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Saturday, 6 December 2014

(19) The Battle of Allahs

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

As long as gods cannot be identified, it is impossible to determine whether two believers have the same God or Allah. Conservative scientists draw the conclusion that there are as many Allahs as there are Muslims

It is true that Muslims talk about Allah as about a joint cultural entity. But that is not a joint identity. And therefore Allah can be seen as a multidimensional domain within the Muslim culture in which major axes as main factors indicate the most important personifications of Allah. 

In the figure below, we see the n-dimensional subject space of believers projected on an m-space of Allah-vectors. If we forget for a while about the dark vertical vectors of Christians in the midst, we have a 1.8 billion n-space of Muslims. These are the light yellow lines left and right, which vectors are projected on two dimensional m-space. But in reality m-space will be multidimensional.

Now, the task is to project these 1.8 billion n-space on an m-space of Allah gods. Already two Allah-vectors in m-space are the orthogonal black arrows to the left and right. And because Islam is a monotheistic religion, out of these Allah-vectors a single principal component or main factor must be chosen representing Allah. That is the horizontal black vector at the bottom. 

Note in the figure below that the extremes of the Allah 1 and 2 vectors (their tops) are projected on the extremes of the horizontal Allah factor, which is the concatenation of the Allah-vectors. Horizontal Allah is the principal factor of the Allah m-vector space. If we would take the vertical axis as principal component we got the Christianity-factor. Then the extremes of Allah 1 and 2 would project in the same direction of the vertical factor. Hence, the horizontal factor highlights the difference between Allah 1 and 2, and the vertical one indicates the similarity. Note that Islam highlights the differences between sexes while Christianity indicates their agreement.

We must reduce a 1.8 billion n-space of believers to a one-dimensional m-space of Allahs. At the start of the analysis Muslims span a 1.8 billion n-space. But we know that many Muslims have little uniqueness, hence they have narrow angles between their vectors, which are highly correlated and interdependent. And that means that the 1.8 billion n-space of believers shrinks to an area of much lower rank. Probably, the rank of the n-space in reality is not larger than 10 or 20 orthogonal dimensions. And then it is much easier to iterate n-space to m-space.

If we want to identify the main factors or principal components of the Allah m-vector space, we first need some theory about 'religion'. How do we define religion on this site?

In the following we conclude that the contrast between genetic monoculture (male) and genetic diversity (women) is the real basis of human religion. It is inbreeding versus outbreeding.

Definitions of religion:

Assumption 4:

- We give four operationalizations of animal religion:

1: Religion is a form of sexuality.
2: Religion is an expression of the group instinct.
3: Religion is the distribution key for the subordinate sex *.
4: Religion sets sexual rules for the subordinate sex *.

- We give one operationalization of human religion:

5: Human religion is the search for eternal life.

*Note that although female animals are often sexually dominated by males, their freedom to choose their own male is usually guaranteed. Hence, the animal world is dominated by genetic diversity.

Assumption 15: The main law of religion is the relationship between man and wife. Therein man sees his wife as subject or as object.

Assumption 20: The origin of human religion concerns the distinction between genetic diversity and genetic monoculture.

Assumption 77: Because the God of monotheism is defined as a known but unknown parameter (angle) of His Principal Axis in the space of (tribal) gods, the system of equations of paradise culture actually seemed unresolved.  
Nevertheless the n-space of tribes was reduced to a by tribal heads accepted
single dimension: monotheism. Knowing that hatred and hostility is the most
common factor among Bedouin tribes, God and Allah must be based also on hatred and hostility. Hence, God and Allah are personifications of Sadism on the throne, and the real nature of monotheism must be sadomasochism.

Assumption 102: Monotheism is the sadomasochistic principal component of the overdetermined polytheistic space. The core of the desert religions is sadomasochism.

Assumption 176: It’s very cynical, but the great common divisor of hostile tribes exactly was the slaughtering of each other, what became also the real meaning of 'God' or 'Allah': monotheism is sadism in optima forma. 

