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Sunday, 13 February 2022

(424) Core dimensions of Human Religion

Basic Dimension

(424) Core dimensions of Human Religion


 Core dimensions of human religion

1: God is a sexual ideal projection of males:
2: Gods are sexual roles:
3: God space is nested within sexual space:
4: Religion is monotheistic or polytheistic:
       In god space, monotheism and SM-dyad form identities:  
       The main dimension of religion is identical to that of sexuality:
5: Religion is based on reincarnation or resurrection:
6: Earthly reincarnation comes from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc)
7: Heavenly resurrection comes from Homo sapiens (-350 Ka; 1450cc)

1: God is a sexual ideal projection of males:

Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.

2: Gods are sexual roles:

Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.

Gods are sexual roles within a rank=5 space:

Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:

1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality

3: God space is nested within sexual space:

Male heterosexuality is red and 'other sexual roles' are pink:

4: Religion is monotheistic or polytheistic:

In god space, monotheism and SM-dyad form identities:

The main dimension of religion is identical to that of sexuality:

Monotheism is almost always male religion based on the first god: Male heterosexuality.

Polytheism is always based on multiple gods including female sexual roles and homosexuality. 
Christianity developed a heterosexual Goda feminine Jesus and female sexual roles in the conscious. That's polytheism, which always leads to outbreeding



And Judaism is a patriarchy with a female kin bloodline, in which women choose their men, just like deer. This means Judaism is polytheistic too:


5: Religion is based on reincarnation or resurrection:

We split  human religion into reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection with outbreeding

For example, we divide the Muslim faith into earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection:

6: Earthly reincarnation comes from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc)

Earthly reincarnation through inbreeding means ego-theism of tribal heads who developed their own afterlife. Ego-theism also leads to a lot of ancestor gods (serial monotheism or polytheism of inbreeding cultures).

7: Heavenly resurrection comes from Homo sapiens (-350 Ka; 1450cc)

Heavenly resurrection from monotheism means all power in the hands of a single God (Desert Religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism)). The goal was outbreeding to defeat reincarnation through inbreeding. But also to destroy ego-theism. 

It happened that Judaism and Christianity succeeded in outbreeding, but Islam failed and got stuck in inbreeding (cousin marriages) for males and outbreeding for females in heaven:

Well, Muslim males also came to like outbreeding in heaven with foreign virgins:

So, Desert Religions actually split on outbreeding: Only Christianity and Judaism became real outbred populations. Christianity split off Judaism which was monotheistic at that moment.

Christianity developed a heterosexual Goda feminine Jesus and female sexual roles in the conscious. That's polytheism, which always leads to outbreeding.

And Judaism is a patriarchy with a female kin bloodline, in which women choose their men, just like deer:

This means female sexual roles are acknowledged in the conscious and so Judaism is also polytheistic:

What we see above is a split in Desert Religions where Judaism and Christianity return to polytheism, beyond their own knowing:

But Islam became part of the Muslim faith, which developed into an inextricable tangle of magical thinking that lacks any logic, as far as there can be in religion:

SM-dyad and  Vanilla-dyad:

In human religion the first God is almost always male heterosexuality = monotheism.
When more gods are acknowledged in the conscious, polytheism immediately arises.
Monotheism means to force women into cousin marriages for inbreeding, which is only possible with strong SM-dyad as relationship between husband and wife.

That's why Islam has SM-dyad and Christianity Vanilla-dyad:

Since religious space is embedded in sexual space, monotheism equals SM-dyad as main factor (main factor on which most dimensions project maximum):

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