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Friday, 21 May 2021

(355) Conflict Reincarnation Resurrection

 Basic Dimension

(355) Conflict Reincarnation Resurrection

Muslim culture confuses reincarnation in the unconscious with resurrection in the conscious:

This creates cognitive dissonance in the unconscious, which is the cause of reincarnation psychosis leading to honor killings:

Assumption 459: Separation anxiety disorder.
Honor killings are caused by separation anxiety disorder. Tribal separation anxiety leads to a transient psychosis in the minds of fathers, killing their daughters in an unconscious battle on life and death.

Assumption 610: Tribal separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is a desolate feeling of terrible loneliness that makes some people decide to commit suicide. It plays a role in many psychological problems. For most people, it is difficult to identify the cause of their anxiety, let alone that it is unconscious. Conceivably, the threatening severing of tribal ties and the prospect of being doomed to roam like a ghost forever, is driving Muslim fathers over the edge to kill their daughters.

Assumption 611: Murder by displacement:
Separation anxiety is a misunderstood cause of many mental health problems. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide (for Muslim fathers: accepting loss of the afterlife). If unconscious, it can sometimes lead to murder by displacement: the unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from the original object (himself) to another one (his daughter). The father's own misunderstood suffering then results in the death of his daughter. But this statement is way too simplistic, because honor killings are much more complicated.

Muslims need to become aware of their reincarnation instinct, so that cognitive dissonance between reincarnation and resurrection is shifted to the conscious and no longer causes a reincarnation psychosis leading to honor killings:

Islam is a monotheistic inbreeding culture, whereas semi-polytheistic Christianity adheres outbreeding.  For Christians, resurrection was not a problem, because polytheism reincarnates everywhere, in animals as well as in humans. 

But inbreeding cultures must reincarnate into their own tribal genome, which is oppressive. So, for pre-Muslims reincarnation really mattered.

Therefore, 1400 years ago, Islam had to enforce the indoctrination of resurrection, and Caliphs killed all reincarnation believers to far beyond Iran. To this day, the repression of reincarnation has resulted in millions and millions of honor killings. It is a shame.

And while reincarnation is a sexual instinct for Christians too, it has no significance and resurrection was not really enforced. The same for India, where reincarnation does not necessarily take place into the family genome.

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