Basic Dimension
(455) The Secret of Genesis
I always knew there was something rotten in Genesis and it took me 8 years to understand. I just couldn't put my finger on it. But now I'm there. They simple threw the 'Tree of Life of Inbreeding' out of Paradise and I agree with whole my heart. Then they dragged the 'Tree of Knowledge of Outbreeding' to the midst of Paradise. And now I see I'm on the same page. I agree completely with Jewish scholars who concocted Genesis.
When we understand the real intentions of Jewish scholars to save the world from inbreeding, which was rather harmless for bipeds up to and including Homo erectus with its varied genome, but devastating for Homo sapiens, we are grateful for the enormous influence of Abrahamic religions, of Desert Religions.
Beware: The myth of paradise is a millions of years old initiation ritual for young males in inbreeding cultures (without speech), in which they 'swore' to prevent females (Eves) from being adulterous with strange males (Serpents from other tribes (outbreeding)).
Never would the 'Tree of Knowledge of Outbreeding' be placed next to the 'Tree of Life of Inbreeding' in the middle of the garden. What, of course, would be confusing and misleading nonsense. So Jewish Scholars deliberately changed the myth here.
The reality created by Jewish scholars is as follows:
1: 3500 years ago, Jewish Culture was on the way to outbreeding in which female gods were honored in the conscious of males, according to the fact that there was a matrilineal bloodline in which females (Eve) chose their males (The Serpent), who not even needed to be Jewish (outbreeding ), while mtDNA of women determined Jewish descent. Or Jewish scholars had this ideal in mind for their new society.
2. But because the prevailing culture was based on inbreeding, a connection had to be sought with the wrong paradise of God's inbreeding experiments, while the whole world would be a paradise in case of outbreeding:
3: This ideal meant that the Jewish people had to be thrown out of the inbreeding paradise.
4: Only therefore Adam was needed because actually the Serpent of that other tribe played the leading role.
5: To this end, Jewish scholars intentionally created confusion in the garden of Eden, by which only Eve thought that the 'Tree of Knowledge of Outbreeding' stood in the middle of the garden:
6: But in fact Jewish scholars, God and Adam knew that the Tree of Life was the only tree in the middle of the garden. The place of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil is unknown till the present day 😉.
7: Because the Serpent was from another tribe he had no idea where the trees should be.
8: He thought it was nonsense and made love with Eve under the 'Tree of Life of Inbreeding' in the middle of the garden.
9: Eve got a child (The Apple) from the Serpent and told Adam that it was his.
Adam accepted The Apple as his child and was therefore complicit in Outbreeding, also because, according to the ritual intention of The Paradise Myth, he had to keep a close eye on his wife to prevent adultery. Now Adam also had eaten of the Apple of Outbreeding and was also 'naked' for God. By the way the role of Adam is not that important for the story. There are more degrees of freedom to frame the role of Adam in this plot.
11: In accordance with the Word of God that everything that happened under the Tree of Life would get His blessing, this also had to be applied to this act of outbreeding. Because God had made no exceptions to this.
12: Jewish Scholars had to take three things into account for their new religion:
Firstly, God was not allowed to lead a loss of face, because then he would become unusable for outbreeding, because people loved their God of Inbreeding. So it was all framed as just a mistake of an unimportant woman (Eve) from the inbreeding culture who caused the problem.
Secondly, the Jewish Bible would never talk about inbreeding, because that would deter the population, which often did not see the connection with autosomal recessive disorders and was addicted to and enchanted by inbreeding.
Thirdly, Jewish scholars of course knew about reincarnation, which had become a magical religion, an artificial sexual instinct in the unconscious of people, conditioned on inbreeding. People were fascinated by 'reincarnation through inbreeding'. And that meant that this designation had to be replaced by 'worship of idols', from ancestors as family gods waiting for reincarnation.
All this meant that in The Jewish Bible the following change was mandated: 'Reincarnation versus resurrection' became 'Worshiping Idols versus Monotheism'.
And that while Reincarnation is the greatest religious achievement of Bipedal Primates.
'Reincarnation through Inbreeding' or 'worship of idols' was the worst thing that believers could do from now on. On the other hand, the monotheistic God in heaven had to be honored. And because believers were reconstructed in the hereafter, in heaven, without birthproces and miraculous with their entire genome, inbreeding was not needed any longer.
And I will lay the dead carcases of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.
Then shall ye know that I am the LORD, when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols.
And when he had broken down the altars and the groves, and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem.
So, we can only understand the Myth of Paradise if we accept the premise that God meant only the Tree of Life (Inbreeding) to stand in the middle of the garden. Of course it would be quite stupid to think that God positioned the Tree of Knowledge (Outbreeding) next to it, because then the core of the inbreeding culture would fall out of the plot.
Yet Jewish scholars used this self created ambiguity to plead themself free of cheating. Was Eve wrong? We will never know and it does not matter because now the Jewish people could choose for Outbreeding. And we know they chose for outbreeding of the female bloodline matriarchate within a male patriarchal legal system.
Jewish scholars wanted the Tree of Knowledge of Outbreeding placed in the middle of the garden:
It took me 8 years to fully understand the next sentence below. I knew that Jewish scholars were too smart to write such a grammatical crippled and syntactically ambiguous sentence:
'the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.'
Here, they did not explicitly place the Tree of Knowledge in the middle of the garden, it just seemed possible, but in the end I opted for the Tree of Life.
The 'Tree of Knowledge of Outbreeding' was only as a grammatical possibility posted in the middle of the Inbreeding Paradise. But the opposite could also be true. Just brilliant.
So with this ambiguity, Jewish Scholars could go two sides. Ultimately, the Tree of Knowledge could also have been in the middle of the garden and then Genesis would still be a correct representation of God's will.
