killings were rare, because females were cooperative in cousin marriages, because they understood the reason why. 

So, in resurrection and reincarnation, honor killings are alien and not used on a regular base. 

Only in the Muslim faith are honor killings functional because of this schizophrenic religious combination:

The evolution of the Muslim faith:

What are the prospects for the Muslim faith?

Some conclusions can be simple drawn. The Muslim faith will regress into ethnic (reincarnation) and tribal (genetic immortality, Egotheism) because Islam is losing power over the people:

- The Muslim faith is losing grip on juvenile females, who are much better educated now and have access to social media all over the world. Women will lose their belief in Allah (resurrection), but also in cousin marriages, meant for earthly reincarnation. This means new generations of Muslim women will reject two religions together: inbreeding with earthly reincarnation and Islam with heavenly resurrection. And that means Muslim males will become empty handed and completely lose control over Muslim females. Their only chance is Muslim women might remain addicted to their masochistic role in SM-dyad and will keep the status quo because of sexual desire:

- Muslim girls possess mobile phones and lay contacts beyond the knowledge of Muslim fathers.

- This means the archaic structure of the Muslim culture will fall apart and control on juvenile females will disappear completely.

- And girls will flee from home before cousin marriages can be enforced.

- So the power of Islam will fade away, just like Christianity and the old inbreeding instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) will prevail only in pockets of Arab and Asian Muslims:

- Then, Muslim males in Arab and Asian countries will try to get grip on females and accelerate honor killings.

- But Muslim males cannot return to the situation of Homo erectus, because females are intellectually grown and financially independent.

- In the mantle of religious endogamy are a billion Muslim from recent descent:

- An example is Boko Haram, which has no inbreeding instinct and captured hundreds of juvenile females from other tribes for breeding:

And indeed, Boko Haram is a modern Muslim outbreeding culture:

- Then the big danger is that the newly Muslim population without the inbreeding instinct will regress to the times from before Homo erectus, to Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc), when every man was his own God (Egotheism). But then again the complete anarchy arises from the first bipedal apes on the planet.



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