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Friday, 21 May 2021

(381) How to make sense of the cruel Myth of Abraham

 Basic Dimension

(381) How to make sense of the cruel Myth of Abraham

How to make sense of the cruel Myth of Abraham:


The true Myth of Abraham is about blocking the reincarnation cycle by killing Isaac.

Glorifying reincarnation in the early stage of Genesis would have been devastating to the nascent Jewish monotheistic religion. The worship of idols (polytheism) was contrary to their belief that only promoted monotheism for unity of their constituted tribes and so the true myth of Abraham would be completely out of order and not done:

So, we suppose that Desert Religions have implicitly replaced the true Myth of Abraham with a false Myth of Abraham by omitting the real meaning of the myth (reincarnation and idols), which will be clarified in more detail later. 

The correctness of the Myth of Abraham in the Bible cannot be established and therefore, we are free to develop an alternative interpretation. There must have been a logical development of religious concepts in the evolution, leading to conflicting forms of afterlife, namely reincarnation and resurrection. This conflict will have been presented to the gods and led to a Solomon's judgment in which reincarnation was permitted (polytheism), if God was worshiped in heaven (monotheism). This is a bit like ancient Voodoo. So, based on the inevitable ordering of religious concepts, we can reconstruct the most likely Myth of Abraham and place it at the onset of Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc) in the evolution.

In any case, by implicitly enforcing 'resurrection' in the false myth, Islam condemned the sexual instinct of 'reincarnation' to the unconscious, which later became the direct cause of honor killings.

In the true myth, Abraham had to give up reincarnation in descendants by killing his only tribal son Isaac. Reincarnation comes from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). In this way Abraham had to prove his willingness to arise (resurrect) with the only God in heaven. Resurrection comes from Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc), who postulated that God lives in a parallel universe, because he could not have created himself.

Here two kinds of hominins settled their conflict over the afterlife through a Solomon judgment from God. God saw Abraham's willingness to block his reincarnation by killing his only tribal son Isaac as willingness to worship God, what was sufficient reason to decide that people could continue to reincarnate on Earth (polytheism) if they worshiped God as the one God in the alternate universe (monotheism).

In our view, the religious conflict between reincarnation and resurrection concerns the original Myth of Abraham, which becomes now less cruel and as logical as possible. It represents a bit old Voodoo from West Africa: polytheism on Earth through worshiping of ancestors (reincarnation), while worshiping gods in the parallel universe. 

Idols are mentioned throughout the Old Testament, but not in Genesis. Isn't that strange? No, a positive story about idols was not done in Genesis. And that is why the crippled myth of Abraham looks so cruel and absurd. It's really incomprehensible.


The image below shows on the left the reconstructed Myth of Abraham on the basis of the Solomon judgment from God and on the right the Islamic reality in which reincarnation is forbidden under penalty of death and resurrection is mandatory. This whole situation shows the paradigm shift of the Desert Religions:


In the true Myth of Abraham polytheism (idols of ancestors) and monotheism (God in heaven) coexisted, but in the false myth polytheism has been killed by Desert Religions. And it is no longer about reincarnation vs resurrection, but about polytheism vs monotheism:

But here Islamic scholars overestimated the power of resurrection, which is no sexual instinct at all but just a word, to replace reincarnation, what is a genuine Sexual Instinct (SI). And sexual instincts are the carriers of Human Religion (HR): HR = f(SR):

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