Basic Dimension
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We defined the Basic Dimension as a single axis on internet level (possibly with negative values) with an inbreeding and outbreeding pole (SR). Sexual Religion concerns the basic dimension (inbreeding - outbreeding) on which Human Religion regresses: HR= f(SR):

Next, we construct a fictitious scale from zero genetic variability (absolute zero point) like between identical twins to maximum genetic diversity (total outbreeding) from solitary birds, flying around the world and choosing partners from the total population. Fictitiously, we standardize this upper limit to 1.
We transform this Basic Dimension into genetic adaptability:
Which is the outbreeding axis in the figure below. We assign the inbreeding part to the second axis:

So, we split the Basic Dimension into two axes, which can be independent (orthogonal) but need not be (sharp angle).
We assign independence artificially if we want to calculate the plain effects of both axes, inbreeding and outbreeding, on the Muslim faith leaving their interaction for a third axis. But actually, later on we will define both axes as heavily dependent under a sharp angle, to reflect their real character on the Muslim faith, incorporating their interaction into the sharp angle:
Going another step further and merging Sexual Religion (SR, inbreeding) with Human Religion (HR, Islam), we create a big schizophrenic mess, which features the Muslim faith, and then both axes are totally confounded and dependent:
Thus, in the end we let Sexual Religion (SR, inbreeding and outbreeding) interact with Human Religion (HR, Desert Religions). As follows, we combine outbreeding with the parallel universe, which is a-sexual for Christians and Jews, but heavily sexualized for Muslim males. The Muslim faith is the only Desert Religion in which the afterlife falls back to sexuality:

So now the combinations of HR and SR are heavily confounded, which means that the axes cannot be orthogonal any longer.
Inbreeding and outbreeding lead to different sexual relationships. Females are born with an outbreeding instinct and must be forced into SM-dyad, a sadomasochistic relationship. On the other hand, in outbreeding cultures males and females agree on Vanilla-dyad, without harassing females:
We take the mirror image from above plane:
Muslim male religion sets up to honor killings
Simplified model:
What we call 'Islam' (pink) actually implies a second religion: Inbreeding (red). That settles the matter. Muslims have an umbrella belief called the Muslim Faith, consisting of a Sexual Religion (SR) called Inbreeding and a Human Religion (HR) called Islam. That is the key to understanding this drama on worldformat.
Originally, Desert Religions countered inbreeding and advocated a-sexuality in the parallel universe by resurrection. But Muslim males failed and changed the parallel universe into outbreeding:
(Well, there were a lot of other reasons for the parallel universe to be found on this blog.)
FULL MODEL: Between the Muslim faith (HR), Islam (HR) and Inbreeding (SR) are numerous unchecked interactions:
Studying Islam is a methodological disaster:
Christianity is easy, since it broke with inbreeding and incest and was only embraced by outbred peoples:

Our conclusion is that Muslim males must be made aware of the possibility of a hidden wish for reincarnation. This may prevent psychotic and misunderstood feelings which burst out in honor killings.
If a daughter refuses her cousin, her body has become worthless for reincarnation. Same if she has been raped by a non-tribal member, or behaves in a Western (adulterous) manner. Then the father, the uncle or the brother is entitled to break SM-dyad into murder and sexual lust. This is decided by inner jurisdiction in the male's head. So she pays her father with her body and may be slaughtered in the most horrible possible way.
Well, try to be empathetic with the father who ever loved his little girl so dearly and also does not understand how that animal came into his mind. And remember, empathy differs completely from sympathy. We cannot win this game by anger and rage alone...
Number Archive

Next, we construct a fictitious scale from zero genetic variability (absolute zero point) like between identical twins to maximum genetic diversity (total outbreeding) from solitary birds, flying around the world and choosing partners from the total population. Fictitiously, we standardize this upper limit to 1.
We transform this Basic Dimension into genetic adaptability:
Which is the outbreeding axis in the figure below. We assign the inbreeding part to the second axis:

So, we split the Basic Dimension into two axes, which can be independent (orthogonal) but need not be (sharp angle).
We assign independence artificially if we want to calculate the plain effects of both axes, inbreeding and outbreeding, on the Muslim faith leaving their interaction for a third axis. But actually, later on we will define both axes as heavily dependent under a sharp angle, to reflect their real character on the Muslim faith, incorporating their interaction into the sharp angle:
Going another step further and merging Sexual Religion (SR, inbreeding) with Human Religion (HR, Islam), we create a big schizophrenic mess, which features the Muslim faith, and then both axes are totally confounded and dependent:
Thus, in the end we let Sexual Religion (SR, inbreeding and outbreeding) interact with Human Religion (HR, Desert Religions). As follows, we combine outbreeding with the parallel universe, which is a-sexual for Christians and Jews, but heavily sexualized for Muslim males. The Muslim faith is the only Desert Religion in which the afterlife falls back to sexuality:

