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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Thursday, 30 September 2021

(413) The Conclusive Theory of Honor Killings

 Basic Dimension

(413) The Conclusive Theory of Honor Killings
(413) The Conclusive Theory of Honor Killings


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Talking about thoughts of suicide helps. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices from professionals.


Honor Killings are caused by a distorted Reincarnation Projection. It is a failed, sick and twisted love projection that belongs in DSM-V. It is an amalgam of paraphilias.

Honor killing can technically be traced to a sick and twisted love affair based on the father's religious displeasure. Its roots lie in pedophilia and stem from the first bipedal primates. Pedophilia is a human religion that should be seen as perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime:

On which pedophilia evolved into perpetual orgasm in the earthly afterlife (reincarnation) and later into perpetual orgasm in the parallel universe (resurrection):

But we're not really talking about pedophilia here, because:

Assumption 241: Factors of pedophilia
Actually, real pedophilia concerns sexual interest in children without matured secondary sex characteristics. Men attracted to already quite mature girls aged 13 are no pedophiles. This is called hebephilia (see also ephebophilia and parthenophilia).

The term chronophilia was used by John Money to describe a form of paraphilia in which an individual experiences sexual attraction limited to individuals of particular age ranges.[1][2] The term has not been widely adopted by sexologists, who instead use terms that refer to the specific age range in question. An arguable historical precursor was Richard von Krafft-Ebing's concept of "age fetishism".[3]

In research environments, specific terms are used for chronophilias: for instance, ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents, hebephilia to refer to the sexual preference for earlier pubescent individuals, and pedophilia to refer to the primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children.[1][2]

Ephebophilia is used only to describe the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.[1] Generally, the preference is not regarded by psychologists as a pathologyas long as it does not interfere with other major areas of one's life. It is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) or the ICD-10.[2

Ephebophilia is an adult's sexual preference for adolescents. From about the age of twelve, the psychiatric boundary of pedophilia ends and ephebophilia begins. The sexual preference for maturing girls is also known as parthenophilia. The condition is that the older person with this preference has clearly transcended adolescence; he or she must be at least mid-twenties. Ephebophilia, like pedophilia, is a paraphilia; It is not entirely clear whether it also concerns a psychological disorder.

Honor syndrome:

The honor syndrome is a complex transcendental amalgam of perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime (hebephilia within incest) and perpetual orgasm with offspring after reincarnation, also based on inbreeding:

Note that 'perpetual orgasm' denotes the deepest sense of male religion if projected in the afterlife. In a sexual sense, males have no higher aim.

But perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime means that the greater the age gap between older men and younger women, the more it boosts male's sexual prestige while obscuring potential impotence

And one step further, sexual arousal in pedophilia is most promoted by the total absence of secondary sex characteristics in children. It's the biggest sexual difference imaginable besides age. In the limit one ends up with newborns. Sacrificing babies to the gods is also to boost their libido, among other things.

That's how it developed. But many other elements have since been added here, such as the mental immaturity of physically mature men.

Perpetual orgasm, however profane, therefore plays a unifying role in male sexuality through the evolution and through all transcendental stages:

Male religion is predicated on 'perpetual orgasm'. It is also reflected in popular male desires of resurrection regarding the parallel universe:

The Muslim Tragedy

Muslim culture is especially tragic because it is the heir to the multimillion-year-old incest and inbred culture of the first hominids. Desert Religions are guilty of reversing the Myth of Abraham, while ironically calling themselves "Abrahamic Religions" afterwards. They twisted Muslim culture into a system of insoluble equations. As long as Muslim culture does not properly analyze its own origins, it will not be freed from the shackles that holding reincarnation and resurrection in a cognitively dissonant stranglehold:

Why a sexual instinct is the only possible explanation for honor killings

The reincarnation instinct of Muslim fathers catches on with the sexual maturation of their daughters. It is an autonomous process that requires no communication between fathers. 
Talking about honor killings is taboo in Muslim culture, especially in rural Pakistan, where thousands of honor killings take place every year, without any communication among fathers through cultural transmission.