Assumption 177Sadomasochism is the core value of Paradise culture, projected as religion into the parallel universe and renamed as 'monotheism'. 

Assumption 181: The actual sadistic god of Islamic culture is not Allah but are tribal gods from Paradise culture. In the beginning Allah was intended as an escape from male sadism just like Christianity. This worked through Jesus in exogamous cultures, but failed due to endogamy among Muslims. Allah, the women god from the SUPER EGO and tribal gods of the ID were contaminated and clashed on the level playing field of the EGO of Muslims.

What now is seen as Allah in the Koran and Sharia is a failed women god, which has been occupied by men. Hence Islam psychologically knows a male Allah who is dominant and a female Allah who describes the inner life of women. This all because in monotheism there can be only one God. Allah must be understood as a multiple personality in Islamic culture. This is the cause of the sexual imbalance between man and wife: SM-dyad.

Assumption 183: There is one Koran and there is one Islam, but there are two Allahs, for males and females. Both gods are called 'Allah' because Islam is monotheistic. But the female Allah actually developed from genetic diversity and the male Allah from the genetic monoculture of inbreeding and incest. In polytheism there would be two gods, with different names, a male and a female god, for example 'God' and 'Jesus'. In evolution the Christian god changed from genetic monoculture to genetic diversity as result of Vanilla-dyad.

The battle of Allahs

Reducing the m-vector space of Allahs to lower rank can give approximately equal factors: genetic monoculture and genetic diversityTechnically it is quite acceptable to interpret these orthogonal Allah-vectors as two equivalent factors but we have a theoretical problem, because both factors are inconsistent. Men like to project themselves through inbreeding and incest to eternity and women are programmed for genetic diversity. We see this as diametrically opposed instincts.

We note that monotheism, as a rule leads to male domination over women. There is only one god, one sexual role and one cultural degree of freedom. Women have no god. Therefore, it is not our technique but monotheism itself that requires a composite factor of previously mentioned male and female factors:

Furthermore, we know that inbreeding and incest can only be enforced if husband and wife have un-equivalent sexual roles. This leads to a form of cultural or autistic psychopathy, a paraphilia, called SM-dyad. Hence we change genetic monoculture with 'sadism' and genetic diversity with 'masochism':

We have combined male and female Allah in the SM-dyad, which is under control of males. But the women god has not disappeared. Islam is a monotheistic dictatorship with only one Allah; hence Muslims think they are talking about the same God. But that's a fallacy and we have argued that there definitely must be a male and a female Allah. Both will explain most of the variance of the Allah-domain.

Ignoring female Allah and the inner world of women made Islam a schizophrenic religion:

The problem with Muslim males is that they repressed female Allah as 'other sexual roles' to the unconscious:

If Muslims would experience female Allah consciously then monotheism changed in polytheism with two gods, two sexual roles and two degrees of cultural freedom. That would mean the separation of mosque and state and the separation of powers.

This happened in Christianity where God and Jesus are experienced in the conscious of believers. Christianity recognized other sexual roles as equivalent and placed the total area of sexual roles into the conscious of males. Christianity changed with two degrees of freedom from monotheism to polytheism with the separation of church and state and the separation of powers:

Now that both sexes had their own god, they developed empathy into each other's sexual roles. And now, in Christianity, God and Jesus loaded on the common factor named Vanilla-dyad:

And that means in the Sexual Model of Religion that the God of Christianity also changes from genetic monoculture to genetic diversity:

Assumption 183: There is one Koran and there is one Islam, but there are two Allahs, for males and females. Both gods are called 'Allah' because Islam is monotheistic. But the female Allah actually developed from genetic diversity and the male Allah from the genetic monoculture of inbreeding and incest. In polytheism there would be two gods, with different names, a male and a female god, for example 'God' and 'Jesus'. In evolution the Christian god changed from genetic monoculture to genetic diversity as result of Vanilla-dyad.


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