Basic Dimension
(448) Evolution of the Viagra Instinct
Evolution of the Viagra Instinct
From pedophilia to perpetual orgasm to honor killing
1: Pedophilia
2: Perpetual Orgasm
3: Honor Killing
Pedophilia = prepubescent, prepubertal age (younger than 10-11 years).
Hebephilia = early pubescent/adolescent, early pubertal age (11/12-14/15 years).
Ephebophilia = later adolescent (15-19 years).
What is pedophilia precisely?
Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent children who are in early adolescence, typically ages 11–14.
Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19. Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction. It is not a psychiatric diagnosis.
Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to adulthood. Adolescence is usually associated with the teenage years, but its physical, psychological or cultural expressions may begin earlier or end later.
1: Pedophilia
1: Pedophilia
Pedophilia became the natural consequence of small inbreeding cultures of bipedal primates that lived in great isolation with little opportunity to exchange females with other groups:
Inbreeding here explicitly meant incest with mature offspring, with boundaries also blurred for immature.
(Mya = Million years ago)
First bipedal primates (10 Mya; 300cc)
Isolated groups led to inbreeding and incest:
And inbreeding and incest ultimately led to the pedophilia instinct as magical sexual instinct - not really needed for procreation - that still exists in Homo sapiens to this day.
Another reason that the first bipedal primates developed pedophilia is that secondary sexual characteristics were not yet that outspoken in this kind of chimps. This cannot be compared to today's much more sexually cultivated Homo sapiens. Further, groups had to tolerate anything to keep males happy, because without their protection they had no security and would die out:
So, inbreeding ultimately led to pedophilia:
Also, of course, no clear moral code had yet been developed, although animals in general are definitely not attracted to sexual immatures. That is protection against inbreeding and incest. All in all, pedophilia is the result of a sexual instinct born in unnatural inbreeding cultures, a sexual lifestyle imposed on bipedal primates that dispersed in all directions and no longer met enough other groups to exchange females:
Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc)
This situation of isolation lasted millions of years for the first bipedal primates who exchanged the forests for the savannahs. But because they had the same genetic variation as chimpanzees, they did not quickly become extinct due to extreme inbreeding:
Pedophilia comes down to increasing the age difference between the perpetrator and the victim. There exist a whole palette of causes for pedophilia. But an accompanying phenomenon is perpetual orgasm in this lifetime, which analogy with the afterlife is based on the largest possible age difference between the perpetrator and the victim.
Pedophilia would ultimately lead to perpetual orgasm:
In fact, pedophilia ultimately laid the foundation for perpetual orgasm, where mating with increasingly younger partners was the beginning of perpetual sexual activity in this lifetime what eventually ended with sexual immature. It was the first start to 'a permanent sexual climax' that would ultimately become the most important religious goal of Homo sapiens males: perpetual orgasm, everlasting orgasm, a never-ending sexual climax in another parallel reality.
So, if religion is defined as a sexual instinct focused on reproduction, breeding or propagation, then testosterone is the religious impetus for males, which decreases due to aging. Subsequently, lack of testosterone is replaced by sexual fantasies.
In evolution bipedal primates postulated the soul and the hereafter through reincarnation. This process took place with Homo erectus, the first real human.
Reincarnation is a sexual fantasy, as is 'perpetual orgasm' from a never ending sexual drive. This made perpetual orgasm the holy grail of male religion. Perpetual orgasm is the real purpose of male religion.
Because of Islam, reincarnation became an oppressed fantasy in the unconscious of Muslim males. The same applies to perpetual orgasm, which was made obsolete by Desert Religions because the afterlife was defined as a-sexual:
The latter because resurrection without birth process made reincarnation with inbreeding superfluous. A second goal from Desert Religions was to combat Autosomal Recessive Disorders from inbreeding.
But when a sexual instinct as reincarnation is suppressed into an unconscious sexual fantasy, a reincarnation psychosis can arise when daughters refuse to meet their father's religious (read: sexual) wishes, such as to marry their cousins. This can result in honor killing:
By the way, inbreeding and incest was very different from later Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc), who, with his impoverished genome, fell prey to autosomal recessive disorders:
Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc)
Homo erectus discovered the soul and developed reincarnation in the earthly universe. The soul was needed to retrieve the tribe where he once belonged, otherwise he would become an impure hybrid in another and possible hostile tribe (Chimpanzee male bloodline instinct). This fear would partly lead to honor killings in Islam (Homo sapiens), millions of years later T.SAD: Tribal Separation Anxiety Disorder).
