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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(351) New Foundations Human Religion

Basic Dimension

(351) New Foundations Human Religion

Assumption 587: Imaginary prospective research.

This blog followed an imaginary cohort of bipedal primates from 14 million years ago through the evolution to the present. It is prospective research into their religious conceptual development.

Display of human religious evolution:

Assumption 598: The domicile of God.

- Homo naledi (2.3 Ma-236 Ka: 550cc) believed that the God of Darkness lived deep underground in the underworld.

- Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) invented the soul and reincarnation and believed in ego-theism and a God living somewhere in the universe, for example in mountains.

- Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) invented resurrection and believed that God lived in a parallel universe, because he could not have created himself in the universe.

- The Myth of Paradise is already 14 million years old. But in the latest version, God is still living in the earthly universe. This version dates from Homo erectus:

Genesis 3:8 (King James Version):And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.

- But since Eve's child, the apple which was a hybrid of the serpent, was expelled and not killed, this myth must be pre-reincarnation. Maybe even way before Homo erectus, because an outcast will produce many more hybrids in which ancestors have to reincarnate, regardless of where they live. So, in case of reincarnation the Apple would have been killed.

- The original significance of the Myth of Paradise in inbreeding cultures was an initiation rite for young males (Adam) to prevent female adultery (Eve) with males from other tribes (Serpent). Speech was not necessary and the intention is clear to all animals.

Well, here's the proof of the initiation ritual as myth of Adam and Eve: chimpanzees have the male blood relationship and live on the same tree for generations. They check the perimeter of their territory daily for alien chimpanzees that are always brutally killed.

- So, the innermost essence of the Myth of Paradise is to shield the genetic identity of inbred populations:

Outbred populations as Christianity developed a completely new Myth of Paradise:

Long before we developed the math, Homo sapiens already developed the parallel universe, since the universe can only be created by God from another universe:

Gods are sexual roles:

How Human Evolution Caused Islam:

The Origin of Islam:

SM-dyad (Islam) is a sexual instinct and Vanilla-dyad 
(Christianity) but a cultural model, an artificial addition 
as a sexual prosthesis:

From above evolution model we have developed the future of Islam:

And also the future of Political Correctness, heir to Christianity:

Women's suffrage ruined Western culture:

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