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Endogamous evolution
Seven million years ago, the first Homininae set up tribal endogamies. In evolution, however,
tribal endogamy went on to ethnic endogamy, what process is described very well in Genesis.
Tribal endogamy lost much of its group identity on its way to ethnic endogamy. Family ties were cut off and ancestors no more reincarnated in their own tribe. One of the main benefits of tribal endogamy is lost in evolution.
Ethnic endogamy was an antidote against autosomal recessive disorders caused by inbreeding and incest and led to religious scale magnification.
As tribal endogamies increased they lost more and more of their original identity. Eventually they evolved into religious endogamies, where members had to marry within their religion.
The extreme aggression of Paradise culture after its transition to Islam is largely because it has switched from ethnic to religious endogamy.
Nowadays endogamies as Islam derive their group identity only from external enemies.
Bad qualities hated in their own character are ascribed to others. Muslims hate Jews what is quite understandable. Everything blamed to Jews is Muslims self a burden. And everything Jews possess feels as a lack.
The more diffuse endogamies are, the more they need external foes. Islam developed into a watered-down religious endogamy. Hence, the Muslim culture would fall apart by making peace with Israel.
A tribal endogamy is naturally a small and closed group. And one cannot achieve with impunity its dissolution to ethnic endogamy and certainly latest transition from Paradise culture to religious endogamy of Islam was a step too far.
Islam is in an existential crisis what she probably will not survive. Islam is not a cohesive group any longer, so the risk is growing that its religious endogamy disintegrates into tribal endogamy again. With religious endogamy Islam overplayed its hand. Slaughtering each other is a solution back to separated tribes.
An endogamy inflates itself as it runs into billions. Islam with 1.5 billion followers is now inflated to a Red Giant and is ready to erupt. Its initial identity of the Homininae no longer exists.
In comparison, scale does not affect exogamous Christianity. Because, exogamies naturally absorb all kinds of endogamy in their multidimensional frame, in which people are equal and equivalent:
Social structure of Islamic culture is defined in the EGO as a compromise between male and female Allah. The balance between man and woman is broken when SM-tetrad disappears.
The intervention of Western powers in Muslim cultures has beaten the SM-tetrad to pieces. SM-dyad remains:
In countries like Libya and Syria only SM-dyad prevails:
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Assumption 187: In Western Europe Muslim-immigration must be stopped immediately and closed groups must be shielded from financial support. If not, Muslims will overrun Christianity as a matter of time.
tribal endogamy went on to ethnic endogamy, what process is described very well in Genesis.
Tribal endogamy lost much of its group identity on its way to ethnic endogamy. Family ties were cut off and ancestors no more reincarnated in their own tribe. One of the main benefits of tribal endogamy is lost in evolution.
Ethnic endogamy was an antidote against autosomal recessive disorders caused by inbreeding and incest and led to religious scale magnification.
As tribal endogamies increased they lost more and more of their original identity. Eventually they evolved into religious endogamies, where members had to marry within their religion.
The extreme aggression of Paradise culture after its transition to Islam is largely because it has switched from ethnic to religious endogamy.
Bad qualities hated in their own character are ascribed to others. Muslims hate Jews what is quite understandable. Everything blamed to Jews is Muslims self a burden. And everything Jews possess feels as a lack.
The more diffuse endogamies are, the more they need external foes. Islam developed into a watered-down religious endogamy. Hence, the Muslim culture would fall apart by making peace with Israel.
Islam is in an existential crisis what she probably will not survive. Islam is not a cohesive group any longer, so the risk is growing that its religious endogamy disintegrates into tribal endogamy again. With religious endogamy Islam overplayed its hand. Slaughtering each other is a solution back to separated tribes.
An endogamy inflates itself as it runs into billions. Islam with 1.5 billion followers is now inflated to a Red Giant and is ready to erupt. Its initial identity of the Homininae no longer exists.
Therefore Islam will explode into religious endogamy and then collapses again into ethnic endogamy to stabilize in tribal endogamy. But then Islam itself will disappear first: Koran and sharia will no longer affect Muslim males and they will fight each other all over the world in search of tribal identity. So Isis with sharia is only a prior step. In short, as it looks now Islam will regress to previous Paradise culture, of which the Muslim criminality in Europe is already a dazzling harbinger.
In comparison, scale does not affect exogamous Christianity. Because, exogamies naturally absorb all kinds of endogamy in their multidimensional frame, in which people are equal and equivalent:
Social structure of Islamic culture is defined in the EGO as a compromise between male and female Allah. The balance between man and woman is broken when SM-tetrad disappears.
By disappearing of SM-tetrad, Koran and Sharia have no effect any longer and Muslim culture disintegrates into chaos. Muslim culture will fall back to Paradise Culture, where no woman god or tetrad existed.
The intervention of Western powers in Muslim cultures has beaten the SM-tetrad to pieces. SM-dyad remains:
In countries like Libya and Syria only SM-dyad prevails:
In Paradise culture SM-dyad stands for murder and manslaughter:
The decrease in strength of sharia in the periphery of Islam might create a deadlock in Western Europe, in which case Islam cannot overpower the exogamy of Christianity:
And Christianity is not able to pierce the armor of endogamous Islam.
This deadlock between endogamy and exogamy creates parallel societies:
But in the long run Islam will lose its binding force and pulverize as Red Giant:
Within Muslim society a basic morality arises independently from sharia. Fanatic Muslims will try to restore Islamic dictatorship with brute force. And in Western society many Muslim males already fell back to criminality without sharia and secular Muslim females will desperately flee to Western society:
On the one hand Islam regresses to its former paradise culture of murder and killing and on the other hand developed women will escape to Enlightenment.
Muslim women will flight in a flock to the western base, causing a civil war between parallel societies by the lack of women.
In the end Christianity will pierce the armor of endogamous Islam and split this society into criminal Muslims and secular Muslim women on their way to atheism.
On Western soil the Muslim population will eventually be split into sadistic men and masochistic women:
This development will take place under one condition:
Assumption 187: In Western Europe Muslim-immigration must be stopped immediately and closed groups must be shielded from financial support. If not, then Muslims will overrun Christianity as a matter of time.
Assumption 187: In Western Europe Muslim-immigration must be stopped immediately and closed groups must be shielded from financial support. If not, then Muslims will overrun Christianity as a matter of time.