And if there is no cultural transfer of information, there must be a sexual instinct that is triggered at some point in time for all fathers at once by their daughters' sexual maturation. How else could it start at the same time for all Muslim fathers with this predisposition? Circular reasoning, by the way.

From the first moment of his daughter's sexual maturation, the father enters an increasingly severe psychotic stateAnd when his daughter finally refuses to marry her cousin, he ends up in a stone cold reincarnation psychosis, putting his daughter's life in grave danger.

This whole process is like an 'infatuation' that breaks down on improper grounds. It is not based on true love but on a psychological disorder of the Muslim male: tribal separation anxiety disorder. 

And for the ultimate explanation of this phenomenon, we need the eyes of the young woman. Which eyes play a decisive role in honor killings. She lets her father fall back (regress) into tribal separation anxiety mode. And according to this model, we will eventually understand honor killings:

But if this sexual instinct is transferable from father to son, a similar development takes place at the same time between the older brother and his younger sister in this amalgam of perpetual orgasm. Which means that this sexual instinct of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) has been generalized to all sexually mature males in the family. 

And then it turns out that sons in their twenties have more testosterone than their fathers and therefore will take the initiative themselves to commit honor killings, for which the father is then blamed.

So, there are more causes of honor killing than refusing the cousin:

But then it is also clear that women will not commit honor killings. The reincarnation instinct through inbreeding is not expressed in them. There is no female instinct to commit honor killings, because they have a natural aversion to inbreeding. But they are indoctrinated. They are pressured to confess the murder or else they will fall down the stairs later. They are engulfed in a whirlpool of lies. A culture of lies, deceit and cover up.

Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

There are two SAD stages:

1: The hot state:

- In the first situation you will see your beloved again and hope lives. This is not a life-threatening situation. 
The first SAD state is a hot state with tears distorting vision and between your lashes everything seems ablaze in shades of yellow and red. It is a state of utter devastation, the state of desperate and unreasonable behavior. 
But you know to see your beloved again. 
1: The cold state:

- In the second situation, the farewell is final. And then the trap of SAD closes behind you and you can't get out. This means that it is better to introduce a farewell gradually.
In the second state, all hope on the partner you love is gone. You have been rejected. Life has been lived and has no value anymore. All values of life implode into point zero. It gets cold around you, very cold. It becomes quiet inside you, very quiet, you feel lonely, terribly lonely. You feel life slowly sinking away from you. Desperately you approach the viaduct at full speed but at the last moment you realize: I have a child. Life has not yet been lived. And that's the sign to sound the alarm and call for help, because that's the stadium of suicide.

We only discuss the final farewell

Separation Anxiety Disorder with final farewell leads to falling with accelerating speed in a tunnel of ice-cold and belligerent loneliness warped over the victim, a fall into the farthest space where can be no life. It is the final and crippling beginning of suicide:

No one to talk to or get you out of the loop of this closed brain circuit named SAD. A fall into this loop is a one-way ticket to death. But professionals know how to activate surrounding neural pathways to pull the victim out of SAD. And it often turns out to go quite well.

But the victim himself cannot escape from SAD, by no means. He is stuck in SAD and enters the panic of death. The subject feels captain on a sinking ship. And the problem is that suicidal tendencies can arise in no time where time runs out quickly. 

And there is no going back from the tunnel, because at the same time all things of value sink to nil in point zero, through the inverse into a desolate parallel universe without any value, without any perspective and where no one can live:

There is no one to talk to, while time is running out. And when everything has become worthless, suicide will strike, because the victim has lost the argument to live, the reason for life. The plug is pulled from life, all gauges are dead by passing the inverse, the point of no return has been taken. That's the gist of SAD in love, after being rejected:

Denk jij aan zelfmoord? Trek dan zo snel mogelijk aan de bel. Bespreek je gedachten met iemand die je vertrouwt en zoek samen hulp. Of maak een afspraak bij de huisarts: hij kan je doorverwijzen naar de juiste vorm van professionele hulp. Praten over gedachten aan zelfdoding helpt en is bijvoorbeeld mogelijk via de landelijke hulplijn 113: www.113.nl of 0900-0113.
Are you thinking about suicide? We can all help prevent suicide. 
Talking about thoughts of suicide helps. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices from professionals.


