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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

(422) Women don't commit honor killings

Basic Dimension

(422) Women don't commit honor killings

From these pictures we infer that the male bloodline instinct is testosterone driven. Males from other tribes are killed, but young females are allowed to travel among chimpanzee tribes:

The male kin line of chimps simply shows a multiplied Alpha male effect, which is expressed in all males and that led to inbreeding as a religion:

What we see is that Inbreeding is the natural male religion for bipedal primates:

While females hate inbreeding and opt for outcrossing. Reason why inbreeding cultures always need strong SM-dyad as husband-wife model to force women into inbreeding and incest, while polytheistic cultures (outbreeding) tend more towards Vanilla-dyad:

In inbreeding cultures, women's DNA is plowed back into the male bloodline (cousin marriages), which is a terrible violation of nature's intent:

And now we understand why reincarnation - born in the realm of the bloodline instinct - is also based on inbreeding and testosterone. (Of course we also know reincarnation with outbreeding (Voodoo, Ancient Greeks), but that is not what this blog is about. In the latter case there is no honor killing.)

Honor killings from the conscious and reincarnation killings from the unconscious are both powered by testosterone. So, women are not instinctively involved in honor killings or reincarnation killings:

But it is possible for women to assist in honor killings, for example through social pressure and indoctrination, but then they do not act out of a sexual instinct.

Women can also be forced to take responsibility for the honor killing, because otherwise sanctions from the male perpetrator threaten.

Mothers can also take the blame to exonerate their minor son.

* It is an open question whether the mother or the brother killed Mirjam. I have the feeling this has not been properly investigated. There is no verifiable criminal investigation report and the scenario provided is illogical.

Other types, such as honor killings [murder resulting from the belief that a female family member's behavior has brought shame or dishonor upon the family] were carried out mostly by men but also sometimes by women.

Comment BD: It has been believed that the urge for honor killings has always been passed on culturally. That includes mothers, sisters and aunts. But the Sexual Model of Religion argues that honor killings are caused by an unconscious male sexual instinct based on reincarnation from inbreeding. While women are naturally inclined towards outcrossing. Then only a very small group of women could have been culturally indoctrinated to murder their daughter, sister or niece, without unconscious sexual drive.

In the case shown (Mirjam Abarkan), the mother was divorced and the father lived elsewhere. The mother was mentally unstable but independent in her performance. No signs of a family tribunal (premeditation) have been found, but Miriam was known as the black sheep, the outcast of the family.

- So in Muslim culture it is males who express a sexual instinct for reincarnation by inbreeding.

- They are males whose ego-theism is forbidden by Islam:

- They are males whose reincarnation projection has been relegated to the unconscious:

- In Islam, it is males who have learned to hate women for their power as gatekeepers from reincarnation and resurrection:

- They are males who develop virtually no empathy with women:

- It is males who have developed a split conscience. Females follow polytheism:

Assumption 68: In humans, the number of gods in the archetype of God is by nature unlimited (polytheism), with SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) of the space of gods. By testosterone (monotheism) this number of god factors is gradually restricted to one dimension, called SM-dyad or Allah construct. With estrogen multi-dimensionality remains unaffected. This means that males tend to monotheism and females to polytheism. 


- It is women with an unencumbered and smaller unconscious who exercise actual power over males:


Assumption 77: Because the God of monotheism is defined as a known but unknown parameter (angle) from His Principal Axis in the space of (tribal) gods, the system of equations of paradise culture actually seemed unresolved. Nevertheless the n-space of tribes was reduced to a by tribal heads accepted single dimension: monotheism. Knowing that hatred and hostility is the most common factor among Bedouin tribes, God and Allah must be based also on hatred and hostility. Hence, God and Allah are personifications of Sadism on the throne, and the real nature of monotheism must be sadomasochism.


- This, because males in their unconscious have a highly distorted view of reality, necessarily based on magical thinking, what reincarnation really is:

So what do we make of Islam's contribution to Muslim culture? They aggravated hatred between the sexes enormously. It is not quite clear whether that has been their intention. But to repair this religious damage the following is necessary:

- Reincarnation must be recognized alongside resurrection, which would make Islam polytheistic:

- Adam's expulsion from heaven must be reversed so that males are more inclined to accept resurrection:

- Sharia must be replaced by fair legislation that is not intended to oppress women, despite fine words that it protects them:

- If Islam does not change from monotheism to polytheism, it will fall apart simply because indoctrination loses control of the people. Islam faces the same fate as Christianity, and the Muslim faith will disintegrate into its constituent groups, even this century:

The Downfall of the Muslim Faith

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