Basic Dimension
Number Archive

Assumption 283: Policor.
Policor is a worldwide movement to undermine Western culture. Nowadays representatives are the EU, the globalists and the Democratic Party of the United States. Policor started with Romanticism (Rousseau) as built-in movement of the Enlightenment. The latter failed to formulate rules to discriminate between cultures, on which Romanticism judged all cultures equal and equivalent. In fact, the Enlightenment gave the impulse to the destruction of Christianity. In the twentieth century the Frankfurter Schule proclaimed the destruction of Western culture, followed by Marxist relativism or - nihilism. Later on 'all cultures are equal and equivalent' culminated into multiculturalism. The underlying idea was to establish a world government of globalists which could benefit from an army of cheap laborers (deplorables, irredeemables). Hillary Clinton is the latest representative of American policor. To accelerate the destruction of Western culture the EU destroyed the Nation States of Europe and negated democracy. Eurocrats call democracy: 'populism'. A further goal is to set up refugee flows to erase the identity of the European culture. Policor attracts criminals, fraud and corruption and consists of sexual deviant groups which find in Islam a shining example.

The Sexual Theory of Religion explains:
1: The rise of the Christian church.
2: The development of the Enlightenment.
3: The conflict between Enlightenment and the Christian church.
4: The march through the institutions.
5: The fall of Western identity.
6: The rise of Policor (Political correctness).
7: The origins of Multiculturalism.
8: The invasion by Islam.
9: The travesty of the Schengen agreement.
The Sexual Theory of Religion
Group of higher mammals

Assumption 213: Group of higher mammals:
A group of higher mammals exists by virtue of the balance between endogamy and exogamy.
Its endogamous core consists of the power of the alpha male to fertilize all females. Hence, he basically establishes a genetic monoculture by inbreeding and incest, only serving the immediate survival of the group. But in the long run his genes will be over-represented in his descendants, unless competitive males in the exogamous mantle contribute to genetic diversity.
But tension also arises between the sexual desires of the dominant male and females. Since females naturally tend to genetic diversity with other males. Hence, the exogamic outer layer consists of adulterous females chasing genetic diversity with other males and from other groups, what comes down to the permeability of the group.
For humans, the total permeability of the mantle depends on the relation between endogamous repulsion and exogamous attraction of external genes. This relation is the natural base of 'human religion'.
But only on the basis of inbreeding and incest (Islam) permeability is related to endogamy. Endogamous cores in completely permeable cultures as the Enlightenment are derived from other values.
1: The rise of the Christian church
Human religion is a form of sexuality. This relation has been unconsciously known for millions of years. But we want to know nothing about it. For, it is a suppressed relation to which we do not want to be reminded. It is a unconscious relation:
The Christian church has been the one dimensional heart of Europe for more than 1000 years:
The sadistic dictatorship of the Christian church was balanced by the masochistic interpretation of the teachings of Jesus by her citizens:
Sexual roles
Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.
Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.
Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:
Christ personified vulnerable 'other sexual roles', enabling equivalence between peoples in Western culture:
Exogamy in Christianity attracted Western culture
When people are equal in pure exogamy, women can freely marry males from other groups:
Assumption 234: Selective breeding with Homininae.
The split in Hominini is caused by the harsh environment of the desert (Paradise culture) versus the opulence of heavenly temperate regions (Christianity). And the split in Panini is caused by a shortage of food (common chimpanzee), against the abundant food supply for bonobos south of the Congo River.
