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Thursday, 5 August 2021

(407) Woke Hominids spread Identity Politics

 Basic Dimension

(407) Woke Hominids spread Identity Politics

This article is about two aspects that will decide the Civil War in the US:

1: The God instinct of bipedal primates.

And now we know why.

2: The Transition between polytheism and monotheism.

           Reversing Paradigm Shift in Human Religion

Assumption 632: Transitions between Polytheism and Monotheism:

Bipedal primate religions are subsequent varying between inbreeding (monotheism) and outbreeding (polytheism). 

1: Monotheism creates a stifling dictatorship predicated on collectivity (identity politics).
2: After which polytheism gets a chance (Jesus).
3: But in its final phase of development, polytheism always ends in individuality.
4: As a result, every tribal identity is lost, so that a monotheistic power hold is obvious.



But first how woke we can be:

Woke hominids expelled the Pope and took in the place of God on Earth as his representatives:

What does 'woke' mean?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary "woke" is defined as: "Originally: well-informed, up-to-date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice."

The OED states: "By the mid-20th century, woke had been extended figuratively to refer to being 'aware' or 'well informed' in a political or cultural sense."

The Urban Dictionary adds: "Being woke means being aware… knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)."

To summarize: woke means a person is consciously awake.

The term is of African American origin and refers to perceived awareness of issues concerning social and racial justice.


That's the 'positive side' of woke. But what if these woke individuals have nothing from themselves? What if they have everything in common. What if they are just indoctrinated speaking tubes from political gangs? What if they have no individual identity anymore? 

What if woke-people attack their own kind ferociously if they are not spreading the message in the right way? Just like communism and socialism? 

Then it's simple, the 'Woke'- state is a form of Identity Politics from Political Gangs, which state is enforced by racism if predicated on race and ethnicity. 
And pure discrimination otherwise. 

Anyways, gauging the individual's 'wokeness' gives rulers the opportunity to control them from their outside visible features and behavior. And that is because they have no idea from the inside anymore, no idea of the God-instinct of bipedal primates:

So, this Woke code of conduct should be read from outward characteristics of the individual. His inner self is suppressed and discarded. Wokeness is closely described conduct to which the individual must comply in a socialist or right wing dictatorship. And if he accidentally makes a mistake, he will be slaughtered and expelled from the group as ungovernable. So then, woke soldiers are actually slaves from underlying political gangs.
Assumption 629: The Wokeness paradox: 
Woke People have the illusion to respond alert to social themes. But they don't realize how little woke they are to dark political gangs that manipulate their 'wokeness'.
Woke people think to reform the world to their own political views. But they all yell the same mantras imposed on them through political gangs:

'Wokeness' comes down to self fulfilling prophecies from like-minded groups. Stamping in slogans and yelling mantras brings the holy goal closer, so that they magically believe in their own nonsense, just as religion. Most important is the neglect of the God-instinct. This is the tragedy of atheism in politics: to lose discrimination between good and evil, which has been given to bipedal primates by the God-instinct. And which, by the way, is totally independent from the belief in God. 
Assumption 631: The power of God.
It's not about the existence of God. It is about the acknowledgement of God as ruler about good and evil in bipedal evolution. The God-concept stands for our transcendent morality.


1: The God instinct of bipedal primates

The God instinct

For herd animals and especially bipedal primates the God instinct is placed in the right temporal lobe. Important for bipeds, it is connected to good and evil for already 14 million years. So, you can imagine what happens if one tries to circumference the God instinct in politics. One will lose contact with voters. Like postmodernist democrats in Congress.

The God concept in American Politics

United States lost the notion of good and evil

Assumption 631: The power of God.
It's not about the existence of God. It is about the acknowledgement of God as ruler about good and evil in bipedal evolution.

Identity politics serve to direct individuals, who, however, unconsciously cannot forget their belief in God, their innate notion of good and evilIdentity politics serve to direct individuals, who, however, unconsciously cannot forget their belief in God, their innate notion of good and evilWhat notion cannot be overruled by any set of values from political gangs (Mao, Hitler or Stalin). It is the ancient God instinct linked to primal good and evil, which is important.