And if you are suicidal by nature you need a friend standby, willing to talk you out of emergency situations. Anybody, really, so many people are willing to help you. And go among the people, talk to them, go to the pub but never, never stay alone at home because that easily leads to suicide.


And honor killing is a special case of SAD. It is a sick and perverse form of 'love'. It is an amalgam of paraphilias:

And for the Muslim father, honor killings are precisely the result of this icy heist of extreme loneliness. He can plan the murder well in advance, but usually the chosen moment depends on chance. 

For example, the father of Romina Ashrafi did not dare to kill his daughter until she was asleep and had changed from awake subject to sleeping object. Ultimately, honor killings are more of a random process than one might think.

Steps in general case:

Lessons from SAD:

Young men with SAD learn a lesson early in life: never fall in love until you are accepted by the girl. Rejection without being in love is harmless. But the other way around is life-threatening. So he reverses love and relationship. This strategy boils down to blind dates, serial blind dates:

Otherwise, the girl's eyes will cause him to relapse, regress into SAD and from there he can no longer escape, trapped in his propensity for suicide when she then rejects him. 

So, serial daters meet beautiful girls as in a shot gun approach, sparing their own soul. And if they are rejected, they were not in love. If they fell in love first, they could go into psychosis and worseFalling in love first would mean they unconsciously projected SAD into the girl and thereby ruined their chances and were rejected:

But a beautiful girl is not always the best choice and so he easily becomes a serial  dater. 

Steps in honor killings:

The Mass Murder of Reincarnation Muslims

Fourteen hundred years ago, Muslims massively believed in reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). All these "Muslims" have been massacred unless they quickly buried their idols. Killed beyond Iran and certainly beyond Pakistan. Pakistan has become a purely Muslim country:

The reason for resurrection was partly sincere to erect a barrier against autosomal recessive disorders from extreme inbreeding meant for reincarnation, which impoverished the genome of the Muslim population horribly.

But the other reason was purely monotheistic terror to remove reincarnation, which gave all divine power to tribal heads, as future candidates for reincarnation. So they wanted to crush the ego-theism of reincarnation and force Muslims to appear before the throne of Allah in heaven to be judged for heaven or hell:

And so Islam enslaved the Muslim population, which never really understood what was happening to them. It's much more complicated, but this is the crux of Islam:

But it's impossible to bury the reincarnation instinct and that's why resurrection has to be indoctrinated for already 1,400 years. But resurrection is just a word, just a word and no sexual instinct. Since resurrection is not linked to breeding, to the birth process, it is the person himself who revives. It's a joke:

But resurrection is indeed a human religion as an indirect function of breeding. And that's because resurrection is derived from reincarnation, which is a direct function of breeding. Reincarnation is only a direct function in psychology, because people who believe in reincarnation take the link with breeding seriously, though reincarnation is of course also magical nonsense. But this all is about human psychology, magical reality or natural unreality:

Well, in that case resurrection can also be seen as a direct function of outbreeding in heaven of the parallel universe. But that is a far removed symbolic derivative of breeding, placed in modern times of 'Abrahamic' religions:

Because heavenly asexuality ultimately comes down to outbreeding, the primal sexual law of nature. This means if Christians think there is no sex in heaven, while that is magical thinking, then we understand that they unconsciously must aim at outbreeding, the primal sexual law of nature. 

So, the longer a religion exists the more it becomes polluted with symbolic derivatives of breeding, where reincarnation was already a magical joke from Homo erectus, by the way. However, the difference is that Homo erectus really believed in reincarnation and linked it to the birth process as a pychological truth. 

Reincarnation has been repressed into the unconscious to the present day:

The Muslim father's two stages of SAD:

1: The hot stage:

Muslim fathers with the reincarnation instinct will try to convince their daughters to marry their cousins, or at least a Muslim. If daughters are unwilling to act as incubator of family semen, then there will be hot debates with a lot of crying on both sides. That's the hot stage in which fathers are moderate psychotic.