With free marriages, cultures more easily melted together in prosperity and promiscuity:
Freedom for women was convenient, as there was no need to ask their fathers permission to marry them. And this way, Christianity allied with exogamous cultures, all yearning for genetic diversity and possessing porous mantles:
Monotheism and Polytheism
Exogamous multidimensional cultures contain a lot of gods as sexual roles and that's why they are open to genetic diversity. Only in such cultures women are truly free:
Asymptotically, exogamous cultures converge in atheism as gods lose their meaning with increasing number:
2: The development of the Enlightenment
Now the problem is the Western world has chosen for the Enlightenment of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. In a lengthy process of ages the Enlightenment got more and more influence on the endogamous heart at the expense of the Christian church:
Intellectual development of the exogamic mantle
Emerging intellectual development of the bourgeoisie pulled the relationship with the rigid Christian church crooked. Human religion lost stability and the church handed in power and authority:
3: The conflict between Enlightenment and the Christian church
Endogamies are the strongest cores in human evolution because they distinguish between people. They always are based on pure 'racism'.
1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles.
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
Exogamy in Christianity attracted Western culture
When people are equal in pure exogamy, women can freely marry males from other groups:
Assumption 234: Selective breeding with Homininae.
The split in Hominini is caused by the harsh environment of the desert (Paradise culture) versus the opulence of heavenly temperate regions (Christianity). And the split in Panini is caused by a shortage of food (common chimpanzee), against the abundant food supply for bonobos south of the Congo River.
With free marriages, cultures more easily melted together in prosperity and promiscuity:
Freedom for women was convenient, as there was no need to ask their fathers permission to marry them. And this way, Christianity allied with exogamous cultures, all yearning for genetic diversity and possessing porous mantles:
Monotheism and Polytheism
Exogamous multidimensional cultures contain a lot of gods as sexual roles and that's why they are open to genetic diversity. Only in such cultures women are truly free:
Asymptotically, exogamous cultures converge in atheism as gods lose their meaning with increasing number:
2: The development of the Enlightenment
Now the problem is the Western world has chosen for the Enlightenment of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. In a lengthy process of ages the Enlightenment got more and more influence on the endogamous heart at the expense of the Christian church:
Intellectual development of the exogamic mantle
Emerging intellectual development of the bourgeoisie pulled the relationship with the rigid Christian church crooked. Human religion lost stability and the church handed in power and authority:
3: The conflict between Enlightenment and the Christian church
Endogamies are the strongest cores in human evolution because they distinguish between people. They always are based on pure 'racism'.
Catholicism discriminates other sexual roles as women and homosexuals. Islam is no different. And the Nazis also possessed a powerful endogamous core of incest and inbreeding, in which Teutons blonde with blue eyes were subjects and Jews and Gypsies were massively killed as peripheral objects. Everywhere in the world cores of inbreeding and incest arise as a way to increase ethnic or racial differences in order to exercise power over minorities.
Not coincidentally, in the Second World War the Catholic Church conspired with other endogamies as the Nazis and the Mufti of Jerusalem in the Holocaust. Hence, the
Enlightenment, adhering equal sexual roles, and the Christian church were on collision course and had to be separated:
4: The march through the institutions
The Frankfurter Schule was a cultural Marxist movement aiming to destroy the endogamous core of Western culture, especially Christianity.
This destruction was necessary to build international socialism in Western society. Their intent was depillarization or deconfessionalization.
they created nothing new, namely cultural relativism in the mantle. Look how gorgeous they brought Western culture to its multidimensional disruption, however without the promised renewal, simply because they did not understand to be nothing more than an instrument to destruction of this exogamous culture:
Socialism was not able to create any new values and realized in an anarchistic way the suicide on Western culture with its march through the institutions.
Actually the march cut out the heart of Western culture and destroyed the second god: the endogamous homosexual clergy. Depillarization resulted in cultural nihilism and cultural relativism. Western culture without its endogamous Christian heart was unprecedented and collapsed into puberty. Now it had to stand on its own as a teenager.
Some parts of the resulting exogamous society changed to polytheistic promiscuity and pedophilia. Even in Dutch Parliament scientific studies of pedophilia were intended in the eighties and the nineties of last century.
But Western culture without Christianity was not viable and would fade away in the asymptote of powerless individualism and atheism. Which means the exogamous culture as a whole would cease to exist. For now it was nothing more than an empty slutty shell, desperately looking for endogamous steering.