All this prevented logical thinking from believers. They were fooled and something happened under the surface that I could not understand at that time.
But now, in the end, I understand and I can approve their noble striving to save desert people from the curse of their deserted desert: the curse of inbreeding by not being able to opt for outbreeding with women from other tribes:
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Speech parsing 'middle of the garden'
What meant the Jewish text regarding the location of the Tree of Knowledge actually in speech parsing? From the text it can not be concluded where the Tree of Knowledge was situated.
9(Gen 2:9) And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
(Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads
(Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads
ט. וַיַּצְמַח יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהִים מִןהָאֲדָמָה כָּלעֵץ נֶחְמָד לְמַרְאֶה וְטוֹב לְמַאֲכָל וְעֵץ הַחַיִּים בְּתוֹךְ הַגָּן וְעֵץ הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע:
Heere God Jehova en groeien . negende (<< leesrichting eerste regel)
en goed bij leuk bomen van grond
boom tuin van het leven boom voedsel
:kwaad goed van kennis
T.. En de HEERE God had alle geboomte groeien uit de aarde en lekker eten in (het midden van) de tuin van de Boom des Levens en de Boom van Kennis (goed kwaad):
T .. and the Lord God had all the trees grow from the earth and good food in (the middle of) the garden of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge (good evil):
(וְעֵץ הַחַיִּים בְּתוֹךְ = boom van het leven)
(וְעֵץ הַדַּעַת= boom van kennis)
(וְעֵץ = boom = כָּלעֵץ)
(הַגָּן = tuin)
(טוֹב = goed)
(וָרָע = kwaad)
( לְמַאֲכָל= voedsel)
(וְטוֹב = en goed)
(לְמַרְאֶה = bij)
( נֶחְמָד= leuk)
( מִןהָאֲדָמָה= van grond)
(אֱלֹהִים = HEERE God)
( וַיַּצְמַח= en groeien)
( יְהֹוָה = Jehova)
( ט.= negende)
(midden =עצמאמ = לבז )
(hof = ףוחה)
(בְּתוֹךְ הַגָּן = (in het midden van) de tuin)
(midden van de hof = ףוה / ןאו / הפשא תומרע)
(midden van de hof = hof / van / midden)
(centrum = זכרמה)
(grond = הָאֲדָמָה)
(van = מִן)
[Staat hier soms het volgende:] (Is written here the following:)
[Of kan dit ook bedoeld zijn]
T.. En de HEERE God had alle geboomte groeien uit de aarde en lekker eten in de tuin van de Boom des Levens en de Boom van Kennis:
T.. And the LORD God to grow every tree from the earth and good food in the garden the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge:
T.. Et l'Éternel Dieu à croître chaque arbre de la terre et de la bonne nourriture dans le jardin de l'Arbre de Vie et l'Arbre de la Connaissance:
Vertaal van Nederlands naar Hebreeuws
Om ons argument te checken voeren wij de Nederlandse tekst in en bekijken de Hebreeuwse spelling:
To check our argument, we introduce the Dutch text and view the Hebrew spelling:
(Gen 3:3) Maar van de vruchten van de boom, die in het midden van de tuin staat, heeft God gezegd. Daar mag je niet van eten, je mag er ook niet aankomen, anders ga je dood.
(Gen 3: 3) But of the fruits of the tree that stands in the middle of the garden, God said. You can't eat from that, you can't touch it either, otherwise you die.
אבל פרי העץ אשר בתוך הגן, אמר אלהים. מכיוון שאתה לא יכול לאכול, אתה גם לא צריך להגיע, אחרת תמות.
(בתוך הגן = midden van de tuin)
(הַגָּן = tuin)
(בתוך = in)
Geconcludeerd mag worden dat ‘de tuin’ of in het ‘midden van de tuin’ op hetzelfde kan neerkomen. Daarom is het aannemelijk dat ook de Hebreeuwse tekst uitgaat van de boom des levens in het midden van de tuin. Maar…dit geldt niet dwingend voor de boom der kennis.
[It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge.]
[It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge.]
En dit maakt het NBG (Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1979) ervan:
(Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, BENEVENS de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads.
(Gen 2: 9) and the Lord God had all the trees sprout from the soil, pleasant to the sight, and good to food; And the tree of life in the middle of the court, as well as the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
9(Gen 2:9) And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
In gangbaar Nederlands: (In common Dutch:)
(A) (Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads.
[Staat hier soms het volgende:] (Is written here the following:)
(B) (Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF .
... and the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the court.
Beware: The myth of paradise is a millions of years old initiation ritual for young males in inbreeding cultures (without speech), in which they 'swore' to prevent females (Eves) from being adulterous with strange males (Serpents from other tribes (outbreeding)). Never would the 'Tree of Knowledge of Outbreeding' be placed next to the 'Tree of Life of Inbreeding' in the middle of the garden. What, of course, would be confusing and misleading nonsense. So Jewish Scholars deliberately changed the myth here.
[Of kan dit ook bedoeld zijn]
(C) (Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads AAN DE RAND VAN DEN HOF.
and the tree of life in the middle of the court, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil on the edge of the court.
It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge. From the text it can not be concluded where the Tree of Knowledge was situated.
Much later:
In Genesis the word 'naked' must be taken literally. First, because naked is a decisive characteristic of Outbreeding while dressed indicates cultforming like Inbreeding and secondly because a figurative meaning of 'naked' is incomprehensible in such a simple myth.
Jewish scholars knew that animal outbreeding preceded bipedal inbreeding. That's why God's first Creation Story was outbreeding:
And the second story was inbreeding:
But it was also a set up to rightly turn the Jewish faith back to outbreeding:
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