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Friday, 25 February 2022

(426) Superior and inferior religions

 Basic Dimension

(426) Superior and inferior religions

If you are already familiar with this site, it is better to first show in diagrams what is defined later in words:

Assumption 652: Superior (Monotheism) and Inferior (Polytheism) religions:

1: In the animal world, Outbreeding (Polytheism) is the primal sexual instinct.

2: In groups of higher mammals with an Alpha male as leader, a split model emerged: the Alpha male chooses inbreeding, while females in the periphery of the group choose outbreeding in genetic diversity. They want protection, not inbreeding. 

3: Chimpanzees have inherited this split sexual model and practice the generalized  Alpha male model over males with extreme inbreeding in the male bloodline. But because females are released across groups, the end result is outbreeding for chimpanzees.

4: Bipedal primates lost track of other groups and went into extreme inbreeding for males and females. They practice what we now call 'cousin marriages'.

5: Inbreeding (Monotheism) and Outbreeding (Polytheism) alternate for bipedal primates and so inbreeding cultures are succeeded by outbreeding cultures and vice versa.

6: But while outbreeding is the primary sexual instinct in the animal world, inbreeding is strongest in bipedal primates and Monotheism takes the lead in the evolution time and again over Polytheism.

Assumption 653Superior (Centripetal) and Inferior (Centrifugal) religions:

Superior religions are monotheistic and based on male heterosexuality as first God. Superior religions are predicated on inbreeding, which is at odds with the outbreeding instinct of females. That is why their husband-wife model is based on SM-dyad, to force women into cousin marriages

Superior religions are furthermore 'centripetal' in keeping groups together and giving believers a sense of group identity. This at the expense of freedom of speech and sexual diversity. Individuality is lost and males do not develop empathy with sexual roles other than male heterosexuality. 

Especially female sexual roles are suppressed in the unconscious and women are seen as objects, like tables and chairs. On the other hand heterosexual males are seen as subjects and are empathically experienced in the conscious.

Inferior religions are polytheistic and based on all possible sexual roles with maximum rank in the god space. So, polytheism is the full rank model of empathically experienced sexual space nested in god space. In other words, polytheism is the full rank female god space, from which the male god space shrank to the main factor: the only empathically experienced male heterosexuality factor or SM-dyad for males.

The problem with polytheism is their open-ended group admission policy, which ultimately results in the complete loss of group identity in individualism. And without group identity, religion cannot exist.

As a result, Christianity falls apart like a fading rose and turns into completely individual and morally unfettered political correctness.

Ultimately, dying Christianity will be swallowed up by Islam, which still retains its SM-character and retains group identity. Meanwhile, Christianity is drowning in Vanilla-dyad.

Judaism is the exception to the rule, because it is polytheistic because of sexual freedom of women but has also remained an ethnic group because of female mt-DNA.

Judaism developed as polytheism because female roles are acknowledged in the conscious. In fact Judaism became a patriarchal culture based on a matriarchal bloodline. This means the Jews kept their group integrity without inbreeding because women are free in their sexual choice:

This means that Judaism possesses the same qualities as superior religions although it is polytheism. And that makes Judaism a special case, which cannot be overrun by, for example, Islam, which fate will befall Christianity:

(245) Super religions are caused by inbreeding

Superior and inferior religions

Homo naledi and Islam have superior religions caused by inbreeding. These religions are mostly monotheistic in nature (God of Darkness, Allah):

Super religions (superior religions) are monotheistic inbreeding religions inherited from the first bipedal primates. They are innate for human males. But over time, a polytheistic variant, called inferior religions, develops based on the earlier and primal sexual instinct of all animals: polytheism, genetic diversity, outbreeding or outcrossing.

Monotheism and polytheism alternate in the evolution. But the bipedal inbreeding instinct is the strongest and takes the lead every time. Inbreeding is also accompanied by SM-dyad (strong, woman as object) , which is a sexual instinct, while polytheism is based on SM-dyad (weak, woman as subject) as in the animal kingdom. 

In addition, human polytheism also has the soft Vanilla-dyad (Me-too movement) which is not an instinct but just a sign of civilization:

So humans possess two innate instincts. The first comes from the animal world and is called polytheism. That's still the primal instinct for females. But there is something strange about males, they suffer from an interfering later instinct called monotheism, which is normally based on inbreeding from Alpha males:

Superior religions are monotheistic inbreeding religions inherited from the first bipedal primates. They are innate for human males.

Both instincts alternate in the evolution. One can think of periods of 5,000 years. But for stable inbreeding like Homo naledi this can sometimes drag on indefinitely in their evolution. Homo naledi had a balanced inbred culture with no autosomal recessive disorders left and so they all looked alike.

Below, we put Homo naledi just before Islam:


Inferior religions are caused by outbreeding. For example Christianity and Bonobos:

But in the evolution they always fall back to monotheism again:

Or monotheism develops into polytheism, the other way around (Christianity was a polytheistic separation from then monotheistic Judaism).

Even in symbolic stories as Sodom and Gomorrah we see polytheism (other sexual roles as homosexual behavior) falling back to heterosexual monotheism:

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