Assumption 206: The permeability of a group concerns the relation between its endogamous heart and the exogamous periphery.
Marxism offered not the slightest endogamous depth and has not been able to replace Christianity. Western culture never realized how much it has been uprooted as a group without Christianity and policor was rudderless searching for a new identity.
What really happened was Marxists expelled the Christian church from the center of power in the Netherlands. Only the Enlightenment remained in the endogamous core. But now Western culture was in big trouble:
Immediately we see the problem of the Western group of higher mammals in the last century. For, they placed the exogamous mantle in their endogamous core. How stupid can you be! Because, now they had chosen Jesus in the mantle AND in the core:
Assumption 207: In a healthy group, there exists a tension between the endogamous core and the exogamous mantle. If one of them is missing the culture must be sick. Seen in evolutionary perspective, Western culture lacks its endogamous heart and Islamic culture has no exogamous mantle, hence both must be regarded as religious cultures on the verge of extinction.
Choosing 'all people are equivalent' as the new endogamic core, coming from Enlightenment, has been an extremely dangerous mistake, because now tension between the core and the mantle was gone. The core lost its power over the mantle and the group of higher mammals degenerated to an uncontrolled collection of atheistic individuals eager for promiscuous genetic diversity:
And exactly that happened after Western culture expelled the Christian church from its endogamous core and that's why Europe fell prey to the super sadism of Islam:
So, the basic error in Western culture is a wrong interpretation of the teachings of Jesus: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'. This only works in completely exogamous cultures, where people respect each other in equivalence: The principle of mutuality.
Unfortunately, nowadays Christians (policor) are sick masochistic believers subjecting themselves with the ass up to every sadistic ruler (Islam) sent by God.

5: The fall of Western identity
Actually, the march cut out the heart of Western culture and destroyed the second god: the endogamous homosexual clergy:
1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
The church had usurped the role of the first heterosexual God, the alpha male who was left in the animal world. The homosexual clergy always arrogantly turned its back to society as a closed and endogamous group:
Not coincidentally, in the Second World War the Catholic Church conspired with other endogamies as the Nazis and the Mufti of Jerusalem in the Holocaust. Hence, the
Enlightenment, adhering equal sexual roles, and the Christian church were on collision course and had to be separated:
4: The march through the institutions
The Frankfurter Schule was a cultural Marxist movement aiming to destroy the endogamous core of Western culture, especially Christianity.
This destruction was necessary to build international socialism in Western society. Their intent was depillarization or deconfessionalization.
* Confessionalization in the NetherlandsIn the sixties of the last century nihilistic Marxism started 'the march through the institutions' to overthrow the established order. They succeeded, but instead of setting cultural Marxism as a new endogamic core:
In the Netherlands a mosaic of different churches founded the endogamous heart of society. It was called 'verzuiling', literally meaning pillarization and metaphorically 'confessionalization'.
they created nothing new, namely cultural relativism in the mantle. Look how gorgeous they brought Western culture to its multidimensional disruption, however without the promised renewal, simply because they did not understand to be nothing more than an instrument to destruction of this exogamous culture:
Socialism was not able to create any new values and realized in an anarchistic way the suicide on Western culture with its march through the institutions.
Actually the march cut out the heart of Western culture and destroyed the second god: the endogamous homosexual clergy. Depillarization resulted in cultural nihilism and cultural relativism. Western culture without its endogamous Christian heart was unprecedented and collapsed into puberty. Now it had to stand on its own as a teenager.
Some parts of the resulting exogamous society changed to polytheistic promiscuity and pedophilia. Even in Dutch Parliament scientific studies of pedophilia were intended in the eighties and the nineties of last century.
But Western culture without Christianity was not viable and would fade away in the asymptote of powerless individualism and atheism. Which means the exogamous culture as a whole would cease to exist. For now it was nothing more than an empty slutty shell, desperately looking for endogamous steering.
