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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

(462) Plan of attack on Honor Killing

 Basic Dimension

(462) Plan of attack on Honor Killing

In order to combat honor killings, one must first have a theoretical model. To my knowledge, this is the first theoretical model in the world that explains honor killings, including points of attack for effective counteraction. I would now like to briefly present theory and counteraction to you. It is all a bit clearer on

(456) Death penalty for Honor Killing and Femicide.


To be found on this blog:



1: Homo sapiens is divided into two subspecies of Inbreeding and Outbreeding:

So far, under the leadership of Amnesty International (2025), it is still thought that honor killings are based on 'old customs'. That may be true, but that is a meaningless conclusion that frustrates any intellectual urge for further research.

I think that bipedal primates diverged quite quickly into two subspecies of Hominids 10 million years ago, in which they either inbred or outbred. Up until then, only outbreeding was the norm in nature. This means that there is a paradigm shift underlying the sexual behavior of bipedal primates compared to other animals.

The sexuality of the other animals is still focused on outbreeding and is called on this blog: animal religion.

But the most important thing about animal religion or animal sexuality is that it is focused on reproduction, on the birth process, on breeding choice, on procreation or reproduction. An example of animal religion is therefore reincarnation (rebirth but then in another person through the birth process).

In contrast, religion can also not be focused on the birth process and then we speak of human religion or human sexuality. An example of this is resurrection (resurrection in one's own DNA (Islam) or in one's own spirit without birth process (Christianity).

The difference between human religion (resurrection without birth) and animal religion (reincarnation: rebirth in another being) is at the root of the solution to honor killing.

So here it is concluded that animal religion of the hominins was focused on inbreeding and/or outbreeding. Outbreeding has been in the Reptilian brain for 600 million years where all inbreeding has now died out:

So outbreeding is in the Reptilian Brain and inbreeding is at least in the Limbic Brain, together with reincarnation, where over millions of years they have become two very strong and ineradicable sexual instincts, both focused on the birth process.

So only religion that is conditioned to the birth process, that is, animal religion, has led to rock-solid sexual instincts in the Limbic Brain.

In contrast, religion without a birth process, that is, human religion, leads at most to temporary habits in the Limbic Brain for the duration of the believer's own life.

So reincarnation is a transferable sexual instinct in the Limbic Brain, while resurrection is just an empty word that must be indoctrinated into each new generation for the rest of time. This has been happening for 1400 years by Islam. However, resurrection can enter the Limbic Brain as a fleeting habit during the life of the individual, but it is not transferable to descendants.

And so reincarnation must have been repressed into the unconscious of the Limbic Brain among the Muslim population for 1400 years by indoctrination with resurrection in heaven through Islam.

In the early years of Islam, the Caliphs exterminated reincarnation believers as far as Pakistan, which became completely Islamic.

Our conclusion is therefore that a touch of resurrection can indeed be found in the Limbic Brain, but only as a habit and not as an indelible sexual instinct. Because this resurrection is not involved in the birth process. Resurrection is therefore by definition not a sexual instinct, but only a powerless word.

Animal sexuality is exclusively in the lower brain regions of the animal kingdom such as the Limbic Brain and the Reptilian Brain. I would like to add that human religion, because it is not aimed at procreation, remains trapped in the Neo Cortex, in which it must be permanently indoctrinated and does not stick over the generations:

Again, habit formation can indeed descend to the Limbic Brain but it never becomes a sexual instinct there because it is not an animal religion. A tragic example of human religion is resurrection, because resurrection by definition has nothing to do with the birth process. Resurrection was invented precisely to make reincarnation through inbreeding redundant because of the many autosomal recessive disorders in Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) with its degenerated genome.

Two million years ago Homo erectus (2 Mya; 900 cc) discovered 'reincarnation supplemented with the soul' in order to be able to reincarnate again in one's own tribe:

Reincarnation is the greatest intellectual religious achievement of bipeds and when one integrates that into evolution one gets a belief that is completely based on animal religion in the Limbic Brain: i.e. 'reincarnation by inbreeding' or outbreeding. With that Homo erectus was the first human with reincarnation by inbreeding or outbreeding, where both are animal religions.

After reincarnation, no new religious evolution occurred in the Limbic Brain. And that means that - cutting corners - honor killings in the unconscious of Muslims must also be based on reincarnation through inbreeding.

My conclusion is that honor killing by inbreeding - as a combined sexual instinct - must be fully explained from the deeper layers of the Limbic Brain. From here I also develop the attack strategy on honor killing.

Homo erectus (2 Mya; 900 cc) simply built on the inbreeding culture - previously without reincarnation - of the first bipedal primates (10 Mya; 300 cc).

The old custom of 'honor killing by inbreeding' therefore goes back to the moment that bipeds climbed out of the trees. Which would mean that the said 'old custom' is actually based on a paradigm shift with the animal world regarding animal religion.

In closer examination, 'honor killing by inbreeding' is caused by a failed but desired addition by the father of the Chimpanzee Male Bloodline with the ploughed back female stock DNA (Eve) into the male bloodline. Women who refused to 'marry their cousin' were and are still being killed en masse by honor killings.

All this would mean that the previous inbreeding culture of Islam was one of the last offshoots of another human species that was not focused on outbreeding. So that all started 10 million years ago, where for comparison chimpanzees and bonobos only separated 2 million years ago.

