Basic Dimension
(456) Death penalty for Honor Killing and Femicide
A nation that does not protect its women is a cowardly nation
Late Christian self-interest in ethics: male masochism.
Ethics is never value-free. Ethics assigns pain and without pain there is no ethics. But someone can also be selfish and masochistically decide not to execute any woman murderer and thus enter heaven as merciful and forgiving. But realize that it is young Muslim women who pay the price:
Morally corrupt Christians in the Western world let young Muslim women kill by fathers and brothers, because the legal system fails. The legal system in the Western world is an ethical Swiss cheese, guilty of injustice and looks like it was created for and by criminals. Saving the lives of women killers is basically killing more women. Why?
Are Christians secretly sacrificing women to Satan? Do they enjoy slaughtering women? What's really in the soul of our so called Christians? And that's what we call cowardly Christianity, ruled by men feeling as masochistic women with ass up:
Those males feel like women and therefore cannot protect women, because they are not real males. They are morally castrated by the Bible. With Christian legislation in the Western world remains the pain of injustice after the judiciary gives woman murderers actually a free pass to the Hotel of Jail. They are cared for until death and paid with the blood of their female victims. That's our masochistic concept of ethics: Live like Jesus and look away from the slaughter of women. Is that right? Do they fancy SM-dyad? Is that ethics? Shame on you.
Or is that kind of 'ethics' a masochistic form of self-interest in which Christian males are prepared to pay murderers of women with the blood of their victims?
It is a masochistic disgrace that unbalanced our legal system. It became a mockery of law in which women are not really protected by feminized masochistic males who actually only have their own kingdom of heaven in mind: Let women die like Jesus, as long as Christians get to heaven without executing anybody. Shame on you!
Here is the ultimate step to stop honor killings:
The great mistake of Western society in rejecting the death penalty is that it fails to understand that proactively threatening with the death penalty in the event of an impending honor killing reaches the primitive lower brain centers in the Limbic Brain and activates the body alarm.
For honor killings, in combination with effective education at elementary schools and good guidance of Muslim girls, we might prevent most reincarnation psychoses in the future.
As follows:
- If a father forces his daughter into a forced marriage or otherwise harasses her, she must seek help. After an intake interview the government intervention organization decides in consultation with the girl what action will be taken. This can lead at some point to the father and/or her brothers being legally implemented into a forced honor killing education program, which honor killing, if realized, will irrevocably lead to the death penalty of the perpetrators.
- The daughter therefore decides for herself when she comes under legal supervision, and after consultation this may also apply to her father and/or brothers.
- In all cases, the girl is strongly advised against warning her father herself about his possible death penalty after honor killing.
- The purpose of this sequence of events is that the warning of the death penalty is given when the father is already deep in his reincarnation psychosis, because then the corrective effect is greatest at his deep Limbic Brain.
- What is happening here is that the government is setting up a fixed structure to get grip on possible events.
- In addition and as a general measure, the Muslim community should be informed about the Chimpanzee Male Bloodline from brothers and Reincarnation psychosis of fathers already in primary education:
If religion is defined as a sexual instinct focused on reproduction, breeding or propagation, then testosterone is the religious impetus for males, which decreases due to aging. Subsequently, lack of testosterone is replaced by sexual fantasies. In evolution bipedal primates postulated the soul and the hereafter through reincarnation. This process took place with Homo erectus, the first real human.
Reincarnation is a sexual fantasy, as is 'perpetual orgasm' from a never ending sexual drive. This made perpetual orgasm the holy grail of male religion. Perpetual orgasm is the real purpose of male religion.
Because of Islam, reincarnation became an oppressed fantasy in the unconscious of Muslim males. The same applies to perpetual orgasm, which was made obsolete by Desert Religions because the afterlife was defined as a-sexual.
But when a sexual instinct as reincarnation is suppressed into an unconscious sexual fantasy, a reincarnation psychosis can arise when daughters refuse to meet their father's religious (read: sexual) wishes, such as to marry their cousins. This can result in honor killing:
On the other hand, if we stubbornly refuse the death penalty for femicide and honor killings, know that Christians are making actually an annual blood sacrifice to their God by being merciful to women murderers. It is no easy choice, ethics always concerns extreme difficult choices. And if femicide and honor killing get out of hand, it becomes harder to put the genie back in the bottle.
