Wednesday 19 January 2022

(421) Don't put the father in jail for his son's honor killing

Basic Dimension

(421) Don't put the father in jail for his son's honor killing

Until now, it has been assumed that honor killings are passed on from father to son through cultural transference. As a result, fathers are severely punished for the honor killing of their sons. But that's unfair. 

Honor killings are taboo in Islam and do not belong to the Quran. They belong to the former inbreeding culture. But it is true that Islam's inflexible attitude to reincarnation has fueled the boom in honor killings in the last 1,400 years. 

Until recently, there was virtually no contact between families in rural Pakistan. Cultural transfer was therefore simply not common nor possible. And that casts doubt on the cultural transfer hypothesis.

According to this blog cultural transference is an unnecessary and insufficient 
premise to explain honor killings. 

Insufficient, because no brother would kill his sister only at the insistence of his father. He must also possess the inner urge to kill. 

Unnecessary, because the reincarnation instinct already offers sufficient explanation. 

Cultural transference is at best an accompanying phenomenon on the way to honor killings. So, the cultural transference hypothesis can be rejected as fundamental cause of honor killings over the last 1,400 years.

According to this blog, it is not cultural transference that causes honor killings, but a hereditary transmissible sexual instinct for reincarnation projected onto Muslim women from the own family. This chain of sexual instincts began two million years ago with Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), who invented the soul and reincarnation.

And this instinct is based on the sexual connection of reincarnation with the birth process (breeding), bringing us back to the formula of Human Religion, where HR is a function of Sexual Religion (Breeding): HR=f(SR).  And from breeding we know that honor killings only occurs with Inbreeding.

(Note: Desert Religions are originally meant as outbreeding cultures against reincarnation through inbreeding)

This means that all Muslim males with the inbreeding instinct are capable of murdering a female family member with or without consulting a family council. And not realizing this has led to errors in the judiciary for centuries. Well-known are the extremely long sentences for the fathers of Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim, whose sons - both 27 years - swore that they were not aware of the impending murder.

This blog shows why curves for reincarnation psychosis differ for father and son. All Muslim male reincarnation is fueled by testosterone. Women do not know 'reincarnation out of inbreeding', because they naturally opt for outcrossing:

Besides, it doesn't matter what fathers would command their (both) 27-year-old sons to do, if that was the case. We are dealing with grown men, adults who both deny their father's involvement and maintain that they acted on their own initiative.

Though it is plausible that both victims were discussed negatively in the family council before their honor killing, 'incitement to murder' has no legal basis

Below we see that the person with reincarnation psychosis thinks that the other members of the family council give him moral support for the honor killing against the woman, while the other members - who are not in psychosis - may only express their disapproval for her moral behavior in general:

Those brothers as adult offenders have their own responsibility. Further, fathers can't be punished longer than their sons who committed the murders. It is absurd.

And again, what brother would kill his sister on his father's behalf without having the inner urge to commit the murder? So, they acted on their own behalf based on an inherited sexual instinct.

What has the Belgian Court of Justice decided?

According to the court, the father did not keep his promises to his daughter, as she had to marry her Pakistani fiancée. He chose the worst possible solution to save the honor of his family and had his daughter killed. The fact that he had his son appear to murder Sadia, according to the court, shows a total lack of feelings of guilt.

Comment BD: It will be the case that the father did not keep his promises. But it has not been proven that he 'saved the honor of the family'nor that he had (let) kill his daughter. These are inferences from the premise that honor killings are entirely caused through cultural transmission from father to son, what is still to be proven.

Therefore, the conclusion must be this process is based on circular reasoning:

(230) The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial 

The fight between the conscious and the unconscious

The main problem in Western thinking is the fallacy that Muslims are conscious actors when committing honor killings. This logical error is caused by the descriptive understanding of cultural anthropologists, who asked Muslims straightforwardly the reasons of their honor killings. They described the phenomenological process of honor killings, but did not see the underlying thinking. They just reflected what they observed.

Why do we use the same fallacies as Muslims

Western cultural anthropologists have missed the unconscious cause of honor killings, because the perpetrators themselves had no idea either. They simply wrote down what perpetrators consciously thought. That's why honor killings should be investigated by psychoanalysts, not anthropologists:

And this conscious variant of honor killings comes down to 'honor killing out of hatred, based on the 'chimp male bloodline instinct':

Honor killers have no idea of their unconscious projection of reincarnation, which is frustrated by the "immoral" behavior of women. And they project reincarnation in their victims because they want to reincarnate into their offspring. 

And you only want to reincarnate into something you love, until your sick dream, your sick afterlife projection is distorted by the 'immoral' sexual behavior of the daughter you love so dearly. Then you kill her out if frustration, not hatred, out of sick "love"
(reincarnation killings). 