The first bipedal primates already developed the god-concept just like animals, from which primates lived in groups together around the Alpha male. The leader of the tribe decided between good and evil, what became our juridical instinct.

So, this god-concept is not from an old white male supremacist with grey hair, but is the overarching morality of good and evil, brought to us from antiquity through the Judeo-Christian culture.

I repeat, God is not a white male supremacist with a grey beard,
I only had no time to draw another one.

This means the Judeo Christian culture - as a lot of other religions in the evolution - is bound to the primal morality of good and evil from bipedal primates. Of course religions can differ regarding good and evil, but not so much as we would think. There is a moral high ground that cannot be denied.

This moral concept works for monotheism (Islam) as well as for polytheism (Christianity). Well, these religions differ profoundly on good and evil, but that's another problem.

The Constitution

The reason for mentioning God in the Constitution is to unite the morals of voters on a common scale: from Good to Evil. Differences from insight between religious groups can then be discussed politically in parliament, because representatives have already accepted the basic principles of good and evil by their faith.

But if God no longer forms part of the constitution, rulers no longer reach the people on their unconscious wavelength. And then the country becomes ungovernable unless groups of people can be addressed differently through identity politics. That always happens with violent indoctrination. Earlier we already saw how powerless resurrection from Islam had to be indoctrinated for 1400 years, because it could not counterbalance earthly reincarnation in the unconscious.

So, removing God from the Constitution, from money and all kinds of official ceremonies, means to deny fundamental human values connected with good and evil on a very deep and primitive level of human functioning. For believers but also for unbelievers...

The political left does not believe in God and the Constitution anymore and want God removed from all government institutions. Then they will gain total freedom of acting, stripped of every morality.

But removing God from politics immediately leads to a Babylonian speech confusion about good and evil, in which ultra left straightens out what is crooked. In American Congress, ultra left has already taken extreme and uncontrolled freedom in moral handling. Although greedy and corrupt republicans (Rhinos) are not much better for other reasons. 

So, it is not because of religiosity of rulers that God is in the Constitution, but more to establish a common denominator as fundamental basis for bargaining about good and evil among representatives.

Assumption 631: The power of God.
It's not about the existence of God. It is about the acknowledgement of God as ruler about good and evil in bipedal evolution. The God-concept stands for our transcendent morality.

By the way, moral corruption has been in the American Constitution from the beginning, further stipulated in the 1870's by not accepting common objectifiable rules for the Union States in choosing representatives for the Federation. The United States, which want to teach the world democracy.

The United States of America are a Union of Independent States in the first place. They are the acting entities, they are the tribal identities. But to be able to govern this enormous country the States had to make concessions to the Federation, which has nearly no tribal identity. So, around 1870 the Union States were not held to any rule to organize their voting procedures in an orderly manner. And of course, that led to corruption from the start. A flaw in the Constitution? Definitely, at the least.

Spreading Wokeness through Identity Politics are the following groups:

Neo Marxism
Democrats: Ultra Left.
Republicans (Rhinos)

They are spreading the message, but are they also the initiators of the doctrines? Are they themselves the political strategists? Probably not. So, though Woke Hominids control the masses in person, they might not be the inventors of their policy. And that's always wrong and insincere, saying a movement comes out of the people where this clearly cannot be the case.

Then, there definitely must be background strategists steering Woke Hominids on their holy expedition. And there must be dark financiers, superrich globalists maybe, with possibly quite different interests than this silly 'wokeness'. Do they try to drive a wedge between The Mixed Race and Former Slaves?

This illustrates the great danger in which the United States have ended up. Their fate does not depend on known actors any longer. Though that never was the case. But now it becomes serious.

Political Correctness (PC) started from Individualism

PC started with Neo Marxist relativism of cultural norms and values: All cultures were equal and equivalent, leaving individual norms free to vary arbitrary. God no longer existed. It led to multiculturalism, which ultimately amounts to individualism. 
Remember individualism is also the final stage of Christianity and from every polytheistic culture.

