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Wednesday, 8 May 2019

(275) Male religion regresses on genetic adaptability and the afterlife

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

First hominids saw inbreeding as protecting their group identity, to let the tribe prosper in the same composition with the same gene pole to eternity. And because the individual died, we call this religious concept 'genetic immortality':

Although inbreeding enhanced tribal identity, it also led to autosomal recessive disorders:

But Australopiths were not mad and knew that at some point they had to cross with other groups, for not to go extinct:


Paranthropus robustus (2 Mya; 400cc)

A 2011 study using ratios of strontium isotopes in teeth suggested that Australopithecus africanus and P. robustus groups in southern Africa were patrilocal: females tended to settle farther from their region of birth than males did.

Teeth from ancient human ancestors suggest that females joined new social groups once they reached maturity.

A chemical analysis of australopithecine fossils ranging between roughly 1.8 million and 2.2 million years old from two South African caves finds that teeth thought to belong to females are more likely to have incorporated minerals from a distant region during formation than those from males.

"What that's telling us is that the females grew up somewhere else and they died in the caves," says Julia Lee-Thorp, an archaeological scientist at the University of Oxford, UK. 

So, the first hominids exchanged juvenile females if possible, but else they worshipped inbreeding as their group identity, as their religion:

This remained unchanged during the entire bipedal primate evolution: 

Until the present day in the Muslim culture:

Happily, the first Australopiths had about the same varied genome as chimps; they 
could stand severe inbreeding for ages, for seven million years as seen off Homo naledi:

So, we conclude, in the evolution bipedal primates had to switch between inbreeding and outbreeding. These switches were on the basis of religious decisions. Since 'religion' controls and steers sexual group behavior:

So, this is how human religion works:

Basic principle is that 'religion' must be seen as eternal sexuality within the sexual domain, as eternal group identity and perpetual orgasm:

Male religion regresses on genetic adaptability and the afterlife

It is our understanding that the Muslim faith - not to be confused with Islam - consists of Islam, superimposed on inbreeding. So, a human religion (Islam) is a function of a sexual religion (inbreeding), while both serve as 'independent' predictors of the Muslim faith. This means what usually is seen as 'Islam' is actually 'the Muslim faith'.
What we have done is to bring order in the evolution of successive inbreeding religions:

First, we defined the Basic Dimension as a single axis with an inbreeding and outbreeding pole. Then, we transformed this Basic Dimension into genetic adaptability, which is the outbreeding axis in the figure below. Next, we assign the inbreeding part to the second axis

We split the Basic Dimension into two orthogonalized (actually very dependent and covarying) predictors of Muslim male religion. Next, we let Sexual Religion (SR, inbreeding and outbreeding) interact with Human Religion (HR). As follows, we combine outbreeding with the parallel universe, which is a-sexual for Christians and Jews, but heavily sexualized for Muslims:

Namely, it contains 'perpetual orgasm', the core of human male religion, which is the desire for '72 virgins in Heaven':

How to derive the Muslim faith:

Because of the interaction between HR and SR, the regression plane below contains two 'independent' predictors of Muslim male religion, namely: resurrection in the parallel universe by outbreeding, and earthly reincarnation by inbreeding. This complicated interaction designates the Muslim male religion as pure schizophrenia, what is not said with animus, but with sorrow, because it is a tragedy for Muslim women and the direct cause of honor killings:

The evolution of the Muslim faith:


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