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Friday, 21 May 2021

(371) Muslims lack control over SM-dyad

 Basic Dimension

(371) Muslims lack control over SM-dyad

Sadomasochism or how humans will be remembered

By far the most astonishing trait of humans in later excavations will be their brilliant find to sadomasochism in sexuality. The taste of sexuality enhanced by the power of murder.

To arrive at the idea of sadomasochism and, moreover, to survive as a species, empathy with the partner is indispensable. But while empathy is a sufficient condition for Vanilla-dyad, it is not enough for sadomasochism. Fantasy to turn SM into a game that skims the edge of the abyss of death is the sufficient condition for sadomasochism in sexuality. And animals do not appear to have developed this fantasy, although bonobos come pretty close.

And if animals were already able to bring murder and sexuality together fictitiously, they wouldn't be able to keep it in the focal caught:

SM-dyad would become unstable immediately and break into murder and sexuality again:

And that is also exactly the problem of the Muslim culture, based on SM-dyad but unable to control the fire at the focal point. That's what we call the breakup of SM-dyad, symbolically represented as 'Sexual Scales of Religion':

So we have the specific perturbation of the Muslim faith regarding honor killings through repression of reincarnation, but more generally Muslim culture lacks control over SM dyad. And that is the basic religious disorder of the Muslim faith.

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