So, perpetual orgasm in this lifetime led to the projection of eternal orgasm in the hereafter, making the Viagra instinct the basis of male religion in the afterlife:
Apart from other motives, perpetual orgasm was a hidden wish of males to live forever in sexual ecstasy:
(Ka = Kilo annum = thousand years)
Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc)
Millions of years later, the acquired pedophile genes from bipedalism caused a pathological development in Homo sapiens, with pedophilia degenerating into the unnatural situation where declining libido of older males looked more impressive in much younger partners:
Bipeds entered the stage of Homo sapiens:
Perpetual orgasm in this lifetime became a sexual cultus of Homo sapiens:
And let's be real, if religion is a function of sexuality then perpetual orgasm is the pinnacle of sexuality that males unconsciously expect from the parallel universe.
But pedophilia deteriorated further and underwent an obscene pathological development in Homo sapiens, in which pedophilia degenerated into the absurd and unnatural situation in which the complete absence of secondary sexual characteristics in immatures gave older males actually an even better sexual impulse, because their declining libido now looked even more impressive. A truly contradictory situation that would baffle other animals. But as mentioned, then bipeds already entered the stage of Homo sapiens:
So, extreme age difference was no longer enough. In addition to increasing age difference, the complete absence of secondary sexual characteristics in the victim was intended to further optimize the the pinnacle of sexual distance between perpetrator and victim.
This complete reversal of normal sexual attraction was supposed to give 'eternal orgasm on earth across generations' the ultimate boost. But for perpetual orgasm there must be sexual acts that lead to a forced sexual relationship with defenseless children. It must be physical violence or psychological intimidation (Catholic Church, Islam):
Boy sex slaves in Afghanistan |
Pedophilia eventually developed into perpetual orgasm and so became one of the pillars of the male faith (Monotheism) and is therefore heavily overrepresented in institutions that deal with eternal life, such as the Catholic Church and Islam, here complicated by homosexuality for other reasons:
Those who want to get close to God actually pursue perpetual orgasm. It is literally born out of pedophilia (Catholic Church) and still forms a close combination. Anyone who wants to understand human religion makes the original connection here.
Sacrificing babies is worshiping and facilitating perpetual orgasm of the gods. That is to say, infanticide has occurred throughout evolution for all sorts of curious reasons, making an unconscious underlying reason more likely:
I think the transition from pedophilia to perpetual orgasm is a logical step in evolution. But it may be that this phase has already passed in human culture and that victims and perpetrators have agreed to continue with more 'platonic love without sexual violence'.
We therefore got a division for pedophilia into forced sexual coercion for perpetual orgasm and a relationship with "mutual consent" as "platonic love".
So, in modern times we see more platonic love relationships, where childish appearances inadvertently appeal to the adult's own sexual immaturity. Adults recognize themselves in child's immature sexuality and relationships stabilizes in platonic love.
And so this new form of Homo sapiens pedophilia became a DSM-5 disorder:
But defining Pedophilia in DSM-5 became a mess:
Pedophilia and DSM-5: The Importance of Clearly Defining the Nature of a Pedophilic Disorder.
Homo Sapiens has been living for 350,000 years. Pedophilia has developed many variants, nowadays with many soft empathetic sides. This interaction between sexuality and soft culture is time-bound and pedophilia can no longer be defined as a single factor sexual disorder.
This means that this blog persists in its premise that not burgeoned secondary sexual characteristics of immature are the sexual trigger that entice mature persons to enter into sexual relations. This in this day and age for many reasons.
The fact that today this relationship is more based on empathy and 'love' may be different in 100,000 years.
So, it is very likely that this ultimate sick variant of pedophilia as we know it in not yet burgeoned sexuality, was not developed by the first bipedal primates - for a number of reasons - but this paraphilia was exclusively developed by Homo sapiens and probably also not by Homo erectus.
So, concluding:
Assumption 684:
Pedophilia of Homo sapiens is defined by the sexual drive to increase the distance in age and sexual development between adult perpetrators and immature victims.
1: Pedophilia developed first in bipeds, where females could not be easily exchanged.
