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Friday, 21 May 2021

(338) Reincarnation Muslims are held hostage by Islam

 Basic Dimension

(338) Reincarnation Muslims are held hostage by Islam

Reincarnation Muslims are unwittingly held hostage by Islam:

Islam enforced resurrection in peoples earlier believing in reincarnation, 1400 years ago.


They murdered all Muslims who openly practiced reincarnation rituals with family idols. It's described euphemistically on Wikipedia, they came as far as Iraq and Iran, but we think they must have been in Pakistan too. So, also Pakistan believed in reincarnation before, just like India today. And so honor killings became a plague in Pakistan for already 1,400 years.

The reason for this mass murder must have been the expectation to eradicate the belief in reincarnation. But when people quickly removed their idols, they did not give up their faith. They did not dare to speak about reincarnation to their children any longer and their belief disappeared in their unconscious. These people became Muslims, consciously believing in resurrection but unconsciously in reincarnation. Caliphs were wrong when failing to realize that reincarnation had become a sexual instinct in Arab and Asian Muslims for two million years since Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc):


Assumption 546: The Honor Killing Time-bomb in the Unconscious.

1400 years ago, Islam forbade reincarnation and killed all the reincarnation believers to far beyond Persia. Monotheistic terror forced resurrection into heaven of the parallel universe. In this way, Islamic scholars must have thought to exterminate reincarnation. But the alleles of reincarnation were already widespread in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims for millions of years.

They would have better neglected family idols and instead searched for inbred family structures with cousin marriages:

So. Islam can be rightly blamed for the mass murders of reincarnation believers, but not for the resulting millions of honor killings that followed this tragic decision. They did not understand that they could not eradicate the reincarnation instinct without killing all Muslims in the world. This instinct can only be diluted by outcrossing with other peoples.

But yet, soon it must have been clear that there was a difference between Arab and Asian Muslims, who were blessed with the inbreeding instinct, and Muslims already diluted with outcrossing cultures.

That is why we stick to inbred Muslims and outbred Muslims for our further analysis. We already know inbreeding Muslims by their unconscious reincarnation instinct. While outbreeding Muslims have lost or diluted this instinct and now really believe in resurrection. 

Remember that outbreeding Muslims in religious endogamy or in ethnic endogamy still have to marry a Muslim. So, technically it is outbreeding within the Muslim population, but their duty 'to marry a Muslim' is a relic from their former inbreeding doctrine, which is only diluted, just as their genes:

So, in this article we form two groups: inbreeding Muslims and outbreeding Muslims.
Inbred Muslims unconsciously believe in reincarnation, but consciously believe in resurrection. Outbred Muslims sincerely believe in the resurrection to heaven and the judgment of Allah for heaven or hell:

When comparing Reincarnation Muslims with Resurrection Muslims, it becomes clear that the genome of the former has been shrinking and declining for already 1,400 years. Reincarnation Muslims in Pakistan have got an impoverished gene pole by constantly eliminating brave women and tender males:

Reincarnation Muslims Culture:

This has split Muslim culture in which outbreeding Muslims look a bit like Christians:

And the longer it takes the more the genome of reincarnation Muslims becomes impoverished.

The genome of reincarnation Muslims is depleted, but there has also been an one-sided selection on the population through inbreeding. Male sadism and female masochism have the greatest chance of survival in this inbreeding culture.

An inbreeding culture is by definition racist and the middle segment is disappearing with the continuous elimination of harmonious men and women. Over time, this creates a population that is genetically different from outcrossing peoples:

Reincarnation Muslims are vanquished slaves of resurrection Muslims.

The ransom paid by reincarnation Muslims to resurrection Muslims is 5,000-20,000 honor killings per year, which is also an awe-inspiring genetic impoverishment of the reincarnation population. But reincarnation Muslims don't have the slightest idea of being slaves to Islam. However, their psychic constellation is ruined with two ways of afterlife:

When this truth penetrates the Muslim faith will break into 4 parts.

The Muslim faith is falling apart into 4 groups of Muslims

The Muslim faith will fall apart in the 21th century no matter what measures will be taken. Just like Christianity this second Desert Religions will disintegrate through individualism, especially through women. 

If Muslim reincarnation is not addressed properly, the Muslim faith will fall apart in the 21st century. 

Assumption 578: The evil compromise of the Muslim faith.
Reincarnation is at odds with resurrection in heaven. That's how the inbreeding culture conflicts with Islam. But Islam compromised and allowed forced cousin marriages with honor killings, so that inbred-Muslims could reincarnate into their own family genome, while still worshipping Allah in the parallel universe. These Muslims escaped the last judgment of God in heaven, but this price Islam was willing to pay tacitly. On the other hand, the damage of many thousands of honor killings per year amounts to a formidable loss to the already impoverished Muslim genome, which cannot afford the lack of women with courageous characters. A genetic bloodletting that has been going on for 1,400 years now.
In name 'Islam' may be retained, but the sharp edges will be buffed.


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