Assumption 206: The permeability of a group concerns the relation between its endogamous heart and the exogamous periphery.
Marxism offered not the slightest endogamous depth and has not been able to replace Christianity. Western culture never realized how much it has been uprooted as a group without Christianity and policor was rudderless searching for a new identity.
Immediately we see the problem of the Western group of higher mammals in the last century. For, they placed the exogamous mantle in their endogamous core. How stupid can you be! Because, now they had chosen Jesus in the mantle AND in the core:
Assumption 207: In a healthy group, there exists a tension between the endogamous core and the exogamous mantle. If one of them is missing the culture must be sick. Seen in evolutionary perspective, Western culture lacks its endogamous heart and Islamic culture has no exogamous mantle, hence both must be regarded as religious cultures on the verge of extinction.
Choosing 'all people are equivalent' as the new endogamic core, coming from Enlightenment, has been an extremely dangerous mistake, because now tension between the core and the mantle was gone. The core lost its power over the mantle and the group of higher mammals degenerated to an uncontrolled collection of atheistic individuals eager for promiscuous genetic diversity:
And exactly that happened after Western culture expelled the Christian church from its endogamous core and that's why Europe fell prey to the super sadism of Islam:
So, the basic error in Western culture is a wrong interpretation of the teachings of Jesus: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'. This only works in completely exogamous cultures, where people respect each other in equivalence: The principle of mutuality.
Unfortunately, nowadays Christians (policor) are sick masochistic believers subjecting themselves with the ass up to every sadistic ruler (Islam) sent by God.

Actually, the march cut out the heart of Western culture and destroyed the second god: the endogamous homosexual clergy:
3: Third God: female sexual roles.
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
The church had usurped the role of the first heterosexual God, the alpha male who was left in the animal world. The homosexual clergy always arrogantly turned its back to society as a closed and endogamous group:
Patriarchate with homosexual clergy:
3: Third God: female sexual roles.
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
And indeed came after the sixties a massive wave of feminism release which completely disrupted Western society:
Matriarchate with liberated female sexual roles:
The fourth God was liberated pedophilia:
4: Fourth God: pedophilia.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
Some parts of the resulting exogamous society changed to polytheistic promiscuity and pedophilia. Even in Dutch Parliament scientific studies of pedophilia were intended in the eighties and the nineties of last century.
But liberation of the fifth God eventually was stopped by law:
5: Fifth God: bestiality.
WIKI: The Act of March 4, 2010, concerning the criminalization of committing lewd acts with animals and animal pornography (ban sex with animals).
6: The rise of Policor
In the Netherlands, Article 1 of the constitution came into effect in 1983.
In this new law Policor (Political Correctness: former left wing Christians but now Marxist communists) protected Islam - known as the world's most discriminating religion - against religious discrimination. Muslims were allowed to slaughter their daughters in our backyard:
Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim: Tribal endogamy.
Mirjam Abarkan: Religious endogamy. Sadia Sheikh: (shot in the abdomen several times, died within three days) |
Gülsüm Selim: (strangled with an iron cord and beaten to death with an iron bar)
Mirjam Abarkan: (stabbed into the heart) 1157891W/Door Servaas van der Laan: 1157891W/Door Servaas van der Laan:
Policor unconsciously knew the only endogamous force able to replace Christianity was the even stronger sadistic Islam. For this reason, Western culture imported Islam massively in the fourth quarter of the last century.
Unaware of looking for a new religious endogamous core, policor suggested every effort to capture the endogamous heart of Islam. But they really thought they treated Islam the same as other religions under their multicultural exogamous mantle.
And so, as alleged multiculturalism, Islamic absolutism was imported right into the heart of Western culture. For in that era, choosing authoritarian absolutism (of Islam) was at odds with the prevailing cultural flow of total democracy and relativism.