2: Pedophilia developed further in Homo erectus, where meanwhile perpetual orgasm was transferred to the earthly afterlife through reincarnation into descendants of daughters:
3: Subsequently, it was Homo sapiens who found a climax of sexual lust into not burgeoned secondary sexual characteristics.
4: But because Desert Religions banned sexuality in heaven, Christian priests had to seek sexual gratification from children on earth.
5: And on the contrary, Muslim males still fantasize complete sexual freedom with 72 virgins from other tribes in heaven (outbreeding as gratification for earthly inbreeding):
6: So Desert Religions led to a dichotomy in expectation of perpetual orgasm in heaven:
2: Perpetual Orgasm
- Human religion is the sanctioning of female sexual behavior to increase male sexual pleasure.
- The highest religious ideal for bipedal males is to have sexual orgasm forever. Unconsciously, this never ending climax is their ultimate religious goal since Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) discovered the soul and reincarnation.Perpetual orgasm started in this lifetime millions of years ago and projected further into the afterlife through reincarnation of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) and resurrection of Homo sapiens into the parallel universe (350 Ka; 1450cc) :
Muslims know that their genes come from a previous inbreeding culture:
But the conscious male bloodline from chimpanzees and now unconscious reincarnation from Homo erectus form an an inextricable tangle in their unconscious, leading to reincarnation psychosis and honor killing.
3: Honor Killing
Honor Killings are caused by a distorted Reincarnation projection. On the one hand, it is a failed, sick and twisted love projection that belongs in DSM-V. and is an amalgam of paraphilias. But at the same time Honor Killings are murder projections which are very difficult to separate from the love projection. Muslim fathers themselves are unable to discriminate what they feel and do.
Honor Killings are determined by two sexual instincts:
1: The first instinct is the oldest and the strongest and is the Male Bloodline Instinct from Chimpanzees (Honor Killings = killing males from other tribes):
It is difficult to understand why Muslims would kill females for their Male Bloodline (with inbreeding) but they unconsciously think tribal females in reality have tribal male dna:
'Daughters therefore had to reinforce XY-DNA of the male lineage with
their female XX-DNA XX-DNA (cousin marriages), which incidentally
came from Adam's rib and so also from the male bloodline.'
Remember the Male Bloodline = the Male kin bonded lineage from chimpanzees in which females are refreshed every generation towards outbreeding. But cousin marriages is plowing back the own females into the male DNA, according to Eve as being just a DNA rib from Adam. That we call: Male Bloodline (with inbreeding) :
2: The second instinct is Perpetual orgasm in the afterlife (Reincarnation Killings = Father kills his daughter out of sexual love):"
Then this is the final model:
As said, the male bloodline (partly doubtful) from chimpanzees and reincarnation from Homo erectus no longer exist in their consciousness, they form an inextricable tangle in their unconscious, leading to reincarnation psychosis and honor killing:
And now we try to untangle the apparently inextricable tangle in their unconscious, leading to reincarnation psychosis and honor killings.
Muslim males kill males and females because of the male bloodline, an instinct inherited from chimpanzees. But while chimpanzees only kill other males, Muslim males also kill females based on the Jewish Bible, that Eve's DNA was actually taken from Adam's rib. Muslim male bloodline is called 'Male Bloodline (with inbreeding)'. So females also may be killed for the male bloodline. Therefore, through cousin marriages, females belong to the male bloodline, which is the conscious reason but based on the (partly) unconscious male bloodline of chimpanzees.
So, 'love' in Muslim families is based on the conscious image from the unconscious Male Bloodline (with inbreeding):
Start configuration:
Male Bloodline (with inbreeding) image:
- Chimps do not have a personal or group afterlife projection like humans:
Both instincts are heavily entangled so we try to keep them apart.
Below we make a connection between pedophilia and honor killings through perpetual orgasm:
Honor killings arise from a frustrated projection into the earthly afterlife, based on two sexual instincts:
3.1: The Male Bloodline Instinct (Honor Killings)
1: Chimpanzee male bloodline:
Protection of the male bloodline and preventing of tribal anxiety disorder of not returning to the own tribe in the hereafter:
2: Reincarnation by inbreeding:
Expectation of everlasting orgasm with descendents from the own genome in the afterlife.
Both instincts are heavily entangled so we try to keep them apart:
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