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Sunday, 15 August 2021

(409) Paradigm Shift interferes with Racism

 Basic Dimension

(409) Paradigm Shift interferes with Racism

Racism nested in Paradigm Shift:

The paradigm shift has already been treated in (407) and is important for Europe, where former masochistic Christians suck up the sadistic Muslim culture. In Europe there is no extreme racism:

But in the US we have to deal with racism with regard to the forced imported African-American population. And tens of millions of Muslims were not begged to immigrate into the US:

Therefore, in the US one has to deal with an interaction between racism and paradigm shift. So, I realized that racism in the US cannot be properly understood, except combined with the paradigm shift from Europe, more precise from bipedal evolution. And therefore I dedicate a separate article to this interaction in the US:

The interaction between racism and the paradigm shift:

In the US two processes occur at the same time: The Paradigm Shift from Polytheism to Monotheism and nested within this shift the racist relationship between The Slave Race and The Master Race.

The American public may think that all this is about racism, but political gangs have a different goal lying in the paradigm shift, although I doubt whether they know what they are doing.

So, it is not really about racism, but African-Americans are used by political gangs in a paradigm shift.

And the 'proof' is that the same process in Europe takes place without racism, because Muslims are welcomed in Europe by PC.

It is important to pay attention to the theory around the Paradigm Shift:

But actually this Paradigm Shift started with the Enlightenment, hundreds of years ago what caused the end of Christianity. But all these movements including Marxism were not the cause, but outer signs of an inherent development within polytheism itself. So, the Enlightenment, Marxism, neo-Marxism and Multiculturalism are accompanying phenomena of fading Christianity. Apart from the Enlightenment they have no inherent significance.

So, the end time of Christianity started with the Enlightenment and accelerated with the onset of the Frankfurter Schule in the 1930s. Neo-Marxism of the 60s of last century was implied. But all these movements, such as multiculturalism in Europe, were of little significance. They were relatively irrelevant accompanying phenomena of the paradigm shift to monotheism.

So, on the way to its final phase of individualism, also called 'democracy' in politics, this transition to monotheism has been going on for hundreds of years.

That's how it went around:

In addition to this giga social religious process, many of the same developments will take place at micro level in the evolution. So, countless transitions will have taken place unnoticed. There is no line in, except the conversion from monotheism to polytheism and back:

So, what really happens is that Christianity as polytheism fades into individualism, after which a monotheistic terror takeover will take place. That's the main law of bipedal evolution. And as political correctness is the messenger of dying Christianity in individualism, so postmodernism is the devil in disguise of identity politics from monotheistic racism:

How things are connected:
Inbreeding vs Outbreeding.
Monotheism vs Polytheism.
Collectivism vs Individualism.
SM-dyad vs Vanilla-dyad.
Postmodernism vs Political Correctness.

Individualism means expelling God as the monotheistic tyrant from the red core. But then masochism searches for new sadism to complete its sexual lust. Because masochism as point in space has no direction, the tragedy of political correctness:

And so, both Europe and the US are in the same process to find a new master: 


The United States:

It is the same process for 14 millions years:

This means the expulsion of God is also part of fading polytheism:

The God instinct of bipedal primates

For herd animals and especially bipedal primates the God instinct is placed in the right temporal lobe. Important for bipeds, it is connected to good and evil for already 14 million years. The God-concept stands for our transcendent morality. So, you can imagine what happens if one tries to circumference the God instinct in politics. One will lose contact with voters. Like postmodernist democrats in Congress.

The God concept in American Politics

United States lost the notion of good and evil

Assumption 631: The power of God.
It's not about the existence of God. It is about the acknowledgement of God as ruler about good and evil in bipedal evolution. The God-concept stands for our transcendent morality. 

Identity politics serve to direct individuals, who, however, unconsciously cannot forget their belief in God, their innate notion of good and evil. What notion cannot be overruled by any set of values from political gangs (Mao, Hitler or Stalin). It is the ancient God instinct linked to primal good and evil, which is important.

The first bipedal primates already developed the god-concept just like animals, from which primates lived in groups together around the Alpha male. The leader of the tribe decided between good and evil, what became our juridical instinct.

So, this god-concept is not from an old white male supremacist with grey hair, but is the overarching morality of good and evil, brought to us from antiquity through the Judeo-Christian culture.

This means the Judeo Christian culture - as a lot of other religions in the evolution - is bound to the primal morality of good and evil from bipedal primates. Of course religions can differ regarding good and evil, but not so much as we would think. There is a moral high ground that cannot be denied.

This moral concept works for monotheism (Islam) as well as for polytheism (Christianity). Well, these religions differ profoundly on good and evil, but that's another problem.

The Constitution

The reason for mentioning God in the Constitution is to unite the morals of voters on a common scale: from Good to Evil. Differences from insight between religious groups can then be discussed politically in parliament, because representatives have already accepted the basic principles of good and evil by their faith.

But if God no longer forms part of the constitution, rulers no longer reach the people on their unconscious wavelength. And then the country becomes ungovernable unless groups of people can be addressed differently through identity politics. This always happens with violent indoctrination. Earlier we already saw how powerless resurrection from Islam had to be indoctrinated for 1400 years, because it could not counterbalance earthly reincarnation in the unconscious.

So, removing God from the Constitution, from money and all kinds of official ceremonies, means to deny fundamental human values connected with good and evil on a very deep and primitive level of human functioning. For believers but also for unbelievers...

The political left does not believe in God and the Constitution anymore and want God removed from all government institutions. Then they will gain total freedom of acting, stripped of every morality.

But removing God from politics immediately leads to a Babylonian speech confusion about good and evil, in which ultra left straightens out what is crooked. In American Congress, ultra left has already taken extreme and uncontrolled freedom in moral handling. Although greedy and corrupt republicans (Rhinos) are not much better for other reasons. 

So, it is not because of religiosity of rulers that God is in the Constitution, but more to establish a common denominator as fundamental basis for bargaining about good and evil among representatives.

Assumption 631: The power of God.
It's not about the existence of God. It is about the acknowledgement of God as ruler about good and evil in bipedal evolution. The God-concept stands for our transcendent morality.

By the way, moral corruption has been in the American Constitution from the beginning, further stipulated in the 1870's by not accepting common objectifiable rules for the Union States in choosing representatives for the Federation. The United States, which want to teach the world democracy.

The United States of America are a Union of Independent States in the first place. They are the acting entities, they are the tribal identities. But to be able to govern this enormous country the States had to make concessions to the Federation, which has nearly no tribal identity. So, around 1870 the Union States were not held to any rule to organize their voting procedures in an orderly manner. And of course, that led to corruption from the start. A flaw in the Constitution? Definitely, at the least.

Racism nested in Paradigm Shift:

So in the US two processes occur at the same time: The Paradigm Shift from Polytheism to Monotheism and nested within this shift the racist relationship between The Slave Race and the Master Race.

It is not really about racism, but African-Americans are used by political gangs in their paradigm shift.

The American public might think that it is about racism, but political gangs have a different objective, although I doubt whether they know what they are doing.

And the 'proof' is that the same process in Europe takes place without racism, because Muslims are welcomed in Europe by PC.

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