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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

(287) The abstract ordering of religious concepts

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Abraham's mental resurrection disorder

To prove his belief in God, his belief in resurrection in heaven, Abraham had to cut his ties with earthly reincarnation by killing his only tribal son Isaac. Then he would definitely lose the possibility to reincarnate into tribal* descendants. Notice this is just a myth.

* BTW, the impending transition from reincarnation to resurrection was a headache file for Desert Religions (Inbreeding) as well as for outcrossing cultures (Voodoo). Here, Abraham tried to block tribal reincarnation by killing his only tribal son Isaac. That fits the male kin bonded lineage in which incoming women had no tribal status (Voodoo, FGM), as well as inbreeding cultures with cousin marriages (Desert Religions, Inbreeding). Below reincarnation in inbreeding and outcrossing cultures:


Happily, God prevented this psychotic kill from Abraham, because wise scholars understood the general reincarnation instinct (Voodoo)*, or the derived inbreeding instinct (Desert Religions) could not be banished by the faith in resurrection and that's why they accepted the compromise in which humans worshipped the only God in the parallel universe and adored no other idols (deceased ancestors) on Earth. This was a very wise split decision.

* Much later in the religious evolution we see for outbreeding cultures as Christianity the trouble-free combination of the instinct of earthly reincarnation - in its original form of genetic immortality in descendants (animal religion) - and heavenly resurrection. But to be clear, Christians are not persecuted for their faith.

Tragically, later in the evolution, numerous psychotic (Christian) fathers were badly influenced by the myth of Abraham and killed their children, because there came no divine intervention alike Abraham at the moment suprême. Also, numerous psychotic Muslim fathers committed suicide and killed their own children, because they were depressed and no longer wanted to reincarnate in their descendants. 

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