Both religions led to completely different views on life and death and the relationship between men and womenInbreeding and outbreeding cultures can therefore in my opinion integrate into the Neo Cortex but certainly not assimilate into the Limbic Brain.

In other words:

The bottom line is that inbreeding for 'family honor' is not just an old custom, but must originate from a split in breeding choice that occurred 10 million years ago and led to two subspecies of bipeds up to and including the later Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc): Inbreeding and outbreeding therefore concern subspecies that are completely different in life and can integrate into the Neo Cortex but cannot assimilate into the Limbic Brain and the Reptilian Brain.

Now the next step to truly understanding honor killing:

2: Animal religion:

Animal sexuality has been involved in reproduction, in the birth process or breeding for 600 million years. Therefore it is found in the reptilian brain for outbreeding and in the Limbic Brain for (sexual instincts, emotions and feelings).

Example: reincarnation is conditioned on the birth process for those who have believed in it for 2 million years and reincarnation is therefore now also found in the Limbic Brain. The previous inbreeding culture of Islam was and is therefore in my opinion genetically differentiated from outbreeding in the Limbic Brain.

3: Human religion:

Human religion is found in Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) and is not tied to the birth process. Ancient history is peppered with kings and emperors virtually resurrected in the farthest stars (Mesopotamia, Egypt).

Example: resurrection in heaven or the stars is without birth process. The current religion of Islam is also based on resurrection in heaven with Allah, to judge the ethical walk on earth.

4: Split personality = Split brain:   Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

In my opinion honor killings stem from the fact that the Muslim faith is based on two different religions that are incompatible: Inbreeding and outbreeding. Reincarnation on earth and resurrection in heaven. Animal religion in the Limbic brain and human religion in the Neo Cortex:

Islam suppressed reincarnation for 1400 years on pain of death and in the early years the Caliphs exterminated reincarnation believers beyond Pakistan.

Where does honor killing come from?

In the previous inbreeding culture of Islam, the arbitrariness of the tribal head still reigned from the early years of the Hominids, 10 million years ago. As the sole ruler of the group, he had the right and the duty to judge and execute tribe members at his own discretion. This is called EGO-theism on this blog. That instinct is still in the Limbic Brain of this group and from that the honor killer derives his unconscious right to rape and murder his daughter at will.

But what was the most normal thing in the world for 10 million years is now suddenly a criminal act. And that is also the reason why honor killers in court, bewildered and confused, try to understand why the murder of their daughter feels good and right inside, while they now also realize that this is now apparently considered unacceptable.

In fact, honor killers therefore have a split brain (DID), in which the Limbic brain unconsciously continues to function as an antagonist of the Neo Cortex:

(456) Death penalty for Honor Killing and Femicide 


It is our task to bring this unconscious part of the brain back into the memory of the would-be honor killer in time - but at the right moment - so that the murder of his daughter can be prevented. To do this, we must address the father at the moment of severe regression in the deepest caverns of the Limbic Brainsevere reincarnation psychosis.

The father wants reincarnation in his descendants but not in those of his renegade daughter who does not want to serve as an incubator of family seed. He wants to kill her and then live on to provide himself with a better prospect of reincarnation later on. Then he looks for a better chance with other female relatives, at least that is what plays unconsciously through his mind.

At the moment of severe reincarnation psychosis, threatening him with life imprisonment has little effect because it does not endanger his reincarnation projection. But the death penalty, the termination of his life before he has completed his reincarnation projection, does appeal to him in his Limbic Brain. That is why full blown reincarnation psychosis is the best moment to threaten him with the death penalty:

At the moment that the daughter herself realizes the seriousness of the situation and goes to the Government-established Intervention Bureau, the seriousness of the situation is immediately assessed by means of an intake interview. And that will be a dangerous 'severe reincarnation psychosis'

In the case of 'moderate reincarnation psychosis' intervention may still be premature and even endanger the girl. The decision on any intervention is up to this Intervention Bureau.

If it comes to an intervention, the father is arrested and addressed in the language of evolution. If he kills his daughter, he too will be put to death and can immediately start life after deathbut without having realized his reincarnation projection.

This deeply affects the father because the death penalty leaves him uncertain about his reincarnation, which is yet to be prepared.

The girl is then of course immediately removed from the home and the father is placed under strict supervision.



Dutch parliament, take responsibility, because honor killings happen under your watch:


1: Keep legal liability to honor killing.
2: But, postpone moral liability until the official declaration of the unconscious as main cause of honor killing. Without the unconscious there is no solution for honor killings.
3: Prevent fatal estimation errors by informing Muslim girls correctly about the nature of honor killing. 
4: Set up a Government Intervention Organization to accommodate and support Muslim girls, which should be much more than sheltered housing.

Honor killers who were aware of their motives at the time of the act and for whom DID cannot offer any mitigating circumstances, are immediately and fully liable morally and judicially for the murder. I am referring here to murder based on the Chimpanzee Male Bloodline supplemented by cousin marriages, committed by brothers and young males up to the age of 30.


It will take a long time before Western European Christians realize that the death penalty is indeed irrevocable and that mistakes are made, but that ultimately mercifully left alive murderers were able to kill Muslim women.

Ethics are certainly not value-free, ethics is the allocation of pain. You want to spare the perpetrators and let the girls be murdered? And you want to go to heaven? Go ahead and be a true Christian who is merciful and does not kill others. But remember that you are indeed complicit in murder. And it will take a long time before this realization sinks in in Western Europe...

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