If Mudusar Sheikh acted alone

Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of Sadia, acknowledged from the beginning that he acted alone:

Mudusar Sheikh reconnaît d'emblée avoir voulu tuer sa soeur précisa avoir agi d’initiative. Il mit hors de cause ses parent et sa soeur Sariya.
Mudusar Sheikh recognizes from the outset that he wanted to kill his sister and said he acted on his own initiative. His parents and sister Sariya were not involved.
Devant la cour d'assises du Hainaut, l'accusé Mudusar Sheikh, le frère de la victime, a confirmé lundi avoir agi de sa propre initiative en assassinant Sadia Sheikh.
In front of the court of assizes of Hainaut, accused Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of the victim, confirmed Monday to have acted on his own by assassinating Sadia Sheikh.
But of course, there will have been family consultation prior to the murder. And of course, all are guilty to a certain degree. But I still miss the major share of the father in the planning of the murder. Even if he anticipated what was going on, and tried to flee to Pakistan, he is not yet the main culprit or principal perpetrator.

Women do not commit honor killings, they escape the dance, because they have no reincarnation projection in the afterlife on the basis of inbreeding, because women hate inbreeding and naturally limit themselves to outbreeding. And therefore, in outbreeding cultures, this projection does not necessarily affect family members. People even think to reincarnate in animals. So, as soon as inbreeding disappears, the sting is pulled from honor killings.


Sadia Sheikh R.I.P.

The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial

Instincts are stronger at younger age. And that gives the odds that Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother of Sadia Sheikh and the brother of Gülsüm Selim were acting on their own initiative when killing their sisters. They needed no instructions from their fathers and may have taken the lead in plotting the murders. According to the Sexual Theory of Religion they needed no instructions since as Muslim males they all have the same eternal projection into the offspring of the tribe. So the brother unconsciously expects to reincarnate into descendants of his sister.

If that would be true it has been wrong to give the father of Sadia a prison sentence of 25 years and Mudusar a sentence of 15 years.

- The 25-year prison sentence for the father is unfounded, compared to the 15 year for Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother who killed Sadia:

All Muslim males are honor killers

All Muslim male family members are equivalent honor killers.
- Brothers need no parental approval to kill their sisters.
- Your brother is an inexperienced young male who does not know his own instincts. He is much more dangerous than your father, so never trust him.
- That is the flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial.
- The 25-year prison sentence for the father is unfounded, compared to the 15 year for Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother who killed Sadia:

This is the theoretical flaw in the Sadia Sheik trial. Both fathers (of Sadia and Gülsüm) denied participation in the actual murder. Mudusar and Tahira also denied the role of the father. That is no proof, of course, but does Belgian justice have proof of the opposite?

Mudusar Sheikh (27 ans, 15 years), le frère, Tariq Mahmood Sheikh (62 ans, 25 years), le père, Sariya Sheikh (22 ans, 5 years) la soeur cadette, et Parveen Zahida (59 ans, 20 years), la mère de Sadia Sheikh.

Of course they all are guilty to a certain degree, but that is a different matter. We must keep the law in Western society. We must prove that the fathers are complicit in plotting but also in performing the murder. And for plotting the murder we must estimate better who had the lead, the father or the son.

Mahmood Sheikh Tariq and Parveen Zahida were convicted by the assisenhof van Namen to prison sentences of 25 and 15 years for the murder of their daughter Sadia in October 2007. The jury ruled that the parents acted with an unacceptable disregard for human life, in the special for the life of their own daughter.

According to the court, the father did not keep his promises to his daughter, as she had to marry her Pakistani fiancée. He chose the worst possible solution to save the honor of his family and had his daughter killed. The fact that he had his son appear to murder Sadia, according to the court, shows a total lack of feelings of guilt.

Emotional blackmail

The court then accused the mother of Sadia of emotional blackmail. "She used the influence she had on her son to convince him to kill his sister."

Sadia's sister, Tahira, disputes the verdict. According to her, the court is afraid of the community to which the family belongs. She also emphasized that nothing indicates that her parents are guilty.


Gülsüm Selim: (strangled and beaten to death with a bar)

Gülsüm, Rest In Peace

Both fathers (of Sadia and Gülsüm) deny participation in the actual murder. Of course they are guilty to a certain degree, but that is a different matter. We must keep the law in Western society. We must prove that the fathers are complicit in plotting but also in performing the murder. And for plotting the murder we must estimate better who had the lead, the father or the son.


But this is the most likely reason:

2: Females blocking earthly reincarnation

The most likely reason for honor killings is the frustration of the father's eternal life projection by the refusal of his daughter (sister) to serve as incubator of family semen (cousin marriages). The father (or brother) unconsciously wants to reincarnate into his own family, in which family genes are saturated as much as possible, with as less outcrossing as needed. He wants to preserve his identity in the afterlife, after reincarnation into your offspring.

Assumption 339
Honor killings are caused by females blocking earthly reincarnation expectancy of Muslim males.

The father and the son are both Muslim males - from the male kin bonded lineage - and both unconsciously expect to reincarnate into inbred offspring because of their inbreeding instinct on the Y-chromosome.

This means honor killings can be a joint action of father and son, both males. This might have been the case with Sadia Sheikh, but her brother stressed he acted alone. That would be the flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial where the father got the highest prison sentence of 25 years. In our view the 27 year old brother can certainly have acted alone.

Also it is known the brother of Gülsüm Selim butchered their sister down with a bar after gruesome strangling.

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