Basic Dimension
- Homo erectus (2,1 Mya; 900cc) discovered the soul, needed for reincarnation in the offspring of its inbreeding culture, although there were also outbred populations.
- Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc) discovered resurrection in the parallel universe.
- Desert Religions wanted to end massive inbreeding by telling believers that earthly reincarnation does not return the original genome to ancestors, who clearly lost their body in this process.
- They proclaimed ex cathedra that upon resurrection in heaven their bodies would be completely reconstructed by God in their original genome. This was called physical resurrection in heaven. Now this is not the Christian point of view but the Muslim belief, which are also not allowed to believe in the soul, because not necessary in heaven.
- But reincarnation is a sexual instinct while resurrection is just a powerless word. That's why the Muslim faith became a hybrid religion of earthly reincarnation (Inbreeding (cousin marriages)) and heavenly resurrection (Islam, outbreeding).
- The point is that Homo naledi made the wisest choice, he also believed in physical resurrection, not in heaven but on earth. Furthermore, he needed no soul and in doing so had found a parsimonious variant of human religion. Homo naledi was a brilliant 'animal' with his 'orange' brain. He invented the most elegant and perfect form of human religion, although he was only an Australopith.
Homo Naledi exceeded Islam with regard to physical resurrection, because rebirth did not need a soul for the hereafter. Both cultures, Homo naledi and Islam, thought to stop earthly inbreeding by physical resurrection in the afterlife.
But the afterlife of Homo naledi was very realistic and in this universe, in its own tribe, just like reincarnation. Rebirth and reincarnation are based on sexual instincts, because they depend on breeding. They are not primary instincts but later on attached secondary sexual instincts, after people believed in it for millions of years.
Homo naledi reached the astonishing conclusion that inbreeding at family level to bring ancestors back to life - completely with their original genome - was not necessary at all, if there was a God who could make exact replicas from their DNA.
And this growing understanding ultimately ended the inbreeding cult of Homo naledi at family level, but not for the group as a whole, which had to remain a closed inbred population. Homo naledi was therefore extremely afraid of mixing with Homo erectus.
And note: Islam later did exactly the same to eradicate inbreeding and incest: Allah reconstructs the deceased exactly and integrally before Muslims appear before him for judgment for heaven or hell. But just like Homo naledi, Muslims must remain a group and marry Muslims.
But Islam tragically failed to eradicate its culture of inbreeding, turning the Muslim faith into a hybrid religion of earthly inbreeding and heavenly resurrection:
Assumption 659: Rebirth requires open graves (Rising Star Cave), allowing the fetus (from the dead body) to rejoin the life cycle, aided by the God of Darkness. In reincarnation, the soul rises from closed tombs through stone and concrete.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Homo naledi reached the astonishing conclusion that inbreeding at family level to bring ancestors back to life - completely with their original genome - was not necessary at all, if there was a God who could make exact replicas from their DNA.
And this growing understanding ultimately ended the inbreeding cult of Homo naledi at family level, but not for the group as a whole, which had to remain a closed inbred population. Homo naledi was therefore extremely afraid of mixing with Homo erectus.
And note: Islam later did exactly the same to eradicate inbreeding and incest: Allah reconstructs the deceased exactly and integrally before Muslims appear before him for judgment for heaven or hell. But just like Homo naledi, Muslims must remain a group and marry Muslims.
But Islam tragically failed to eradicate its culture of inbreeding, turning the Muslim faith into a hybrid religion of earthly inbreeding and heavenly resurrection:
Assumption 656: (655 rewritten). In the second sense of Rebirth, Homo naledi transcended the spiritual value of Reincarnation (Homo erectus). Because in the latter the soul was placed into a foreign body, by which the deceased lost his physical identity (his own body). While the ultimate conception of Rebirth was a complete rebirth of the original body, possibly within any woman of the tribe. And because naledi did not believe in the soul they were fully reborn with their original physical and psychological identity.
So their new parents weren't necessarily their biological parents, because the newborn's DNA didn't have to match their parental DNA, because it only had to come from the tribe as a whole, where everyone looked perfectly alike. Newborn DNA could come from deceased anywhere in the tribe.
As a consequence inbreeding on family level as a sexual religion did not make sense any longer and they behaved adulterously, like bonobos, although the tribe as a whole remained pure inbred as a calibrated dog race. This led to outbreeding within a closed balanced inbred population.
As said, Homo naledi didn't believe in the soul, which was not necessary, because the God of Darkness did all the work. Therefore, Rebirth of Homo naledi resulted in a complete physical and psychological rebirth of the deceased. That's why Rebirth transcended Reincarnation.
Then, in this second phase of Rebirth, the bond with parents was completely released and the fetus could be born anywhere in the Homo naledi population. Homo naledi could not verify this because all individuals looked alike, like a balanced dog race.
Assumption 151: The power of inbreeding cultures lies in the enhanced contrast between earthly and heavenly sexuality. The Muslim faith contrasts inbreeding on Earth with outbreeding in heaven. Outbred populations do not need this heavenly satisfaction, because they already enjoy heaven on Earth.
Assumption 152: Islam is an endogamous inbreeding culture, offering a factually exogamous afterlife in heaven. A genetic monoculture on earth (Islam) flirts with genetic diversity in heaven (Christianity), where the latter must be seen as heaven on Earth. Jealousy led to the persecution of Christians, because their masochistic suffering is compatible with exogamic lust. And violent bloodlust and hatred discharged on Jews, because though their culture relied also on inbreeding and incest, their females were left free choice to exogamy as in the group of higher mammals.
Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.
Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.
Assumption 653: Superior (Centripetal) and Inferior (Centrifugal) religions:
Superior religions are monotheistic and based on male heterosexuality as first God. Superior religions are predicated on inbreeding (Alpha male), which is at odds with the outbreeding instinct of females:
That is also why the husband-wife model from superior religions is based on the stronger version of SM-dyad, to force women into cousin marriages:
Especially female sexual roles are suppressed in the unconscious and women are seen as objects, like tables and chairs.
On the other hand heterosexual males are seen as subjects and are empathically experienced in the conscious:
Inferior religions are polytheistic and based on all possible sexual roles with maximum rank in the god space:
So, polytheism is the full rank model of empathically experienced sexual space nested in the god space. In other words, polytheism is the full rank god space from females, from which the male god space shrank to the main factor: the only empathically experienced male heterosexuality factor or SM-dyad for males.
Gods are sexual roles:Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality
The problem with polytheism is their open-ended group admission policy (open borders like post-modernism from the democrats, US), which ultimately results in the complete loss of group identity in individualism. Also the complete loss of group morality and ethical stability. And without group identity, religion cannot exist.
As a result, Christianity falls apart like a fading rose and turns into completely individual and morally unfettered political correctness (post-modernism).
Ultimately, dying Christianity will be swallowed up by Islam, which still retains its SM-character and retains group identity. Meanwhile, Christianity is drowning in Vanilla-dyad.
Judaism is the exception to the rule. It is polytheistic because of sexual freedom of women but has also remained an ethnic group because of female mt-DNA.
And Christianity was a polytheistic counter-reaction of a group around Jesus to monotheism and this religion found acceptance among Northern European polytheistic peoples.
- The soul is kind of a Deus ex Machina to maintain the illusion of eternal life. Magical fake degrees of freedom are supplied to rational thinking and mixed into 'religion'.
That's the mess Homo sapiens created and yet he seems proud of his cauliflower brain.
- Homo naledi was not dumb at all and must have been much smarter than a chimp. Also the design of his 550cc brain apparently followed already the basic outline of the human brain. It is really possible he could talk considering his endocast and he definitely used tools -335 Ka. So the perfection of the human brain is possibly not caused by its size but by the design of its basic structure, which Homo naledi possibly possessed long before Homo sapiens emerged. If that's true this will cause a revolution in paleontology.
- In principle, the expanding brain of Homo sapiens is disadvantageous for logical thinking. A growing number of neural pathways delivers irrational and magical ganglia which are fostering psychosis and make logical thinking more difficult than in smaller brains with the same basic structure. Therefore humans have to be drilled in logical thinking not to fall into the vortex of insane religions as monotheism. Maybe small brained people had less problems with rational thinking. Homo sapiens will undoubtedly die out from his absurd psychotic brain.
Assumption 649: Why humanoids invented the soul.
- But the soul was not necessary in Genetic Immortality (Australopithecus), because there the individual died where his genes lived on.
Belief in a bodily resurrection [Rebirth with soul, BD] of the dead became well established within some segments of Jewish society in the centuries leading up to the time of Christ, as recorded by Daniel 12:2from the mid-2nd century BC: "Many of those sleeping in the dust shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting peril". Josephus (1st century AD) gives the following outline: The Pharisees believed in Resurrection of the Dead, and the Sadducees did not.[26]
However, 1st century Judaism had no conception of a single individual rising from the dead in the middle of history. The historical Jewish concept of resurrection was that of a redemption of the whole people.[28] Their concept was always that everybody [sleeping forever, BD] would be raised together at the end of time [Rebirth with soul, BD]. So the idea of one individual rising in the middle of history was foreign to them.[29]
This means that within the early Jewish faith there was no question of ending the inbreeding culture as rendered obsolete by placing the deceased himself back into his family (as a child) with identical DNA. That would have been a perfect solution for their inbreeding cult * where by the way, through reincarnation, only part of the DNA of the deceased was expected to return in the offspring.
* Resurrection in heaven (outbreeding) came after earthly reincarnation (inbreeding).
We conclude that the Jewish faith had nothing to do with fighting their enormous inbreeding cult:
In several episodes in the Four Gospels Jesus foretells his coming death and resurrection, which he states is the plan of God the Father.[24] Christians view the resurrection of Jesus as part of the plan of salvation and redemption by atonement for man's sin.[25]
Resurrection of Jesus
Resurrection of Jesus
Muslims from the inbreeding culture had their own reasons in dealing with life after death. They chose for physical resurrection with repaired DNA by Allah, resulting in a perfect reproduction of the individual, while the combination of: inbreeding and reincarnation in the offspring would yield at most a shadow of their original genome. But all Desert Religions are based on the soul, the biggest fallacy of Homo erectus (2.1 Mya, 900cc). The soul is needed to communicate with Allah and to hear his judgment about heaven or hell. Without a soul they wouldn't be in pain in hell. That's why Muslims have a soul.
- Islamic interpretation:
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished.
Resurrection and sins committed with that organ.
BD: Resurrection of the own body - with or without soul - must be seen as rebirth.
Resurrection and sins committed with that organ.
BD: Resurrection of the own body - with or without soul - must be seen as rebirth.