In the United States, PC caused no invasion of Muslims as in Europe:

In the US, PC developed in a different way and political gangs have taken over the power of God:

Unknown bad political actors have taken the place of God, taken from the Catholic Church, as "representatives of God". But that must lead to absurd outcomes and we will do a forecast about the next civil war in the United States in one of the following articles. 

As said, the reason for mentioning God in the constitution is to bring the morals from voters in line with the evolution. Because it happened that the concept of God in the evolution is bound to a subsequent series of moral values. And these moral values contain the basic principles of good and evil that were already known to the first bipedal primates. Differences from insight between religious groups can be discussed politically if representatives have accepted these basic principles of good and evil.

Now you may already see what matters: the God premise ultimately determines the success of all take-overs in history. It decided the downfall of communism in the former Soviet Union, It will also decide the downfall of the Communist Party in China. It defeated socialism and will defeat Atheism in politics. And now you also can Imagine who will win next Civil War in The United States. There is only one key: The deep felt meaning of Good and Evil is decisive, only bound tot the God-concept from the evolution. Given by the first bipedal primates:

And now we know why.

Forced woke followers (e.g. students on Campus)

With the onset of the Woke Hominid (e.g. woke university professors), the God concept has been discarded and students are brainwashed to lose their innate compass of good and evil. 

Students are brainwashed with force and extreme pressure to assumed and alleged group characteristics, what we call 'identity politics' from Postmodernism. So, instead of accepting God as unifying principle of good and evil, woke professors prescribe students who they are and what they are expected to think.

2: The Transition between polytheism and monotheism

Polytheism and Monotheism

Political Correctness is the heir to Christianity. And like a faded flower which disintegrates over time and loses all coherence, the collective name of all those leaves is: Political Correctness.

PC is a Human Religion, built of two consecutive but contradictory developments after Christianity: Individualism from Polytheism (Vanilla-dyad) and Identity politics from Monotheism (tribalism, SM-dyad). This repetitive switch between religions has been going on already for 14 million years in the evolution.

As said we arbitrarily will take PC for individualism and Postmodernism for collectivism and identity politics.

We show how things are connected as follows:

Inbreeding vs Outbreeding.
Monotheism vs Polytheism.
Collectivism vs Individualism.
SM-dyad vs Vanilla-dyad.
Postmodernism vs Political Correctness.
In this way we bridge the political crisis in the US to its evolutionary counterpart by stipulating an evolutionary based transition.

Above transition can also be shown for sexuality, in which Vanilla-dyad (Me too movement) is prosthesis for SM-dyad (Hollywood). A religious transition from the evolution is playing for our eyes right now: from polytheism back to monotheism:

Polytheistic Northern European peoples adhered to Christianity because of respect of Jesus for females, for female sexual roles, where gods are sexual roles, just as in ancient Greece.

The second development is that any polytheistic religion develops into individualism in its final state. Because outcrossing among different peoples, called genetic diversity, means to give up any tribal identity in the end, any overarching group religion, falling down to individualism, to the denial of God! To atheism and in the end to the moral poverty of Political Correctness.

So, polytheistic religions in a natural way reach their final stage of 'faded rose' in individualism. This means Christianity will lose its group identity, its tribal identity, on which it is defenseless against for example Islam, which is a monotheistic religion, but also against unidentified political gangs which make use of silly woke actors.

Postmodernism (Superior Religion, Monotheism) is at odds with Neo Marxism (Inferior Religion, Polytheism):

Postmodernism with Identity Politics (ideological collectivism) is the turnover from Vanilla-dyad (sexual equality) back to SM-Dyad, where PC earlier inserted on women's emancipation (equal sexual roles) and Vanilla-dyad (soft sex)

Postmodernism is the SM-wolf in sheep's clothing, the prohibited dream from Hollywood. So, the initial transition from PC to individualism as end stage of Christianity is immediately evolutionary corrected by Postmodernism back to ideological collectivism, leading to SM-Dyad from monotheism.

