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Friday, 6 February 2015

(31) The Key to Human Religion (part 4)

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

Homo sapiens

In endogamous cultures only the own tribe was a safe haven for reincarnation. Other tribes were hostile enemies. 

How to avoid the unattractive cousins in the afterlife, and yet reincarnate somewhere safe and satisfactory?

Homo sapiens developed a wonderful belief to live forever and to escape from the tribe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension. It comes down to a never ending orgasm, the center of gravity of male religion.

But in fact this whole development was a flight of endogamies into the exogamy of the parallel universe:

Homo sapiens developed a wonderful belief to live forever and to escape from the tribe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension. It comes down to a never ending orgasm, the center of gravity of male religion.

Hence, it must be the sexual deprivation of inbred cultures that males did yearn to the parallel universe with its 72 virgins (200.000 ya). An endogamous inbreeding culture on earth offered a factually exogamous afterlife in heaven. A genetic monoculture on earth (Islam) flirted with fresh girls from genetic diversity in heaven (Christianity).

Assumption 203: Sexual deprivation (poverty) strengthens the endogamous
groupPromiscuity (wealth) strengthens the exogamous group.

Religion originated as a timelessness derivative of sexuality. How can we make that clear? As follows with a somewhat contrived example:

Exogamous Christianity must be seen as heaven on earth for Muslims. That is also the power of the - implied - parallel universe of Abraham. That's the power of monotheism. 

Assumption 152: Islam is an endogamous inbreeding culture, offering a factually exogamous afterlife in heaven. A genetic monoculture on earth (Islam) flirts with genetic diversity in heaven (Christianity), where the latter must be seen as heaven on earth.

Assumption 203: Sexual deprivation (poverty) strengthens the endogamous groupPromiscuity (wealth) strengthens the exogamous group.

Assumption 191Another reason to prefer the parallel universe above the earthly universe is that mixed tribal members did not have to reincarnate into other tribes on earth.

But the parallel universe offered some unexpected peculiarities. Because man would not return on earth, inbreeding and incest were no longer needed. Tribal coherence became senseless and endogamy changed to exogamy.

But this meant that women could be freed from sexual molestation in inbreeding cultures. That meant that they no longer were seen as objects but as human beings, as subjects. 

Assumption 147: Inbreeding cultures see women as objects. Outcrossing cultures might see them as subjects.

Females were able to associate freely with other groups to fulfill their natural need for genetic diversity. And thus the balance between  genetic monoculture and genetic diversity recovered from: 



Exogamous cultures recovered the modus vivendi between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity, the same balance which animal religion found earlier for mammal groups, a balance between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity:


Assumption 205: Development of human religion: 
1: Homininae were locked up in a sick culture what formed the blueprint for human religion: the first stage of Paradise culture.  
2: Later Homininae and Homo ergaster found the combination of genetic immortality with (earthly) reincarnation called the second stage of Paradise culture.  
3: Homo erectus broke up the inbreeding and incest culture, after which women rediscovered their own soul and fulfilled their need for genetic diversity.  
4: Homo sapiens discovered the parallel universe which eliminated sexuality from esoteric religion (Christianity). Mixing inbreeding and incest with the parallel universe finally delivered the third stage of Paradise Culture (Islam).



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