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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(358) The Crux of this Blog

Basic Dimension

Assumption 608: The crux of this blog:

In this blog Human Religion starts as a function of breeding (HR = f(SR)). But over time, religion can drift away from procreation through magical derivatives of breeding:

Here's how male-based religion regulates and sanctions female sexual behavior over time:

Animal religion is a function of outbreeding, outcrossing or genetic diversity.
But bipedal primates practiced inbreeding or genetic monoculture for already 14 million years, though outcrossing was also possible. From the outset, bipedal primates tried to interchange young females with other tribes (outcrossing), but they often failed for obvious reasons:

The Muslim culture is a belated follower of inbreeding. Both rules apply: (HR) = f(SR) and (HR2 = f(HR1)):

In the first formula Islam is a direct function of its former inbreeding culture (HR) = f(SR). And in the second Resurrection is a derived function of former Reincarnation: (HR2 = f(HR1)). In this special case both formulas apply. It is all explained on this blog (see the diagram below). So, realize that Islam could be a direct heir to our primal religion: inbreeding:

It is important to note that in this diagram, only 'reincarnation in combination with inbreeding' leads to honor killings. In polytheistic Christianity, ancestors do not feel the stress of reincarnation into the family genome, and therefore Christians do not know cousin marriages or honor killings.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection through outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing, Muslim males must show up with a much stronger instinct of inbreeding.

We conclude that Islam is a function of inbreeding and Christianity is a function of crossbreeding, as this blog will show:

PROOF OF (HR = f(SR)):

After 14 million years, 56% of the world's population still follows a religion that is a direct function of breeding. (Hinduism provides another 15%).
Christianity (2.4 billion, 31%) ; Islam (1,9 billion, 25%); Hinduism (1,16 billion (15%).

Now it happens that reincarnation (HR1) is also a function of breeding (SR), because it is tied to breeding, to reproduction: (HR) = f(SR)

Reincarnation involves the birth of a new individual:

And although reincarnation has been linked to procreation only through magical thinking, it has also become a sexual instinct. This means that magical thinking can lead to new sexual instincts for humans.

The objective usefulness of magical thinking leading to religion is that the belief in the afterlife enables people to take more risks in war situations, giving them a greater chance of survival than unbelievers. This is one of the reasons Homo erectus developed a larger frontal lobe and the rest died out.
Assumption 476Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.
Besides, resurrection is also a religion that springs from magical thinking, but it is not instinct. Resurrection is a Human Religion because it is a derivative function of Reincarnation: (HR2 = f(HR1)), which indeed is a (magical) derivative of Breeding. But Resurrection itself is not a sexual instinct, because it has nothing to do with breeding:

The crux of honor killings is that Islam never understood that one cannot eliminate reincarnation as a sexual instinct by killing all obvious reincarnation believers, worshiping idols. Reincarnation has simply been suppressed in the collective unconscious of all Muslim males of that time.

And Islam also missed that resurrection is not a sexual instinct, because it has nothing to do with procreation. It is the same person who rises in heaven, no procreation and thus no sexual instinct. So, resurrection can never replace reincarnation. But resurrection is indeed a human religion, as it is a derivative function of reincarnation (HR2 = f(HR1)), see the diagram above.

And so, Islam had to indoctrinate the Muslim population with resurrection for 1,400 years, in an effort to get them to suppress reincarnation. But one cannot eliminate a sexual instinct with just the word 'resurrection'. That's the revelation of this blog and the cause of honor killings.

Human religion and honor killings are understandable in relation to breeding and sexual instincts. There is only one solution to Honor Killings and Human Religion together: both, Human Religion and Reincarnation are functions of reproduction (HR = f(SR)), whereas Resurrection is not. There will be no better scientific explanation to Honor Killings in the future.

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