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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

(457) Inbreeding and Outbreeding cultures definitely do not mix

 Basic Dimension

(457) Inbreeding and Outbreeding cultures definitely do not mix


Assumption 686In inbreeding cultures, males choose their partners and in outbreeding cultures females choose partners.

The Muslim faith is a dual religion, a hybrid religion of animal religion (reincarnation) and human religion (Islam).

It's not just inbreeding versus outbreedingbut both are the extremes of human culture. They definitely don't mix:

In the unconscious Inbreeding and Outbreeding cultures are completely incompatible. Integration can be achieved in the conscious, but assimilation only takes place in the unconscious.

Up to now the conclusion is that Inbreeding and Outbreeding cultures are diametrically opposed sexual cultures that cannot go together:

But with the ever growing human population and its volatility a new reality has to be faced based on mutual respect and theoretical knowledge about the pitfalls and threats of social disintegration towards parallel societies and eventually civil war. A human tragedy of epic proportions can only be prevented by having correct knowledge of the differences between the groups, to start with.

So with Bipedal Religion the battle always goes between Monotheism and Polytheism, between male and female or between inbreeding and outbreeding:

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