And that's why multiculturalism unwittingly turned into the masochistic squirm with ass up for a gruesome and sadistic Islamic ruler. This sadistic tyrant was absolutely needed to let our masochistic culture retrieve its counterweight. This is because two points are needed to draw a straight line.
Islam occupied the empty place of the homosexual clergy to peace and salvation of policor, who sacrificed the empty shell of exogamous Western culture to a sadistic mass murderer.
With the march through the institutions, at that historical moment, policor extradited Christianity to Islam, which became the new endogamous heart of Western culture:
Confessionalization in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands a mosaic of different churches founded the endogamous heart of society. It was called 'verzuiling', literally meaning pillarization and metaphorically 'confessionalization'.
What means the greedily gobbling of the atrocities of Islam was no expression of cultural relativism or multiculturalism, but rather a desperate return to the laws of the group, which prescribe a forced interaction between the lost endogamous core and its exogamous mantle:
Hence policor is a movement of former left wing Christians, who knowingly passed on Marxist communism, but unconsciously looked for a stronger endogamous core that could replace their former Christian heart:
Now of course, the origin of multiculturalism obviously is the lack of guidance from the endogamic core:
Former Christians of policor were totally not expecting this rudderless society. In desperate optimism they went on the once chosen path of Marxist nihilism.
8: The invasion of Islam
We know Islam has the strongest endogamous core in human evolution. This is because it distinguishes between people. Islam is based on pure racism. Islam places subjects (heterosexual Muslim males) in the core and oppresses other sexual roles in the periphery, by which it hermetically seals the casing for women:
Policor unconsciously knew the only endogamous force able to replace Christianity was the even stronger sadistic Islam. For this reason, Western culture imported Islam massively in the fourth quarter of the last century.
Christians just like Muslims are quite endowed with magical thinking. Hence, policor closed her eyes to the massacres of bloodthirsty Muslims on their own daughters in our backyard. In all outrages of the Muslim community, policor looked away and unburdened her conscience by the thought that granting subsidies would get Muslims on the right path.
Meanwhile masochistic policor was totally unaware of her yearning for the whip on her buttocks by Islam. Policor truly believed she treated Jews and Muslims equally as befits a multicultural society. But Jews were disadvantaged and heavily discriminated. Policor participated fully in this overt racism on instigation of their new God: Chrislam. Her masochistic Stockholm syndrome meanwhile meant the demise of Western culture.
Today in the Netherlands, policor and Islam are clutched together in a sadomasochistic intimate embrace. Their child is called: Chrislam:
Because the core disappeared in Western society, it dissolves in atheism and individualism. There is no group any more:
Western culture is like a faded flower falling apart just as the Roman Empire. What was already evident by the elimination of all borders by the Schengen agreement.
Schengen writes the necrology of European culture. This is the end stage of exogamy, complete permeability of the mammal group. Now the body will be killed by an invasion of parasites and by a flow of fortune seekers from all directions which engulf Europe, helped by the insane bombardments on Muslim states by NATO:
Once European culture has bled to death it will be overrun by Islamic hordes.
This is the end stage of exogamy, complete permeability of a mammal group:
Schengen writes the necrology of European culture.
Western culture, too long profited of Christianity and meanwhile forgot to formulate an exogamic core more realistic than the Enlightenment. That's the real Dutch tragedy of the last 50 years.
That's why Geert Wilders has to fight Islamic culture instead of Muslims. So, there is only one hypothetical wormhole through which the exogamous Western culture can escape and not to be slaughtered by the endogamous core of Islamic hatred.
But of course, this is dancing on the edge of the volcano. There only needs to be done little to address the aggression against Muslims themselves, because this difference is only artificially applied to formulate a wormhole in Enlightenment to the rescue of Western culture.
This is artificially, because a strong interaction exists between ethnicity and culture especially in selective breeding cultures.
So, Western society brought itself into real trouble and will not overcome this Gordian knot without violence.
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