So now the combinations of HR and SR are heavily confounded, which means that the axes cannot be orthogonal any longer.
Inbreeding and outbreeding lead to different sexual relationships. Females are born with an outbreeding instinct and must be forced into SM-dyad, a sadomasochistic relationship. On the other hand, in outbreeding cultures males and females agree on Vanilla-dyad, without harassing females:
Muslim male religion sets up to honor killings
What we call 'Islam' (pink) actually implies a second religion: Inbreeding (red). That settles the matter. Muslims have an umbrella belief called the Muslim Faith, consisting of a Sexual Religion (SR) called Inbreeding and a Human Religion (HR) called Islam. That is the key to understanding this drama on worldformat.
Originally, Desert Religions countered inbreeding and advocated a-sexuality in the parallel universe by resurrection. But Muslim males failed and changed the parallel universe into outbreeding:
(Well, there were a lot of other reasons for the parallel universe to be found on this blog.)
So, the diagram of the model below means that Muslims have two sorts of religion:
The Myth of Paradise on the left (red) handles about the earthly afterlife through inbreeding. Only males reincarnating into the same genetic constellation from the tribe will be save. And that's why cousin marriages are enforced. If a girl does not want to serve as an incubator of family semen, then a conflict on life and death arises between the father and his daughter. Because then she makes his afterlife impossible and he has to roam through the universe for ever. That is his unconscious fear. Enough for killing her in a psychosis.
The Myth of Paradise on the left (red) handles about the earthly afterlife through inbreeding. Only males reincarnating into the same genetic constellation from the tribe will be save. And that's why cousin marriages are enforced. If a girl does not want to serve as an incubator of family semen, then a conflict on life and death arises between the father and his daughter. Because then she makes his afterlife impossible and he has to roam through the universe for ever. That is his unconscious fear. Enough for killing her in a psychosis.
And because her womb no longer has any function for his afterlife he is entitled to take revenge by Sexual Scales of Religion, meaning SM-dyad will be decomposed into murder and sexual lust again. Then, he slaughters her in the most brutal and horrible way possible. Great fun for dad, her paps, as kind of compensation. He is in a psychosis:
But the problem is males do not understand what is happening in their mind. Because, in Islam the belief in earthly reincarnation is forbidden on pain of death. So, the reason for inbreeding is suppressed for already 1400 years. And insight only comes with knowledge.
But the problem is males do not understand what is happening in their mind. Because, in Islam the belief in earthly reincarnation is forbidden on pain of death. So, the reason for inbreeding is suppressed for already 1400 years. And insight only comes with knowledge.
The pink religion on the right side is the faith in Allah of the parallel universe what is enforced by Islam on pain of death in history. As said, for Muslim males Heaven means outbreeding with 72 virgins from other tribes. And now we see Islam has created an enormous conflict because Islam is only 1400 years old, while reincarnation by inbreeding has become a human instinct for 2.2 million years and comes from Homo erectus. This inbreeding instinct can only be diluted by outbreeding with exogamous peoples.
So, the conclusion is that Islam has no natural credit, no real authority among believers and must be enforced on pain of death. But that cannot wipe out the inbreeding instinct from millions of years old.
So, the conclusion is that Islam has no natural credit, no real authority among believers and must be enforced on pain of death. But that cannot wipe out the inbreeding instinct from millions of years old.
This is the psychotic and schizophrenic constellation of Islam, to cherish two incompatible religions ...
Only for illustration below we give the full tentative model of the religious mess created by Islam. Nobody is to blame for this tragic situation, because Muslims cannot wipe out their inbreeding instinct without merging with outbred populations. It is all much more complicated and extensively analyzed on this blog.
So, again, the Muslim faith is a real tragedy and nobody is to blame. The only way to repair this situation is to make earthly reincarnation by inbreeding consciously again for Muslim males. And if possible Islam must become somewhat more permissive for its dual religion. Just like Abraham, see the real significance of this myth on this blog. Then I expect an enormous decrease in honor killings, because the unconscious psychosis will disappear, causing honor killings in the first place...
So, you can skip the full model:
FULL MODEL: Between the Muslim faith (HR), Islam (HR) and Inbreeding (SR) are numerous unchecked interactions:
Studying Islam is a methodological disaster:
Christianity is easy, since it broke with inbreeding and incest and was only embraced by outbred peoples:

And think about it, males who have no contact with each other all are doing the same thing killing their daughters en masse, not really knowing what they are doing. That's no coincidence. In Pakistan, thousands of honor killings a year. So, there must be an underlying trait, definitely as strong as an instinct.
This blog made an in dept study of the Muslim male mind and not for nothing concluded to a general cause for honor killings. Who is as mad as to slaughter his own daughter is unconsciously in a fight for life and death with her. If the father cannot reincarnate into her (tribal) offspring, he must roam for ever through the universe. That is his big and unconscious fear.
So, the reasons for honor killings are real but ill founded on quicksand. It must be an inbreeding instinct that is frustrated by daughters not willing to serve as incubators for family semen. The point is the inbreeding instinct has been formed in an era when males only dared to reincarnate into their own tribe, with the same genetic constellation, resulting from severe inbreeding.
If a daughter refuses her cousin, her body has become worthless for reincarnation. Same if she has been raped by a non-tribal member, or behaves in a Western (adulterous) manner. Then the father, the uncle or the brother is entitled to break SM-dyad into murder and sexual lust. This is decided by inner jurisdiction in the male's head. So she pays her father with her body and may be slaughtered in the most horrible possible way.
Well, try to be empathetic with the father who ever loved his little girl so dearly and also does not understand how that animal came into his mind. And remember, empathy differs completely from sympathy. We cannot win this game by anger and rage alone...
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