Below we see the death penalty entering the Limbic Brain, which is suppressed by Islam:
Western society misses the difference between unsensitive psychopaths and reincarnation psychotics, the latter of which are in disarray by cognitive dissonance between reincarnation in their unconscious lower brain and the indoctrinated resurrection in their Neo Cortex.
The difference is that psychopaths might have an idea of their deeper self which is in agreement with their Neo Cortex and reincarnation psychotics have not. In their Neo Cortex, psychopaths are not impressed by the death penalty, but reincarnation psychotics will be shocked in their Limbic Brain.
How it came to this:
In the time of the first bipedal primates (10 million years ago) every male was his own God insofar as he operated solitarily and not in groups. This is what we call EGO-theism:
In the time of Homo erectus (2.2 million years ago) this was still the case when 'reincarnation through inbreeding' took shape. The Hypothalamus and the Amygdala took their current form at that time, because no major developments in human religion have been registered since then:
From Homo erectus on we call EGO-theism in inbreeding cultures: serial monotheism. Serial monotheism means that tribal or family heads, who were all male, were independent gods who projected their own afterlife into the tribe:
And that is why a father in his reincarnation psychosis feels that he still has the right to kill a woman, for example his daughter. If his daughter then would object that killing her would lead to his death sentence, the deeper Limbic Brain that feeds his reincarnation psychosis would be disrupted. And then he could certainly kill her, because she has no authority. Therefore it is explicitly forbidden to threaten her father with the death penalty.
Any threat to her father in this situation is life-threatening:
Here we see that the 'honor killer in the making' innocently thinks from his unconscious Limbic system that he has the natural right to kill any female family member at will. That's simply evolution and he unconsciously does not know better...
Now we are at a crucial point in this anamnesis:
The father knows he is wrong from his Neo Cortex (Islam: resurrection in heaven), but feels he is right in his Limbic Brain (Homo erectus: reincarnation on Earth):
And here you see that his unconscious gave him permission to kill his daughter, whereupon he misinterpreted the conscious discussion in the family council with the other members, because he thought they agreed with him. But if so, then female members are indoctrinated and will agree without having the reincarnation instinct themselves, because that comes forth from the male bloodline of the chimpanzees:
We conclude that the daughter has no natural authority to awaken her father from his ideas from his Dissociative Identity (DID) in the Limbic system. And that is where Western ethics makes its biggest mistake by thinking that Muslim girls can help themselves.
It is fine to cherish the finest Christian ethic values in the world but that should not be at the cost of millions of human lives. So, as an example, if you open the gates of Europe you are ethically responsible for all the drowned Africans in the Mediterranean.
Take your responsibility.
And if you dig wells in the Sahel and Sudan, more and more Negroes will be born, they will all die of starvation and at some point you will have created a horrible problem yourself. Take your responsibility.
And if you fancy abortion rights in the USA, remember that Ayn Rand only meant to diminish the Negro population. Take your responsibility.
Honor killing is a struggle on life and death:
Moment of intervention:
The father becomes uncertain about his unconscious feeling of being able to reach his afterlife through the death of his daughter. And that is the moment where the death penalty must throws sand in the machine of the unconscious. That's the moment of intervention:
We need to move towards a situation where Muslim boys and girls at elementary school already learn about the Chimpanzee Male Bloodline and Reincarnation Psychosis. They also must be made known the death penalty for femicide and honor killings.
Dutch parliament, take responsibility, because honor killings happen under your watch:
1: Keep legal liability to honor killing.
2: But, postpone moral liability until the official declaration of the unconscious as main cause of honor killing. Without the unconscious there is no solution for honor killings.
3: Prevent fatal estimation errors by informing Muslim girls correctly about the nature of honor killing.
4: Set up a government intervention organization to accommodate and support Muslim girls, which should be much more than sheltered housing.
Honor killers who were aware of their motives at the time of the act and for whom DID cannot offer any mitigating circumstances, are immediately and fully liable morally and judicially for the murder. I am referring here to murder based on the Chimpanzee Male Bloodline supplemented by cousin marriages, committed by brothers and young males up to the age of 30.
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