Fundamentally, PC in Postmodernism went from polytheism to monotheism and more fundamentally from outbreeding to inbreeding. We must remember these origins to keep track on evolutionary history. But it is clear, in the US, outbreeding and inbreeding play no role.

Though PC initially denied absolute moral values according to Neo-Marxism (Individualism), in the rebound Postmodernism made an exception for group norms (identity politics), which is amazing and shocking in relation to their earlier individualism. In effect, they hacked into the uprooted individualists and placed them in the group of identity politics.

Assumption 632: Transitions between Polytheism and Monotheism:

Bipedal Primate religions are subsequent varying between inbreeding (monotheism) and outbreeding (polytheism). 

If this transition takes place within one generation, we speak of a religious conflict. Well-known is the abrupt paradigm shift from Judaism (Monotheism) to Christianity (Polytheism) that gave big problems in 33 AD. 

And now we witness another transition back from PC (Polytheism) to Postmodernism (Monotheism). This happens also within one generation and therefore can cause great social unrest (Civil War).

Characteristic is the final phase from Polytheism that passes into individualism. Polytheism then loses every group identity and becomes a simple prey for super strong monotheism, which is based on tribal collectivism.

So, it's easy:

1: Monotheism creates a stifling dictatorship predicated on collectivism (identity politics).
2: After which polytheism gets a chance (Jesus).
3: But in its final phase of development, polytheism always ends in individuality.
4: As a result, every tribal identity is lost, so that a monotheistic power hold is obvious.

Postmodernism introduced collectivism:

Wiki: Collectivism
Collectivism is a value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and prioritization of the group over the self. Individuals or groups that subscribe to a collectivist worldview tend to find common values and goals as particularly salient and demonstrate greater orientation toward in-group than toward out-group

Notice that the last sentence also discriminates inbreeding cultures from outbreeding cultures. Where inbreeding and outbreeding in the evolution always go together with monotheism and polytheism

What we see here is how dying Christianity passes from individualism to collectivism. How outcrossing passes to inbreeding. How polytheism returns to monotheism and vice versa in the evolution.

In the following, Political Correctness will be defined as striving to individualism and Postmodernism in the rebound as promoting collectivism and identity politics. But labeling this religious transition is rather arbitrary:

Postmodernism is a reaction on the Modernists presuppositions of rational and scientifically based individualism from the Enlightenment. They reject all narratives, the Enlightenment but also religious narratives. So, Postmodernists are sceptical about grand narratives. But they also do not agree with Marxism (battleground between oppressor and oppressed, between exploiter and exploited, between bourgeoisie and proletariat, between owners and workers). Postmodernists, who reject every narrative however, built a new one: They replace personal identity (Individualism) with group identity (collective identity). The racial group, the ethnical group, the gender group, the sexual preference group. They exchanged individual identity with group identity and changed the proposition that history is driven by economic conflicts between the oppressor and the oppressed (Marxism), into: history is driven by power relationships between the oppressor and the oppressed.  And last but not least that is a grand narrative too. So, postmodernism set itself checkmate. But striving to power is no means to attain competence, which is what 'patriarchal hierarchies' essentially defines. Postmodernism is sceptical about the applicability of grand narratives, what comes down to the rejection of their own narrative about power relations.


Here, Jordan Peterson encountered an irregularity in the transition from Neo-Marxism to Postmodernism. But as a result, our attention was drawn to the following paradigm shift in human religion. See for example the Myth of Abraham on this blog:

Postmodernism is the actual danger that the US will deposit into a civil war. It has since branched in all the forums of society. 

So, it is not Christianity against Islam, it is polytheism versus monotheism. And polytheistic are also American Indians and indigenous peoples from South America, from which many BTW became Catholic after the European invasion. So, they stayed polytheistic, just like African Negroes who were Voodoo for already 350 thousand years. And polytheistic Voodoo is the religious pendant of monotheistic inbreeding cultures diverging from East Africa into the Arabian peninsula, 60,000 years ago:

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