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Homo erectus
From seven to three million years ago Homininae and other human like beings created a very simple abstraction of eternal life. Inbreeding was seen as the timeless existence of the tribe in broader perspective.
It perpetuated the genetic composition of the group, though still individuals would die. Homininae saturated their genes in the offspring by inbreeding and incest, what can be called eternal life by genetic immortality.
But they encountered great difficulties. Groups were very small with little competitive young males. And Homininae moved around only slowly and fanned out in all directions, so they did not easily meet other groups. Hence, group permeability was low and groups were fairly inaccessible:
Females simply were not able to associate freely with other groups to fulfill their natural need for genetic diversity. And therefore genetic monoculture got preponderance.
Hence, they did not find a modus vivendi between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity. Human religion was not able to find the same balance which animal religion found for mammal groups, a balance between genetic monoculture and genetic diversity:
Homininae were locked up in a sick culture what formed the blueprint for further human religion: Paradise culture:
Later Homininae and Homo ergaster perceived their offspring inherited the same tribal faults as well known deceased ancestors. Did they draw the conclusion the grandson was in fact the reincarnation of his grandfather? They did, but it took millions of years to grasp this stunning concept of reincarnation.
The invention of reincarnation had irreversible effects on tribal existence. Once the combination of genetic immortality with (earthly) reincarnation was made it could not be undone easily. That's because this interaction was too profitable for tribal coherence.
Transcendent deceased gods of the inbreeding era mingled with immanent ancestors of reincarnation. Now, adulterous cousins were inspected internally by immanent gods, who reported for stoning immediately. This combined religion of genetic immortality with reincarnation perfected tribal control on cousins.
From seven to three million years ago Homininae and other human like beings created a very simple abstraction of eternal life. Inbreeding was seen as the timeless existence of the tribe in broader perspective.
It perpetuated the genetic composition of the group, though still individuals would die. Homininae saturated their genes in the offspring by inbreeding and incest, what can be called eternal life by genetic immortality.
But they encountered great difficulties. Groups were very small with little competitive young males. And Homininae moved around only slowly and fanned out in all directions, so they did not easily meet other groups. Hence, group permeability was low and groups were fairly inaccessible:
Females simply were not able to associate freely with other groups to fulfill their natural need for genetic diversity. And therefore genetic monoculture got preponderance.
Homininae were locked up in a sick culture what formed the blueprint for further human religion: Paradise culture:
Later Homininae and Homo ergaster perceived their offspring inherited the same tribal faults as well known deceased ancestors. Did they draw the conclusion the grandson was in fact the reincarnation of his grandfather? They did, but it took millions of years to grasp this stunning concept of reincarnation.
The invention of reincarnation had irreversible effects on tribal existence. Once the combination of genetic immortality with (earthly) reincarnation was made it could not be undone easily. That's because this interaction was too profitable for tribal coherence.
Transcendent deceased gods of the inbreeding era mingled with immanent ancestors of reincarnation. Now, adulterous cousins were inspected internally by immanent gods, who reported for stoning immediately. This combined religion of genetic immortality with reincarnation perfected tribal control on cousins.
This combination of genetic immortality with (earthly) reincarnation is called the second stage of Paradise culture:
But most important and the ultimate blow for genetic immortality was the individual stayed alive after death and ever would return into the tribe, where else? But then tribal members were obliged to provide sufficient inbred bodies. What means inbreeding and earthly reincarnation were tied for ever instinctively.
But certainly with the advent of Homo erectus something special happened for permeability of groups was greatly increased. Human beings grasped it was profitable to reincarnate into strong animals and beautiful women not belonging to the tribe.
That's because reincarnation into the own tribe was no promise but a curse. The prospect to have perpetual orgasm with sisters, cousins and mothers until the end of times drove males to the other side where the grass is always greener.
So Homo erectus broke up the inbreeding and incest culture, after which women rediscovered their own soul and fulfilled their need for genetic diversity:
But certainly with the advent of Homo erectus something special happened for permeability of groups was greatly increased. Human beings grasped it was profitable to reincarnate into strong animals and beautiful women not belonging to the tribe.
That's because reincarnation into the own tribe was no promise but a curse. The prospect to have perpetual orgasm with sisters, cousins and mothers until the end of times drove males to the other side where the grass is always greener.
So Homo erectus broke up the inbreeding and incest culture, after which women rediscovered their own soul and fulfilled their need for genetic diversity:
Homo erectus was God's first creation
It is not surprising God’s first creation is based on genetic diversity of the original alpha male who fertilized every female he encountered (20 million years ago). But this narrative handles about humans, meaning Gods first creation possibly originates from West and Central African Peoples (200.000 years ago).
But it might also be millions of years older originating from Homo erectus who invented the abstraction of reincarnation into animals, by which tribal inbreeding was unnecessary and women were allowed to have sexual relations outside the tribe.
From that time human cultures developed as monotheism (endogamous) and polytheism (exogamous):
It is not surprising God’s first creation is based on genetic diversity of the original alpha male who fertilized every female he encountered (20 million years ago). But this narrative handles about humans, meaning Gods first creation possibly originates from West and Central African Peoples (200.000 years ago).
But it might also be millions of years older originating from Homo erectus who invented the abstraction of reincarnation into animals, by which tribal inbreeding was unnecessary and women were allowed to have sexual relations outside the tribe.
From that time human cultures developed as monotheism (endogamous) and polytheism (exogamous):