2: The cold stage:

And if the daughter absolutely refuses to marry her cousin or a Muslim, then the calm before the storm breaks. The father enters the stone-cold state of reincarnation psychosis, life-threatening but not visible. 

And now the daughter makes the mistake of her life that her father is respecting her decision. She comes home at his request to make amends, but the subject-subject relationship has been broken and the father sees her now mainly as an object, as a failed incubator of family semen. Never, never come home when you've left the house with a fight because he'll kill you.

By the way, see  below:

Unconscious SAD leads to honor killings:

What follows is an out of control 'workplace accident' in which everything is turned upside down. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong here prematurely. By the way, it is also not accepted in Western society for a 14-year-old girl to run off with a 34-year-old man. And what would otherwise have happened at age 18 now happened at age 14:

'Teenage girl Romina Ashrafi from the northwestern city of Talesh had fallen in love with a man in his thirties and ran away after her father objected to a marriage. After returning home last week, her father beheaded her in her sleep, reportedly with a sickle. The father then reported himself to the police. Agents are said to have found the father with the bleeding murder weapon in his hand.'

'Romina Ashrafi ran away from home with her 34-year-old boyfriend after her father banned them from getting married, Arab news channel Al Jazeera reports. However, the couple was found by police five days later. Although  Romina told them she feared for her life, officers sent the teenager back home to Talesh,  a small town more than three hundred kilometers northwest of capital Tehran.'

Romina's father was unaware of his SAD and therefore could not take action. Could not disable SAD before his daughter reached sexual maturity. Could not accept reincarnation in his conscious next to resurrection. Because he didn't know to believe in reincarnation. He still doesn't know.

So he could not timely prepare himself for the coming cognitive dissonance between reincarnation and resurrection, which would cause reincarnation psychosis leading to the death of Romina.

Back in 
the time machine we see four-year-old Romina sitting on the lap of her proud father, in the family circle, a proud father though who will later kill his daughter out of love at age 14.

After killing his daughter at age 14, he knew he was wrong before the law, but was right before his conscience. Apathetic, he sat in court in a strange world that didn't understand him, just as he didn't understand himself. He thinks he did the right thing, but how to put it into words? He slit her throat at night because she ran off with an older man against his will. Somewhere it sounded logically to him. But was that the real reason? Was that really the point? It seems so strange, because he loved her very much too. He gives up. He doesn't know and never will. The world just won't understand him.

Completely ignorant, Romina accidentally destroyed her father's unconscious afterlife projection. And now he killed her in case she would be pregnant from a hybrid, a bastard, in which offspring he would never reincarnate. Because he swears by a pure family genome:

There is only one way out for Muslim culture, one way to regain respect in the world. Muslim culture must recognize reincarnation alongside resurrection. Or pay the annual price of 5,000-20,000 honor killings. How cruel a culture can be...

Comparing both models:

Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) as a serious mental illness comes before rejection and thereby interferes and destroys the love process:

'Normal' separation anxiety comes after rejection and therefore does not disturb the rejection itself.

And for the ultimate explanation of this postulated phenomenon, we need the eyes of the young woman. Which eyes play a decisive role in honor killings. She lets her father fall back (regress) into tribal separation anxiety mode. And according to this model, we will eventually understand honor killings:

The process indicated above between father and daughter is a development over time that takes years. But as mentioned, there are several other one-off events leading to honor killing, but all referring to the distrust in the conservation of the family genome. For example, having an abortion or having a non-Muslim friend is a good reason for the brother to kill his sister.

Some explanation of the Muslim model:

1: 'Muslim father projects his afterlife in his daughter' is pure desperation, because unconsciously he does not believe in resurrection:

Trying to escape into his daughter's mind, he clings to her for the salvation of his soul. Unconsciously he believes in reincarnation as in the last 2 million years:

2: 'Father fears committing suicide by losing his afterlife', means if his daughter produces hybrids with non-Muslims, he also will become a hybrid after reincarnation and is never allowed to return into the tribe after his next death, which equates to suicide in the afterlifeThat's why he has to kill his daughter. But he is totally unaware of his real motives:

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